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Puji Nugroho
Abstrak :
Dibalik banyaknya kajian displin ilmu Hubungan Internasional yang meneliti tentang respon negara dalam menanggapi kejahatan transnasional, masih cukup sedikit kajian yang berfokus pada respon negara dalam menghadapi cybercrime. Hal ini dikarenakan, kasus-kasus cybercrime hanya dianggap sebagai sebuah kasus dalam ranah teknologi saja. Situasi ini menarik perhatian penulis untuk membuat penelitian dengan menganalisis bagaimana upaya kerjasama ASEAN dalam menanggulangi kejahatan yang terjadi di ruang cyber cybercrime . Dalam penelitian ini digambarkan bahwa kasus cybercrime dapat memberikan implikasi terhadap hubungan antar negara, karena sifat kejahatan tersebut yang borderless lintas batas negara dan karakter ancaman yang dikategorikan sebagai keamanan non tradisional. Dengan menggunakan konsep kerjasama internasional yang dikemukakan oleh Robert Keohane dan Joseph Nye serta metode pengolahan data secara kualitatif terhadap gejala-gejala latar belakang sosial yang muncul pada kasus cybercrime, tulisan ini hendak menggambarkan tujuan dari dilakukannya suatu kerjasama internasional oleh negara-negara anggota ASEAN dalam penanggulangan cybercrime. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan fakta bahwa upaya ASEAN untuk menanggulangi cybercrime telah dituangkan dalam deklarasi ASEAN yaitu The 3rd Joint Communiqu AMMTC pada 11 Oktober 2004 di Singapura. Selain itu, para pemimpin ASEAN memandang bahwa cybercrime merupakan ancaman besar bagi stabilitas keamanan kawasan, serta ekonomi dan politik. Komponen kerjasama keamanan ASEAN telah dikokohkan dalam ASEAN Regional Forum ARF . Namun kerjasama ARF tersebut dinilai belum efektif karena adanya kelemahan-kelemahan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan sehingga belum mampu mengatasi perbedaan pendapat yang cukup mendasar dalam merumuskan strategi yang diperlukan khususnya untuk memerangi cybercrime. Walaupun masih terdapat kelemahan dalam penanggulangan cybercrime di ASEAN, namun kondisi tersebut dapat diminimalir dengan adanya kerjasama seperti pertukaran informasi intelijen terhadap pelaku potensial cyber melalui sistem electronic-ASEANAPOL Database System e-ADS , harmonisasi hukum yang mengatur keamanan di ruang cyber,serta pelatihan bersama para penyidik dan penegak hukum dalam hal investigasi dan penyidikan digital forensik.
Despite the vast research of International Relations disciplines that examines the state s response toward transnational crime, it is still quite a bit of study which focuses on the state s response face to cybercrime. This is because, many researches study cybercrime cases from the point of view of technology. This condition attracted the attention of writers to make a research by analyzing how the efforts made by ASEAN cooperation to combat crimes in the cyber space cybercrime . This research describes that cybercrime cases may have implications to influence a relation between nation states, due to the fact that cybercrime has borderless nature and the character of the threat which is categorized as a non traditional security. Therefore, by using the concept of international cooperation by Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye and conducting a qualitative data processing methods for symptoms of social background that appears in cybercrime cases, this research aims to describe the purpose of the international cooperation performed by ASEAN member countries in combating cybercrime. The result of this study found that ASEAN s efforts to combat cybercrime has been validated by a declaration in the 3rd ASEAN joint communiqu AMMTC on October 11th, 2004 in Singapore. In addition, ASEAN leaders consider cybercrime as major threat to the regional security and stability, as well as economic and political. ASEAN security cooperation has been affirmed in the ASEAN Regional Forum ARF . However, the ARF