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Ditemukan 15 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dedek Yuliona
Abstrak :
The National Land Law stipulates that land procurement for the interest of the public as outlined in the principles of land procurement must be conducted through deliberation to reach settlement, whether in terms of land hand over or the compensation, and duress in any form and by whomever to the right holder is not allowed, including duress in using the institution of "payment offer followed by contingency at District Court". The implementation of land acquittal by PT. Jasa Marga (Persero) at Sub-district of Pesanggrahan, District of Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, is deemed necessary to be examined since it has arisen a question whether it is conducted based on the applicable laws and regulations and how the protection is for the land right holder whose land is still on dispute. The research makes use empirical normative method and constitutes a fact finding research with explanatory research typology since it is aimed to find the fact on the problem that arises, and then the problem is explained and described in more detail. This research is expected to give solution to the existing problem by providing several suggestions to the stakeholders, so from the viewpoint of its form, it is also a prescriptive research. Data collecting is conducted through literature study and interview using judgmental sampling method. Following examination against the problem that arises, the data obtained are then analyzed using qualitative. analysis method. The outcome of the research reveals that the land acquittal conducted by PT. Jasa Marga (Persero) is in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, and the right holders of land that is still on dispute are given protection in the form of guarantee that compensation will be given to the right holders and in sufficient amount. It is recommended that the government determine land price in an objective and actual manner, not only when conducting land procurement for public interest, and give compensation by considering social, economic, and cultural factors of the community whose land is acquitted.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1984
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lia Herawati
Abstrak :
Sebagai salah satu kebutuhan hukum masyarakat peran notaris dalam proses pembangunan semakin meningkat. Undang-undang dan Kode Etik menghendaki Notaris melaksanakan tugasnya dengan sebaik-baiknya. Menurut ketentuan Pasal 1 Undang-undang Jabatan Notaris, Notaris adalah pejabat umum yang berwenang untuk membuat akta otentik dan kewenangan lainnya sebagaimana yang dimaksud dalam undang-undang. Dalam mengemban tugasnya itu, notaris harus bertanggung jawab. Berkenaan dengan keberadaan dan fungsi tanah, terdapat hubungan hukum, peralihan hak antara manusia dengan tanah, mencakup perbuatan jual-beli, sewa-menyewa, hibah, pewarisan maupun tukar-menukar tanah, serta pelepasan hak atas tanah dan untuk memberikan kepastian hukum atas perbuatan dimaksud dituangkan dalam bentuk akta yang dibuat dihadapan notaris dan/atau PPAT. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai apakah Notaris berwenang membuat akta pelepasan hak dalam proses pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (Bapeten), serta konsekuensi hukum yang timbul »tanggung jawab Notaris kepada para pihak terkait dalam pembebasan tanah tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif, menggunakan bahan penelitian dari data primer, sekunder, tertier dan alat penelitian berupa studi dokumen dan wawancara dengan responden yang ditentukan. Kemudian data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan menghasilkan data deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya peranan ganda dari notaris yaitu selaku kuasa dari pemilik tanah dan selaku pejabat publik yang membuat akta pelepasan dihadapannya. Pembebasan tanah untuk pembangunan Pusdiklat Bapeten bukan merupakan kewenangan Notaris melainkan ada kewenangan pejabat publik lain, yaitu Panitia Pengadaan Tanah berdasarkan Kepres Nomor 55 tahun 1993. Konsekuensi hukum yang timbul adalah melanggar pasal 16 (l)a, 52 ayat (1), 53 (1) Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris. Sanksi yang dapat dikenakan yaitu akta tersebut hanya mempunyai kekuatan pembuktian sebagai akta di bawah tangan atau dapat menjadi batal demi hukum, dan Notaris bertanggung jawab untuk memberi penggantian biaya, ganti rugi dan bunga kepada para pihak yang menuntut dan menderita kerugian, sanksi lain berupa teguran tertulis, pemberhentian sementara, pemberhentian dengan hormat atau tidak hormat.
