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I Made Sanadhi Sutandi
Abstrak :
Notifikasi merupakan salah satu fitur komunikasi via pesan yang penting keberadaannya di aplikasi pada smartphone. Penerapan sistem notifikasi push notification mampu meningkatkan interaksi antar pengguna dan penggunaan layanan yang disediakan perangkat lunak Berbagi Kendaraan. Aplikasi Berbagi Kendaraan merupakan aplikasi berbasis Android yang dikerjakan pada studi ini. Tujuan aplikasi adalah untuk menciptakan platform berbagi kendaraan yang aman sebagai bagian dari aplikasi sistem transportasi cerdas. Diperlukan adanya sistem push notification yang efektif untuk meningkatkan interaksi penggunaan layanan yang disediakan. Tulisan ini membahas implementasi dan evaluasi kinerja dari layanan push notification pada aplikasi Berbagi Kendaraan menggunakan Google Cloud Message(GCM), IMF Push Bluemix, dan Telegram API. Stress testing dengan variasi concurrent request dilakukan untuk menguji implementasi. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan layanan GCM lebih baik dengan persentase minimum pesan diterima 95,09%. Diikuti dengan layanan IMF Push dengan persentase minimum pesan diterima 85,44% dan Telegram API sebesar 52,50%. Evaluasi kinerja dilakukan dengan pengambilan dan pengolahan data pada latency, jitter, packet loss dan throughput melalui tiga kondisi uji. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa layanan Google Cloud Messaging merupakan layanan push notification berbasis cloud yang memiliki kinerja paling baik pada implementasi untuk aplikasi Berbagi Tumpangan dengan nilai rata-rata latency 209,65 milidetik, jitter 107,62 milidetik, packet loss 0% dan throughput 8478,89 bit/detik.
Notification is one of the most important communication features that should exist on smartphone's applications. The implementation of the push notification system may increase the interaction between users and the usage of Vehicle Sharing's services. Vehicle Sharing application is an Android-based application that is being studied in this experiment. The goal is to create a safe platform for vehicle sharing as a part of an intelligent transportation system. Therefore, it is necessary to implement an efficient push notification system to enhance the user experience. This paper describes the implementation and performance evaluation of several push notification services, i.e. Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), IMF Push Bluemix, and Telegram API. Stress tests with variation of concurrent request were conducted to evaluate the implementation. The result shows that the GCM service outperform others with minimum messages received of 95,09%. It is followed by the IMF Push services with 85,44% messages received and subsequently the Telegram API with 52,50% messages received. The performance evaluation was conducted by collecting and analyzing the latency, jitter, packet loss and throughput of each push services through three scenarios. The result shows that the GCM service performs better as a more reliable cloud-based push notification service on the Vehicle Sharing application with the mean latency of 209,65 ms, jitter of 107,62 ms, packet loss of 0%, and throughput of 8478,89 bit/s.;;
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mustika Lestari
Abstrak :
KPPU telah menjatuhkan sanksi yang bersifat ekstrateritorial yakni kepada pelaku usaha dan perbuatan di luar wilayah Indonesia, yaitu Toray Advance Materials Korea Inc. Sebagai bagian dari penelitian yuridis normatif, artikel ini membahas mengenai keabsahan penerapan prinsip ekstrateritorial persaingan usaha di Indonesia serta kesesuaian substansi pokok perkara atas Toray Advance Materials Korea Inc dengan peraturan persaingan usaha di Indonesia. Disimpulkan bahwa prinsip ekstrateritorial persaingan usaha tidak dapat diterapkan di Indonesia karena definisi Pelaku Usaha dalam UU Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tidak dapat menjangkau aktor dan perbuatan yang dilakukan di luar wilayah Indonesia sekalipun menimbulkan dampak persaingan usaha tidak sehat di Indonesia. Sedangkan dari sisi substansi pokok perkara Toray Advance Materials Korea Inc dapat dijerat oleh peraturan persaingan usaha Indonesia, namun karena KPPU tidak memiliki kewenangan ekstrateritorial, dalam kasus ini eksekusi putusan akan menjadi masalah dikarenakan yang menjadi terlapor hanya Toray Advance Materials Korea Inc yang berkedudukan di Korea. Seharusnya, KPPU menjadikan grup Toray di Indonesia (PT Toray Polytech Jakarta) juga sebagai Terlapor.