cooperation is considered ineffective because it still shows a weakness in the decision making process that has not been able to overcome disagreements which are fairly fundamental in formulating the strategies needed to combat cybercrime. Although, there are still weaknesses in the ASEAN cooperation to combat cybercrime, but, such condition can be mitigated by a cooperation such as the exchange of intelligence information on potential cyber offenders through an integrated system named electronic ASEANAPOL Database System e ADS , the harmonization of law governing security in cyber space, as well as the integrated activity of people capacity building for investigators and law enforcement in terms of investigations and digital forensic investigation.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Fuji Amaranggana
Abstrak :
Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi, dalam beberapa dekade terakhir mulai bermunculan tanda baru yang digunakan sebagai merek yang disebut sebagai merek non-tradisional. Dalam pendaftaran merek non-tradisional terdapat ketentuan mengenai representasi grafis. Skripsi ini akan membahas mengenai ketentuan representasi grafis dalam pendaftaran merek di Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan jenis data sekunder yang diperoleh dari bahan pustaka. Penelitian hukum pada skripsi ini dilakukan dengan perbandingan hukum. Pembahasan dalam skripsi ini mencakup pembahasan mengenai ketentuan representasi grafis dalam pendaftaran merek non-tradisional berdasarkan UU No. 20 Tahun 2016, berdasarkan Lanham Act, dan perbandingan ketentuan representasi grafis dari kedua undang-undang tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa persamaan dan perbedaan ketentuan dalam UU No. 20 Tahun 2016 dan Lanham Act. Selain itu, juga diperlukan adanya perubahan ketentuan representasi grafis dari merek non-tradisional dalam UU No. 20 Tahun 2016. ......Along with the development of technology and information, in the last few decades a new sign has been used as a trademarks and known as non-traditional trademarks. In the registration of non-traditional trademarks there are provisions regarding graphical representation of the trademarks. This thesis will discuss the provisions of graphical representation in the registration of non-traditional trademarks in Indonesia and the United States. The research method used is juridical normative with secondary data types obtained from library materials. Legal research in this thesis is carried out with comparative laws. The discussion in this thesis includes discussion regarding the provisions of graphical representation in the registration of non-traditional trademarks based on the Law No. 20 of 2016, based on the Lanham Act, and a comparison of the graphical representation provisions of the two laws. The results showed that there are several similarities and differences in the provisions in the Law No. 20 of 2016 and the Lanham Act. In addition, it is also necessary to change the provisions for graphical representation of non-traditional trademarks in the Law no. 20 of 2016.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Devi Prasetyo Ardini
Abstrak :

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh diversifikasi layanan dan variabel lain terhadap margin bank umum komersial di Indonesia periode 2006 – 2013. Hasil penelitian ini adalah : (1) Faktor diversifikasi layanan memiliki pengaruh negatif pada margin bank pada sektor perbankan di Indonesia; (2) Faktor Tingkat kekuatan pasar perbankan memiliki pengaruh negatif pada margin bank pada sektor perbankan di Indonesia; (3) Faktor Kredit yang Disalurkan Bank memiliki pengaruh positif pada penentuan margin bank pada sektor perbankan di Indonesia; (4) Faktor Ukuran Bank memiliki pengaruh positif pada margin bank pada sektor perbankan di Indonesia. (5) Faktor NIM tahun sebelumnya memiliki pengaruh positif pada margin bank pada sektor perbankan di Indonesia.

