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Selo Selvieana
Terjadinya kasus perkara dalam Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara Bandung Nomor 50/G/2013/PTUN-BDG dimana terdapat gugatan pembatalan sertifikat pengganti membuka beberapa fakta bahwa telah terjadi beberapa permasalahan hukum yang menjadi pokok permasalahan, yaitu adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang terjadi dalam proses pendaftaran tanah pertama kali yang menyebabkan sertifikat hak milik terbit tiga tahun setelah pemegang hak meninggal dunia, juga mengenai faktor-faktor mengapa sertifikat pengganti yang diterbitkan atas bidang tanah yang sama dibatalkan oleh Hakim Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara, penulis mengambil dari sisi pernyataan para pihak dan bukti yang dihadirkan dalam persidangan juga pertimbangan hakim. Penulis juga membahas mengenai penyelesaian yang dapat ditempuh oleh pihak ketiga dalam hal sertifikat pengganti tersebut dibatalkan. Berdasarkan hasil analisa diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa cacat administrasi dalam proses pendaftaran tanah yang telah terjadi tidak menyebabkan sertifikat tanah menjadi batal, karena proses pembatalan harus melalui gugatan di Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara, sedangkan proses penerbitan sertifikat pengganti harus melalui serangkaian pengecekan yang menyeluruh oleh pihak Kantor Pertanahan, tidak terpenuhinya prinsip kehati-hatian Badan Pertanahan Nasional dalam pengecekan, maka dapat terjadi akibat hukum yang dapat melibatkan pihak ketiga yang merasa dirugikan, dimana pihak ketiga dapat memilih alternatif penyelesaian dengan cara musyawarah, peradilan atau arbitrase.

The occurrence of cases in Bandung State Administrative Court No. 50 / G / 2013 / PTUN-BDG where there is a replacement certificate lawsuit have unfold some facts that there have been some legal issues which the issues have been brought up as the main issues which are to determine the factors that occur in the process first land registration that causes property certificate issued three years after the rights holder dies, also of the factors why the replacement certificate issued on the same plot was canceled by the State Administrative Court judge, the author took from the statements of the parties and the evidence are presented in the trial judge also considered. The author also discusses the settlement can be reached by a third party in the event of a replacement certificate is canceled. Based on the analysis we concluded that the defect in the administration of land registration process that has occurred does not cause the land certificate is void, because the process of cancellation must go through a lawsuit in State Administrative Court, while the issuance of a replacement certificate must go through a series of thorough checks by the Land Office, non-fulfillment of the precautionary principle in the National Land Agency while checking process which can lead to legal consequences may involve third parties who feel aggrieved, in which a third party may choose an alternative solution by means of deliberation, a court or arbitration.;The occurrence of cases in Bandung State Administrative Court No. 50 / G / 2013 / PTUN-BDG where there is a replacement certificate lawsuit have unfold some facts that there have been some legal issues which the issues have been brought up as the main issues which are to determine the factors that occur in the process first land registration that causes property certificate issued three years after the rights holder dies, also of the factors why the replacement certificate issued on the same plot was canceled by the State Administrative Court judge, the author took from the statements of the parties and the evidence are presented in the trial judge also considered. The author also discusses the settlement can be reached by a third party in the event of a replacement certificate is canceled. Based on the analysis we concluded that the defect in the administration of land registration process that has occurred does not cause the land certificate is void, because the process of cancellation must go through a lawsuit in State Administrative Court, while the issuance of a replacement certificate must go through a series of thorough checks by the Land Office, non-fulfillment of the precautionary principle in the National Land Agency while checking process which can lead to legal consequences may involve third parties who feel aggrieved, in which a third party may choose an alternative solution by means of deliberation, a court or arbitration.;The occurrence of cases in Bandung State Administrative Court No. 50 / G / 2013 / PTUN-BDG where there is a replacement certificate lawsuit have unfold some facts that there have been some legal issues which the issues have been brought up as the main issues which are to determine the factors that occur in the process first land registration that causes property certificate issued three years after the rights holder dies, also of the factors why the replacement certificate issued on the same plot was canceled by the State Administrative Court judge, the author took from the statements of the parties and the evidence are presented in the trial judge also considered. The author also discusses the settlement can be reached by a third party in the event of a replacement certificate is canceled. Based on the analysis we concluded that the defect in the administration of land registration process that has occurred does not cause the land certificate is void, because the process of cancellation must go through a lawsuit in State Administrative Court, while the issuance of a replacement certificate must go through a series of thorough checks by the Land Office, non-fulfillment of the precautionary principle in the National