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Torry Duet Irianto
Abstrak :
Berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 22 tentang Pemerintah Daerah, dengan isu Desentralisasi Kesehatan, kemudian adanya Undang-Undang Nomor 25 tahun 2000 tentang Program Pembangunan Nasional Tahun 2000-2004 dengan isu pemerataan dan mutu upaya kesehatan dasar (puskesmas), selanjutnya diterbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 25 Tahun 2000 tentang Kewenangan Propinsi sebagai Daerah Otonom dan selanjutkan ditegaskan dalam Surat Edaran Menteri Kesehatan tentang Kewenangan Minimal yang wajib dilaksanakan oleh Kahupaten dan Kota ,dengan isu penyelenggaraan upaya/sarana kesehatan puskesmas. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah menurunnya kunjungan rawat jalan puskesmas rata-rata perbulan(3,26 % dari jumlah penduduk) di Kota Metro Propinsi Lampung tahun 2003 dibandingkan kunjungan rata-rata perbulan(5,3 % dari jumlah penduduk ) di Kota Metro Propinsi Lampung tahun 2002. Tujuan secara umum penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan informasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan trend kunjungan pasien rawat jalan puskesmas Se-kota Metro Propinsi Lampung dengan objek penelitian masyarakat Kota Metro yang mengunakan jasa pelayanan puskesmas di Kota Metro dan lokasi di 5 puskesmas rawat jalan Kota Metro. Farasuraman dan kawan-kawan yang meliputi, Tangible, Reliability. Responsiveness, Assurance dan Empathy ditambah dengan Preference serta faktor Confounding (usia pasien, jenis kelamin pasien , pekerjaan pasien, pendidikan pasien dan status sosial ekonomi pasien). Desain penelitian meliputi jenis penelitian Cross sectional ,dengan uji Reliabilitas dan Validitas menggunakan rumus Corelalian Product Moment dari Pearson. sampel ditentukan dengan rumus Lemeshow dan kawan-kawan dengan demikian didapat jumlah sampel 100 orang. Uji hubungan variabel Dependent dengan variabel Independent memakai rumus Anova dan uji varibel Dependent dengan variabel Confounding memakai rumus Chi Square. Hasil penelitian analisis Univariat ; variabel Independent didapat rata-rata nilai terbanyak yang diberikan oleh responden sedang untuk variabel Independent( Preference, Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance dan Empathy )adalah nilai 7 dan 8. Sampel responden variabel Confimnding ((usia pasien, jenis kelamin pasien, pekerjaan pasien, pendidikan pasien dan status sosial ekonomi pasien) seluruhnya secara proposional sama dengan populasinya di Kota Metro, sehingga data dikatakan cukup merepresentasikan populasinya. Hasil penelitian bivariat untuk variabel Independent adalah variabel Kebersihan tempat dari Tangible didapat p Vulue 0,020, variabel Waktu pelayanan dari Responsiveness didapat p Value 0,013 dan variabel kompetensi petugas dari Assurance didapat p Value 0,042 lebih kecil dari Alpha 0,05. Dengan demikian disimpulkan Kebersihan tempat, Waktu pelayanan dan Kompetensi petugas mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan. Disaran bagi petugas kesehatan dipuskesmas untuk lebih mempercepat waktu pelayanan kepada pasien dan lebih menjaga kebersihan tempat pelayanan serta meningkatkan kecakapan dan kesanggupan dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada pasien di puskesmas. Daftar Bacaan 42 (1972-2002)
Factors Related to Out-Patient Visits of Metro City's Public Health Centers in Lampung ProvinceThe prevailing of Law no. 22 on the subject of Local Government, with the issue of Health Decentralization, and the availability of Law no. 25 year 2000 on the subject of National Health Development 2000-2004 with the main issue of health quality wide spreading and basic health efforts (Public health Centers), and then by issuing Government's Regulation No. 25 year 2000 on the subject of Province's Authority as Autonomous Region, which is clarified then by Health Minister's Decree on the subject of Minimum Authority that must be carried out by Regency and City with the issue of health efforts/facilities administration. The current problem is the decrease of out-patient visits, where their average is 3.26 % from the whole number of population in Metro City of Lampung Province in 2003, if compared with monthly average visit. 5.3 % the whole number of population in 2003. The general aim of this study was to obtain information on factors related to public health center out-patient visits trend of Metro City of Lampung Province. The object of the study was population of Metro City who used the service of the centers. The location of the study was five out-patients public health centers in Metro City. The study acquired in formation by using Servqual dimension 1'arasuraman, which involved: tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy and added by preference and confounding factor (patients' age, sex, education, and social and economic status). Design of the study was included in cross sectional type. Test of reliability and validity is by using Correlation Product Moment formula from Pearson. Samples were determined by using the formula from Lemeshow, Cs. The number of sample acquired was 100 samples. Test of relation of dependent variable and independent variable was by using Anova formula, whereas test of relation of dependent variable and confounding variable was by using Chi Square. The result of univariat analysis showed that independent variable obtained higher scores that were provided by the respondents, while the independent variable (preference, tangible, responsiveness, assurance and empathy) obtained 7 and 8 scores. Respondent samples of confounding variables are all proportionally similar with the population in Metro City, therefore the data were representative of their population. The result of bivariat analysis for independent variable was the place cleanliness of tangible obtained p Value 0.020, while service time of responsiveness obtained p Value 0.013 and staff competency variable of assurance obtained p Value 0.042, which is smaller than alpha 0.05. To sum up, place cleanliness, service time and staff competency variable were significantly related. It is suggested to the public health centers staff to shorten time of services process to the patients, to keep the place cleaned, and to improve their competence and ability in providing services to the patient. References: 42 (1972-2002)