KPPU has imposed extraterritorial sanctions on business actor outside the territory of Indonesia, namely Toray Advance Materials Korea Inc. As part of normative juridical research, this article discusses the validity of extraterritorial principles application in business competition in Indonesia and the suitability of the substance of the case for Toray Advance Materials Korea Inc related to regulations on business competition in Indonesia. It was concluded that the principle of extraterritorial business competition cannot be applied in Indonesia because the definition of Business Actors in Law Number 5 Year 1999 cannot reach actors and acts committed outside the territory of Indonesia even though it causes impact of unfair business competition in Indonesia. Meanwhile, in terms of the main substance of the case, Toray Advance Materials Korea Inc can be charged with Indonesian business competition regulations, but because KPPU does not have extraterritorial authority, the execution in this case will be a problem because the reported party is only Toray Advance Materials Korea Inc which domiciled in Korea. KPPU should include the Toray group in Indonesia (PT Toray Polytech Jakarta) also the reported party.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Savitri Islamiana Putri
Abstrak :
Terhadap Putusan KPPU Nomor 16/KPPU-M/2015 tentang keterlambatan dalam kewajiban pemberitahuan pengambilalihan saham oleh LG International Corp., KPPU menjatuhkan sanksi denda sebesar Rp.,00. kepada LG International Corp. Dalam penulisan hukum ini Penulis membahas mengenai keabsahan penerapan prinsip ekstrateritorial dalam persaingan usaha di Indonesia serta kesesuaian substansi pokok perkara atas LG International Corp. dengan peraturan persaingan usaha di Indonesia. Penulisan hukum ini bersifat yuridisnormatif yang menggunakan data sekunder. Kesimpulan dari penulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan prinsip ekstrateritorial di Indonesia tidak dapat diterapkan, hal ini dikarenakan adanya pembatasan dari definisi Pelaku Usaha dalam UU Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 yang tidak dapat menjangkau aktor dan perbuatan yang dilakukan di luar wilayah yurisdiksi Indonesia, sekalipun juga menimbulkan dampak persaingan usaha tidak sehat. Kemudian dari pembahasan kesesuaian substansi pokok perkara, LG International Corp. dapat dijatuhkan sanksi denda berdasarkan peraturan persaingan usaha Indonesia, namun karena KPPU tidak memiliki kewenangan ekstrateritorial, dalam kasus ini eksekusi putusan akan menjadi masalah dikarenakan terlapor berkedudukan di Korea. ......Regarding the Indonesian business competition supervision commission (KPPU)'s Decision Number 16/KPPU-M/2015 concerning the obligation to notify the takeover of shares by LG International Corp., KPPU imposed a fine of Rp.8,000,000,000.-. to LG International Corp. In this study, the author discusses the validity of the application of the extraterritorial principle in business competition in Indonesia as well as the suitability of the substance of the case against LG International Corp. with business competition regulations in Indonesia. This legal writing is juridical-normative using secondary data. The conclusion from this assumption shows that the application of the extraterritorial principle in Indonesia cannot be applied, this is because the principle that states the definition of business actors in Law Number 5 of 1999 which cannot reach actors and acts committed outside the jurisdiction of Indonesia, even though it also has an impact on competition which is contributes to unhealthy business environment. Then from the discussion of the suitability of the subject matter of the case, LG International Corp. Fines can be removed based on Indonesian competition regulations, however, because KPPU does not have extraterritorial authority, in this case the execution of the verdict will be a problem because the reported party is domiciled in Korea.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfan Ghazali
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai penerapan prosedur akuisisi Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 57 Tahun 2010 Tentang Penggabungan Atau Peleburan Badan Usaha dan Pengambilalihan Saham Perusahaan Yang Dapat Mengakibatkan Terjadinya Praktik Monopoli Dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat. Tujuan dari penulisan ini, adalah mengetahui prosedur akuisisi yang harus ditempuh pelaku usaha untuk melakukan akuisi dan sanksi yang dapat diterapkan dalam hal pelaku usaha yang bersangkutan tidak mematuhinya. Penelitian yuridis normatif ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prosedur akuisisi yang saat ini diterapkan Peraturan Pemerintah yang berupa mandatory post merger notification system dirasakan