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Ais Nurbiyah Al-jum`ah
Abstrak :
Bissu dalam masyarakat Bugis tidak hanya dipandang sebatas identitas gendernya yang androgini. Masyarakat Bugis sangat menghormati dan memuliakan bissu karena posisi dan perannya. Pada masa pemberontakan Kahar Muzakkar, posisi bissu perlahan luntur dan terus mengalami perubahan hingga masa Reformasi. Tesis ini membahas transformasi bissu dalam novel Tiba Sebelum Berangkat (2018) karya Faisal Oddang melalui konsep objektifikasi dari Strelan & Hargreaves (2005), dan konsep gender dari Butler (1990). Penelitian ini berupaya membongkar transformasi bissu, yang dikenal sebagai manusia yang suci dan sakral. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa bissu dalam novel Tiba Sebelum Berangkat (2018) mengalami transfomasi dari bissu yang suci dan sakral yang ditunjukkan melalui tokoh Puang Matua Sakka menjadi bissu yang menggugurkan kesakralan dan kesuciannya melalui tokoh Rusmini dan Mapata. Selain itu, transformasi bissu juga ditunjukkan melalui identitas gender para tokoh bissu. Bissu dalam tatanan gender masyarakat Bugis merupakan androgini, dan aseksual namun dalam novel Tiba Sebelum Berangkat (2018), tokoh bissu diperlihatkan mengalami perubahan identitas gender dari androgini menjadi homoseksual. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan, bahwa novel Tiba Sebelum Berangkat (2018) selain menunjukkan tranformasi bissu, dalam hal ini, bissu yang dulunya merupakan manusia sakral, dianggap sebagai perwakilan Dewata menjadi sosok yang tidak ada bedanya dengan manusia biasa yang memiliki naluri, gejolak perasaan, dan hasrat seksual. juga memperlihatkan kritik atas objektifikasi yang diterima bissu pada masa Kahar Muzakkar, Orde Baru, dan Reformasi. ...... Bissu in the Buginese community is not only a matter of gender identity who is androgyny. The Buginese community put a high attention to respect and glorify the bissu with respect to his position and role. In the years of rebellion by Kahar Muzakkar, the position of bissu slowly faded away and it continued to change until the era of Reformasi. This thesis looks at the transformation of bissu in the novel of Tiba Sebelum Berangkat (2018) which was written by Faisal Oddang by applying the concept of objectification by Strelan & Hargreaves (2005) and the gender concept by Butler (1990). This study attempts to dismantle the transformation of bissu who is well-known as holy and sacred. The analysis result shows that bissu in the novel of Tiba Sebelum Berangkat (2018) experiences the transformation from bissu who is holy and sacred shown by the figure of Puang Matua Sakka who releases is purity and sanctity through the figure of Rusmini dan Mapata. In addition, the transformation of bissu is also shown by the gender identity of bissu figures. With respect to the gender category in Bugis community, bissu is androgyny and asexual. However, in Tiba Sebelum Berangkat (2018), bissu figures are shown to experience the change of gender identity from androgyny to homosexual. Therefore, it can be concluded, that Tiba Sebelum Berangkat (2018) describes the transformation of the bissu, in this case, bissu who is considered the representation of Dewata is a figure who has no difference from the ordinary human being who possesses instinct, feeling, and sexual orientation, as well as displays criticism to the objectification by Kahar Muzakkar and government.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadya Nariswari Nayadheyu
Abstrak :

Tesis ini membahas objektifikasi dan normalisasi tubuh perempuan yang terjadi pada media sosial, khususnya akun Instagram @dramaojol.id. Akun ini tidak hanya dimanfaatkan untuk pembagian informasi terkait dengan transportasi online, namun juga sebagai tempat hiburan dimana tubuh perempuan seringkali diobjektifikasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma kritis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teori objektifikasi Fredickson & Roberts dan teori kekuasaan Foucault digunakan untuk melihat objektifikasi dan normalisasi tersebut. Data dianalisis melalui semiotika sosial Theo van Leeuwen melalui 3 tahap, yakni metafungsi representasi, interaksi, dan komposisi. Hasil yang ditemukan adalah pada metafungsi representasi, perempuan selalu ditempatkan sebagai tujuan (goal), metafungsi interaksi menunjukkan bahwa perempuan ditampilkan kepada khalayak sebagai penawaran (offer), dan metafungsi komposisi perempuan selalu ditempatkan ditengah sebagai fokus utama. Objektifikasi yang sering ditemukan pada akun ini adalah fungibility, penyamaan tubuh dengan obyek lain. Normalisasi dilakukan melalui wacana humor dengan karakteristik oposisi seksual dan non-seksual serta penggunaan teks maskulin melalui naming and androcentrism, double entendres, dan euphemism and taboo.