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lorita Sendana
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Kekhawatiran pasien dan dokter gigi terhadap penularan Covid-19 dan anjuran PDGI untuk menunda perawatan yang tidak mendesak menyebabkan berkurangnya pasien yang berkunjung ke dokter gigi selama pandemi Covid-19. Hal ini membuat peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai evaluasi kunjungan pasien selama pandemi Covid-19 di Klinik Periodonsia RSKGM FKG UI.Tujuan: Mendapatkan data kunjungan pasien selama pandemi Covid-19. Metode: Menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif dan observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Data diambil dari 167 rekam medis Klinik Periodonsia RSKGM FKG UI periode Juni 2020-Mei 2021. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis univariat dan bivariat menggunakan SPSS. Hasil: Jumlah pasien yang berkunjung mayoritas perempuan (53,9%) dan usia 26-44 tahun (42,4%). Mayoritas pasien yang berkunjung memiliki OHI-S sedang (45%). Keluhan utama paling banyak karena ingin membersihkan karang gigi (29,3%). Pasien banyak mengalami periodontitis (71,8%) dan mayoritas Periodontitis stage III grade C (26,7%). Rencana perawatan initial yang banyak direncanakan adalah Dental Health Education (29,2%) dan Scaling Root Planing (28,1%). Rencana perawatan bedah terbanyak adalah kuretase (30,1%) dan rencana perawatan rekonstruksi adalah rujukan ke Spesialis Prostodonsia (54,2%). Kesimpulan: Terdapat peningkatan jumlah kunjungan, perbedaan jumlah perawatan SRP dan perawatan periodontal lainnya pada periode Juni-September 2020, Oktober 2020-Januari 2021, dan Februari-Mei 2021 di klinik periodonsia RSKGM FKG UI. ......Background: The concern of patients and dentists about the transmission of Covid-19 and the PDGI's recommendation to postpone non-urgent treatments have led to fewer patients visiting the dentist during the Covid-19 pandemic. This makes researchers interested in conducting research on evaluating patient visits during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Periodontal Clinic of RSKGM FKG UI. Objective: To obtain data on patient visits during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: Using a descriptive and observational analytic research design with a cross-sectional approach. Data were taken from 167 medical records of the Periodontal Clinic of RSKGM FKG UI for the period June 2020-May 2021. Data analysis was carried out by univariate and bivariate analysis using SPSS. Results: The majority of patients who visited were women (53.9%) and aged 26-44 years (42.4%). The majority of patients who visited had moderate OHI-S (45%). The main complaint was mostly because they wanted to clean tartar (29.3%). Most of the patients had periodontitis (71.8%) and the majority of them had stage III grade C periodontitis (26.7%). The initial treatment plans that were mostly planned were Dental Health Education (29.2%) and Scaling Root Planing (28.1%). Most of the surgical treatment plans were curettage (30.1%) and the reconstructive treatment plan was referral to a prosthodontic specialist (54.2%). Conclusion: There was an increase in the number of visits, differences in the number of SRP treatments and other periodontal treatments in the period June-September 2020, October 2020-January 2021, and February-May 2021 at the periodontics clinic of RSKGM FKG UI.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Celly Devita Febrianti
Abstrak :
Kasus terkonfirmasi positif COVID-19 di Lampung terus bertambah. Rumah Sakit Umum (RSU) Handayani merupakan salah satu rumah sakit swasta rujukan COVID-19 di Lampung. Terdapat penurunan kunjungan pasien rawat jalan di RSU Handayani selama Pandemi Covid-19.Penelitian ini membahas tentang stigma pasien pada tenaga kesehatan serta faktor lainnya terhadap perilaku kunjungan rawat jalan pada masa pandemi di RSU Handayani Lampung Utara. Metode penelitian ini adalah sequential explanatory yang merupakan kombinasi kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada pasien rawat jalan, sedangkan penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan signifikan antara stigma pasien pada petugas kesehatan, pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap perilaku kunjungan pasien rawat jalan. Penyebab stigma diantaranya karena pasien beranggapan mobilisasi petugas kesehatan yang tinggi di rumah sakit sehingga berisiko menularkan Covid-19. Pasien kelompok rentan sebagian besar memiliki stigma. Penelitian juga mendapatkan beberapa responden tidak patuh berkunjung untuk berobat pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Perlu dilakukan berbagai upaya oleh pihak-pihak terkait untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan bagi masyarakat khususnya pada masa Pandemi Covid-19. ......Positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Lampung continue to increase. The Handayani General Hospital (RSU) is one of the private COVID-19 referral hospitals in Lampung. There was a decrease in outpatient visits at Handayani Hospital during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This study discusses the stigma of patients on health workers and other factors on the behavior of outpatient visits during the pandemic at Handayani Hospital, North Lampung. This research method is sequential explanatory which is a combination of quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to outpatients, while qualitative research was conducted by in-depth interviews. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between patient stigma on health workers, knowledge and attitudes towards outpatient visiting behavior. The cause of the stigma, among others, is because patients think that the high mobilization of health workers in the hospital is at risk of spreading Covid-19. Most of the vulnerable patients have a stigma. The study also found that several respondents did not comply with visiting for treatment during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is necessary to make various efforts by related parties to improve health services for the community, especially during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library