kurang tepat karena sistem tersebut dapat menimbulkan kerugian kepada pelaku usaha. ......This thesis describe the application of procedure acquisition of companies based on Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah or “PP”) Number 57 Year 2010 on Merger or Consolidation of Business Entities and Acquisition of Companies which May Cause Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition. The purpose of this study is to know share acquisition procedure based on the Government Regulation and sanction to be imposed on the business entity concerned in the event that it fails to obey the procedure. This juridical normative research is qualitative descriptive interpretive. The research shows that mandatory post-merger notification system in the acquisition procedure deemed to be improper thus it may result into a negative impact to business entities and society.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rezza Aryansyah
Abstrak :
Korea Selatan dan Jepang menggunakan Pre-merger Notification System. Sedangkan di Indonesia masih menerapkan proses Post-merger Notification System. Yang dimana Mayoritas negara di dunia, pada umumnya sudah menggunakan Pre-merger Notification System dikarenakan sistem ini dinilai memberikan keefktifan yang lebih dalam menyelesaikan akibat yang tidak baik dari diberlakukannya merger. Selain itu, dari sisi pelaku usahanya pun jauh lebih baik dengan sistem ini, untuk menghindari adanya kerugian biaya yang muncul dari merger yang dipermasalahkan serta meninjau Urgensi terkait perlunya perubahan sistem notifikasi di Indonesia yang dimana adanya Penilaian terhadap prosedur sistem Post-Merger Notification dan pemberitahuan sukarela itu dapat menimbulkan ketidakpastian terhadap pelaku usaha dikarenakan KPPU bisa saja membatalkan hasil dari penggabungan serta pengambilalihan yang telah dilakukan apabila didalam kajian penilaiannya memperlihatkan atau terbukti akan adanya praktik monopoli ataupun persaingan usaha yang tidak sehat. Perlu juga diperhatikan terkait kebutuhan yang diperlukan agar sistem notifikasi merger di Indonesia lebih optimal dan dapat memberikan kepastian hukum terhadap pelaku usaha seperti diikuti dengan anggaran dan sumber daya manusia yang harus tercukupi agar didalam penerapannya kelak tidak mengakibatkan ketidak-pastian yang lainnya atau mengakibatkan terhambatnya proses pelaksanaan merger sehingga terhambat juga roda perekonomian di Indonesia. ......South Korea and Japan using the Pre-merger Notification System. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the Post-merger Notification System process is implemented still The majority of countries in the world, in general, already use the Pre-merger Notification System because this system is considered to provide more effectiveness in resolving the unfavorable consequences of the enactment of the merger. In addition, from the perspective of business actors, it is much better with this system, to avoid cost losses arising from the merger in question and to review the urgency regarding the need for changes to the notification system in Indonesia, where there is an assessment of the Post-Merger Notification and voluntary notification. it can create uncertainty for business actors because KPPU may cancel the results of mergers and takeovers that have been carried out if in its assessment study it is shown or proven that there is monopolistic practice or unfair business competition. It is also necessary to pay attention to the needs that are needed so that the merger notification system in Indonesia is more optimal and can provide legal certainty to business actors as followed by budget and human resources that must be fulfilled so that in its implementation it will not result in other uncertainties or result in delays in the implementation process. merger so that the wheels of the economy in Indonesia are hampered.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Butarbutar, Yosep
Abstrak :
[Skripsi ini membahas mengenai putusan Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha tentang kewajiban penggunaan alat bongkar muat Gantry Luffing Crane. Dalam rangka meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas bongkar muat di lingkungan Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Para terlapor yakni PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II dan PT Multi Terminal Indonesia mengeluarkan surat pemberitahuan pemakaian alat bongkar muat Gantry Luffing Crane secara bersama-sama di Dermaga 101, 101 utara, 102, 114 dan 115 bagi para pengguna jasa pelabuhan. Tindakan tersebut dirasa KPPU merupakan salah satu bentuk persaingan yang tidak sehat karena PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II dan PT Multi Terminal Indonesia dinilai telah melakukan tying agreement dan praktik