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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Havel Trahasdani
Abstrak :

Keterbatasan suatu daerah untuk mendapatkan distribusi listrik menjadi kendala tersendiri, hal ini dikarenakan setiap daerah memiliki kondisi geografis yang berbeda-beda khususnya pada daerah-daerah terpencil. Ini memungkinkan adanya wilayah di Indonesia yang belum teraliri listrik dengan baik. Maka dari itu diperlukan pembangkit listrik mandiri berskala piko hidro. Dan salah satunya adalah turbin openflume. Turbin open flume ini cocok digunakan untuk daerah-daerah terpencil, yaitu daerah dimana kondisi geografisnya berupa pegunungan karena lebih sederhana dan perawatannya relatif mudah. Tinggi jatuh yang digunakan adalah 2.71 L. Berdasarkan proses perancangannya dihasilkan turbin open flume dengan daya maksimum 1 KW, memiliki 5 sudu untuk kecepatan putar 1500 RPM dengan plat datar. Yang menghasilkan efisiensi mekanik sebesar 74,4 % dan memiliki kecepatan putar optimum di 974 RPM .

The limitation of an area to get openflume turbine distribution is a separate obstacle, this is because each regions has different geographical conditions, especially in remote areas. This makes it possible for regions in Indonesia that have not been electrified properly yet. Therefore we need a self-contained piko hydro power plant. And one of them is an open flume turbine. This open flume turbine is suitable for remote areas, namely areas where the geographical conditions are in the form of mountains because it is simpler and maintenance thing is relatively easy. The fall height used is 2.71 L. Based on the design process the open flume turbine is produced with a maximum power of 1 KW, has 5 runner blades with rotational speed 1500 RPM and build with flat plate. Which result in mechanical efficiency of 74,4% and has rotational speed optimum at 974 RPM.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Sanjaya Baroar Sakti
Abstrak :
Beberapa hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa turbin pikohidro jenis openflume dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah elektrifikasi pada daerah terpencil. Komponen utama turbin openflume ialah sudu turbin. Ada dua rekomendasi dalam merancang sudu turbin openflume berkaitan dengan perancangan sudut sudu. Berdasarkan persamaan Euler sudu turbin akan menyerap energy fluida secara optimal jika kecepatan tangensial absolut pada outlet sudu adalah nol. Namun, disisi lain, Nechleba menyarankan agar kecepatan tangensial pada outlet sudu tidak sama dengan nol. Hal ini disebabkan kecepatan tangensial tersebut dapat difungsikan untuk mencegah separasi pada draft-tube. Oleh sebab itu, studi numerik dilakukan untuk membandingkan unjuk kerja 2 buah sudu, dimana sudu pertama dirancang berdasarkan rekomendasi Euler dan sudu kedua berdasarkan rekomendasi Nechleba. Adapun studi ini dilakukan menggunakan metode Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) secara transient. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa sudu Nechleba memiliki daya dan efisiensi puncak lebih baik dari sudu Euler. Sudu Nechleba memiliki daya optimum sebesar 623.9 Watt dan efisiensi sebesar 74.39 %. Sedangkan sudu Euler memiliki  daya optimum sebesar 596.2 Watt dan efisiensi sebesar 70.08 %.
