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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Reny Mawardini
Oral Health Literacy OHL adalah tingkat kemampuan seseorang untuk menerima, memproses, dan memahami informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut dasar untuk menentukan tindakan perawatan kesehatan gigi yang tepat untuk dirinya. Tingginya skor OHL menunjukkan kemampuan individu menggunakan informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut untuk menjaga status kesehatan gigi dan mulutnya termasuk untuk memilih perawatan akan kehilangan gigi. Namun, rehabilitasi kehilangan gigi dengan gigi tiruan di Indonesia masih sangat sedikit dilakukan. Saat ini belum ada penelitian tentang hubungan skor OHL dengan pemakaian gigi tiruan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan tingkat oral health literacy dengan pemakaian gigi tiruan, hubungan tingkat oral health literacy dengan pemakaian gigi tiruan berdasarkan status kehilangan gigi dan faktor sosiodemografi usia, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, pendapatan, dan pekerjaan . Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode potong lintang dan melibatkan 70 responden diatas 18 tahun di Kota Depok, Jawa Barat. Kedua tahap penelitian menggunakan kuesioner Health literacy in Dentistry HeLD-29 untuk menilai skor OHL serta pemeriksaan klinis untuk melihat pemakaian gigi tiruan dan menilai status kehilangan gigi berdasarkan jumlah kehilangan gigi. Rerata skor OHL dari responden adalah 2.86 0.66 dengan jumlah presentase pemakai gigi tiruan adalah 30 dari jumlah responden. Terdapat hubungan antara skor OHL dengan pemakaian gigi tiruan. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan tingkat oral health literacy dengan pemakaian gigi tiruan.

Oral Health Literacy OHL is a degree of individual comptenece to gain, process, and understand basic oral health information and services needed to determine appropriate oral health care. High OHL score shows individu has good capability to use oral health information as a direction to maintain their oral health and decide the treatment, especially treatment of tooth loss replacement with denture. However, the number of denture usage as rehabilitation of tooth loss in Indonesia is still low. At this time, there is no study has been done to analyze the relationship between oral health literacy score with denture usage. The purpose of this study is to analyze the correlation between OHL score with denture usage. Cross sectional study was done in 70 respondents in Depok, Jawa Barat using Health Literacy in Dentistry HeLD 29 questionnaires to assess OHL score and clinical examination to check denture usage and classify tooth loss based on the amount of tooth loss. Total 70 respondent participated this research with OHL score 2.86 0.66 and denture usage percentage was 30 of total respondents. There were correlations between OHL score and denture usage p"
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UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diani Nurcahyawati
"Latar belakang: Kesehatan mulut merupakan komponen penting dari status kesehatan secara keseluruhan pada infeksi HIV. Orang dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) sebaiknya memiliki literasi yang cukup mengenai kesehatan rongga mulut karena dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidupnya. Oral Health Literacy (OH Literacy) yang baik sangat diperlukan untuk mencapai kesehatan rongga mulut yang baik. Instrumen untuk mengukur tingkat OH Literacy pada populasi Indonesia memang sudah beberapa kali digunakan, tetapi penelitian menggunakan instrumen tersebut belum pernah dilakukan pada populasi ODHA di Indonesia. Salah satu alasan penelitian dilakukan di Jakarta adalah karena DKI Jakarta merupakan provinsi dengan jumlah kelompok paling berisiko tertular HIV tertinggi. Tujuan: Menganalisis OH Literacy (HeLD-ID) pada Orang dengan HIV/AIDS di Jakarta. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi potong lintang, menggambarkan skor OH Literacy (HeLD-ID) terkait karakteristik sosiodemografi ODHA di DKI Jakarta. Pemilihan responden dilakukan dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner HeLD-ID oleh responden. Tes skrining MMSE dilakukan sebelum pengisian kuesioner, untuk mengetahui kondisi kognitif responden. Hasil: Penelitian dilakukan pada 141 responden ODHA di Jakarta dengan rerata usia 39,86 ± 6,53. Skor total HeLD-ID adalah 2,89 ± 0,74. Skor tertinggi pada domain understanding, dan skor terendah pada domain economic barrier. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara skor OH Literacy (HeLD-ID) dengan tingkat pendidikan dan waktu mulai terdiagnosis HIV/AIDS (p < 0,05). Selain itu juga terdapat perbedaan skor OH Literacy (HeLD-ID) dengan karakteristik sosiodemografi tingkat pendidikan, riwayat kunjungan ke dokter, dan waktu mulai terdiagnosis HIV/AIDS (p < 0,05). Kesimpulan: Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara skor OH Literacy (HeLD-ID) dengan tingkat pendidikan dan waktu mulai terdiagnosis HIV/AIDS. Tingkat pendidikan, riwayat kunjungan ke dokter, dan waktu mulai terdiagnosis HIV/AIDS membedakan skor OH Literacy (HeLD-ID) pada ODHA di Jakarta.