monopoli yang merugikan pengguna jasa pelabuhan. Dalam memutus perkara ini, KPPU menjatuhkan hukuman kepada mereka dengan ketentuan pasal 15 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999. Skripsi yang dibuat dengan metode yuridis normatif ini meyimpulkan bahwa KPPU tidak tepat dalam memutus bersalah para terlapor dengan ketentuan mengenai tying agreement dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999, mengingat surat pemberitahuan bukanlah termasuk dalam pengertian perjanjian.;This thesis discusses about Decision of The Commission for The Supervision of Bussiness Competition (KPPU) about the obligation to use loading and unloading equipment, Gantry Luffing Crane.In order to improve the efficiency and productivity of loading and unloading in the Port of Tanjung Priok, The Parties, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Mult Terminal Indonesia issued a letter of notification of the use of loading and unloading equipment Gantry Luffing Crane together at pier 101, 101 north, 102, 114 dan 115 for the users port services. According the Commision, this case one form of unfair bussiness competition because PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Multi Terminal Indonesia have done a tying agreement and monopoly practices that harm users port service. In deciding this case, the Commission condemned them with the provisions of Article 15 paragraph (2) of Law No. 5 of 1999. Thesis created with this normative juridical method concludes that the Commission was not appropriate in deciding the guilt of the reported with the provisions of the agreement tying in Law No. 5 of 1999, considering letter of the notification is not included in the definition of the agreement.;This thesis discusses about Decision of The Commission for The Supervision of Bussiness Competition (KPPU) about the obligation to use loading and unloading equipment, Gantry Luffing Crane.In order to improve the efficiency and productivity of loading and unloading in the Port of Tanjung Priok, The Parties, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Mult Terminal Indonesia issued a letter of notification of the use of loading and unloading equipment Gantry Luffing Crane together at pier 101, 101 north, 102, 114 dan 115 for the users port services. According the Commision, this case one form of unfair bussiness competition because PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Multi Terminal Indonesia have done a tying agreement and monopoly practices that harm users port service. In deciding this case, the Commission condemned them with the provisions of Article 15 paragraph (2) of Law No. 5 of 1999. Thesis created with this normative juridical method concludes that the Commission was not appropriate in deciding the guilt of the reported with the provisions of the agreement tying in Law No. 5 of 1999, considering letter of the notification is not included in the definition of the agreement.;This thesis discusses about Decision of The Commission for The Supervision of Bussiness Competition (KPPU) about the obligation to use loading and unloading equipment, Gantry Luffing Crane.In order to improve the efficiency and productivity of loading and unloading in the Port of Tanjung Priok, The Parties, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Mult Terminal Indonesia issued a letter of notification of the use of loading and unloading equipment Gantry Luffing Crane together at pier 101, 101 north, 102, 114 dan 115 for the users port services. According the Commision, this case one form of unfair bussiness competition because PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Multi Terminal Indonesia have done a tying agreement and monopoly practices that harm users port service. In deciding this case, the Commission condemned them with the provisions of Article 15 paragraph (2) of Law No. 5 of 1999. Thesis created with this normative juridical method concludes that the Commission was not appropriate in deciding the guilt of the reported with the provisions of the agreement tying in Law No. 5 of 1999, considering letter of the notification is not included in the definition of the agreement.;This thesis discusses about Decision of The Commission for The Supervision of Bussiness Competition (KPPU) about the obligation to use loading and unloading equipment, Gantry Luffing Crane.In order to improve the efficiency and productivity of loading and unloading in the Port of Tanjung Priok, The Parties, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Mult Terminal Indonesia issued a letter of notification of the use of loading and unloading equipment Gantry Luffing Crane together at pier 101, 101 north, 102, 114 dan 115 for the users port services. According the Commision, this case one form of unfair bussiness competition because PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Multi Terminal Indonesia have done a tying agreement and monopoly practices that harm users port service. In deciding this case, the Commission condemned them with the provisions of Article 15 paragraph (2) of Law No. 5 of 1999. Thesis created with this normative juridical method concludes that the Commission was not appropriate in deciding the guilt of the reported with the provisions of the agreement tying in Law No. 5 of 1999, considering letter of the notification is not included in the definition of the agreement.;This thesis discusses about Decision of The Commission for The Supervision of Bussiness Competition (KPPU) about the obligation to use loading and unloading equipment, Gantry Luffing Crane.In order to improve the efficiency and productivity of loading and unloading in the Port of Tanjung Priok, The Parties, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Mult Terminal Indonesia issued a letter of notification of the use of loading and unloading equipment Gantry Luffing Crane together at pier 101, 101 north, 102, 114 dan 115 for the users port services. According the Commision, this case one form of unfair bussiness competition because PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Multi Terminal Indonesia have done a tying agreement and monopoly practices that harm users port service. In deciding this case, the Commission condemned them with the provisions of Article 15 paragraph (2) of Law No. 5 of 1999. Thesis created with this normative juridical method concludes that the Commission was not appropriate in deciding the guilt of the reported with the provisions of the agreement tying in Law No. 5 of 1999, considering letter of the notification is not included in the definition of the agreement., This thesis discusses about Decision of The Commission for The Supervision of Bussiness Competition (KPPU) about the obligation to use loading and unloading equipment, Gantry Luffing Crane.In order to improve the efficiency and productivity of loading and unloading in the Port of Tanjung Priok, The Parties, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Mult Terminal Indonesia issued a letter of notification of the use of loading and unloading equipment Gantry Luffing Crane together at pier 101, 101 north, 102, 114 dan 115 for the users port services. According the Commision, this case one form of unfair bussiness competition because PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Multi Terminal Indonesia have done a tying agreement and monopoly practices that harm users port service. In deciding this case, the Commission condemned them with the provisions of Article 15 paragraph (2) of Law No. 5 of 1999. Thesis created with this normative juridical method concludes that the Commission was not appropriate in deciding the guilt of the reported with the provisions of the agreement tying in Law No. 5 of 1999, considering letter of the notification is not included in the definition of the agreement.]
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutasoit, Angelina Rapmaduma Hotdinatama
Abstrak :
Pemberitahuan kepada Komisi telah terjadinya pengambilalihan saham harus dilakukan apabila sudah melebihi jumlah tertentu dan harus dilakukan selambat-lambatnya 30 (tiga puluh) hari sejak tanggal pengambilalihan tersebut. PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero), Tbk. Terlambat menyampaikan pemberitahuan pengambilalihan saham PT Centurion Perkasa Iman kepada KPPU selama 2 (dua) hari kerja. Atas pelanggaran tersebut, PT PP (Persero), Tbk dijatuhkan denda sebesar Rp1.000.000.000,00 (Satu Miliar Rupiah). Denda tersebut mengalami pengurangan dari pengaturan undang-undang karena pertimbangan hal-hal yang meringankan oleh Majelis Komisi. Pengurangan denda karena hal-hal yang meringankan mengakibatkan pendapat Majelis Komisi menjadi peran sangat penting. Selain itu, dalam kasus ini juga terdapat perbedaan pendapat mengenai definisi dan kategori perusahaan terafiliasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis normatif dengan tujuan menganalisis kasus pengambilalihan saham PT CPI oleh PT PP (Persero), Tbk berdasarkan undang-undang. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat salah pengertian oleh PT PP (Persero), Tbk mengenai perusahaan terafiliasi dan penghitungan nilai aset dan/atau nilai penjualan gabungan. Pertimbangan Majelis Komisi dengan alasan hal-hal yang meringankan tidak diatur dalam undang-undang. ......The Commission must be notified of the acquisition of shares after a particular period of time has elapsed and no later than thirty (30) days after the date of acquisition. PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero), Tbk is known to have been 2 (two) business days late in notifying KPPU of the takeover of PT Centurion Perkasa Iman shares. For this infraction, PT PP (Persero), Tbk was liable to a fine of IDR 1,000,000,000.00 (One Billion Rupiah). However, the amount of the fine was reduced from that which had been stipulated by law because of the relief granted by the Commission Council. In this case, the Commission Council has a very important role in reducing the fines that have been set at PT PP (Persero) Tbk. Furthermore, in this scenario, there are varying opinions on what constitutes an affiliated company and how to classify them. To analyse the situation of PT PP (Persero), Tbk's takeover of PT CPI shares in a way that is compliant with the law, this study employs a method known as normative juridical research. Based on the findings of this research, PT PP (Persero), Tbk has some confusion about how to value its affiliated companies' assets and/or total sales. The consideration of mitigating circumstances by the Commission Council is not governed by law.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Felizita Yovinda Amaranti
Abstrak :
Akuisisi saham di Indonesia memainkan peran kunci dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dan ekspansi bisnis. Saat perusahaan secara strategis mengakuisisi saham, mereka berkontribusi pada diversifikasi dan pengembangan pasar Indonesia, yang pada akhirnya membentuk lingkungan bisnis yang lebih kompetitif. Salah satu masalah yang umum terjadi dalam akuisisi di Indonesia adalah kurangnya kesadaran di kalangan pelaku usaha mengenai kewajiban pemberitahuan yang diatur dalam perundang-undangan. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman lebih baik terkait tantangan yang ada dalam pelaksanaan pemberitahuan akuisisi saham, serta mengenai kerangka hukum seputar akuisisi saham di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, skripsi ini akan membahas kerangka regulasi yang mengatur akuisisi saham dalam hukum perseroan terbatas dan hukum persaingan usaha, serta menganalisis bagaimana penerapan Undang-Undang No. 5 tahun 1999 dan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 57 tahun 2010 dalam kasus keterlambatan pemberitahuan akuisisi yang dilakukan oleh Taiko Plantations Pte. Ltd dalam akuisisi saham PT Putra Bongan Jaya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya inkonsistensi antara ketentuan Pasal 6 Peraturan Pemerintah No. 57 tahun 2010 dengan implementasinya dalam Putusan KPPU No.18/KPPU-M/2020. ......Share acquisition in Indonesia plays a pivotal role in fostering economic growth and business expansion. As companies strategically acquire shares, they contribute to the diversification and development of the Indonesian market, ultimately shaping a more competitive business environment. A prevalent problem observed about acquisitions in Indonesia is the lack of awareness among business actors regarding notifying obligations as stipulated in the law. This thesis aims to shed light on the challenges associated with share acquisitions notifications, as well as to contribute to a better understanding of the legal landscape surrounding share acquisitions in Indonesia. By using normative juridical research method, this thesis will discuss about the regulatory framework governing share acquisitions within the limited liability company law and business competition law, as well as analyzing how Law No. 5 of 1999 and Government Regulation No. 57 of 2010 are applied in the case of a delayed acquisition notification done by Taiko Plantations Pte. Ltd in the share acquisition of PT Putra Bongan Jaya. The results of this research reveal that there is an inconsistency between the provisions of Article 6 of Government Regulation No.57 of 2010 and their actual implementation in KPPU Decision No.18/KPPU-M/2020.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nida Hanifah Nasir
Abstrak :
UI telah mengidentifikasi 7 potensi keadaan darurat yaitu kebakaran, pohon tumbang, darurat medis, kecelakaan lalu lintas, insiden laboratorium, gempa bumi dan tenggelam. Keadaan darurat yang tidak ditanggulangi dengan baik dapat menjadi suatu keadaan krisis dan akan menimbulkan kerugian bagi Universitas. Aplikasi mobile Panic Button UI merupakan salah satu layanan notifiaksi keadaan darurat untuk menanggulangi 7 keadaan darurat tersebut. Namun pada penerapannya Aplikasi yang saat ini dimiliki masih memiliki beberapa keterbatasan, oleh karena itu peneliti melakukan pengembangan terhadap aplikasi tersebut. Hasil rancang ulang desain aplikasi Mobile UI Panic Button (PB 2) dapat meningkatkan 70% pemenuhan apalikasi sebelumnya (PB 1). Pemenuhan standar aplikasi tersebut meliputi informasi nama dan No HP pengguna, pilihan kategori  keadaan darurat, informasi korban, informasi foto/voice, deskripsi keadaan darurat (teks), pilihan lokasi kejadian, pengiriman notifikasi keadaan darurat, pop up notifikasi terkirim, informasi keadaan darurat kepada  petugas ERT. Setelah dilakukan pelatihan waktu penggunaan aplikasi mobile UI Panic Button lebih cepat 20 Detik. Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile UI Panic Button (PB 2) dapat mempercepat waktu respon dan aksi respon, meningkatkan keakuratan respon, memudahkan proses notifikasi keadaan darurat serta memudahkan komunikasi keadaan darurat. ......UI has identified 7 potential emergencies such as fire, fallen trees, medical emergencies, traffic accidents, laboratory incidents, earthquakes, and drowning. Emergencies that are not properly addressed can be a crisis and will cause harm to the University. A Panic Button UI mobile application is one of the existing emergency notification services in managing the identified 7 emergencies above. However, there were some limitations in this current application. Researcher, therefore, has developed an improvement of the application. The result shows that the redesign of the UI Panic Button (PB 2) application design can increase 70% of the fulfillment of previous applications (PB 1). Fulfillment of the standard application includes information on the user's name and mobile phone number, emergency category, victim information, photo/voice information, description of the emergency condition, location of the incident, sending an emergency notification, sending a pop-up notification, emergency notification to ERT officer. Moreover, after the training and simulation has been conducted, the time to use the UI Panic Button mobile application is shortened by 20 second. The development of the Mobile UI Panic Button (PB 2) application can accelerate response times and response actions, improve response accuracy, facilitate the emergency notification process and facilitate emergency communication.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teddy A. Anggoro
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas kewajiban direksi yang baru diangkat untuk melakukan pemberitahuan atas pengangkatan dirinya kepada Menteri Hukum dan HAM RI terlepas dari kewajiban pemberitahuan oleh direksi lama mengenai perubahan anggota direksi. Penelitian ini penting karena dalam praktek kewajiban tersebut sering tidak dilakukan oleh Notaris sebagai kuasa dari perusahaan untuk pengurusan administrasi badan hukum, dalam hal ini Pemberitahuan Perubahan Anggota Direksi. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 2 (dua) metode penelitian yaitu studi pustaka dan studi empiris. Metode penelitian tersebut dipakai untuk menjawab permasalahan sebagai berikut; pertama, akibat hukum yang timbul karena tidak dilaksanakannya kewajiban pemberitahuan kepada Menteri atas pengangkatan dirinya dalam kaitannya dengan kewenangan melakukan pengurusan perseroan. Kedua, tanggung jawab hukum direksi baru atas seluruh perbuatan hukum sejak Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas berlaku, dalam kaitannya dengan hubungan perseroan dengan pihak ketiga yang berkepentingan. Dan terakhir, penyebab tidak efektifnya ketentuan Pasal 94 ayat (9) Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas dan menemukan solusinya, sehingga penulisan ini tidak hanya berguna dalam tataran pengembangan teoritis tetapi juga bermanfaat dalam bagi Pemerintah dalam melaksanakan tugas pengadminsitrasian badan hukum.
This thesis discusses the obligation of new directors appointed to conduct the notification on the appointment of himself to the Minister of Justice and Human Rights obligations regardless of notification by the old directors of the board members change. This study is important because in practice this obligation is often not done by the notary as authorized by the company for the administrative management of legal entities, in this case the Board of Directors Members Change Notification. In this study used 2 (two) methods of research library and study the empirical study. The research methods used to answer the problems as follows: first, the legal consequences arising from the implementation of obligations not notice to the Minister on the appointment of himself in relation to the management company the authority to do. Second, the legal responsibility of the new directors of all legal actions since the Law of Limited Liability Company applies, in relation to corporate relationships with third parties concerned. And last, the cause of the ineffectiveness of the provisions of Article 94 paragraph (9) Law of Limited Liability Company and find a solution, so the writing is not only useful in the development of the theoretical level but also useful in the Government in implementing the administrative tasks of legal entity.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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