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Martomo Pryatman Mardjoeki
Abstrak :
RSPAD GS adalah rumah sakit militer tingkat I yang menjadi pusat rujukan tertinggi dari RS TNI AD/ABRI, melayani pasien baik sebagai anggota ABRI, PNS ABRI beserta keluarganya, juga melayani para pejabat tinggi dan tertinggi, dan masyarakat umum. Salah satu fasilitas layanan yang penting adalah bedah sentral, selain keberadaannya sangat dibutuhkan, bila dikelola dengan baik, bedah sentral akan menjadi salah satu sumber penghasilan bagi rumah sakit yang bersangkutan. Rendahnya kinerja di Bagian Bedah Sentral RSPAD GS, akan berpengaruh terhadap kesempatan menambah penghasilan bagi RSPAD GS. Untuk dapat mengoptimalkan peran bedah sentral dalam rangka meningkatkan pendapatan rumah sakit perlu dilakukan penelitian studi kasus dengan analisis kuantitatif dibantu dengan Competing values Framework. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui budaya organisasi Bagian Bedah Sentral RSPAD GS kaitannya dengan kinerja Bagian Bedah Sentral RSPAD GS. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara survei dengan bantuan kuesioner, besar sampel 89, dan semua populasi di Bagian Bedah Sentral dipilih sebagai responden. Data yang terkumpul dilakukan analisa dengan melihat kecenderungan budaya organisasi sekarang dan yang diinginkan. Dati hasil penelitian budaya sekarang dan budaya yang diinginkan oleh kelompok manajemen di tingkat rumah sakit adalah budaya tipe klan, menurut kelompok manajemen di tingkat unit dan kelompok pengguna kamar bedah sentral, adalah budaya tipe hirarki. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kelompok manajemen di tingkat rumah sakit, kelompok manajemen di tingkat unit dan kelompok pengguna kamar bedah sentral di bagian bedah sentral RSPAD GS tidak memiliki persepsi yang sama terhadap budaya organisasi di bagian bedah sentral dan masing-masing kelompok tersebut mempunyai harapan budaya organisasi yang berbeda. Peneliti berasumsi bahwa perbedaan harapan tersebut yang selama ini menyebabkan rendahnya kinerja dibagian bedah sentral RSPAD GS. Bagian bedah sentral di RSPAD GS apabila ingin meningkatkan kinerjanya sebaiknya menyamakan budaya diantara kelompok manajemen di tingkat rumah sakit, kelompok manajemen di tingkat unit dan kelompok medis pengguna kamar bedah agar sejalan dengan visi, misi, strategi dan budaya di bagian bedah sentral RSPAD GS.
Cultural View Of The Main Operating Theatre Of The Gatot Subroto Army Main Hospital RSPAD 2003RSPAD GS is a first class Military Hospital which has become the main referral hospital for other military hospital, providing services for members of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), civilian personnel of the armed forces as well as their families also for high ranking members of the military as well as that of the high and highest level of official and general public. One of the important services is the Main Operating Theatre. Its presence is extremely needed and if it is well managed, the Main Operating Theatre can become one of the main sources of revenue for the hospital. The low performance of the Main Operating Theatre of RSPAD GS will have an impact on the opportunity to make extra revenue for RSPAD GS. In order to maximize the role of the main Operating Theatre so as to raise revenue of the hospital, it is necessary to hold a survey as a case study by using the method of Quantitative analysis with the help of competing value framework. The aim of the survey is to find out the Organizational Culture of the Main Operating Theatre of RSPAD GS and its connection with performance of the Main Operating Theatre of RSPAD GS. Search for data can be done in a curve' with the help of questionnaires, the amount of samples is 89, conducted to all the personnel at the Main Operating Theatre who will be selected as respondents. The collected data can be analyzed by observing the current culture and the one desired by the Management Group a the hospital level there is the Clan Type of Culture, and according to the management group at the unit level and group using the Main Operating Theatre it is the Hierarchy type of culture. The survey concluded that the Management at the hospital level, the management group at unit level and the group using the main operating theatre of the RSPAD GS do not have the same perception about the organizational culture of the main operating theatre and each group has its own different organizational cultural expectation. The writer assume that these different organizational culture expectation is responsible for the low performance of the main operating theatre. The main operating theatre at RSPAD GS when it wishes to improve its performance should have similar cultural view between the management group at the hospital level, the management group at the unit level and the group using the main operating theatre so that they will have similar vision, mission, strategy and culture at the main operating theatre.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ita Mu'tiyah
Abstrak :