As one of the society`s needs in Law, the roles of notary in the process of development has increased. Ethic Codes and Acts demand notary to do the job as good as possible. Based on the first article of Notary Act, Notary is a public officer who is authorized to make authentic acts and other authorization which has been mentioned in the acts. To carry on with these jobs, notary must be responsible. In Connection with the existence and function of land, covering the selling and buying activitie, renting, inheritance, land exchange, right release over the land and in order to offer law`s assurance on the activities mentioned, they are stated in a from o f acts which have been made in front of Notary or/with PPAT. This research has been conducted in order to reveal descriptions of how authorized the notary is in making the right release act over the land provision process for BAPETEN interests and also the arising of law consequence, notary`s responsibilities towards the related sides in land release. The research has been done in methods of normative and juridical approach, research materials were taken from prime, secondary, and tertiary data and research tools in the from of document study and interview with the appointed respondents. Then, the data was qualitatively analyzed and produced descriptive data. The result shows that there are double roles of notary which become the authority of the land owner and as a public officer who make the release for Pusdikat BAPETEN construction is not notary`s authority but it is other public officer`s right such as Land Provision Committee based on Keppres number 55 in 1993. The appeared consequence of law is that it violates the 16 article (verse la), article 52 verse 1, 53 verse 1 of Notary Act. The Sanction which can be addressed to is that the act has verifying power as an ?under the table? act or can be overruled in the name o f law and the notary has an obligation to give compensating expense, redress, and interests towards the parties who are ensuing and suffering some loss, other sanction in a from of written reprimand, temporary, honorly or dishonorly discharge.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bekti Prawidyarini
Universitas Indonesia, 1985
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shinta Pratiwi
Abstrak :
Pembangunan daerah merupakan isu yang paling sering kita temui dalam beberapa dekade kepemimpinan di Negara ini, seiring dengan bergantinya kepemimpinan pemerintahan, pembangunan daerah tetap merupakan salah satu tugas yang turun temurun ingin diwujudkan agar dapat bertahan dalam era global yang serba dinamis dan selalu berkembang demi menunjang kesejahteraan masyarakat. Untuk mewujudkan pembangunan daerah tersebut tentunya harus membutuhkan tanah yang menjadi tapak dari terciptanya suatu pembangunan, namun pada kenyataannya tanah yang tersedia seringkali tidak memadai, sehingga diperlukan tanah masyarakat guna pembangunan tersebut, yang disebut juga pengadaan tanah yang menurut undangundang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dengan memberi ganti rugi kepada masyarakat yang memegang hak atas tanah tersebut. Dalam pengadaaan tanah demi kepentingan umum inilah yang sering menimbulkan masalah penentuan ganti rugi yang dilakukan melalui konsinyasi (penitipan). Penggunaan lembaga konsinyasi merupakan salah satu cara untuk memaksa masyarakat dalam rangka pengambilan tanah masyarakat. Konsinyasi seperti diatur dalam Pasal 1404 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata, merupakan opsi yang ditawarkan oleh undang-undang bagi debitur untuk melunasi piutang terhadap kreditur, dengan kondisi kreditur menolak penawaran mempayaran yang dilakukan oleh debitur, sehingga jika berpedoman pada pengertian konsinyasi pada Pasal 1404 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata kita wajib menelaah lebih jauh apakah penerapan lembaga konsinyasi memang dapat diterapkan dalam masalah penentuan ganti rugi yang belum memenuhi syarat musyawarah untuk mufakat. Karena hal tersebut lembaga konsinyasi yang diterapkan dalam hal pengadaan tanah sesungguhnya adalah suatu masalah yang karenanya peraturan harus dikaji ulang oleh pemerintah agar tidak lagi terjadi perampasan tanah masyarakat yang seolah-olah diperoleh sesuai prosedur, sehingga pemerintah diharapkan agar dapat menciptakan peraturan-peraturan yang berpihak pada rakyat sehingga kepantingan rakyat dapat terwakili.