Background: Oral health is an important component of overall health status in HIV infection. People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) should have sufficient literacy regarding oral health because it can affect their quality of life. Good Oral Health Literacy (OH Literacy) is very necessary to achieve good oral health. Instruments to measure the level of OH Literacy in the Indonesian population have been used several times, but research using these instruments has never been done on the PLWHA population in Indonesia. One of the reasons the research was conducted in Jakarta is because DKI Jakarta is the province with the highest number of groups most at risk of contracting HIV. Objective: Analyzing OH Literacy (HeLD-ID) in People with HIV/AIDS in Jakarta. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional study design, describing OH Literacy (HeLD-ID) scores related to the sociodemographic characteristics of PLWHA in DKI Jakarta. The selection of respondents was carried out using consecutive sampling techniques. Data collection was carried out by filling out the HeLD-ID questionnaire by respondents. The MMSE screening test was carried out before filling out the questionnaire, to determine the cognitive condition of the respondents. Results: The study was conducted on 141 respondents living with HIV in Jakarta with an average age of 39.86 ± 6.53. The total HeLD-ID score was 2.89 ± 0.74. The highest score is in the understanding domain, and the lowest score is in the economic barrier domain. There was a significant relationship between the OH Literacy score (HeLD-ID) and the level of education and the time when HIV/AIDS was diagnosed (p <0.05). In addition, there were also differences in the OH Literacy score (HeLD-ID) with sociodemographic characteristics of education level, history of visits to doctors, and time when HIV/AIDS was diagnosed (p <0.05). Conclusion: It was concluded that there was a relationship between the OH Literacy score (HeLD-ID) and the level of education in people with HIV/AIDS. Level of education, history of visits to doctors, and time when HIV/AIDS differentiated OH Literacy (HeLD-ID) scores among PLWHA in Jakarta."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bernike Davitaswasti
"Latar belakang: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat oral health literacy (OHL)terhadap status klinis dan perilaku kesehatan gigi dan mulut serta denga faktor sosiodemografis pada lansia independen.
Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross-sectional dengan total 195 subjek lansia di Kota Depok berusia 60 tahun ke atas dengan pengisian data sosiodemografis, kuesioner dengan metode wawancara mengenai tingkat oral health literacy menggunakan HeLD-29, dan kuesioner perilaku menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Status klinis dinilai melalui pemeriksaan klinis menggunakan indeks DMF-T, status periodontal menggunakan CPI-modified, status pemakaian gigi tiruan, status kebersihan mulut menggunakan indeks OHI-S, serta penilaian kemampuan mastikasi secara subjektif.