Land Agency while checking process which can lead to legal consequences may involve third parties who feel aggrieved, in which a third party may choose an alternative solution by means of deliberation, a court or arbitration.;The occurrence of cases in Bandung State Administrative Court No. 50 / G / 2013 / PTUN-BDG where there is a replacement certificate lawsuit have unfold some facts that there have been some legal issues which the issues have been brought up as the main issues which are to determine the factors that occur in the process first land registration that causes property certificate issued three years after the rights holder dies, also of the factors why the replacement certificate issued on the same plot was canceled by the State Administrative Court judge, the author took from the statements of the parties and the evidence are presented in the trial judge also considered. The author also discusses the settlement can be reached by a third party in the event of a replacement certificate is canceled. Based on the analysis we concluded that the defect in the administration of land registration process that has occurred does not cause the land certificate is void, because the process of cancellation must go through a lawsuit in State Administrative Court, while the issuance of a replacement certificate must go through a series of thorough checks by the Land Office, non-fulfillment of the precautionary principle in the National Land Agency while checking process which can lead to legal consequences may involve third parties who feel aggrieved, in which a third party may choose an alternative solution by means of deliberation, a court or arbitration.;The occurrence of cases in Bandung State Administrative Court No. 50 / G / 2013 / PTUN-BDG where there is a replacement certificate lawsuit have unfold some facts that there have been some legal issues which the issues have been brought up as the main issues which are to determine the factors that occur in the process first land registration that causes property certificate issued three years after the rights holder dies, also of the factors why the replacement certificate issued on the same plot was canceled by the State Administrative Court judge, the author took from the statements of the parties and the evidence are presented in the trial judge also considered. The author also discusses the settlement can be reached by a third party in the event of a replacement certificate is canceled. Based on the analysis we concluded that the defect in the administration of land registration process that has occurred does not cause the land certificate is void, because the process of cancellation must go through a lawsuit in State Administrative Court, while the issuance of a replacement certificate must go through a series of thorough checks by the Land Office, non-fulfillment of the precautionary principle in the National Land Agency while checking process which can lead to legal consequences may involve third parties who feel aggrieved, in which a third party may choose an alternative solution by means of deliberation, a court or arbitration., The occurrence of cases in Bandung State Administrative Court No. 50 / G / 2013 / PTUN-BDG where there is a replacement certificate lawsuit have unfold some facts that there have been some legal issues which the issues have been brought up as the main issues which are to determine the factors that occur in the process first land registration that causes property certificate issued three years after the rights holder dies, also of the factors why the replacement certificate issued on the same plot was canceled by the State Administrative Court judge, the author took from the statements of the parties and the evidence are presented in the trial judge also considered. The author also discusses the settlement can be reached by a third party in the event of a replacement certificate is canceled. Based on the analysis we concluded that the defect in the administration of land registration process that has occurred does not cause the land certificate is void, because the process of cancellation must go through a lawsuit in State Administrative Court, while the issuance of a replacement certificate must go through a series of thorough checks by the Land Office, non-fulfillment of the precautionary principle in the National Land Agency while checking process which can lead to legal consequences may involve third parties who feel aggrieved, in which a third party may choose an alternative solution by means of deliberation, a court or arbitration.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prima Annisa Widiastuti
"Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk menganalisis status Tanah Gasibu dan pembatalan sertifikat hak atas Tanah Gasibu oleh Mahkamah Agung dalam upaya peninjauan kembali dengan Putusan Nomor 35 PK/TUN/2009. Dalam sengketa Tanah Gasibu, adanya ketidakjelasan status hukum atas tanah diakibatkan karena dualisme hukum tanah sebelum adanya Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1986 Tentang Pokok-Pokok Agraria (UUPA) antara tanah adat dan tanah negara. Selain itu, adanya putusan pengadilan mengenai pembatalan sertifikat-sertifikat hak atas tanah meskipun dalam hukum pertanahan nasional, sertifikat diakui sebagai tanda bukti hak atas tanah yang kuat. Oleh karena itu, analisis ini diharapkan dapat menelaah bagaimanakah status hukum Tanah Gasibu, dan apakah pembatalan sertifikatsertifikat hak atas Tanah Gasibu telah sesuai dengan hukum perpajakan, pertanahan, dan peradilan tata usaha Negara Indonesia serta mengkaji juga terkait eksekusi putusan pembatalan sertifikat hak atas Tanah Gasibu tersebut.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode yuridis normatif. Data dianalisis dengan metode analisis kualitatif untuk memberikan gambaran dan menjelaskan secara deskriptif analitis secara menyeluruh dan sistematis obyek dari pokok permasalahan yang disajikan dalam bentuk uraian. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian monodispliner yang didasarkan pada satu disiplin ilmu yaitu ilmu hukum. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pertama, status Tanah Gasibu adalah Tanah adat yang merupakan tanah yang dipunyai bangsa Indonesia. Kedua, pembatalan sertifikat-sertifikat hak atas tanah telah sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Sebelum sertifikat diterbitkan Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) seharusnya melakukan penelusuran secara teliti dengan memperhatikan sejarah dan asal usul tanah dan melakukan inventarisasi ulang tanah-tanah yang ada di Indonesia. BPN dan Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara juga harus bersikap objektif untuk dapat menjamin hak-hak masyarakat. Selain itu, harus ada upaya transformasi aturan hukum tanah adat dalam produk hukum tanah nasional yang disesuaikan dengan tingkat kebutuhan hukum tanah nasional dan perkembangan masyarakat.

This research is aimed for analyze the Gasibu Land status and Gasibu Land Rights certificates cancellation by supreme court number 35 PK/TUN/2009. In this Gasibu Land Case, Unclear legal status of the land is caused by the dualism of the land law in Indonesia before Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Pokok-Pokok Agraria applied between indigenous lands and state lands. In addition, The court decides to cancel the land rights certificates, eventhough the national land law regulates that the certificates is recognized as strong land rights proof. Therefore, This analysis is expected to examine how the gasibu land legal status is and whether the gasibu land rights certificates cancellation by national taxation, land, and administrative court laws and also reviews the execution Gasibu land rights certificate cancellation of the court decision.
Research method that is used in this research is normative juridical. The data were analyzed with qualitative analysis method to provide an overview and explain with descriptive analytical througly and systematically from the issues that is presented in essay. This research is monodiscipliner based on the the science of law. The data use in this research is secondary data.
Based on this research, firstly, Gasibu Land status is customary land which is the land tand belongs to the nation of Indonesia. Secondly, the Gasibu Land rights certificates camcellation is accordance to the law. Certificates issued by National Land Institution (BPN) should conduct thorough searches by taking into account the history and origins of the land and take inventory of over lands in Indonesia. BPN dan administrative courts should also be objective to ensure the civil society rights. In addition, there should be efforts to transform the rules of customary land law in the national land law that is adapted to the needs of national land law and the development of society.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Putranto
"PT. Sekar Kenaka Langgeng mengajukan gugatan ke Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara Bandar Lampung agar menyatakan batal Sertipikat Hak Milik Nomor: 1451 Tanggal 20 Mei 2014 karena tanahnya berada diatas tanah hasil reklamasi pantai yang dilaksanakannya. Sengketa tersebut telah diputus oleh Mahkamah Agung yang pada intinya hakim membatalkan sertifikat hak milik atas tanah tersebut. Terhadap gugatan pembatalan sertifikat tersebut terdapat persoalan yaitu bagaimana kedudukan hukum pihak yang melaksanakan reklamasi pantai terhadap tanah hasil reklamasi pantai menurut ketentuan hukum tanah nasional, bagaimana cara perolehan hak atas tanah hasil reklamasi pantai oleh pihak yang melaksanakan reklamasi pantai, bagaimana dasar pertimbangan hakim sehingga mengabulkan gugatan yang diajukan pihak yang melaksanakan reklamasi pantai terkait pembatalan sertipikat hak milik atas tanah hasil reklamasi pantai dan apakah putusan Mahkamah Agung tersebut telah sesuai dengan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
Penulis meneliti masalah tersebut dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yang bersifat yuridis normatif dengan cara studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanah hasil reklamasi pantai statusnya adalah Tanah Negara. Tanah hasil reklamasi pantai tersebut tidak serta merta langsung menjadi hak dari pihak yang melaksanakan reklamasi pantai. Penguasaan tanah masih dikuasai negara dan pengaturannya masih diatur oleh Badan Pertanahan Nasional. Pemberian Hak Atas Tanah pada Tanah hasil reklamasi dan tanah timbul dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. Hak atas tanah yang dapat diperoleh adalah Hak Pengelolaan atas nama Pemerintah Kota dan Perseroan Terbatas akan mendapatkan Hak Guna Bangunan diatas tanah Hak Pengelolaan. Putusan Mahkamah Agung tersebut belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

PT. Sekar Kenaka Langgeng sued the Land Office Bandar Lampung through the State Administrative Court Bandar Lampung in order to the Court declare void Property Rights Certificate Number 1451 Date May 20, 2014 because the soil is above ground reclamation implementation results. The formulation of the problem in this thesis is how the legal position of the parties carrying out the reclamation of the land reclaimed coastal land under the provisions of national law, how the terms and procedures for acquisition of land reclaimed the beach by the parties implement the reclamation, how basic consideration so that the judge granted the lawsuit filed by the parties carrying out the reclamation related to the cancellation of certificates of ownership of land reclaimed beaches and whether the Supreme Court 39 s decision was in accordance with the applicable legislation.