Regional development is an issue that most often come across us in decades of leadership in this country, along with turnover of leadership of government, regional development remains as one of hereditary task to be realized in order to survive in a global era that completely dynamic and evolving in order to support welfare community. To achieve such regional development, it certainly need land that became the site of development creation, but in reality the available land is often inadequate, so that community land needs to be used in the development, also called as land acquisition according to the laws made by government by giving compensation to people who hold rights of the land. This land procurement for public interest is often occuring problematic determination of compensation made through consignment (deposit). The use of consignment institute is one way to force people in order to acquisite community land. Consignment as set out in Article 1404 of Civil Act, is an option offered by the law for debtor to repay its debts toward creditors, in condition that creditors rejected the payment offered by debtor, so if guided by consignment definition at Article 1404 of Civil Act we must further examine whether the application of consignment institute can be applied in compensation determining problem that have not qualified for deliberation and consensus. Because of that, consignment institute which is applied in land acquisition matter is indeed a problem that made the rules should be reviewed by government so that community land expropriation is no longer happening that seems obtained according to procedure, so government is expected to create regulations that support people so that people?s interest can be represented.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachmat Kurniawan Ratdityas
Abstrak :
Kendala utama yang dirasakan saat ini dalam melaksanakan pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia, khususnya berupa jalan tol, adalah sulitnya pelaksanaan pembebasan tanah.Pembebasan tanah yang menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah,pada banyak kasus, masih sulit mendapatkan kesepakatan nilai pembebasan dengan masyarakat.Masyarakat memiliki persepsi nilai pembebasan yang tinggi, diatas nilai tanah yang dipegang pemerintah dari hasil penilaian oleh penilai profesional. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi masyarakat mengenai nilai pembebasan tanah, yang meliputi faktor nilai tanah, kerugian lain yang dipertimbangkan masyarakat untuk juga diganti rugi, dan pengaruh dari beberapa kebijakan pembebasan tanah yang diterapkan pemerintah saat ini.Penelitian ini mengunakan media kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpulan data persetujuan responden terhadap pernyataan-pernyataan yang diberikan mengenai masalah yang diteliti. Responden penelitian ini adalah para petugas pemerintah yang langsung berhubungan dengan masyarakat dalam proses negosiasi nilai. Sebagai pembanding juga diambil responden dari masyarakat pemilik tanah yang akan dibebaskan. Hasil penelitian, baik dengan responden petugas pemerintah maupun masyarakat pemilik tanah,memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat 11 faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai tanah, terdapat 5 jenis kerugian lain yang juga diminta masyarakat untuk diganti rugi dan ada 3 kebijakan pemerintah mengenai pembebasan tanah yang dapat memicu aksi spekulasi masyarakat. Dari penelitian ini juga terlihat bahwa nilai yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah, tidak menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi masyarakat atas nilai tanahnya. Selanjutnya, karena tanah yang dibebaskan masuk dalam pengertian Barang Milik Negara (BMN), maka penelitian ini juga melakukan simulasi untuk mengetahui dampak peningkatan nilai pembebasan tanah dalam mekanisme pemanfaatan Barang Milik Negara berupa Kerjasama Pemanfaatan, yang mensyaratkan kewajiban pembayaran kontribusi tetap dan pembagian keuntungan dari pengelola jalan tol. Hasil simulasi memperlihatkan bahwa kenaikan nilai pembebasan tanah akan menyebabkan turunnya kelayakan jalan tol bagi perusahaan pengelola jalan tol. Untuk itu, pemerintah harus menurunkan, bahkan pada tingkat tertentu harus menghapuskan kewajiban pembayaran kontribusi tetap dan pembagian keuntungan
The main constraint is felt today in implementing infrastructure development in Indonesia, particularly in the form of toll roads, is the difficulty of implementation of land acquisition. Land acquisition which is the responsibility of the government, in many cases, it is still difficult to get a deal value of land acquisition by the public. The public has a perception of high value land acquisition, over the value of land held by the government of the results of the assessment by a professional appraiser. This study intends to determine the factors that influence people's perception of the value of land acquisition, which includes the land value factors, other losses are considered public to also be compensated, and the influence of some land acquisition policies applied by the government today. This study uses media as a means of collecting data questionnaire respondents consent to the statements given regarding the issues examined. Respondents are government officials who directly related to the public in the negotiation process value. For comparison also taken the respondents from land owners. Results of the study, both with government officials and land owners respondents, shows that there are 11 factors that affect the value of the land, there are five other types of losses also prompted people to be compensated and there are 3 government policy on land acquisition that could trigger public speculation. This research also shows that the value set by the government as NJOP and ZNT, do not be a factor influencing the public perception of the value of the land. Furthermore, because the released land included in the definition of State Assets (BMN), this research also perform simulations to determine the impact of the increase in the value of land acquisition in the mechanism of utilization of the State Assets Utilization form of cooperation. This mechanism requires a fixed contribution and profit sharing of the company operating the toll road as a user of the land to the government. Simulations carried out to see the level of financial feasibility of the toll road to the toll road, if the increased value of land acquisition, and what level of contribution of fixed and profit sharing that can be applied to the government in order to remain