Hasil: Rerataskor oral health literacy pada penelitian ini adalah 3,45±0,67. Nilai Cronbachs alpha = 0.945. Validitas diskriminan memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan kemampuan mastikasi (p<0,01) dan validitas konvergen memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan gigi hilang, skor DMF-T, dan kemampuan mastikasi (p<0,01), serta gigi yang direstorasi (p<0,05). Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara beberapa domain HeLD-29 dengan status klinis kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Perbedaan bermakna secara statistik juga terdapat pada jumlah gigi yang hilang, gigi yang direstorasi, dan poket periodontal antara kelompok dengan oral health literacy rendah dengan kelompok dengan oral health literacy tinggi (p<0,05). Didapatkan pula perbedaan rerata skor oral health literacy yang bermakna pada variabel usia dan tingkat pendidikan, serta adanya hubungan signifikan antara nilai DMF-T dengan frekuensi kunjungan ke dokter gigi dan antara perdarahan gingiva dengan status merokok.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara tingkat oral health literacy dengan status klinis kesehatan gigi dan mulut serta dengan faktor sosiodemografis yaitu usia dan tingkat pendidikan pada lansia independen. Terdapat hubungan antara status klinis dengan perilaku kesehatan gigi dan mulut.

Background: The aim of this study is to evaluate the association between oral health literacy(OHL), oral healthstatus, and oral health behavior of independent elderly.
Methods: Cross-sectional study involved 195 independent living elderly in Depok aged 60 and above. The subjects completed a self-administered questionnaire collectin information about socio-demographics, Health Literacy in Dentistry (HeLD-29) questionnaire to assessed oral health literacy, and oral health behavior questionnaire by interviewing subjects. Oral health status was recorded by clinical oral examination using DMF-T index, CPI-modified, denture status, OHI-S, and the masticatory performance wasassessed subjectively.
Results: Oral health literacy mean score in this study is 3,45±0,67. The Cronbachs alpha = 0.945. The discriminant validity were confirmed by HeLD scores being significantly associated with mastication ability(p<0.01). The convergent validity were confirmed by HeLD score being significantly associated with amount of tooth loss, DMF-T score, and mastication ability (p<0,01) also with amount of filled teeth (p<0,05). There were correlations between some HeLD-29 domain with oral health status. There were significant differences of amount of tooth loss (M-T), amount of filled teeth (F-T), and amount of deep pocket between the group with low oral health literacy and the group with high oral health literacy (p<0,05). Statistical differences were also found between oral health literacy mean score amongst age and education level group. There were also correlations between DMF-T score and dental visits and between amount of bleeding on probing and smoking status of the subjects.
Conclusion: Oral health literacy was associated with oral health status and the socio-demographics such as age and education level there is a relationship between oral health status and oral health behavior in independent elderly.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rayna Shula Azzahra Amry Sirat
"Latar Belakang : Di era modern, media sosial telah dimanfaatkan oleh populasi dewasa muda untuk mengakses, memperoleh, dan berbagi informasi kesehatan. Literasi kesehatan oral, frekuensi penggunaan media sosial, dan efikasi diri merupakan faktor-faktor penting yang dapat mempengaruhi intensi perilaku. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara literasi kesehatan oral, penggunaan media sosial, dan efikasi diri dengan intensi perilaku terkait media sosial. Metode : Studi cross-sectional menggunakan kuesioner online pada 361 mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia yang pernah terpapar dengan informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut di media sosial. Hasil : hasil uji korelasi Spearman menunjukkan bahwa literasi kesehatan oral, penggunaan media sosial, dan efikasi diri memiliki korelasi yang bermakna secara statistik (p < 0,05) terhadap intensi perilaku terkait media sosial. Usia juga memiliki korelasi yang bermakna secara statistik dengan literasi kesehatan oral dan efikasi diri, serta pengalaman penggunaan media sosial memiliki korelasi bermakna dengan penggunaan media sosial dan efikasi diri. Namun kedua variabel usia dan pengalaman penggunaan media sosial tersebut bukan merupakan faktor yang memoderasi efek literasi kesehatan oral dan penggunaan media sosial terhadap efikasi diri. Kesimpulan : Literasi kesehatan oral, penggunaan media sosial, dan efikasi diri merupakan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi intensi perilaku. Responden dengan segmen usia yang lebih muda menunjukkan literasi kesehatan oral dan efikasi diri yang lebih baik serta pengalaman penggunaan media sosial yang positif juga menunjukkan frekuensi penggunaan media sosial dan tingkat efikasi diri yang lebih tinggi.