The main objective of this research is to determine the effect of service diversification and other variables on banks' margin in Indonesia in the period 2006 to 2013. The results of this research are: (1) service diversification was negatively correlated to banks' margin in Indonesia; (2) market power was negatively correlated to banks' margin in Indonesia; (3) credit given by banks was positively correlated to banks' margin in Indonesia; (4) banks' size was positively correlated to banks' margin in Indonesia; (5) initial NIM was positively correlated to banks' margin in Indonesia

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anthonius Kanaris
Abstrak :
Sengketa pelanggaran merek dalam dunia perdagangan tidak terlepas dari adanya itikad buruk dari pelaku usaha untuk memenangkan persaingan yang kadangkala dilakukan secara tidak jujur/ tidak fair. Salah satu tindakan tersebut adalah tindakan passing off. Indonesia yang menganut sistem first to file (adanya keharusan mendaftarkan merek untuk memperoleh perlindungan) sebagai sistem perlindungan merek, pada dasarnya tidak mengenal konsep passing off, karena passing off adalah bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi merek yang tidak terdaftar/ unregistered trademarks. Perkembangan teknologi menyebabkan merek juga mengalami perkembangan dengan munculnya non-traditional trademark seperti merek suara, hologram, tiga dimensi, aroma dan sebagainya yang walaupun belum diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2001 tentang Merek namun telah diakomodasi dalam Singapore Treaty on The Law of Trademarks. Tesis ini bertujuan menganalisis hal yang menarik dari Singapore Treaty apabila dikaitkan dengan bentuk perlindungan hukum merek dan konsep pendaftaran merek di Indonesia serta menganalisis perlu/ tidaknya Indonesia melakukan ratifikasi terhadap Singapore Treaty untuk mengembangkan konsep perlindungan hukum merek di Indonesia. Penelitian yang akan digunakan peneliti adalah bersifat eksploratif dan deskriptif, dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode yang peneliti gunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ratifikasi Singapore Treaty relevan dilakukan Indonesia bagi perkembangan hukum merek nasional. Adapun hasil ratifikasi sebaiknya dapat diakomodasi dalam Rancangan Undang-Undang tentang Merek.
Trademark infringement dispute in world trade cannot be separated from bad faith of entrepreneurs to win the competition which is sometimes done dishonestly/ unfair. One of such action is the act of passing off. Indonesia, which adopts a first to file system (registration is a must to gain protection of trademarks) as a trademark protection system, basically does not recognize the concept of passing off, because passing off is a common law tort which can be used to enforce unregistered trademark rights. Technological developments lead to the developing of trademarks with the emergence of non-traditional trademarks such as sound trademarks, holograms trademarks, three-dimensional trademarks, scent trademarks, etc. Although haven?t been regulated by Law Number 15 Year 2001 concerning Marks, those trademarks have been accommodated in Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks. This thesis aims to analyze the interesting case of the Singapore Treaty in associated with a form of legal protection of the trademarks and the concept of a trademark registration in Indonesia as well as to analyze the needs of Indonesia to ratify Singapore Treaty for development of the concept regarding trademarks protection in Indonesia. This research characters are exploratory and descriptive. Qualitative approach is used by researcher with normative legal research methods and conceptual approach. The results shows that the ratification of the Singapore Treaty is relevant to be implemented in order to develop Indonesia trademarks law. The results of the ratification should be able to be accommodated in the Draft Law on Marks.;Trademark infringement dispute in world trade cannot be separated from bad faith of entrepreneurs to win the competition which is sometimes done dishonestly/ unfair. One of such action is the act of passing off. Indonesia, which adopts a first to file system (registration is a must to gain protection of trademarks) as a trademark protection system, basically does not recognize the concept of passing off, because passing off is a common law tort which can be used to enforce unregistered trademark rights. Technological developments lead to the developing of trademarks with the emergence of non-traditional trademarks such as sound trademarks, holograms trademarks, three-dimensional trademarks, scent trademarks, etc. Although haven?t been regulated by Law Number 15 Year 2001 concerning Marks, those trademarks have been accommodated in Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks. This thesis aims to analyze the interesting case of the Singapore Treaty in associated with a form of legal protection of the trademarks and the concept of a trademark registration in Indonesia as well as to analyze the needs of Indonesia to ratify Singapore Treaty for development of the concept regarding trademarks protection in Indonesia. This research characters are exploratory and descriptive. Qualitative approach is used by researcher with normative legal research methods and conceptual approach. The results shows that the ratification of the Singapore Treaty is relevant to be implemented in order to develop Indonesia trademarks law. The results of the ratification should be able to be accommodated in the Draft Law on Marks., Trademark infringement dispute in world trade cannot be separated from bad faith of entrepreneurs to win the competition which is sometimes done dishonestly/ unfair. One of such action is the act of passing off. Indonesia, which adopts a first to file system (registration is a must to gain protection of trademarks) as a trademark protection system, basically does not recognize the concept of passing off, because passing off is a common law tort which can be used to enforce unregistered trademark rights. Technological developments lead to the developing of trademarks with the emergence of non-traditional trademarks such as sound trademarks, holograms trademarks, three-dimensional trademarks, scent trademarks, etc. Although haven’t been regulated by Law Number 15 Year 2001 concerning Marks, those trademarks have been accommodated in Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks. This thesis aims to analyze the interesting case of the Singapore Treaty in associated with a form of legal protection of the trademarks and the concept of a trademark registration in Indonesia as well as to analyze the needs of Indonesia to ratify Singapore Treaty for development of the concept regarding trademarks protection in Indonesia. This research characters are exploratory and descriptive. Qualitative approach is used by researcher with normative legal research methods and conceptual approach. The results shows that the ratification of the Singapore Treaty is relevant to be implemented in order to develop Indonesia trademarks law. The results of the ratification should be able to be accommodated in the Draft Law on Marks.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Friska Sari Ronadiba
Abstrak :
Berdasarkan teori perdagangan intemasional, terdapat hubungan antara keunggulan komparatif terhadap permintaan suatu produk di suatu negara. Suatu negara melakukan perdagangan intcmasional dengan negara lainnya karena dua hal, yaitu perbedaan sumber daya dan kemampuan berpnoduksi, serta tujuan untuk mencapai skala ckonomi (Krugman and Obstfeld, 1994). Berdasarkan pemikiran tersebut, peningkatan ekspor dapm dilakukan apabila suatu negara memiliki produk-produk yang kompetitii Dalam rangka mencapai pertumbuhm ekonomi, perubahan struktur produksi berdasarkan permintaan dalam negeri dan peluang perdagangan internasional sangatlah diperlukan. Proses pembahan tersebut akan mengikutsertakan kontribusi Sektor industri dan pexalihan keterganhmgan akan ekspor produk-produk primer ke produk-produk manuihktur sebaga suatu sumber devisa bagi negara. [nduslri manufaktur potensi lmtuk dikembangkan dalam sektor ekonomi di suatu negara. Namun, pnoduk-produk manufaktur Indonesia kuxang merniliki daya saing di pasar dunia sampai saat Antisipasi dapat dilakukan melalui divemitikasi pasar ekspor sehingga peningkatan ekspor non-migas, khususnya produk manufaktur, dapat dilakukan dengan m buka kesempatan terhadap pasar-pasar bam atau yang' disebut dengan pasar ?non-tradisionali Promosi ekspor merupakan salah satu diantara beberapa faktor penentu yang mempengaruhi peningkatan ekspor manufakmr Indonesia. Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) dan Export Specializaiion Index (ESD dapat dignnakan untuk mencari produk-produk yang memiliki keunggulan komparatigdaya saing di dunia dan beberapa pasar non-iradisional (Afrika Selatnn, Brazil, dan Bulgaria). Disamping itu, Matrix Mandeng Competitiveness Matrix juga dapat digunakan untuk menganalisa posisi pasar suat produk dalarn rangka menentukan strategi promosi ekspor......According to the international trade theory, comparative advantage has a relation to the demand for a product in one country. There are two reasons why some cormtries do intemational trade. First, every country has diH`erent resources and producing capability. Second, some countries have the objective to achieve economics of scale. The di&`ererrt of resources was caused trading between two countries, and each country take gain from trade (Krugman and