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Anif Budiyanto
Abstrak :
Di dunia sebanyak 350-500 juta orang menderita malaria, dan lcbih dari 1 juta kematian teijadi setiap tahun, terutama di daerah tropis dan Ali-ika. Prcvalen malaria di Indonesia mencapai 2,85 %. Sebanyak 49,6 % penduduk Indonesia berisiko tertular malaria karena tinggal di daerah endemis malaria. Prevalensi malaria di Sumatem Selatan adalah 1,0l%. Kab.OKU merupakan salah satu kabupaten ende mis malaria di Sumatcra Selatan. AMI (Anuai Malaria Incidence) Kab. OKU tahun 2008 23,4%,,. Tujuan umum; mengetahui hubungan antara upaya mencegah gigitan nyamuk melalui pemakaian anti nyamuk clengan kejadian malaria di Puskesmas Pengandonan. Tujuan khusus: a. Mengetahui hubungan antara upaya mencegah gigitan nyamuk melalui pemakaian anti nyamuk dengan kejadian malaria.
b. Mengetahui dampak potensial antara pemakaian anti nyamulc dengan kejadian malaria di Kecamatnn Pengandcman Kab. OKU. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian epidemiologi observaslonal kasus-kontrol. Populasl target dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat Kab.OKU dl Kec. Pengandonan, sedangkan populasl aktual adalah masyarakat yang tinggal di Kec.Pengandonan yang ikut kegiatan MBS. Sampel adalah masyarakat yang mengikuti kegiatan survey MBS dan terpllih sebagai sarnpel studi. Pemakaian anti nyamuk, mempunyai pengaruh yang signitikan dengan tezjadinya malaria dengan OR=0,3l2 dan p=0,000 (95% CI 0,19-0,056). Yang berarti orang yang memakai anti nyamuk hanya berisiko untuk terltena malaria sebesar 0,312 kali dibanding yang tidak pakai anti nyamuk. Konstruksi rumah temyata mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian malaria dengan OR=7,88 dan p=0,000 (95% CI 4,74-l3,l2). Pengetahuan nesponden tentang malaria mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan kasus malaria dengan 0R=0,49 dan p=0,003 (95% CI Q31-0,78). Variabel ‘ada ternak’ di sekitar mmah (p=0,5l9) dan variabel ‘jarak tempat perindukan nyamuk potcnsial’ (p=0,l35) tidak signiiikan dcngan kejadian malaria”. Dari hasil analisis multivariate diketahui ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pemakaian anti nyamuk dengan kasus malatia di Kec.Pengandonan, OR=0,231 dan p = 0,0001 (95% CI 0,130-0,409). Interpnetasi adalah orang yang tidak memakai anti nyamuk akan berisilco untuk terkena malaria sebesar 4,3 kali dibanding dengan mereka yang memakai anti nyamuk sctelah dikontrol oleh variabel konstruksi. Dari hasil pcrhitungan dampak potensial diketahui, apabila dilakukan upaya kesehatan masyarakat dcngan pemakaian anti nyamuk memberikan dampak penunman kejadian malaria sebesar 53%. Kesimpulan. Pemakaian anti nyamuk sccara statistic mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan kasus malaria (Pv=0,000, CI 95%=0,l93-0,506), dimana mereka yang memakai anti nyamuk hanya akan terkena malaria sebesar 0,312 dibanding dengan mereka yang tidak memakai anti nyamuk. Intervensi kesehatan masyarakat berupa pemakaian anti nyamuk, akan memberikan dampak tethadap penurunan kasus malaria di masyarakat sebesar 53%. Saran: 1. Orang yang tinggal di rumah yang berisiko untuk kemasukan nyamuk terutama yang ventilasi rumahnya tidak mernakai kassa nyamuk, disarankan untuk memakai obat anti nyamuk berupa obat nyamuk semprot, yang membeiikan nilai OR terkecil yaitu 0,l6.
2. Peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat dengan upaya penyuluhan yang intensif agar pengetahuan masyarakat tentang penyakit malaria dapat lebih baik, sehingga mereka dapat secara sadar dengan kemauan sendiri mengupayakan berbagai kegiatan yang sifatnya tindakan pencegahan dari gigitau nyamuk.