In the modern era, social media has been used by young adults to access, acquire, dan share health informations. Oral health literacy, social media use, and self-efficacy are essential factors that may influence health behavioral intention. Tujuan : To learn the association of oral health literacy, social media use, and self-efficacy with health behavioral intention regarding social media. Metode : A cross-sectional study using online questionnaire of 361 University of Indonesia students who were exposed with oral health information in social media. Hasil : Spearman correlation test shown that oral health literacy, social media use, and self-efficacy have statistically significant correlations (p < 0,05) with health behavioral intention regarding social media. Age also has statistically significant correlation with oral health literacy andn self-efficacy, as well as social media experience has statistically significant correlation with social media use and self-efficacy. However, both age and social media experience were not moderating factors for the effect of oral health literacy and social media use on self-efficacy. Kesimpulan : Oral health literacy, social media use, and self-efficacy were factors which infleunce health behavioral intention. Respondents in the younger age segment shows better oral health literacy and self-efficacy. Moreover, positive social media experience shows higher frequency of social media use and self-efficacy."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar belakang: Pendamping lanjut usia (lansia) di panti sosial dalam menjalankan perannya sebaiknya memiliki Oral Health Literacy (OHL) dan pengetahuan terkait kanker mulut yang baik, sehingga dapat memberikan pelayanan terkait kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang baik bagi lansia yang didampinginya. Saat ini belum ada penelitian mengenai OHL dan pengetahuan tentang kanker mulut pada pendamping lansia yang dilakukan di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha (PSTW) DKI Jakarta. Tujuan: Menganalisis faktor sosiodemografi terkait OHL dan pengetahuan tentang kanker mulut pada pendamping lansia di PSTW binaan Dinas Sosial DKI Jakarta. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah studi observasional potong lintang pada pendamping lansia di PSTW binaan Dinas Sosial DKI Jakarta menggunakan kuesioner HeLD-ID dan kuesioner pengetahuan tentang kanker mulut yang sudah digunakan pada penelitian sebelumnya. Hasil: 129 dari 196 pendamping lansia dengan rerata usia 35,12±10,97 tahun di 6 PSTW binaan Dinas Sosial DKI Jakarta bersedia mengikuti penelitian (Respon rate 65,8%). Total skor OHL responden adalah 3,08±0,65. Domain Understanding mempunyai skor tertinggi dan domain dan Communication mempunyai skor terendah. Skor OHL tidak dibedakan oleh usia, jenis kelamin, jenis pekerjaan, kebiasaan merokok, minum alkohol, mengunyah tembakau dan menyirih (p>0,05). Skor OHL dibedakan oleh tingkat pendidikan dan pengalaman kunjungan ke dokter gigi (p<0,05). Tingkat pengetahuan tentang faktor risiko dan tanda awal kanker mulut pada responden penelitian masih rendah. Kesimpulan: Disimpulkan bahwa tingkat pendidikan dan pengalaman kunjungan ke dokter gigi membedakan skor OHL pada pendamping lansia. Tidak ada faktor yang membedakan tingkat pengetahuan tentang faktor risiko dan tanda awal kanker mulut. Namun, perlu dilakukan upaya perbaikan tingkat pengetahuan terkait kanker mulut pada kelompok populasi ini.

