Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Zuleha Ernas
Abstrak :
[Pesatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi dan penduduk di daerah pesisir menjadikan kebutuhan akan ruang yang lebih luas sehingga reklamasi kawasan pesisir menjadi pilihan utama yang banyak ditempuh Pemanfaatan pasir laut yang berlebihan dan tidak terkendali dapat mengganggu ekosisitem bahkan merusak daya dukungnya Penelitian ini mengkaji gangguan pada produktivitas perairan Teluk Banten Kabupaten Serang yang disebabkan kegiatan penambangan pasir laut di tahun 2004 2015 Masalah penelitian adalah belum adanya kajian ilmiah lingkungan mengenai pengaruh penambangan pasir laut di Teluk Banten Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif Data fisik dianalisis menggunakan korelasi dan regresi polinomial orde 2 dan data wawancara dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan hubungan yang kuat r 0 9835 antara penambangan pasir laut dengan peningkatan kekeruhan perairan Teluk Banten dengan persamaan regresi y x 90 8494 9 2392 10 3 x 1 3059 10 7 x2 Penambangan pasir laut juga signifikan mengurangi produktivitas perairan Teluk Banten r 0 9726 dengan persamaan regresi y x 2 948 3 21 10 7 x ndash 8 26 10 14 x2 Hasil penelitian juga memperlihatkan persepsi negatif masyarakat nelayan terhadap aktivitas penambangan pasir laut Menurut mereka penambangan pasir laut berdampak pada aktivitas penangkapan ikan karena tidak dapat menangkap ikan di perairan dekat desa mereka lagi.
......A rapid economic and population growths in urban coastal areas may followed by an expansion of space Mostly the expansion is applying a coastal reclamation An uncontrollable and overexploitation of marine sand for coastal reclamation may disturbing the ecosystem and even cause damage to its carrying capacity This research is finding the disturbance of marine productivity in Banten Coastal Bay Serang District which is caused by marine sand mining activity in 2004 2015 According to preliminary finding there is no scientific studies about the impact of marine sand mining activity in Banten Coastal Bay yet This research is using quantitative approach with quantitative and qualitative method The physical aspect has been analyzed using statistically correlation and 2nd order of polynomial regression Interview data which is analyzed by a descriptive method somehow providing some clues The result shows the strong correlation r 0 9835 between marine sand mining production and the increasing of water turbidity in Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 90 8494 9 2392 10 3x 1 3059 10 7x2 Marine sand mining production is also significant reduce r 0 9726 the marine productivity of Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 2 948 3 21 10 7x ndash 8 26 10 14x2 It is found in the fisheries community that they have a negative perception to the marine sand mining activity According them those mining activities impacting to their fishing tradition They cannot catch the fish in the near shore around their livinghood anymore ;A rapid economic and population growths in urban coastal areas may followed by an expansion of space Mostly the expansion is applying a coastal reclamation An uncontrollable and overexploitation of marine sand for coastal reclamation may disturbing the ecosystem and even cause damage to its carrying capacity This research is finding the disturbance of marine productivity in Banten Coastal Bay Serang District which is caused by marine sand mining activity in 2004 2015 According to preliminary finding there is no scientific studies about the impact of marine sand mining activity in Banten Coastal Bay yet This research is using quantitative approach with quantitative and qualitative method The physical aspect has been analyzed using statistically correlation and 2nd order of polynomial regression Interview data which is analyzed by a descriptive method somehow providing some clues The result shows the strong correlation r 0 9835 between marine sand mining production and the increasing of water turbidity in Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 90 8494 9 2392 10 3x 1 3059 10 7x2 Marine sand mining production is also significant reduce r 0 9726 the marine productivity of Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 2 948 3 21 10 7x ndash 8 26 10 14x2 It is found in the fisheries community that they have a negative perception to the marine sand mining activity According them those mining activities impacting to their fishing tradition They cannot catch the fish in the near shore around their livinghood anymore.;A rapid economic and population growths in urban coastal areas may followed by an expansion of space Mostly the expansion is applying a coastal reclamation An uncontrollable and overexploitation of marine sand for coastal reclamation may disturbing the ecosystem and even cause damage to its carrying capacity This research is finding the disturbance of marine productivity in Banten Coastal Bay Serang District which is caused by marine sand mining activity in 2004 2015 According to preliminary finding there is no scientific studies about the impact of marine sand mining activity in Banten Coastal Bay yet This research is using quantitative approach with quantitative and qualitative method The physical aspect has been analyzed using statistically correlation and 2nd order of polynomial regression Interview data which is analyzed by a descriptive method somehow providing some clues The result shows the strong correlation r 0 9835 between marine sand mining production and the increasing of water turbidity in Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 90 8494 9 2392 10 3x 1 3059 10 7x2 Marine sand mining production is also significant reduce r 0 9726 the marine productivity of Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 2 948 3 21 10 7x ndash 8 26 10 14x2 It is found in the fisheries community that they have a negative perception to the marine sand mining activity According them those mining activities impacting to their fishing tradition They cannot catch the fish in the near shore around their livinghood anymore , A rapid economic and population growths in urban coastal areas may followed by an expansion of space Mostly the expansion is applying a coastal reclamation An uncontrollable and overexploitation of marine sand for coastal reclamation may disturbing the ecosystem and even cause damage to its carrying capacity This research is finding the disturbance of marine productivity in Banten Coastal Bay Serang District which is caused by marine sand mining activity in 2004 2015 According