Several studies have shown that picohydro turbines open flume type can be used to overcome electrification problems in remote areas. The main components of open flume turbines are turbine blades. There are two recommendations in designing open flume turbine blades related to the design of blade angles. Based on the Euler equation the turbine blade will absorb fluid energy optimally if the absolute tangential velocity at the blade outlet is zero. However, on the other hand, Nechleba suggests that the tangential velocity of the blade outlet is not zero. This is because the tangential velocity can be used to prevent separation of the draft tube. Therefore, a numerical study was conducted to compare the performance of 2 blades, where the first blade was designed based on Eulers recommendation and the second blade based on Nechlebas recommendations. The study was conducted using a transient Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method. The study shows that the Nechleba blade has power and peak efficiency better than Euler blade. Nechleba Blade has an optimum power of 623.9 Watts and an efficiency of 74.39%. While the Euler blade has an optimum power of 596.2 Watts and an efficiency of 70.08%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andika Bakti Wijaya
Abstrak :
Daerah terpencil di Indonesia seringkali tidak mendapatkan suplai listrik karena biaya instalasi jaringan listrik tidak murah, oleh karena itu perlu ada pembangkit listrik mandiri. Potensi energi air di Indonesia yang sangat besar, menjadikan turbin piko hidro (< 5 kW) pilihan yang tepat. Dipilih turbin air openflume karena memiliki kriteria tinggi jatuh (1-5m) dan debit aliran yang rendah (0.01-1 m3/s). Studi ini akan membahas menghitung efisiensi sudu turbin piko hidro openflume dengan metode eksperimental. Tinggi jatuh air adalah 2.7 m dan debit aliran air 0.045 m3/s. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan daya luaran sudu Cihanjuang sebesar 703.35 Watt dengan nilai efisiensi total sebesar 59 %. ......Remote areas in Indonesia often do not get electricity supply because of cost istallation, therefore it need to have standalone power plants. Indonesia have very large potential energy of water and pico hydro (< 5kW) turbine is the best choice. The type of openflume turbine is determine corresponding to low head (1-5m) and flow characteristic (0.01-1 m3/s). This study will discuss about efficiency calculation on pico hydro openflume turbine with experimental method. Head is 2.7 m and flow rate is 0.045 m3/s. Evaluation results show that power output of the blade Cihanjuang is 703.35 Watt and the total efficiency is 59 %.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Dianofitra
Abstrak :
[Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara berkembang di Asia Tenggara dan belum seluruh daerahnya menikmati energi listrik. Sebagian besar daerah yang belum menikmati energi listrik tersebut berada pada daerah terpencil disebabkan oleh tidak adanya jaringan listrik dari pusat. Jaringan listrik dari pusat tidak tersedia karena pada daerah terpencil kebutuhan energi listrik sedikit sehingga harga listrik per kWh jadi lebih mahal. Indonesia memiliki karakteristik geografis pegunungan dan berbukit. Oleh karena itu, pembangkit listrik tenaga mikrohidro menjadi pilihan energi listrik pada daerah terpencil. Sebelumnya telah dilakukan perancangan turbin mikrohidro dengan head total setinggi 2 m, yaitu turbin air openflume dengan rasio hub-to-tip sebesar 0,4 dengan free vortex theory. Tulisan ini menampilkan verifikasi data hasil perancangan sebelumnya dengan metode numerik melalui simulasi CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). Modifikasi dilakukan pada rancangan turbin yang sebelumnya dengan merubah besar sudut sudu pada bagian masuk dan keluar. Simulasi CFD pada turbin openflume ini dilakukan menggunakan software ANSYS Fluent 15.0 dengan model turbulensi k- dan mendefinisikan model simulasi dengan turbo-topology. Tulisan ini membandingkan karakteristik performa dari turbin awal dan turbin modifikasi dengan melihat debit aliran, torsi, dan daya poros pada tiap RPM yang dihasilkan. Efisiensi turbin tertinggi dari turbin adalah 62.47% pada kecepatan putar 600 RPM dengan sudut sudu bagian masuk 72.3o dan bagian keluar 76.5o. ......Indonesia is one of developing country in South East Asia yet ironically parts of its region cannot derive the luxury of electricity. Most area without electricity yet is located in remote areas which is caused by the inexistence of electrical transmision from central. Electrical transmision from central is not avalailable because the needs of electricity in remote areas are minimum, so that the price of electricity are more expensive per kWh. Indonesia