Background: It is important for the elderly caregivers who work in the nursing homes to have good Oral Health Literacy (OHL) and oral cancer awareness to give optimal service to related oral health to the elderly whom they are working with. Until now, study related to OHL and oral cancer awareness among elderly caregiver is lacking. Objective: To analyze sociodemographic factors related to OHL and oral cancer awareness in the elderly caregiver of nursing homes in DKI Jakarta. Methods: This is a observative cross-sectional study on the elderly caregivers of nursing homes in DKI Jakarta, using previously validated questionarre of HeLD-ID and oral cancer awareness. Results: 129 out of 196 elderly caregivers (mean age 35.12±10.97 score) participated in the study. The OHL total score was 3.08±0.65 with Understanding domain had the highest and Communication domain had the lowest score. The score of OHL was not significantly differed by age, gender, occupation, smoking habit, alcohol habit, betel and tobacco chewing (p> 0.05). The score of OHL was significantly differed by level of education and experience of dental visit (p<0.05). There were 116 (89.9%) participant who had heard about oral cancer, however the level of knowledge on oral cancer risk factors and early sign of the caregiver was still low. None of the sociodemographic factors, habits or dental visits significantly differed the level of both a aspects of oral cancer (p>0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that OHL of elderly caregiver was significantly differed by level of education and experiences of dental visits. No factors influence the level of oral cancer knowledge on risk factors and early signs. However, there is to improve the knowledge of oral cancer in this population."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syifa Adinda
"[Tujuan: menguji validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen Health Literacy in Dentistry Scale versi Bahasa Indonesia pada kelompok usia 12-14 tahun di DKI Jakarta. Metode: Kuesioner HeLD diterjemahkan melalui forward-backward translation. Desain penelitian menggunakan cross sectional. Konsistensi internal dan eksternal, validitas konvergen dan diskriminan dari HeLD dievaluasi. Hasil: sebanyak 462 siswa menyelesaikan self-administered questionnaire. Rerata skor HeLD yaitu 3,45±0,02. Nilai Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) adalah 0,75 dan Cronbach?s alpha=0,77. Validitas konvergen dan diskriminan memiliki hubungan signifikan pada kunjungan terakhir ke dokter gigi (p<0,01). Kesimpulan: instrumen HeLD versi Bahasa Indonesia terbukti valid dan reliabel untuk mengukur oral health literacy anak usia 12-14 tahun;Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze validity and reliability of an Indonesian version of the Health Literacy in Dentistry scale (HeLD) instrument among 12-14 years old in Jakarta. Methods: HeLD questionnaire was forward-backward translated into Indonesian. This study design is cross sectional. The internal and external consistency, convergent and discriminant validity of HeLD were evaluated. Results: 462 students completed the self-administered questionnaire. The mean total HeLD score was 3.45±0.02. The Intra-class Correlation Coefficients (ICCs) were 0.75 and Cronbach?s alpha=0.77. The convergent and discriminant validity were confirmed by HeLD scores being significantly associated with last dental visit (p<0.001). Conclusions: The Indonesian version of HeLD suggested that is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring oral health literacy in children ages 12-14 years old.;Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze validity and reliability of an Indonesian version of the Health Literacy in Dentistry scale (HeLD) instrument among 12-14 years old in Jakarta. Methods: HeLD questionnaire was forward-backward translated into Indonesian. This study design is cross sectional. The internal and external consistency, convergent and discriminant validity of HeLD were evaluated. Results: 462 students completed the self-administered questionnaire. The mean total HeLD score was 3.45±0.02. The Intra-class Correlation Coefficients (ICCs) were 0.75 and Cronbach?s alpha=0.77. The convergent and discriminant validity were confirmed by HeLD scores being significantly associated with last dental visit (p<0.001). Conclusions: The Indonesian version of HeLD suggested that is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring oral health literacy in children ages 12-14 years old.;Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze validity and reliability of an Indonesian version of the Health Literacy in Dentistry scale (HeLD) instrument among 12-14 years old in Jakarta. Methods: HeLD questionnaire was forward-backward translated into Indonesian. This study design is cross sectional. The internal and external consistency, convergent and discriminant validity of HeLD were evaluated. Results: 462 students completed the self-administered questionnaire. The mean total HeLD score was 3.45±0.02. The Intra-class Correlation Coefficients (ICCs) were 0.75 and Cronbach’s alpha=0.77. The convergent and discriminant validity were confirmed by HeLD scores being significantly associated with last dental visit (p<0.001). Conclusions: The Indonesian version of HeLD suggested that is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring oral health literacy in children ages 12-14 years old., Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze validity and reliability of an Indonesian version of the Health Literacy in Dentistry scale (HeLD) instrument among 12-14 years old in Jakarta. Methods: HeLD questionnaire was forward-backward translated into Indonesian. This study design is cross sectional. The internal and external consistency, convergent and discriminant validity of HeLD were evaluated. Results: 462 students completed the self-administered questionnaire. The mean total HeLD score was 3.45±0.02. The Intra-class Correlation Coefficients (ICCs) were 0.75 and Cronbach’s alpha=0.77. The convergent and discriminant validity were confirmed by HeLD scores being significantly associated with last dental visit (p<0.001). Conclusions: The Indonesian version of HeLD suggested that is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring oral health literacy in children ages 12-14 years old.]"