eligible for the toll road toll road operators. The simulation results showed that the increase in the value of land acquisition will cause a drop in eligibility for the toll road toll road management company. In order to remain eligible for the toll road toll road operating company, then the government should be lowered, even at a certain level should abolish the obligation to pay fixed contributions and profit sharing.;The main constraint is felt today in implementing infrastructure development in Indonesia, particularly in the form of toll roads, is the difficulty of implementation of land acquisition. Land acquisition which is the responsibility of the government, in many cases, it is still difficult to get a deal value of land acquisition by the public. The public has a perception of high value land acquisition, over the value of land held by the government of the results of the assessment by a professional appraiser. This study intends to determine the factors that influence people's perception of the value of land acquisition, which includes the land value factors, other losses are considered public to also be compensated, and the influence of some land acquisition policies applied by the government today. This study uses media as a means of collecting data questionnaire respondents consent to the statements given regarding the issues examined. Respondents are government officials who directly related to the public in the negotiation process value. For comparison also taken the respondents from land owners. Results of the study, both with government officials and land owners respondents, shows that there are 11 factors that affect the value of the land, there are five other types of losses also prompted people to be compensated and there are 3 government policy on land acquisition that could trigger public speculation. This research also shows that the value set by the government as NJOP and ZNT, do not be a factor influencing the public perception of the value of the land. Furthermore, because the released land included in the definition of State Assets (BMN), this research also perform simulations to determine the impact of the increase in the value of land acquisition in the mechanism of utilization of the State Assets Utilization form of cooperation. This mechanism requires a fixed contribution and profit sharing of the company operating the toll road as a user of the land to the government. Simulations carried out to see the level of financial feasibility of the toll road to the toll road, if the increased value of land acquisition, and what level of contribution of fixed and profit sharing that can be applied to the government in order to remain eligible for the toll road toll road operators. The simulation results showed that the increase in the value of land acquisition will cause a drop in eligibility for the toll road toll road management company. In order to remain eligible for the toll road toll road operating company, then the government should be lowered, even at a certain level should abolish the obligation to pay fixed contributions and profit sharing., The main constraint is felt today in implementing infrastructure development in Indonesia, particularly in the form of toll roads, is the difficulty of implementation of land acquisition. Land acquisition which is the responsibility of the government, in many cases, it is still difficult to get a deal value of land acquisition by the public. The public has a perception of high value land acquisition, over the value of land held by the government of the results of the assessment by a professional appraiser. This study intends to determine the factors that influence people's perception of the value of land acquisition, which includes the land value factors, other losses are considered public to also be compensated, and the influence of some land acquisition policies applied by the government today. This study uses media as a means of collecting data questionnaire respondents consent to the statements given regarding the issues examined. Respondents are government officials who directly related to the public in the negotiation process value. For comparison also taken the respondents from land owners. Results of the study, both with government officials and land owners respondents, shows that there are 11 factors that affect the value of the land, there are five other types of losses also prompted people to be compensated and there are 3 government policy on land acquisition that could trigger public speculation. This research also shows that the value set by the government as NJOP and ZNT, do not be a factor influencing the public perception of the value of the land. Furthermore, because the released land included in the definition of State Assets (BMN), this research also perform simulations to determine the impact of the increase in the value of land acquisition in the mechanism of utilization of the State Assets Utilization form of cooperation. This mechanism requires a fixed contribution and profit sharing of the company operating the toll road as a user of the land to the government. Simulations carried out to see the level of financial feasibility of the toll road to the toll road, if the increased value of land acquisition, and what level of contribution of fixed and profit sharing that can be applied to the government in order to remain eligible for the toll road toll road operators. The simulation results showed that the increase in the value of land acquisition will cause a drop in eligibility for the toll road toll road management company. In order to remain eligible for the toll road toll road operating company, then the government should be lowered, even at a certain level should abolish the obligation to pay fixed contributions and profit sharing.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novi Mekanisari
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas faktor-faktor risiko pada proses pembebasan tanah dengan studi kasus pada Proyek Banjir Kanal Timur DKI Jakarta dalam hubungannya dengan kinerja waktu proyek. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain eksploratif dan menggunakan pendekatan risiko serta analisa statistik (korelasi dan regresi berganda). Untuk menentukan biaya penanganan risiko yang optimal digunakan program crystal ball. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa faktor risiko dominan dalam pembebasan tanah Proyek BKT adalah akibat warga yang menuntut uang ganti kerugian lebih tinggi dari harga NJOP serta adanya perbedaan harga tanah karena kedekatan dengan lokasi bisnis.