to preliminary finding there is no scientific studies about the impact of marine sand mining activity in Banten Coastal Bay yet This research is using quantitative approach with quantitative and qualitative method The physical aspect has been analyzed using statistically correlation and 2nd order of polynomial regression Interview data which is analyzed by a descriptive method somehow providing some clues The result shows the strong correlation r 0 9835 between marine sand mining production and the increasing of water turbidity in Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 90 8494 9 2392 10 3x 1 3059 10 7x2 Marine sand mining production is also significant reduce r 0 9726 the marine productivity of Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 2 948 3 21 10 7x ndash 8 26 10 14x2 It is found in the fisheries community that they have a negative perception to the marine sand mining activity According them those mining activities impacting to their fishing tradition They cannot catch the fish in the near shore around their livinghood anymore ]
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Wawan Wahyudi
Abstrak :
Penambangan pasir di perairan Pulau Tunda telah menimbulkan dampak negatif pada lingkungan, sosial, dan ekonomi. Tujuan riset ini adalah untuk menganalisis dampak penambangan pasir terhadap jasa ekosistem pesisir dan laut Pulau Tunda. Metode yang digunakan dalam riset ini meliputi: perhitungan jasa ekosistem yang didapat dari perhitungan indeks kesuburan perairan dengan modul ekologi pada MIKE 21, perubahan garis pantai dianalisis menggunakan modul LITLINE pada MIKE 21, dan system dynamics yang digunakan untuk menyusun model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jasa ekosistem di Pulau Tunda masih cukup baik, namun kadar TSS cukup tinggi (60 -80 mg/L). Pemodelan MIKE 21 menunjukkan bahwa Pulau Tunda tidak mengalami perubahan garis pantai. Model yang dibuat menghasilkan rekomendasi untuk pengelolaan penambangan pasir laut secara berkelanjutan. Kesimpulan riset ini adalah perlunya pengembangan pariwisata berbasis ekologi sebagai salah satu bentuk diversifikasi ekonomi.
......Sand mining in the waters of Tunda Island has caused negative impacts on the environment, society, and economy. The objective of this research is to analyze the impacts of sand mining on the coastal and marine ecosystem services of Pulau Tunda. The methods used in this research include calculating ecosystem services based on the water fertility index using the ecological module in MIKE 21,analyzing shoreline changes using the LITLINE module in MIKE 21, and utilizing system dynamics to develop a model. The research findings indicate that the ecosystem services in Tunda Island are still relatively good, although the TSS level is quite high (60-80 mg/L). The MIKE 21 modeling shows that Pulau Tunda has not experienced any significant shoreline changes. The developed model provides recommendations for sustainable management of marine sand mining. The conclusion of this research emphasizes the need for ecotourism development as a form of economic diversification.
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Guna memenuhi kebutuhan material untuk pengurugan (reklamasi) khususnya di wilayah pantai, selain menggunakan material berupa pasir yang diambil dari daratan ,juga bisa menggunakan pasir yang diambil dari dasar perairan terutama daerah perairan dangkal....
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Diskursus oligarki merupakan salah satu topik yang banyak mencuat ke publik belakangan ini. Hadiz dan Robison (2013), menggambarkan oligarki sebagai sistem relasi kekuasaan yang memungkinkan konsentrasi kekayaan dan otoritas serta pertahanan kolektifnya. Penelitian ini, menggunakan konsep negara dan bisnis Vedi R. Hadiz dan Richard Robison (2004, 2013) yang memandang bahwa dominasi kekuasaan menguasai sumber-sumber ekonomi dan politik melalui struktur hubungan politico-business antara negara (state) dan pemodal dalam pola hubungan patron-klien. Selain konsep tersebut, penulis juga menggunakan teori oligarki Vedi R. Hadiz-Richard Robison (2004, 2013) dan Jeffrey A. Winters (2011) untuk memahami pengakumulasian kapital dan pertahanan kekayaan (wealth defense). Dalam mengumpulkan data, penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan cara mengumpulkan data primer melalui wawancara mendalam dan analisis dengan data sekunder melalui kajian literatur. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa oligarki dalam bentuk aliansi predatoris ini terjadi karena adanya relasi politik dan ekonomi dengan tujuan menguasai dan mempertahankan sumber daya alam yang bertumpu pada regulasi kebijakan politik. Peruntukan reklamasi yang dicanangkan mencakup kepentingan kapitalis atau pengusaha yang mempunyai koneksi dengan pemerintah daerah dan memanfaatkannya untuk bisnis. Dengan demikian, relasi oligarkis politik dan bisnis menciptakan konfigurasi kekuasaan yang digunakan sebagai instrumen pertahanan kekayaan.
......Oligarchy discourse is one of the topics that has been sticking out to the public lately. Hadiz and Robison (2013), describe oligarchy as a system of power relations that allows concentration of wealth and authority as well as collective defense. This study uses the concept of state and business by Vedi R. Hadiz and Richard Robison (2004, 2013) who view that the domination of power controls economic and political resources through the structure of politico-business relationsbetween the state and investors in the patron-client relationship pattern. In addition to these concepts, the author also uses the oligarchic theory of Vedi R. Hadiz-Richard Robison (2004, 2013) and Jeffrey A. Winters (2011) to understand capital accumulation and wealth defense. In collecting data, the research uses qualitative methods, by collecting primary data through in-depth interviews and analysis with secondary data through literature review. The research findings show that this oligarchy in the form of predatory alliances occurs due to the existence of political and economic relations with the aim of controlling and maintaining natural resources which are based on political policy regulations. The proposed reclamation allocation includes the interests of capitalists or entrepreneurs who have connections with the local government and use it for business. Thus, oligarchic in political and business relations create a configuration of power that is used as an instrument of wealth defense.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Sayed Fauzan Riyadi
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library