Desa Sukakerta, Kecamatan Cilamaya Wetan, Kabupaten Karawang merupakan desa yang terletak di daerah pesisir, dihuni oleh masyarakat yang mayoritasnya bekerja sebagai petani dan nelayan. Hanya sedikit yang memiliki pekerjaan tetap. Pada tahun 2017, Desa tersebut dikembangkan ekowisata mangrove dengan melibatkan masyarakat di sekitar kawasan mangrove, baik generasi muda maupun generasi tua. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pemanfaatan waktu dari generasi muda dan generasi tua yang tinggal di sekitar ekowisata. Waktu yang digunakan dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu pada hari kerja dan hari libur. Variabel yang digunakan adalah titik, arah, dan jarak. Metode analisis menggunakan pendekatan Lund Time Geography Approach dan analisis spasial. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan berdasarkan situasi aktivitas, masyarakat pesisir dipengaruhi oleh capacity constraint. Di ekowisata mangrove, generasi muda hanya memanfaatkannya pada hari libur, sebaliknya generasi tua memanfaatkannya pada hari kerja dan hari libur. Menurut situasi geografi, masyarakat pesisir generasi muda memiliki pergerakan yang tidak terbatas dan lebih jauh, sedangkan generasi tua memiliki pergerakan yang terbatas dan hanya di sekitar tempat tinggalnya. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh usia.
Sukakerta Village, Cilamaya Wetan District, Karawang Regency is a village located in a coastal area, inhabited by people, the majority of whom work as farmers and fishermen. Only a few have permanent jobs. In 2017, the village was developed for mangrove ecotourism by involving the community around the mangrove area, both the younger and older generations. The purpose of this study was to analyze the time utilization of the younger and older generations living around ecotourism. The time used is divided into two, namely on weekdays and holidays. The variables used are point, direction, and distance. The analysis method uses the Lund Time Geography Approach and spatial analysis. The results of this study indicate that based on the activity situation, coastal communities are influenced by capacity constraints. In mangrove ecotourism, the younger generation only uses it on holidays, while the older generations use it on weekdays and holidays. According to the geographic situation, the young generation of coastal communities has unlimited and further movement, while the older generation has limited movement and only around their homes. This is influenced by age.
Kata kunci : Rancangan struktur organisasi, perubahan struktur organisasi, efektivitas kerja, spesialisasi kerja, departementalisasi, rantai komando, rentang kendali, kuantitas kerja, kualitas kerja, dan pemanfaatan waktu ......This Thesis discuss the influence of Organizational Structure Design on Work Effectiveness of employees in PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE). This research study conducted on the influence of variables of the organizational structure design based on the theory from Robbins & Coulter (2010) that includes 4 sub variables/ dimensions of the organizational structure design, consist of: Specialities of work, departmentalization, chain of command and span of control over 3 sub variables/ dimensions of work effectiveness based on the theory of Hasibuan (2003) that consist of work quantity, work quality, and time utilization. Data questionnaire was given to employees of PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi, Data analysis was done with the SPSS – GLM (General Linear Models) program. The result of this research indicate that all of the sub variables of organizational structure change (specialities of work, departmentalization, chain command and span of control) collectively have impact on work effectiveness sub variables like work quantity as much as 8,8 %, on work quality 8.9 %, and on time utilization 7.5 %, while the rest is influenced by other factors. Sub variable of work specialization have a significant positive influence on sub variable work quantity and time utilization of work effectiveness. Sub variable span of control have a negative significant influence on work quality of work effectiveness.
Keyword :
Organizational structure design, organization structure change, work effectiveness, work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, work quantity, work quality, and time utilization