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Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Brahmana Kridaningrat
"Latar belakang: Oral Health Literacy OHL adalah kemampuan individu untuk meningkatkan status kesehatan gigi dan mulutnya dengan menggunakan informasi kesehatan. Tingginya skor OHL menunjukkan baiknya kesadaran individu akan status kesehatan gigi dan mulutnya. Salah satu status penanda kebersihan gigi dan mulut adalah OHI-S. Saat ini masih sedikit penelitian tentang hubungan skor OHL dengan kebersihan mulut dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya.
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan skor OHL dengan faktor demografi dan skor OHI-S.
Metode: Penelitian potong lintang pada 99 responden lansia mandiri di Kota Depok menggunakan kuesioner Health Literacy in Dentistry HeLD-29 untuk menilai skor OHL dan pemeriksaan klinis untuk menilai skor OHI-S.
Hasil: 76 responden mengikuti penelitian ini memiliki rerata skor OHL adalah 2,53 0,85 dan rerata skor OHI-S adalah 2,8 1,10. Terdapat hubungan skor OHL dengan faktor demografi jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, dan pengeluaran per bulan p0,05.
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan antara skor OHL dengan skor OHI-S, terdapat hubungan antara skor OHL dengan sebagian faktor demografi jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, dan pengeluaran per bulan , dan tidak terdapat hubungan antara skor OHI-S dengan faktor demografi.

Background: The Oral Health Literacy OHL is individual ability to improve their oral health status using health information. High OHL score usually represent individual awareness of their oral health status. Oral Hygiene Index simplified OHI S is a method to assess oral hygiene status. Nowadays, research on correlation between OHL score and oral hygiene and the influencing factors is still rare.
Purpose: To know the correlation between OHL score with demographic factors and OHI S score.
Methods: Cross sectional study was held in 99 independent elderly respondents in Depok using Health Literacy in Dentistry HeLD 29 questionnaires to assess OHL score and clinical examination to assess OHI S score.
Result: 76 respondents followed this research with OHL score mean 2.53 0.85 and OHI S score mean 2.8 1.10. There were correlations between OHL score with demographic factors such as gender, education level, and expenses per month p 0.05.