3. Mengupayakan pembangunan mmah penduduk wrbuat dari tembok atau bahan lain yang dibuat serapat mungkin sehingga nyamuk tidak dapat masuk ke dalam mmah sehingga tidak terjadi kontak antala nyamuk dengan masyarakat.
The number of malaria cases in the world is 350 - 500 million and more than one million deaths occur every year, particularly in tropical area and Ah-ica. The prevalence of malaria in Indonesia is 2.85%. There are 49.6% Indonesian people which is risky to get infected with malaria because of living in an endemic malaria area- 'lhe prevalence of malaria in South Siunatera is 1.01 % and OKU District is the most endemic malaria area in South Sumatera with number of AMI (Annual Malaria Incidence) in 2008, of 23.4%. In general, the objective of study was to assess the relation between the use of anti-mosquito lotion and incidence of malaria at Pengandonan, and the specific objectives are : 1. To assess the relation between the use of anti-mosquito lotion and incidence of malaria
2. To assess potential impact of the use of anti- mosquito lotion and incidence of malaria at Pengandonan, OKU District. The study is an observational epidemiology in case control study design. The target population of the study was people of OKU District, while the actual population was people who live in Pengandonan and participated in MBS. The sample population was people who participated in MBS and recruited as sample study. The use of anti-mosquito lotion has significant influence with malaria incidence of OR=0,3l2 p=0,000 (95% Cl 0,19-0,056), which means people who use anti-mosquito lotion is only 0.312 times more risky to get infected with malaria compare to people who don’t. The house construction has significant relation with malaria incidence of OR=7,88 p=0,000 (95% CI 4,74-l3,l2). The knowledge of respondent about malaria has significant relation with malaria incidence of 0R=0,49 dan p=0,003 (95% CI 0,31-0,78). Variable of “have cattle around house” (p= 0.5l9) and variable of “distance of mosquito breeding" (p=0.l 35) has no significant relation with malaria incidence. Multivariate analysis found significant relationship between the use of anti- mosquito lotion and incidence of malaria at Pengandonan, of OR=0,23l p = 0,0001 (95% CI 0,130-0,409), which is interpreted as people who don’t use anti-mosquito lotion will be 4.3 times more risky to get infected with malaria compare to those who use the anti-mosquito lotion controlled by variable of construction. The use of anti-mosquito lotion will give potential impact in decreasing malaria incidence as of 53%. Conclusion: the use anti-of mosquito lotion is statistically has significant relation with malaria incidence (Pv=0,000, CI 95%=O,l93-0,506), which means people who use anti-mosquito lotion is only 0.312 times more risky to get infected with malaria compare to people who don’t. Public health intervention such as use of mosquito lotion will provide potential impact in decreasing malaria incidence in community of 53%. Suggestions: 1. Efforts need to use anti-mosquito lotion that can be aifordable by the community, considering the use of anti-mosquito lotion to prevent mosquito bites when outside the home is very effective and efficient.
2. Increased knowledge of community with intensive counseiling efforts so the knowledge of community about the disease malaria can be better, so they can be aware of their own willingness to seek a variety of activities that are preventive to mosquito bites.