has major geographical characteristics with its mountains and highlands. Therefore, a power plant powered by microhydro plant has been chosen as electricity source in such place. Beforehand, micro-hydro turbine design has been carried out with total head 2 m, that is openflume propeller turbine with 0,4 hub-to-tip ratio with the free vortex theory. This writing represents the verification of designing results with numeric method accomplished by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation. Modification is applied on the previous turbine design with changing the blade angle on inlet and outlet. The simulation of CFD on this openflume turbine propeller was performed using ANSYS Fluent 15.0 software with k- turbulence model and defining the simulation model with turbo-topology. This writing compares the performance characteristics of the original turbine and the modified turbine with flow capacity, torsion and shaft power at each RPM produced. The highest turbine efficiency is 62.47% at 600 RPM with inlet blade angle 72.3o and outlet blade angle 76.5o;Indonesia is one of developing country in South East Asia yet ironically parts of its region cannot derive the luxury of electricity. Most area without electricity yet is located in remote areas which is caused by the inexistence of electrical transmision from central. Electrical transmision from central is not avalailable because the needs of electricity in remote areas are minimum, so that the price of electricity are more expensive per kWh. Indonesia has major geographical characteristics with its mountains and highlands. Therefore, a power plant powered by microhydro plant has been chosen as electricity source in such place. Beforehand, micro-hydro turbine design has been carried out with total head 2 m, that is openflume propeller turbine with 0,4 hub-to-tip ratio with the free vortex theory. This writing represents the verification of designing results with numeric method accomplished by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation. Modification is applied on the previous turbine design with changing the blade angle on inlet and outlet. The simulation of CFD on this openflume turbine propeller was performed using ANSYS Fluent 15.0 software with k- turbulence model and defining the simulation model with turbo-topology. This writing compares the performance characteristics of the original turbine and the modified turbine with flow capacity, torsion and shaft power at each RPM produced. The highest turbine efficiency is 62.47% at 600 RPM with inlet blade angle 72.3o and outlet blade angle 76.5o;Indonesia is one of developing country in South East Asia yet ironically parts of its region cannot derive the luxury of electricity. Most area without electricity yet is located in remote areas which is caused by the inexistence of electrical transmision from central. Electrical transmision from central is not avalailable because the needs of electricity in remote areas are minimum, so that the price of electricity are more expensive per kWh. Indonesia has major geographical characteristics with its mountains and highlands. Therefore, a power plant powered by microhydro plant has been chosen as electricity source in such place. Beforehand, micro-hydro turbine design has been carried out with total head 2 m, that is openflume propeller turbine with 0,4 hub-to-tip ratio with the free vortex theory. This writing represents the verification of designing results with numeric method accomplished by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation. Modification is applied on the previous turbine design with changing the blade angle on inlet and outlet. The simulation of CFD on this openflume turbine propeller was performed using ANSYS Fluent 15.0 software with k- turbulence model and defining the simulation model with turbo-topology. This writing compares the performance characteristics of the original turbine and the modified turbine with flow capacity, torsion and shaft power at each RPM produced. The highest turbine efficiency is 62.47% at 600 RPM with inlet blade angle 72.3o and outlet blade angle 76.5o., Indonesia is one of developing country in South East Asia yet ironically parts of its region cannot derive the luxury of electricity. Most area without electricity yet is located in remote areas which is caused by the inexistence of electrical transmision from central. Electrical transmision from central is not avalailable because the needs of electricity in remote areas are minimum, so that the price of electricity are more expensive per kWh. Indonesia has major geographical characteristics with its mountains and highlands. Therefore, a power plant powered by microhydro plant has been chosen as electricity