The focus of this study is objectification and normalization of woman's body that happen in social media, particularly @dramaojol.id's Instagram account. This account is not only used as a place to share information regarding to online transportation, but also as a place for recreation where women's body is often objectified. This research is a qualitative research using critical paradigm. Fredickson & Roberts' objectification theory and Foucault's power theory is used to explain the process of objectification and normalization. The data is analysed by using Theo van Leeuwen's social semiotics through 3 steps of analysis, namely metafunction of representation, interaction and composition. The findings are, at the level of representation woman is always placed as a goal. At the level of interaction, woman is presented as an offer to the followers and at composition woman's body is always placed as a focus to be objectified. It is also found that objectification that often happen in @dramaojol.id Instagram account is fungibility, treating the person as interchangeable with objects. Furthermore, normalization is done through humor with characteristics of sexual and non-sexual opposition whereas masculinity is portrayed by naming and androcentrism, double entendres and euphemism and taboo.

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deny Gunawan Susandi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berfokus pada negosiasi yang dilakukan oleh tokoh-tokoh dalam dua novel karya Asma Nadia yang berjudul Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan (2014) dan Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2 (2016). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dalil-dalil agama bekerja dan mempengaruhi seseorang dalam mengambil tindakan terhadap sebuah praktik poligami, serta membentuk relasi antara lakilaki dan perempuan. Kaidah-Kaidah Perkawinan Dalam Islam, Konsep Gender dan Pembagian Peran, Objektifikasi Perempuan, serta Konsep Relasi Kuasa digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa praktik perlawanan terhadap sebuah praktik poligami tidak bisa dilakukan secara langsung bagi mereka yang hidup di tengah lingkaran dalil-dalil agama. Dalil-dalil agama, yang disebarkan tanpa pengkajian ulang, membentuk hierarki dalam relasi suami-istri dan mengakibatkan seorang istri sulit untuk bernegosiasi terhadap praktik poligami yang terjadi karena dalil-dalil yang diterimanya. ......This study focuses on the negotiations carried out by the characters in Asma Nadia's two novels, entitled Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan (2014) and Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan 2 (2016). This study aims to understand the arguments of religion at work and influence a person in taking action against a practice of polygamy, as well as forming relationships between men and women. The rules of marriage in Islam, the concept of gender and the division of roles, the objectification of women, and the concept of power relations are used in this study. In this study, it was found that the practice of resistance to a polygamous practice could not be carried out directly for those who live in the middle of a circle of religious arguments. Religious arguments, which are propagated without review, form a hierarchy in husband-wife relations and make it difficult for a wife to negotiate the practice of polygamy that occurs because of the arguments she receives.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Permatasari
Abstrak :
Pada tahun 2022, Karoline Herfurth sebagai produser dan aktris asal Jerman merilis sebuah film bertemakan feminisme sebagai bentuk kekhawatiran atas permasalahan perempuan yang masih terjadi di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Salah satu permasalahan perempuan yang sering dijumpai adalah konstruksi kecantikan. Dengan menggunakan teori film Graeme Turner dan teori objectified body conciousness scale milik McKinley & Hyde, penelitian ini akan membahas bagaimana film Wunderschön merepresentasikan persepsi negatif perempuan Jerman mengenai tubuhnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguraikan hasil analisis mengenai persepsi negatif perempuan Jerman mengenai tubuhnya di dalam film Wunderschön. Hasilnya menunjukkan beberapa perilaku yang menunjukkan objektifikasi diri sebagai salah satu akibat yang ditimbulkan dari persepsi negatif, yaitu mengamati tokoh idola dan membandingkan diri sendiri di depan cermin, memakai riasan, melakukan operasi plastik, merokok, mengonsumsi narkotika, dan berolahraga secara keras tanpa memikirkan kondisi tubuh. Kesimpulannya adalah konstruksi kecantikan ideal membuat sebagian besar perempuan lupa bahwa tubuh mereka berharga dan kesehatan mereka lebih penting daripada penampilan. Penulis berharap penelitian mengenai subjektivitas dan perlawanan terhadap objektifikasi diri ini dapat ditelusuri lebih lanjut dan tidak hanya itu, masih banyak permasalahan perempuan di dalam film Wunderschön yang harus diteliti. ......In 2022, Karoline Herfurth as a producer and actress from Germany released a film with the theme of feminism as a form of concern about women's problems that still occur in everyday life. One of the problems women often encounter is the construction of beauty. By using Graeme