Obstfeld, 1994). Base on this concept, export performance will increase if a country has many competitive products. In order to create the economic growth. it is needed a change of production structure based on domestic demand and intemational trade opportunity. The changing process will involve a contribution of industry sector and a switchover of primary products export dependency to manufacturing products as a source of foreign exchange. Manuiircturing industry has a potential to be developed in economic sector in a cormtry. However, the Indonesia?s manufacturing products are still not competitive yet in global market until now. Anticipation can be done through export market diversification so that it should be opened for other markets that called as ?non-traditional? markets in order to increase Indonesia?s oil and gas exports, especially manufacturing products. Furthermore, trade promotion is one of the determinant factors that influence the increasing of Indonesia manufactming export product. Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Export Specially Index (ESI) are found usetirl to measure Indonesia?s Comparative Advantage level in the world and some non-traditional markets (South Africa, Brazil, and Bulgaria). Moreover, Matrix Mandeng Competitiveness Matrix is also usefirl to analyze the market position of the products concerned and decision of promotion strategy.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihombing, Melda Theresia
Abstrak :
Penulisan tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perlindungan atas merek non-tradisional apabila dimuat ke dalam kerangka hukum nasional Indonesia. Permasalahan dalam tesis ini adalah bagaimana pengaturan mengenai pendaftaran merek dalam Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks, bagaimana penerapan atas perlindungan merek non-tradisional yang ada dalam Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks pada negara-negara yang telah melaksanakannya dan bagaimana penerapan perlindungan atas merek nontradisional tersebut apabila diterapkan di Indonesia. Penulisan tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan data sekunder sebagai sumber datanya.

Pengaturan merek yang terdapat dalam Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks tidak jauh berbeda dengan pengaturan merek dalam Trademark Law Treaty, namun terdapat beberapa penambahan didalamnya yang bertujuan untuk menyempurnakan ketentuan pendaftaran di bidang merek. Salah satu hal yang baru diatur dalam Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks adalah mengenai merek non-tradisional. Merek non-tradisional ini telah diterapkan dibeberapa negara, baik negara anggota dari Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks, maupun yang tidak termasuk dalam anggotanya. Dalam penerapannya, diperlukan beberapa persyaratan dalam mengajukan permohonan pendaftaran merek nontradisional.

Dalam mendaftarkan merek non-tradisional, diperlukan persyaratan representasi grafis dan deskripsi tertulis untuk menggambarkan serta mendeskripsikan merek non-tradisional tersebut. Indonesia sebagai negara berkembang, seharusnya melakukan perluasan pengertian merek yang juga akan selalu berkembang, dengan mengatur mengenai perlindungan merek non-tradisional dalam Peraturan Perundang-Undangannya, hal ini akan memberikan dampak positif bagi para pelaku usaha di Indonesia, karena dengan demikian, para pelaku usaha dapat lebih kreatif dalam memilih merek untuk kegiatan usahanya, yang tidak lagi hanya dibatasi dengan tanda-tanda yang dapat dilihat (visible signs).
This thesis aims to determine how the protection of non-traditional trademarks when applied into Indonesian legal framework. The research problems in this thesis are about the regulation under Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks in registering a trademark, the implementation of non-traditional trademark protection, conducted by The Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks contracting party and the implementation of that kind protection when applied in Indonesia. This thesis uses the normative legal research method, and the secondary data is used as its source.

The regulations in Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks do not have many differences with the Trademark Law Treaty, but there are some additions within the aims to enhance the requirements in registering a trademark. One new thing that sets in the Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks is about the non-traditional trademark. This non-traditional trademarks have been applied in several countries, both members and non-members of the Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks. In its implementation, it will take some requirements with respect to the non-traditional trademarks registration.