The author examines the problem by using the method of juridical normative research by way of literature study. The results showed that the land reclaimed its status is the State Land coast. Land reclamation results are not necessarily directly into the rights of the parties carrying out the reclamation. Land tenure is still controlled by the state and the settings are still set by the National Land Agency. Granting Rights to Land on land reclamation and land arise conducted in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. The right to land that can be obtained is the management rights on behalf of the City Government and Company Limited will acquire Broking above ground management right. The Supreme Court verdict is not yet fully in accordance with the legislation in force.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evan Richardo
Sistem pendaftaran tanah yang dianut Indonesia adalah sistem pendaftaran
hak dengan sistem publikasi negatif yang mengandung unsur positif,
apabila ada pihak yang merasa dirugikan atas diterbitkannya sertipikat atas
tanah, dapat mengajukan pembatalan. Permasalahannya adalah
bagaimanakah tata cara atau mekanisme pembatalan penguasaan tanah
yang telah terdaftar dalam sertipikat HGB dan HPL? Kemudian apakah
Kepala Kantor Pertanahan Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan sudah
membereskan hak atas tanah milik Susuna Dewi sebelum diterbitkannya
sertipikat HPL No. 1/Kuningan Barat kepada PD. Pembangunan Sarana
Jaya DKI Jakarta, sertipikat HGB No. B119/Kuningan Barat kepada PT.
Bimantara Sarana Perkasa, dan sertipikat HGB No. 198/Kuningan Barat
kepada PT. Fajar Surya Shakti (Studi Kasus Putusan Peninjauan Kembali
Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia No. 89/PK/TUN/2008 jo. Putusan
Kasasi Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia No. 75K/TUN/2008 jo.
Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Tata Usaha Negara DKI Jakarta No.
178/B/2007/PT.TUN.JKT jo. Putusan Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara
Jakarta No. 14/G/2007/PTUN.JKT)? Metode penelitian yang digunakan
adalah tipe penelitian yuridis normatif dari data sekunder yang dianalisis
secara kualitatif dalam bentuk preskriptif.

Land registration system applied by Indonesia is land registration system
with a negative publicity which is contain positive elements, if any parties
feel harmed by the issuance of land certificate, can file cancellation. The
problem is how the procedures or mechanism cancellation of land tenure
that has been registered in HGB dan HPL? Then, if Head of the Municipal
Land Office of South Jakarta has settled the right of land belongs to
Susuna Dewi before the issuance of the Certificate of HPL Number
1/Kuningan Barat to PD. Pembangunan Sarana Jaya DKI Jakarta,
Certificate of HGB Number B119/Kuningan Barat to PT. Bimantara
Sarana Perkasa, and Certificate of HGB Number 198/Kuningan Barat to
PT. Fajar Surya Shakti (Study Case of the Decision of Judicial Review by
the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number
89/PK/TUN/2008 as amended to the Decision of Cassation by the
Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 75K/TUN/2008 as
amended to the Decision of State Administrative High Court of the Special
Capital City Region of Jakarta Number 178/B/2007/PT.TUN.JKT as
amended to the Decision of Jakarta State Administrative Court Number
14/G/2007/PTUN.JKT)? The Research method that is used is a judicial
normative research type from secondary data that is analyzed qualitatively
in the form of prescriptive. The case of such cancellation is submitted to
PTUN and is proceed through regular procedure examination."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library