Turner's film theory and McKinley & Hyde's objectified body conciousness scale theory, this research will discuss how the film Wunderschön represents German women's negative perceptions of their bodies. The aim of this research is to describe the results regarding the analysis of negative perceptions of German women regarding their bodies in the film Wunderschön. The results show several behaviors that indicate self-objectification as one of the consequences of negative perceptions, namely observing idol figures and comparing oneself in the mirror, wearing make-up, having plastic surgery, smoking, consuming narcotics, and exercising vigorously without considering body condition. The conclusion is that the construction of ideal beauty makes most women forget that their bodies are valuable and their health is more important than appearance. The author hopes that this research on subjectivity and rejection of self-objectification can be explained further and not only that, there are still many women's problems in the Wunderschön film that need to be researched.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Hanif Perdana Puteranda
Abstrak :
Dalam platform media digital, khususnya Twitter, terdapat konten revenge porn. Pada media sosial Twitter terdapat banyak akun yang menyediakan layanan berupa kumpulan konten revenge porn yang dikomodifikasikan dengan sistem membership. Konten revenge porn dapat menjadi sebuah komoditas karena masyarakat masih terbiasa dengan objektifikasi perempuan di dalam dunia maya. Komodifikasi merupakan pemahaman bahwa segala hal yang mereduksi nilai kemanusiaan menjadi nilai ekonomis dan kemudian membuat berbagai perbedaan menjadi sama yang seharusnya menjadi karakteristik kehidupan sehari-hari. Dari proses komodifikasi tersebut terdapat beberapa pihak yang mendapatkan social capital. Penulisan jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa proses objektifikasi perempuan menjadi penyebab komodifikasi dari konten revenge porn dan juga bagaimana komodifikasi berpengaruh terhadap social capital dari pihak yang terkait dengan konten tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis komparatif yang membandingkan beberapa penelitian yang membahas topik serupa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perempuan dianggap sebagai objek yang memiliki nilai untuk diperjualbelikan lalu beberapa pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab melakukan komodifikasi lalu social capital, sang pelaku dan korban dalam revenge porn mengalami perbedaan perubahan kapital-nya dan bersifat berat sebelah atau dalam kata lain hanya bersifat positif bagi laki-laki saja. ......Revenge porn has grown prevalent on Twitter. Realising the potential of a digital market, an exclusive band of users have found ways to collect and distribute ‘exclusive’ revenge porn, and eventually established a paid membership system for such content. A commodity of sorts. One in which women are objectified. This journal critically analyzes how women are commodified as revenge porn content, as well as how commodification affects the dynamics of social capital for those involved in the process of revenge porn distribution. This journal uses a comparative analysis of secondary sources that discuss similar topics, as well as an interview with past revenge porn victims. The research results confirm the perception that women are valuable ‘objects’, allowing them to be exploited and commodified, including in the form of digital images. As a further result, this perception tips social capital in favor of men.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niken Kumalasari
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini digunakan untuk melihat pengaruh dari pengalaman pelecehan seksual di tempat umum, coping respon yang digunakan, dan peran gender terhadap objektifikasi diri pada perempuan. Pengukuran pengalaman pelecehan seksual di tempat umum dilakukan dengan menggunakan modifikasi alat ukur Sexual Experiences Questionnaire (SEQ) (Fitzgerald et al, 1995) oleh Fairchild dan Rudman (2008), coping respon dengan alat ukur Coping with Harassment Questionnaire (CHQ) (Fitzgerald, Hulim, & Drasgow,1994) yang dimodifikasi oleh Fairchild dan Rudman (2008), peran gender diukur dengan Atittudes toward Women Scale (Spence dan Helmreich, 1972) dan objektifikasi diri diukur dengan modifikasi alat Objectified Body Consciousness Scale (OBCS) (McKinley & Hyde, 1996) oleh Fairchild dan Rudman (2008). Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 140 perempuan dewasa muda yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Jabodetabek. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak adanya pengaruh dari pengalaman pelecehan seksual di tempat umum terhadap objektifikasi diri. Namun terdapat pengaruh dari coping respon yang digunakan terhadap objektifikasi diri. Coping respon self blame atau menyalahkan diri sendiri memberikan sumbangan paling besar dibandingkan jenis coping yang lain. Selain itu terdapat juga pengaruh dari peran gender terhadap objektifikasi diri. ......This study aims to find effect of experiencing public harassment, coping response, and gender role toward self objectification among adult women. Experiences of public harassment was measure using a modification instrument Sexual Experiences Questionnaire (SEQ) (Fitzgerald et al, 1995) by Fairchild and Rudman (2008), coping response using modification Coping with Harassment Questionnaire (CHQ) (Fitzgerald, Hulim, & Drasgow,1994) by Fairchild and Rudman (2008), gender role using instrument Atittudes toward Women Scale (Spence dan Helmreich, 1972) and self objectification using modification of Objectified Body Consciousness Scale (OBCS) (McKinley & Hyde, 1996) by Fairchild and Rudman (2008). Participants of this study are 140 adult women who lives in Jabodetabek. The result shows that there is no significant effect of experiencing public harassment toward self objectification. However there is significant effect from coping response toward self objectification. In addition coping response self blame give huge contribution than others coping. The result also shows there is significant effect from gender role toward self objectification.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arsendi Kasenda
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bentuk representasi perempuan kolom “Nah, Ini Dia!” pada Harian Pos Kota dengan menganalisis tanda yang terdapat dalam kolom berita tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis isi untuk mengkategorisasikan dan mengkaji dikotomi konotasi, denotasi, dan juga mitos semiotika Roland Barthes. Analisis Roland Barthes diaplikasikan untuk mengkaji tanda-tanda dari setiap kalimat dan kata yang terdapat pada kolom “Nah, Ini Dia!”. Adapun hasil penelitian ini peneliti memperoleh 122 makna konotasi dan denotasi sebagai salah satu proses representasi. Hasil 122 makna konotasi dan denotasi yang diperoleh dikategorisasikan menjadi tiga pembahasan utama yaitu penggambaran tubuh perempuan, penggambaran perempuan sebagai objek seksual laki-laki, dan penggambaran penindasan perempuan Selain itu peneliti juga memperoleh mitos representasi patriarki dalam bentuk objektifikasi tubuh perempuan secara seksual pada media massa dalam kolom “Nah, Ini Dia!”. ...... The objective of this research is to find out the form of woman representation on Pos Kota’s “Nah, Ini Dia!” news section by analyzing the sign on its section. This research used content analysis method to categorize and analyze the dichotomy of connotation, denotation, as well as Roland Barthes’ semiotic myth. Roland Barthes’ analysis were used to analyze every signs in every sentence and word on “Nah, Ini Dia!” news section. Regarding the research, researcher found 122 connotations and denotations meaning as part of the representation process. Those 122 findings were categorized into three main discussions, such as portrayal of women’s body, portrayal of women as men’s sexual object, and portrayal of women’s suppression. Furthermore, researcher also acquired myth on this research which is about representation of patriarchy media in a form of sexual objectification over women on mass media, on “Nah, Ini Dia!” news section. In patriarchal culture myth, researcher understands that on “Nah, Ini Dia!” news section, there are patriarchal practices such as sexual objectification, exploitation, gender inequality, discrimination, and sexual harassment towards women. On feminist perspective, patriarchy provides an easy way to women’s harassment. Patriarchal practices on Pos Kota Daily News reflected by their news content which bias and discriminative by making women as a sexual object on “Nah, Ini Dia!” news section.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putu Pande Sulistyas Agustina
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat objektifikasi yang terjadi pada perempuan penari dalam praktik budaya seni tari Joged Bumbung. Metode yang digunakan adalah etnografi feminis, yang bertujuan untuk melihat operasi gender dan distribusi kekuasaan yang terjadi di dalam masyarakat dan budaya di dalamnya. Ditemukan bahwa perempuan penari dalam kasus ini, terobjektifikasi secara seksual karena adanya sistem budaya patriarki, dan diperparah karena mekanisme pasar kapitalis. Temuan ini kemudian dilihat menggunakan perspektif feminis radikal sebagai teori utama dalam menjelaskan fenomena yang ditemukan dan perspektif feminis sosialis sebagai teori pendukungnya ABSTRACT
The purpose of this research is to see the objectification of woman dancer in the traditional dance, Joged Bumbung. The method used in this research was feminist ethnographic that was used to see the gender operation and the distribution of power happened in the society and the culture within. It was that women dancer in this case, was objectified sexually because of the patriacrchy system, and worsen by the capitalistic market. This findings was analyzed using the radical feminist perspective as the main theory and socialist feminist perspective as the supporting theory.;The purpose of this research is to see the objectification of woman dancer in the traditional dance, Joged Bumbung. The method used in this research was feminist ethnographic that was used to see the gender operation and the distribution of power happened in the society and the culture within. It was that women dancer in this case, was objectified sexually because of the patriacrchy system, and worsen by the capitalistic market. This findings was analyzed using the radical feminist perspective as the main theory and socialist