The focus of this study is the identification of factors in land acquisition of East Jakarta-Flood Way Project that risking lag in project completion time. This study is quantitative, explorative, using risk approach and also statistical analyze (correlation and multiple regression). To optimize risk cost then using the crystal ball model. The result found risk factors that influencing project significantly are the compensation problems and also differences of land price due to near with central business district.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Radjagukguk, Erman
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum UI, 1976
346.033 RAD b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedek Yuliona
Abstrak :
The National Land Law stipulates that land procurement for the interest of the public as outlined in the principles of land procurement must be conducted through deliberation to reach settlement, whether in terms of land hand over or the compensation, and duress in any form and by whomever to the right holder is not allowed, including duress in using the institution of "payment offer followed by contingency at District Court". The implementation of land acquittal by PT. Jasa Marga (Persero) at Sub-district of Pesanggrahan, District of Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, is deemed necessary to be examined since it has arisen a question whether it is conducted based on the applicable laws and regulations and how the protection is for the land right holder whose land is still on dispute. The research makes use empirical normative method and constitutes a fact finding research with explanatory research typology since it is aimed to find the fact on the problem that arises, and then the problem is explained and described in more detail. This research is expected to give solution to the existing problem by providing several suggestions to the stakeholders, so from the viewpoint of its form, it is also a prescriptive research. Data collecting is conducted through literature study and interview using judgmental sampling method. Following examination against the problem that arises, the data obtained are then analyzed using qualitative. analysis method. The outcome of the research reveals that the land acquittal conducted by PT. Jasa Marga (Persero) is in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, and the right holders of land that is still on dispute are given protection in the form of guarantee that compensation will be given to the right holders and in sufficient amount. It is recommended that the government determine land price in an objective and actual manner, not only when conducting land procurement for public interest, and give compensation by considering social, economic, and cultural factors of the community whose land is acquitted.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
T 02323
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tesis ini berfokus pada syarat yang harus dipenuhi oleh pihak yang melakukan pembebasan hak atas tanah agar tanah yang telah dibebaskan tersebut menjadi sempurna dan sah secara hukum serta mengenai batasan atau konsep suatu pembebasan hak atas tanah serta batasan atau konsep suatu bidang tanah dapat dikatakan sebagai tanah terlantar. Dari hasil penelitian, penulis berpendapat bahwa putusan majelis hakim dalam Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 160/PK/PDT./2011 masih dirasa kurang tepat secara peraturan perundang – undangan dan kurang berlandaskan keadilan. Penelitian dalam tesis ini adalah berbentuk yuridis normatif yang sifatnya preskriptif analitis yang pada akhirnya memberikan saran agar saksi ahli yang berkompeten di bidangnya dapat dihadirkan dalam suatu persidangan, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan pertanahan dan dirasa perlunya untuk merevisi beberapa peraturan hukum dalam bidang pertanahan.
This thesis focuses on the conditions that must be met by the party that conducting the liberation of land rights to land that has been liberated to be perfectly legitimate and legally binding, as well as regarding to the concept or limitation of rights over the land liberation as well as the limitation or concept to the land that can be said to be displaced. From the results of research, the author argues that the decision of the Tribunal of judges in the Supreme Court Verdict Number 160/PK/PDT./2011 still felt less precise on laws and less based on justice. The research in this thesis is the juridical normative that shaped in prescriptive analytical that ultimately provide recommendations to make a competent expert witnesses in their field can be presented in a trial/court, particularly related to land and felt the need to revise some of the legal regulations in the field of land.
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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