Utilisasi kamar operasi merupakan bagian yang penting dalam proses pelayanan di rumah sakit, oleh karena itu kinerja di kamar operasi yang memadai dapat berpengaruh terhadap kualitas mutu pelayanan Rumah Sakit. Keterlambatan pelayanan operasi elektif tentunya akan membuat kualitas mutu pelayanan di kamar operasi menjadi menurun, padahal kamar operasi sebagai salah satu unit di rumah sakit yang memiliki peran strategis dalam meningkatkan mutu pelayanan secara keseluruhan. Dengan menggunakan metode Lean Six Sigma dengan pendekatan DMAIC penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui alur prosedur pelayanan di kamar operasi RSUD Cilegon, selain itu teridentifikasi value added, non-value added dan waste yang terjadi pada pelayanan di kamar operasi sehingga didapatkan faktor penyebab waste yang terjadi melalui analisis kemudian ditemukan rekomendasi usulan perbaikan yang sesuai dengan masalah yang teridentifikasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data yang didapatkan melalui pengamatan dan pencatatan waktu keterlambatan operasi elektif di RSUD Cilegon, serta menggali informasi secara mendalam dan rinci kepada informan baik informan dalam maupun pasien penerima layanan operasi elektif di RSUD Cilegon dan melakukan telaah dokumen. Dilakukan observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap 20 pasien yang menjalani operasi elektif di RSUD Cilegon di shift yang berbeda – beda setiap harinya. Pemilihan informan dilakukan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, dan kemudian dilakukan wawancara kepada pasien sehingga didapatkan value perspektif customersesuai dengan prinsip metode Lean Six Sigma. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis untuk mendapat faktor penyebab adanya keterlambatan pelayanan operasi elektif menggunakan fishbone diagram yang dikelompokkan ke dalam kategori Man, Machine, Method, Money dan Environment sehingga penyebab masalah yang teridentifikasi dapat dirumuskan prioritas usulan perbaikan yang sesuai dan perlu dilakukan. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di bulan Mei-Juni 2023 didapatkan rata-rata total value added pada proses persiapan hingga pelayanan operasi elektif di RSUD Cilegon yaitu selama 40,8 menit atau sebesar 27,36% dari total waktu yang dihabisakan oleh pasien yang menjalani persiapan hingga dilakukan pembedahan. Sedangkan rata-rata total non-value-added yang didapatkan adalah selama 108,3 menit atau sebanyak 72,64% dari total waktu yang dihabiskan pasien sejak persiapan dan konsultasi hingga pasien mendapatkan pelayanan operasi. Beberapa faktor yang menjadi penyebab adanya non-value added dan waste yang terjadi adalah kegiatan menunggu pemanggilan dari kamar operasi, keterlambatan dokter operator dan anestesi yang masih melakukan praktik atau menangani pasien lain, serta menunggu jawaban konsul operator atau anestesi. Selain itu kemampuan petugas di kamar operasi yang belum merata juga menyebabkan terjadinya waste, selain itu ketersediaan alat, BHP dan fasilitas pendukung kegiatan operasi elektif yang terbatas turut mendukung adanya waste dan mengakibatkan banyaknya non-value-added yang teridentifikasi sehingga menyebabkan keterlambatan dimulainya operasi elektif. Peneliti mengharapkan strategi perbaikan yang telah diberikan dapat terus diterapkan untuk memperbaiki dan mengeliminasi kegiatan non value added yang terjadi yaitu dengan memberlakukan pengurangan indikator kinerja kepada petugas yang terlambat sehingga akan berdampak pada remunerasi petugas, selain itu diharapkan tersedia penanggung jawab akan jadwal kegiatan operasi sehingga dapat mengingatkan dokter operator maupun anestesi agar datang tepat waktu, penerapan diklat yang mempunyai target tercapainya kompetensi sehingga kompetensi petugas yang diperlukan terpenuhi, dan pengadaaan alat rutin yang dapat dilakukan secara berkala demi mencukupi kebutuhan di pelayanan operasi. ......Operating room utilization is an important part of the hospital service process. Therefore, adequate performance in the operating room can affect the quality of hospital services. Delays in elective surgery services will certainly make the quality of service in the operating room decrease, even though the operating room as one of the units in the hospital has a strategic role in improving the overall quality of service. By using the Lean Six Sigma method and the Value Stream Mapping approach, this study aims to find out the flow of service procedures in the Cilegon Hospital operating room, in addition to identifying value added, non-value added and waste that occurs in services in the operating room so that the factors that cause waste are identified. This occurs through analysis which then finds recommendations for improvements that are in accordance with the problems identified. This research is a qualitative research with data collection methods obtained through observing and recording the delay in elective surgery at Cilegon Hospital, as well as digging in-depth and detailed information to informants both inside informants and patients receiving elective surgery services at Cilegon Hospital and conducting a document review. Observations and in-depth interviews were carried out with 20 patients undergoing elective surgery at Cilegon Hospital in different shifts every day. The selection of informants was carried out using a purposive sampling technique, and then conducted interviews with patients in order to obtain a customer perspective value in accordance with the