feminist perspective as the supporting theory.;The purpose of this research is to see the objectification of woman dancer in the traditional dance, Joged Bumbung. The method used in this research was feminist ethnographic that was used to see the gender operation and the distribution of power happened in the society and the culture within. It was that women dancer in this case, was objectified sexually because of the patriacrchy system, and worsen by the capitalistic market. This findings was analyzed using the radical feminist perspective as the main theory and socialist feminist perspective as the supporting theory.;The purpose of this research is to see the objectification of woman dancer in the traditional dance, Joged Bumbung. The method used in this research was feminist ethnographic that was used to see the gender operation and the distribution of power happened in the society and the culture within. It was that women dancer in this case, was objectified sexually because of the patriacrchy system, and worsen by the capitalistic market. This findings was analyzed using the radical feminist perspective as the main theory and socialist feminist perspective as the supporting theory.;The purpose of this research is to see the objectification of woman dancer in the traditional dance, Joged Bumbung. The method used in this research was feminist ethnographic that was used to see the gender operation and the distribution of power happened in the society and the culture within. It was that women dancer in this case, was objectified sexually because of the patriacrchy system, and worsen by the capitalistic market. This findings was analyzed using the radical feminist perspective as the main theory and socialist feminist perspective as the supporting theory.;The purpose of this research is to see the objectification of woman dancer in the traditional dance, Joged Bumbung. The method used in this research was feminist ethnographic that was used to see the gender operation and the distribution of power happened in the society and the culture within. It was that women dancer in this case, was objectified sexually because of the patriacrchy system, and worsen by the capitalistic market. This findings was analyzed using the radical feminist perspective as the main theory and socialist feminist perspective as the supporting theory.;The purpose of this research is to see the objectification of woman dancer in the traditional dance, Joged Bumbung. The method used in this research was feminist ethnographic that was used to see the gender operation and the distribution of power happened in the society and the culture within. It was that women dancer in this case, was objectified sexually because of the patriacrchy system, and worsen by the capitalistic market. This findings was analyzed using the radical feminist perspective as the main theory and socialist feminist perspective as the supporting theory.;The purpose of this research is to see the objectification of woman dancer in the traditional dance, Joged Bumbung. The method used in this research was feminist ethnographic that was used to see the gender operation and the distribution of power happened in the society and the culture within. It was that women dancer in this case, was objectified sexually because of the patriacrchy system, and worsen by the capitalistic market. This findings was analyzed using the radical feminist perspective as the main theory and socialist feminist perspective as the supporting theory., The purpose of this research is to see the objectification of woman dancer in the traditional dance, Joged Bumbung. The method used in this research was feminist ethnographic that was used to see the gender operation and the distribution of power happened in the society and the culture within. It was that women dancer in this case, was objectified sexually because of the patriacrchy system, and worsen by the capitalistic market. This findings was analyzed using the radical feminist perspective as the main theory and socialist feminist perspective as the supporting theory.]
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Carina Putri Utami
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan, khususnya dalam bentuk pemerkosaan, merupakan masalah serius yang terjadi di Indonesia. Meskipun demikian, masih belum tercipta kondisi yang mendukung bagi korban karena adanya penerimaan mitos pemerkosaan. Studi ini dilakukan untuk menguji peranan seksisme ambivalen dan objektifikasi seksual terhadap perempuan dalam memprediksi penerimaan mitos pemerkosaan pada mahasiswa laki-laki di wilayah Jabodetabek. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa seksisme ambivalen ? = 0,412, t 2, 272 =8,118. ......Sexual violence against woman, particularly in the form of rape, is a serious problem that occurs in Indonesia. However, the condition for rape victim is still not supporting enough because of rape myth acceptance. This study is conducted to examine the role of ambivalent sexism and sexual objectification of women to predict rape myth acceptance among male college student in Jabodetabek region. The result shows that ambivalent sexism 0,412, t 2, 272 8,118.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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