Dicky Fakhri
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Pada anak dengan penyakit jantung bawaan (PJB) yang
menjalani operasi jantung terbuka, sepsis merupakan salah satu komplikasi
pascaoperasi. Lama prosedur pintas jantung paru, usia, status gizi, timektomi, dan
variasi genetik, seperti polimorfisme toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 dan tollinteracting
protein (TOLLIP) dapat memengaruhi respons imun. Informasi
mengenai peran faktor tersebut terhadap kejadian sepsis dan respons imun
pascaoperasi jantung terbuka masih terbatas.
Tujuan: Mengetahui peran polimorfisme TLR2, TOLLIP, dan faktor lainnya
terhadap kejadian sepsis dan respons imun pascaoperasi jantung terbuka untuk
memperoleh strategi paling tepat dalam penanganan kasus bedah jantung pada
Metodologi: Studi longitudinal dengan non-probability consecutive sampling
dilakukan pada anak <1 tahun yang menjalani operasi jantung terbuka.
Pemeriksaan polimorfisme TLR2 Arg677Trp, TLR2 N199N, TOLLIP rs5743867,
sel CD4 dan CD8 yang menyekresikan IFN-γ intraselular, sel Dendritik yang
mengekspresikan TLR2, dan sel NK. Pasien menjalani operasi jantung terbuka.
Setelah operasi, pasien dimonitor untuk menilai sepsis dan respons imun
Hasil: Dari 108 subjek yang terlibat, 21,3% diantaranya mengalami sepsis.
Seluruh subjek adalah mutan TLR2 Arg677Trp, 92,6% pasien adalah mutan TLR2
N199N, dan 52,8% pasien adalah mutan TOLLIP rs5743867. Polimorfisme TLR2
N199N dan timektomi total tidak diikutkan dalam model analisis multivariat.
Polimorfisme TOLLIP rs5743867 (p = 0,358) menurunkan resiko sepsis, lama
prosedur pintas jantung paru ≥90 menit (p = 0,002), usia neonatus (p = 0,032), dan
gizi buruk (p = 0,558) meningkatkan risiko sepsis pascaoperasi. Jumlah respons
imun bervariasi antara kategori, namun secara umum komponen respons imun
lebih rendah pada pasien yang mengalami sepsis dibanding pada pasien yang tidak
mengalami sepsis.
Simpulan: Lama prosedur pintas jantung paru dan usia neonatus secara signifikan
memengaruhi risiko dan kecepatan sepsis pascaoperasi. Peran polimorfisme TLR2
N199N dan TOLLIP rs5743867 terhadap kejadian sepsis dan respons imun
pascaoperasi memerlukan studi komprehensif lebih lanjut.
Background: Sepsis is one of the complications in children with congenital heart
defect who underwent open heart surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time,
age, nutritional status, thymectomy, and genetic variants, such as toll-like receptor
(TLR) 2 and toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) polymorphism affect immune
response. Information regarding those factors in the development of sepsis and
immune response after open heart surgery is still limited.
Objectives: To understand the role of TLR 2 and TOLLIP polymorphism, as well
as other risk factors, in the development of sepsis and immune response following
open heart surgery to develop the best strategy in open heart surgery in children.
Methods: Longitudinal study with consecutive sampling were done in children <1
year old who underwent open heart surgery. Blood sample was obtained to check
for TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism, TLR2 N199N polymorphism, TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism, the numbers of intracellular interferon γ CD4 and CD8,
TLR2 expression in Dendritic cells, and NK cells. Patient then underwent open
heart surgery. Thymectomy was done as indicated and CPB time was recorded.
After surgery, patient was monitored for signs of sepsis and immune response was
Results: Out of 108 patients involved in this study, 21.3% developed
postoperative sepsis. TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism was found in all patients,
TLR2 N199N polymorphism was found in 92.6% of the patients, and TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism was found in 52.8% of the patients. TLR2 N199N
polymorphism and thymectomy were not included in multivariate analysis.
TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism (p = 0.358) reduced the risk of sepsis, CPB
time ≥90 menit (p = 0.002), neonates (p = 0.032), and severe malnutrition (p =
0.558) increased the risk of postoperative sepsis. Immune response?s counts vary
in each category, but were generally lower in patients who developed
postoperative sepsis.
Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary bypass time and neonates significantly influenced
the risk and hazard of postoperative sepsis. Further investigation on the role of
TLR2 N199N and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism are necessary to provide
more comprehensive explanation on the development of postoperative sepsis and
the immune response after open heart surgery;Background: Sepsis is one of the complications in children with congenital heart
defect who underwent open heart surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time,
age, nutritional status, thymectomy, and genetic variants, such as toll-like receptor
(TLR) 2 and toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) polymorphism affect immune
response. Information regarding those factors in the development of sepsis and
immune response after open heart surgery is still limited.
Objectives: To understand the role of TLR 2 and TOLLIP polymorphism, as well
as other risk factors, in the development of sepsis and immune response following
open heart surgery to develop the best strategy in open heart surgery in children.
Methods: Longitudinal study with consecutive sampling were done in children <1
year old who underwent open heart surgery. Blood sample was obtained to check
for TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism, TLR2 N199N polymorphism, TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism, the numbers of intracellular interferon γ CD4 and CD8,
TLR2 expression in Dendritic cells, and NK cells. Patient then underwent open
heart surgery. Thymectomy was done as indicated and CPB time was recorded.
After surgery, patient was monitored for signs of sepsis and immune response was
Results: Out of 108 patients involved in this study, 21.3% developed
postoperative sepsis. TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism was found in all patients,
TLR2 N199N polymorphism was found in 92.6% of the patients, and TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism was found in 52.8% of the patients. TLR2 N199N
polymorphism and thymectomy were not included in multivariate analysis.
TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism (p = 0.358) reduced the risk of sepsis, CPB
time ≥90 menit (p = 0.002), neonates (p = 0.032), and severe malnutrition (p =
0.558) increased the risk of postoperative sepsis. Immune response?s counts vary
in each category, but were generally lower in patients who developed
postoperative sepsis.
Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary bypass time and neonates significantly influenced
the risk and hazard of postoperative sepsis. Further investigation on the role of
TLR2 N199N and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism are necessary to provide
more comprehensive explanation on the development of postoperative sepsis and
the immune response after open heart surgery;Background: Sepsis is one of the complications in children with congenital heart
defect who underwent open heart surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time,
age, nutritional status, thymectomy, and genetic variants, such as toll-like receptor
(TLR) 2 and toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) polymorphism affect immune
response. Information regarding those factors in the development of sepsis and
immune response after open heart surgery is still limited.
Objectives: To understand the role of TLR 2 and TOLLIP polymorphism, as well
as other risk factors, in the development of sepsis and immune response following
open heart surgery to develop the best strategy in open heart surgery in children.
Methods: Longitudinal study with consecutive sampling were done in children <1
year old who underwent open heart surgery. Blood sample was obtained to check
for TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism, TLR2 N199N polymorphism, TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism, the numbers of intracellular interferon γ CD4 and CD8,
TLR2 expression in Dendritic cells, and NK cells. Patient then underwent open
heart surgery. Thymectomy was done as indicated and CPB time was recorded.
After surgery, patient was monitored for signs of sepsis and immune response was
Results: Out of 108 patients involved in this study, 21.3% developed
postoperative sepsis. TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism was found in all patients,
TLR2 N199N polymorphism was found in 92.6% of the patients, and TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism was found in 52.8% of the patients. TLR2 N199N
polymorphism and thymectomy were not included in multivariate analysis.
TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism (p = 0.358) reduced the risk of sepsis, CPB
time ≥90 menit (p = 0.002), neonates (p = 0.032), and severe malnutrition (p =
0.558) increased the risk of postoperative sepsis. Immune response?s counts vary
in each category, but were generally lower in patients who developed
postoperative sepsis.
Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary bypass time and neonates significantly influenced
the risk and hazard of postoperative sepsis. Further investigation on the role of
TLR2 N199N and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism are necessary to provide
more comprehensive explanation on the development of postoperative sepsis and
the immune response after open heart surgery;Background: Sepsis is one of the complications in children with congenital heart
defect who underwent open heart surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time,
age, nutritional status, thymectomy, and genetic variants, such as toll-like receptor
(TLR) 2 and toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) polymorphism affect immune
response. Information regarding those factors in the development of sepsis and
immune response after open heart surgery is still limited.
Objectives: To understand the role of TLR 2 and TOLLIP polymorphism, as well
as other risk factors, in the development of sepsis and immune response following
open heart surgery to develop the best strategy in open heart surgery in children.
Methods: Longitudinal study with consecutive sampling were done in children <1
year old who underwent open heart surgery. Blood sample was obtained to check
for TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism, TLR2 N199N polymorphism, TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism, the numbers of intracellular interferon γ CD4 and CD8,
TLR2 expression in Dendritic cells, and NK cells. Patient then underwent open
heart surgery. Thymectomy was done as indicated and CPB time was recorded.
After surgery, patient was monitored for signs of sepsis and immune response was
Results: Out of 108 patients involved in this study, 21.3% developed
postoperative sepsis. TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism was found in all patients,
TLR2 N199N polymorphism was found in 92.6% of the patients, and TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism was found in 52.8% of the patients. TLR2 N199N
polymorphism and thymectomy were not included in multivariate analysis.
TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism (p = 0.358) reduced the risk of sepsis, CPB
time ≥90 menit (p = 0.002), neonates (p = 0.032), and severe malnutrition (p =
0.558) increased the risk of postoperative sepsis. Immune response?s counts vary
in each category, but were generally lower in patients who developed
postoperative sepsis.
Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary bypass time and neonates significantly influenced
the risk and hazard of postoperative sepsis. Further investigation on the role of
TLR2 N199N and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism are necessary to provide
more comprehensive explanation on the development of postoperative sepsis and
the immune response after open heart surgery, Background: Sepsis is one of the complications in children with congenital heart
defect who underwent open heart surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time,
age, nutritional status, thymectomy, and genetic variants, such as toll-like receptor
(TLR) 2 and toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) polymorphism affect immune
response. Information regarding those factors in the development of sepsis and
immune response after open heart surgery is still limited.
Objectives: To understand the role of TLR 2 and TOLLIP polymorphism, as well
as other risk factors, in the development of sepsis and immune response following
open heart surgery to develop the best strategy in open heart surgery in children.
Methods: Longitudinal study with consecutive sampling were done in children <1
year old who underwent open heart surgery. Blood sample was obtained to check
for TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism, TLR2 N199N polymorphism, TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism, the numbers of intracellular interferon γ CD4 and CD8,
TLR2 expression in Dendritic cells, and NK cells. Patient then underwent open
heart surgery. Thymectomy was done as indicated and CPB time was recorded.
After surgery, patient was monitored for signs of sepsis and immune response was
Results: Out of 108 patients involved in this study, 21.3% developed
postoperative sepsis. TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism was found in all patients,
TLR2 N199N polymorphism was found in 92.6% of the patients, and TOLLIP
rs5743867 polymorphism was found in 52.8% of the patients. TLR2 N199N
polymorphism and thymectomy were not included in multivariate analysis.
TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism (p = 0.358) reduced the risk of sepsis, CPB
time ≥90 menit (p = 0.002), neonates (p = 0.032), and severe malnutrition (p =
0.558) increased the risk of postoperative sepsis. Immune response’s counts vary
in each category, but were generally lower in patients who developed
postoperative sepsis.
Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary bypass time and neonates significantly influenced
the risk and hazard of postoperative sepsis. Further investigation on the role of
TLR2 N199N and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism are necessary to provide
more comprehensive explanation on the development of postoperative sepsis and
the immune response after open heart surgery]
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