source in such place. Beforehand, micro-hydro turbine design has been carried out with total head 2 m, that is openflume propeller turbine with 0,4 hub-to-tip ratio with the free vortex theory. This writing represents the verification of designing results with numeric method accomplished by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation. Modification is applied on the previous turbine design with changing the blade angle on inlet and outlet. The simulation of CFD on this openflume turbine propeller was performed using ANSYS Fluent 15.0 software with k- turbulence model and defining the simulation model with turbo-topology. This writing compares the performance characteristics of the original turbine and the modified turbine with flow capacity, torsion and shaft power at each RPM produced. The highest turbine efficiency is 62.47% at 600 RPM with inlet blade angle 72.3o and outlet blade angle 76.5o]
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Arif Fadilah
Abstrak :
Negara Indonesia memiliki beberapa penduduk yang telah berpencar dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil menempati daerah yang jauh dari perkotaan atau daerah terpencil. Daerah terpencil di Indonesia pada umumnya berpenduduk ratarata 600 keluarga. Mereka seringkali belum mendapatkan energi listrik seperti yang didistribusikan pada daerah perkotaan. Penyebabnya adalah mahalnya pembangunan jaringan listrik karena faktor jarak dan kondisi geografis Indonesia yang memiliki banyak pegunungan. Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan, namun ia juga memiliki karakteristik geografis pegunungan dan perbukitan, sehingga memiliki banyak sumber daya energi yang dapat dimanfaatkan dari tinggi jatuh air. Oleh karena itu, pembangkit tenaga listrik turbin air pikohidro (< 5 kW) menjadi pilihan untuk daerah - daerah terpencil. Pada sebuah sistem pembangkit listrik tenaga pikohidro, efisiensi merupakan parameter yang penting. Semakin tinggi efisiensi, semakin banyak energi yang dapat dimanfaatkan dari sumber daya air tersebut agar dapat menyerap secara maksimum daya air yang mengalir. Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, elemen yang paling berpengaruh adalah sudu dari turbin tersebut. Sudut kemiringan dari sudu turbin air harus disesuaikan dengan tinggi jatuh dan debit aliran dari sumber daya air tersebut. Selain itu, tinggi jatuh dan debit aliran air juga menentukan jenis turbin pikohidro yang dapat dioperasikan. Dipilih jenis turbin air openflume yang memiliki efisiensi yang tinggi pada kondisi tinggi jatuh dan debit aliran 1-5 m dan 0.01 ? 0.1 m3/s. Oleh karena itu, dapat dioperasikan lebih mudah dan cocok dengan karakterisik aliran air di Indonesia. Makalah ini akan membahas sebuah rancangan sudu turbin openflume dengan metode numerik. Turbin yang telah dirancang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik aliran air Danau Salam UI, Depok, Jawa Barat yaitu dengan tinggi jatuh sebesar 2.7 m dan debit aliran sebesar 0.041 m3/s. Perancangan sudu turbin tersebut dilakukan secara komputasi dan diperoleh efisiensi total sebesar 81% menggunakan CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic). ......Indonesia has some population spread out in small groups. Those small groups are occupying the regions that is far from the cities as known as remote areas. The remote areas in Indonesia are mostly not receiving any electricity from the cities. If it were to build a electicity transmission the cost will be too high because of the distance and the mountains. Even though this country is an island country, it has a lot of mountains and hills so it has a lot of energy resource from water height drop. Because of that, electricity for the rural regions can use a hydro power plant. In a picohydro power plant system, efficiency overall is one of the important parameter. More efficiency overall it has, more energy it can gained from the water energy resource. To increase efficiency, one of important factor is the turbine blade. The angle of the blade has to be designed corresponding to the head and flow of the water resource. The type of the turbine is also to be determined corresponding to the head and flow of the water resource too. Openflume turbine has a low head and flow characteristics (5 m and 0.01 ? 0.1 m3/s), so it can be operated easily and suitable for some water resource characteristics in Indonesia. This essay will discuss about designing an openflume turbine blade numerically. The turbine blade is to be designed corresponding to the head and flow of Salam UI lake, Depok, West Java (2.7 m and 0.041 m3/s). The turbine blade design has an overall efficiency of 81% using Computational Fluid Dynamic.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library