3. To build home so that mosquitoes can not enter the house and there is no contact between t11e mosquito and population.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anif Budiyanto
Abstrak :
The number of malaria cases in the world is 350- 500 million and more than one minion deaths occur every year, particularly intropical area and Africa. The prevalence of malaria in Indonesia is 2.85%. There are 49.6% Indonesian people which is risky to get infected with malaria because of living in an endemic malaria area. The prevalence of malaria in South Sumatera is 1.01 % and OKU District is the most endemic malaria area in South Sumatera with number of AMI (Annual Malaria Incidence) in 2008. of23.4%. In genera1t the objective of study was to assess the relation between the use of anti-mosquito lotion and incidence of malaria at Pengandonan, and the specific objectives are : 1. To assess the relation between the use of anti mosquito lotion and incidence of malaria 2. To assess porentiaJ impact of the use of anti­ mosquito lotion and incidence of malaria at Pengandorum. OKU District. The study is an observational epidemiology in case control study design. The target population of the study was people of OKU District, while the actual population was people who live in Pengandonan and participated in MBS. The sample population was people who participated in MBS and recruited as sample study. The use of anti-mosquito lotion has significant influence with malaria incidence ofOR=0,312 p=O,OOO (95% CI 0,19-0,056), which means people who use anti mosquito lotion is only 0.312 times more risky to get infected with malaria compare to people who don't. The house construction has significant relation with malaria incidence of0R=7,88 p=O,OOO (95% Cl4,74-13,12). The knowledge of respondent about malaria has significant relation with malaria incidence of OR=0,49 dan p=O,OOJ (95% CI 0,31-0,78). Variable of "have acted around house» (IF 0.519) and variable of "diSstance of mosquito bedding"(p=O.l35) has no significant relation with malaria incidence. people who use anti-mosquito lotion is only 0.312 times more risky to get infected with malaria compare to people who don't. Public health intervention such as use of mosquito lotion will provide potential impact in decreasing malaria incidence in community of 53%. Suggestions: 1. Efforts need to use anti-mosquito lotion that can be affordable by the community.considering the use of anti-mosquito lotion to prevent mosquito bites when outside the home is very effective and efficient. 2. Increased knowledge of community with intensive counselling efforts so the knowledge of community about the disease malaria can be better, so they can be aware of their own willingness to seek a variety of activities that are preventive to mosquito bites.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendra Kusumajaya
Abstrak :
Menurut Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga (SKRT, 1995). Malaria termasuk 10 besar penyebab kematian di Indonesia. Hampir 35 % (diperkirakan 70 juta jiwa) penduduk tinggal di daerah malaria, umumnya di desa. Setiap tahun diperkirakan sekitar 3.5 juta penduduk terserang malaria. Sampai Saat ini penyakit malaria masih merupakan penyakit endemis di propinsi Sumatera Selatan. Kasus malaria dari tahun ketahun belum menunjukkan adanya penurunan. Kecamatau Toboali merupakan salah satu daerah endemis malaria di Kabupaten Bangka. Angka insiden malaria pertahun (Annual Malaria Incidens = AMI) 4 (empat) tahun terakhir cenderung naik turun. AMI pada tahun 1995 = 35.01 %°, tahun 1996 = 28.2 %°, tahun 1997 = 30.10 %,, dan tahun 1998 = 35.33 %. Jenis penelitian adalah observasional dengan disain kasus kontrol, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor perindukan nyamuk dan faktor lingkungan lainnya serta faktor perilaku terhadap kejadian malaria di Kecamatan Toboali tahun 2000. Sebagai kasus adalah penderita malaria klinis yang diperiksa sediaan darahnya ternyata positif. Sedangkan kontrol adalah penderita lainnya yang diperiksa sediaan darahnya ternyata negatif. Jumlah kasus dan kontrol masing-masing sebanyak 200 responden (perbandingan 1:1). Variabel yang diteliti adalah tempat perindukan nyamuk, perubahan lingkungan, pemasangan kelambu, pemakaian obat anti nyamuk, penggunaan kawar kasa, penggunaan repellant, pemeliharaan ternak besar dan pekerjaan. Hasil penelitian memunjukkan bahwa tempat perindukan nyamuk, perubahan lingkungan, pemasangan kelambu, pemakaian obat anti nyamuk dan pemasangan kawat kasa berpengaruh terhadap kejadian malaria. Ada pengaruh tempat perindukan nyamuk terhadap kejadian malaria dimana responden yang disekitar tempat bermukimnya ( 2 KM) ada tempat perindukan beresiko