Conclusion: There were no correlation between OHL score with OHI S score, there were correlations between OHL score with some demographic factors gender, education level, and expense per month , and there were no correlations between OHI S score with demographic factors.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Livia Ignatia Fergaus Enggarsetia
Tujuan: Didapatkannya informasi mengenai hubungan oral health literacy ibu dengan utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak. Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional menggunakan kuesioner HeLD dan kuesioner utilisasi pelayana kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak. Hasil: Nilai reliabilitas internal kuesioner HeLD adalah sebesar 0.90 Croncbach rsquo;s alpha . Terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik antara utilisasi pada kelompok dengan oral health literacy rendah dengan kelompok dengan oral health literacy tinggi

Goal The goal of this thesis is to get information about the relationship of mother rsquo s oral health literacy with the utilization of children rsquo s teeth and mouth treatment. Methods This Thesis uses cross sectional method that is utilized with HeLD Questionnaire and another questionnaire regarding the utilization of children rsquo s teeth and mouth health treatment. Result Internal reliability of the HeLD questionnaire reaches 0.90 Cronbach rsquo s alpha . There is significant difference between utilization of the group with low oral health literacy and the group with high oral health literacy p"
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UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rhaina Kirana Arishanti
"Latar Belakang: Media sosial digunakan oleh sebagian besar remaja sebagai salah satu sumber informasi kesehatan oral, salah satunya masalah gusi berdarah. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan penggunaan media sosial mengenai gusi berdarah dengan literasi kesehatan mulut pada murid SMA di DKI Jakarta. Metode: Studi potong lintang pada 500 murid kelas X SMA di DKI Jakarta pada bulan Agustus hingga September 2022 menggunakan kuesioner daring berisi 68 pertanyaan. Digunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Penilaian kualitas studi dilakukan berdasarkan panduan STROBE yang terdiri dari 22 domain. Hasil: Mayoritas murid kelas X SMA melakukan pencarian informasi gusi berdarah di Youtube (43%) dan Instagram (33,4%) dan terdapat perbedaan bermakna skor literasi kesehatan mulut antara mereka yang pernah melakukan pencarian informasi gusi berdarah di kedua platform tersebut dengan mereka yang tidak pernah. Selain itu, terdapat korelasi positif lemah (r = 0,148 (Instagram); r = 0,090 (Twitter); r = 0,153 (Youtube); r = 0,110 (Tiktok)) antara frekuensi penggunaan media sosial dalam mencari informasi gusi berdarah dengan tingkat literasi kesehatan mulut. Kesimpulan: Edukasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut melalui platform media sosial dapat dijadikan pertimbangan, mengingat banyaknya remaja yang memiliki dan menggunakan media sosial secara aktif. Namun, perlu diperhatikan pula mengenai kualitas dan kredibilitas informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang tersedia di media sosial

Background: Social media is used by most of adolescents as a source of oral health information, for example gum bleeding. Objectives: To determine the relationship between social media use about gum bleeding and oral health literacy among high school students in Jakarta. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 500 of 10th grade high school students in Jakarta from August to September 2022 using an online questionnaire containing 68 questions. Spearman correlation was used. The study quality assessment was carried out based on the STROBE guidelines consisting of 22 domains. Results: Most 10th grade high school students searched information about gum bleeding in Youtube (43%) dan Instagram (33,4%) and there are significant differences in oral health literacy score between those who have ever searched information about gum bleeding on both platform and those who have never. Furthermore, there are weak positive correlations (r = 0,148 (Instagram); r = 0,090 (Twitter); r = 0,153 (Youtube); r = 0,110 (Tiktok)) between frequency of social media use in searching information about gum bleeding and oral health literacy score. Conclusions: Dental and oral health education through social media platforms can be considered, given that there are most of adolescents who own and use social media actively. However, it is also necessary to pay attention to the quality and credibility of dental and oral health information available on social media."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwiseptia Nadiantari

Prevalensi masalah kesgimul di DKI Jakarta tahun 2013 meningkat dibanding tahun 2007 namun hanya 39,5% di antaranya yang mendapat perawatan. Hal ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh tingkat Oral Health Literacy (OHL). Tingkat OHL yang rendah dapat mempengaruhi perilaku kesehatan seseorang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat tingkat OHL pada penduduk dewasa dan kaitannya dengan oral health key literacy outcomes seperi kunjungan terakhir ke dokter gigi, alasan berkunjung ke dokter gigi, dan frekuensi merokok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat kaitan antara tingkat OHL dengan kunjungan terakhir ke dokter gigi dan alasan berkunjung ke dokter gigi (p<0,05)namun tidak dengan frekuensi merokok (p>0,05).

Prevalence of Oral health problems among adults during 2013 in DKI Jakarta increased from 2007 but only 39.5% of them got treatment from dental clinicians. This can be influenced by the level of Oral Health Literacy (OHL) that will affect their health behaviours. This study aims to know the OHL level and its relation to its Key Literacy outcomes such as last visit to dentist, reason to go to dentist, and smoking frequencies. Results showed that there’s an association between OHL and its outcomes (p<0,05) except with smoking frequencies (p>0,05)."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library