With respect to the non-traditional trademark registration, graphical representation and written descriptions are needed to illustrate and describe the non-traditional trademarks. Indonesia as a developing country, is supposed to expand the value of a trademark, which will also always evolving, by regulating the protection of nontraditional trademarks in its legislation, this will give positive impacts for Indonesian entrepreneurs, for then, the entrepreneurs might be more creative in choosing trademarks for its business activities, which are no longer only constrained by visible signs.;This thesis aims to determine how the protection of non-traditional trademarks when applied into Indonesian legal framework. The research problems in this thesis are about the regulation under Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks in registering a trademark, the implementation of non-traditional trademark protection, conducted by The Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks contracting party and the implementation of that kind protection when applied in Indonesia. This thesis uses the normative legal research method, and the secondary data is used as its source. The regulations in Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks do not have many differences with the Trademark Law Treaty, but there are some additions within the aims to enhance the requirements in registering a trademark. One new thing that sets in the Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks is about the non-traditional trademark. This non-traditional trademarks have been applied in several countries, both members and non-members of the Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks. In its implementation, it will take some requirements with respect to the non-traditional trademarks registration. With respect to the non-traditional trademark registration, graphical representation and written descriptions are needed to illustrate and describe the non-traditional trademarks. Indonesia as a developing country, is supposed to expand the value of a trademark, which will also always evolving, by regulating the protection of nontraditional trademarks in its legislation, this will give positive impacts for Indonesian entrepreneurs, for then, the entrepreneurs might be more creative in choosing trademarks for its business activities, which are no longer only constrained by visible signs.;This thesis aims to determine how the protection of non-traditional trademarks when applied into Indonesian legal framework. The research problems in this thesis are about the regulation under Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks in registering a trademark, the implementation of non-traditional trademark protection, conducted by The Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks contracting party and the implementation of that kind protection when applied in Indonesia. This thesis uses the normative legal research method, and the secondary data is used as its source. The regulations in Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks do not have many differences with the Trademark Law Treaty, but there are some additions within the aims to enhance the requirements in registering a trademark. One new thing that sets in the Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks is about the non-traditional trademark. This non-traditional trademarks have been applied in several countries, both members and non-members of the Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks. In its implementation, it will take some requirements with respect to the non-traditional trademarks registration. With respect to the non-traditional trademark registration, graphical representation and written descriptions are needed to illustrate and describe the non-traditional trademarks. Indonesia as a developing country, is supposed to expand the value of a trademark, which will also always evolving, by regulating the protection of nontraditional trademarks in its legislation, this will give positive impacts for Indonesian entrepreneurs, for then, the entrepreneurs might be more creative in choosing trademarks for its business activities, which are no longer only constrained by visible signs., This thesis aims to determine how the protection of non-traditional trademarks when applied into Indonesian legal framework. The research problems in this thesis are about the regulation under Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks in registering a trademark, the implementation of non-traditional trademark protection, conducted by The Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks contracting party and the implementation of that kind protection when applied in Indonesia. This thesis uses the normative legal research method, and the secondary data is used as its source. The regulations in Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks do not have many differences with the Trademark Law Treaty, but there are some additions within the aims to enhance the requirements in registering a trademark. One new thing that sets in the Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks is about the non-traditional trademark. This non-traditional trademarks have been applied in several countries, both members and non-members of the Singapore Treaty On The Law Of Trademarks. In its implementation, it will take some requirements with respect to the non-traditional trademarks registration. With respect to the non-traditional trademark registration, graphical representation and written descriptions are needed to illustrate and describe the non-traditional trademarks. Indonesia as a developing country, is supposed to expand the value of a trademark, which will also always evolving, by regulating the protection of nontraditional trademarks in its legislation, this will give positive impacts for Indonesian entrepreneurs, for then, the entrepreneurs might be more creative in choosing trademarks for its business activities, which are no longer only constrained by visible signs.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Virdi Lagaida Umam