terkena malaria 4.16 kali (OR 4.16 95% CI 1.9206 - 9.02l4). Ada pengaruh perubahan lingkungan terhadap kejadian malaria dimana responden yang disekitar tempat bermukimnya (2 KM) ada perubahan lingkungan beresiko 2.06 kali (OR 2.06 95% CI 1.1794 - 3.6179). Ada pengaruh kebiasaan rnemakai kelambu terhadap kejadian malaria dimana responden yang tidak biasa tidur malam memakai kelambu beresiko 5.62 kali (OR 5.62 95% CI 2.8731 - 11.0078) Ada pengaruh kebiasaan menggunakan obat anti nyamuk terhadap kejadian malaria dimana responden yang tidak menggunakan obat nyamuk beresiko 2.80 lcali (OR 2.80 95% CI 1.5337 - 5.1121). Ada pengaruh pemasangan kawat kasa terhadap kejadian malaria dimana responden yang tidak memasang kawat kasa beresiko 3.05 kali (OR 3.05 95% CI 1.2808 - 7.279l). Analisis statistik dampak potensial digunakan untuk mengetahui berapa besar pengaruh (kontribusi) masing-masing variabel dalam kaitannya dengan menurunkan kejadian malaria apabila dilakukan intervensi. Dengan mengetahui kontribusi masing- masing falctor maka dapat clitentukan skala prioritas dalam upaya pemberantasan malaria. Dari perhitungan dampak potensial maka faktor yang paling berpengaruh berdasarkan kontribusinya secara berurutan arialah pemakaian kelambu (82.2%). Pemakaian kawat kasa (64%), tempat perindukan nyamuk (59,2%), perubahan lingkungan (51%) dan obat anti nyamuk (1 5.2%). Dari hasil penelitian ini disarankan 1) Bagi Puskesmas agar mengadakan penyuluhan kesehatan tentang penyakit malaria secara intensif kepada masyarakat seperti pentingnya pemakaian kelambu dan pencegahan individu lainnya. 2) Bagi dinas kesehatan dan pengelola program agar clapat melaksanakan pemberantasan malaria berdasarkan skala prioritas seperti hasil analisa dampak potensial. 3). Bagi pemerintah daerah agar berperan serta dalam melaksanakan pemberantasan penyakit malaria secara terpadu (lintas sektoral) dengan mengupayakan manajemen lingkungan dan perilaku secara menyeluh (komprehensif).
According to household health survey (SKRT, 1995). Malaria belongs to 10 largest causes of death in Indonesia. Nearly 35% (around of 70 million deaths) of the population within malaria areas, in general in villages. Each year around 3.5 million population are attached by malaria. Till this moment the malaria still constitutes endemic sickness in the province of South Sumatra. It is malaria cases from year to year does still not shown any decline. The District Toboali constitutes one malaria endemic area in the Regency Bangka. Malaria incident per year (Annual Malaria lncidens = AMI) during the last four year tens to increase decline. AMI in year 1995 = 35.010/oo, year 1996 = 28.20/oo, in year 1997 = 30.100/oo and in year 1998 = 35.330/oo. The type of research is observational with case control design, with the purpose to know the breeding factor of the mosquito and the other environmental factors and the behavior factors towards the incidents of malaria at the district Toboali in year 2000. As case are clinical malaria suferes, with who have been examine for their blood-slide and seems to be positive. While control are other suferes to has been examine on the blood-slide and turn out to be negative. The number of cases and control to a number of 200 respondent (comparison 1 : 1). The variable researched is the breeding place, environmental changes, the use of bed-net, the use of anti-mosquito medicine, the use of gauze, the use of repellant having influence to the incidence of malaria. There is an influence of breeding place on the incidence of malaria being the surrounding respondent at its breeding place (=|= 2 Km) there is a risky breeding place subject to malaria 4.16 times (OR 4.16 95% Cl 1.9206-9.02l4). There is an influence of environmental case on the incidence of malaria where respondent around is breeding place (zi: 2 Km), there is environmental case 2.06 times (OR 2.06 95% CI 1.794-3.6179). There is an influence of the habit of using bed-net having a risk or 5.62 times (OR 5.62 95% Cl 2.8731-l1.008'?). There is an influence of the habit of using anti-mosquito article towards the incidence of malaria where respondent do not use an anti-mosquito articles at a risk of 2.80 times (OR 2.80 95% Cl 1.5337-5.ll2l). There is an influence of the use of gauze where respondent to be not used gauze having a risk of 3.05 times (OR 3.05 95% CI 1.2808-'7.279l). Statistical analysis of potensial impact is used to know how large the contribution of each variable in its relation to reducing the malaria incidence whenever intervention is perform. By knowing the contribution of each factor priority scale can be determined in the effort to prevent malaria. From the calculation of potential impact the most influential factors on the basis of its contribution in series in the use of bed-net (82.2%), the use of gauze (64%), breeding place of mosquito (59.2%), environmental changes (51%) and anti-mosquito articles (15.2%). From this research is recommended 1) For Puskesmas in order to perform help information service about malaria in an intensive manner to the public like the importance of the use of bed-net and the other individual preventing. 