principles of the Lean Six Sigma method. The data obtained is then analyzed to obtain the factors causing the delay in elective operating services using fishbone diagrams which are grouped into the Man, Machine, Method, Money and Environment categories so that the causes of the identified problems can be formulated priority recommendations for improvements that are suitable and need to be carried out. The results of research conducted in May-June 2023 obtained an average total value added in the preparation process to elective surgery services at Cilegon Hospital, namely for 40.8 minutes or 27.36% of the total time spent by patients undergoing preparation to surgery was performed. Meanwhile, the total non-value-added average obtained was 108.3 minutes or as much as 72.64% of the total time spent by patients from preparation and consultation to patients receiving surgical services. Some of the factors that cause non-value added and waste that occur are activities waiting to be called from the operating room, delays in operating doctors or anesthesiologists who are still practicing or treating other patients, and waiting for the operator or anesthesiologist's consult. In addition, the uneven ability of officers in the operating room also causes waste to occur, and the limited availability of tools, consumable part and supporting facilities for elective surgery also supports the presence of waste and results in many non-value-added being identified which causes delays in the beginning of elective operations. The researcher hopes that the improvement strategies that have been provided can continue to be applied to improve and eliminate non-value-added activities that occur, namely by imposing a reduction in performance indicators for officers who are late so that it will have an impact on employee remuneration. reminding the operator and anesthetist to come on time, implementing training that has the target of achieving competence so that the necessary competence of officers is fulfilled, and procuring routine equipment that can be carried out periodically to meet the needs in operating services.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erinna Putri Damayanti
Abstrak :
Apoteker bertanggung jawab mengendalikan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan BMHP di Rumah Sakit, memastikan kegiatan perbekalan sesuai standar dan menjamin kualitas, efikasi, serta keamanan. Mereka juga berperan penting di Central Operating Theatre (COT) dalam memastikan penggunaan obat dan pasokan medis yang aman dan efektif selama pembedahan. COT di RSUI telah melayani berbagai prosedur bedah sejak 2019, termasuk Ureteroscopy (URS), yang memerlukan obat dan BMHP khusus. Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas pengendalian, unit farmasi menyediakan paket standar sesuai prosedur bedah. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan obat dan BMHP terhadap paket standar URS selama periode Juni hingga Agustus 2023 memiliki rata – rata  persentase kesesuaian yang rendah (65,17%). Dari 29 tindakan URS pada pasien,  hanya 3% data penggunaan obat/BMHP oleh pasien yang sesuai dengan paket  standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh depo farmasi Central Operating Theater RSUI.  Selain itu, hasil analisis juga menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 17% dari penggunaan per-item telah sesuai dengan standar paket tindakan URS yang tersedia. Namun, sebagian besar jenis item menunjukkan penggunaan dengan jumlah di luar paket standar (83%) terutama dalam jumlah penggunaan item obat/BMPH yang umumnya lebih rendah dari jumlah yang terdapat pada paket standar tindakan URS (79%). ...... Pharmacists are responsible for controlling pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices, and other pharmaceutical products in hospitals, ensuring supply activities are in accordance with standards and guaranteeing quality, efficacy, and safety. They also play an important role in the Central Operating Theater (COT) in ensuring the safe and effective use of drugs and medical supplies during surgery. The COT at RSUI has served various surgical procedures since 2019, including Ureteroscopy (URS), which requires specialized drugs and others pharmaceutical products. To improve control efficiency and effectiveness, the pharmacy unit provides standardized packages according to surgical procedures. The evaluation results showed that the use of drugs and pharmaceutical products against the URS standard package during the period June to August 2023 had a low average percentage of conformity (65.17%). Of the 29 URS actions on patients, only 3% of the data on the use of drugs / others pharmaceutical products by patients were in accordance with the standard package set by the Central Operating Theater pharmacy depot RSUI.  In addition, the results of the analysis also showed that approximately 17% of the per-item use was in accordance with the standard URS action package available. However, most of the items showed usage with amounts outside the standard package (83%), especially in the number of drug/ others pharmaceutical products items that were generally lower than the amount contained in the standard URS action package (79%).
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library