2) For the health service and program development in order that they will perform malaria prevention on priority skill like the research potential impact analysis. 3) For the regional govemment in order that it will participate in the perfomiance of malaria prevention in a coordinated manner (intersectoral) by attempting environmental management and comprehensive behavior.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Malaria di beberapa daerah di Indonesia termasulc Jawa, masih sering menimbulkan kejadian luar biasa (KLB) yang mengakibatkan kematim Kabupaten Banjamegara merupakan daerah endemis malaria. Salah satu penyebab texjadinya KLB antara lain adalah faktor penibahan lingkungan. Pertambahan luas lahan untuk perkebiman salak di Kec Banjarmangu, Kabupaten Banjamegara. seiring dcngan meningkatnya kasus malaria di daerah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai hubungan perkebunan salak dengan kejadian malaria di daerah endemis malaria di Kabupaten Banjarnegara Rancangan penelitian ini adalah kasus kontrol. Kasus adalah penderita malaria klinis hasil pemeriksaan sediaan darah positif malaria sedang kontrol adalah penderita lain dengan hasil pemeriksaan sediaan darah negatif malaria. Pengolahan data menggunakan analisis regrcei logistik. Hasil peneiitian menunjukkan perkebunan salak di daerah endemis malaria mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan kejadian malaria. Responden disekitar rempm unggainya ada perkebunan salak bmsiko 1,99 lcali untuk mandarin malaria dibandingkan dengan tidal: ada perkebunan saialt. Faktor lain yang berhubungan dengan kejadian malaria adalah genangan atau mata air kecil, kebiasaan keluar malam, sawah., kawat kasa. Adanya perkebunan saiak, genangan atau mata air kecil, sawah, keluar malam dan kawat kasa secara independent berhubungan dengan kejadian malaria di daerah endernis malaria di Kabupaten Banj arnegara. Dari hasil penelitlan ini disarankan agar petugas kesehatan memberikan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat pentingnya merawat perkebunan salaknya, menimbun atau mengeringkan genangan dan memasang kawat kasa pada lubang angin di rumahnya serta pencegahan individu lainnyah Selajn itu perln dilakukan penelitian lanjutan tentang faktor risiko (deierminant) yang menyebabkan adanya malaria di perkebunan salak. ...... Malaria is still often lead to a outbreak with resulting in a death in several areas in Indonesia including Java. Banjamegara district is malaria endemic area. The environmental changing is among other factors of the outbreak. The increasing of land areas for salak plantation in Banjarmangu sub district of Banjarnegara district are parallel with the increasing of malaria cases in their areas. The objective of this research was to assess relationship -between salak plantation factor and malaria cases in malaria endemic areas at Banjarnegara district Design research was a case-control. The case is clinical malaria sufferer with examination results of their available blood-slide of malaria positive while the control is other suferer with examination results of their available blood-slide of malaria negative. The data analyzed by the logistic regression. The salek plantation in malaria endemic areas had significant associated with malaria cases. The respondents around their places with salak plantation had a risk 1,99 times affected malaria compared to the respondents around their places with non~salak plantation. The other factors associated with malaria cases are puddle or small spring, paddy field, behavior of the out side night time and a wire netting on the ventilators.The salak plantation; puddle or small spring, paddy tield, behavior of the out side night time and a wire netting on the ventilators have independently a significant associated with malaria cases in malaria endemic area at Banjarnegara district From this research is suggested that the health officials give information service to the public of the importance to maintenance their salak plantation, to iill up or to dry out a puddle and to install a wire netting on the ventilator of their houses and other individual preventions. Further research is required to find the risk factors of malaria cases in the salak plantation.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library