Abstrak :
Dalam proses menjaga perdamaian dan stabilitas kawasan, agenda keamanan Perhimpunan Bangsa-Bangsa Asia Tenggara (ASEAN)—sebagai institusi internasional utama di Asia Tenggara—melibatkan negara-negara anggotanya serta negara mitra dari luar dalam kegiatan-kegiatannya. Dengan sengketa maritim yang belum terselesaikan, meningkatnya pengaruh dari negara-negara kuat di ambang perbatasannya, serta munculnya pertanyaan-pertanyaan kritis yang diarahkan pada kemampuan institusi-institusi internasional, peran ASEAN dalam dimensi keamanan maritim lantas menjadi titik kritis secara akademik dan politik. Tinjauan literatur ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemahaman akademis mengenai kerja sama keamanan maritim ASEAN secara kritis, serta menerapkan analisis tersebut pada konteks regional yang terus berkembang. Menggunakan 25 literatur serta metode taksonomi, artikel ini mengidentifikasi tiga titik fokus utama literatur: 1) ASEAN sebagai aktor dalam sengketa Laut Tiongkok Selatan; 2) keamanan non-tradisional sebagai fokus utama keamanan maritim ASEAN; dan 3) analisis kritis mengenai kapabilitas dan agensi ASEAN sebagai institusi internasional. Tinjauan ini menemukan bahwa Tiongkok tetap menjadi faktor utama yang konstan dalam diskursus keamanan ASEAN, dan tindakannya di Laut Tiongkok Selatan menjadi tantangan keamanan utama bagi agenda keamanan ASEAN. Tinjauan ini juga menemukan bahwa diskursus akademik terpengaruh oleh interaksi antar-negara adidaya (great powers), khususnya kontestasi antara AS dan Tiongkok. Mengingat aspirasi ASEAN untuk mempertahankan sentralitasnya dalam menjamin perdamaian dan stabilitas kawasan, kajian literatur ini menyimpulkan bahwa ASEAN harus mengambil tindakan jika ingin mempertahankan sentralitas tersebut saat ini. ......The issue of maritime security cooperation has become one of considerable importance within the changing political context of the maritime Southeast Asia region. In the process of establishing and maintaining the region’s peace and stability, the security agendas of the Association of Southeast Asian Nation—acting as Southeast Asia’s premier international institution—sees active participation by both its member states within the region as well as partners from without. But how does it fare in the face of its changing security challenges? With unresolved maritime disputes within its borders, the growing influence of international powers, and critical questions poised at the capabilities of international institutions, ASEAN’s role within the dimension of maritime security becomes a critical academic and political juncture. This literature review aims to critically analyze current academic understanding of ASEAN maritime security cooperation, applying it to the changing regional context. Using 25 relevant academic articles, this article identifies three main focal points of literature: 1) ASEAN as an actor in the South China Sea disputes’ 2) non-traditional security as the primary focus of ASEAN maritime security; and 3) critical analyses regarding ASEAN’s institutional capability and agency. It finds that China remains a constant primary factor in ASEAN’s security discourse, and its actions in the South China Sea constitutes ASEAN’s main security challenge. It also finds that the academic discourse is subject to the encroachment of great power politics, particularly the US-China contestation. Considering ASEAN’s aspirations to maintain its centrality in guaranteeing the region’s peace and stability, this literature review concludes that ASEAN must take political and academic action if it seeks to maintain its current trajectory.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lula Lasminingrat
Abstrak :
Indonesia merespons urgensi ancaman krisis pangan yang melanda dengan strategi pembangunan lumbung pangan nasional. Menurut laporan yang dirilis oleh FAO dan PBB, wabah pandemi Covid-19 berpotensi mengancam 50 juta orang lebih menuju kemiskinan ekstrim. Hal ini berdampak pada krisis pangan global yang mengancam negara-negara di dunia jika tidak segera mengambil langkah tepat. Krisis pangan merupakan salah satu ancaman non-tradisional karena berdampak signifikan terhadap hajat hidup banyak orang dalam suatu negara. Ancaman non- tradisional diartikan sebagai ancaman keamanan yang melanda suatu negara secara non-militer, hal itu dapat berupa isu perubahan iklim, ekonomi, keterbatasan sumber daya, wabah penyakit, atau keamanan pangan. Keamanan pangan dapat dicapai ketika akses pangan dapat dijangkau dengan mudah oleh segala elemen masyarakat dan memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri. Kendati demikian, ketika akses pangan tidak dapat di akses masyarakat hal ini menimbulkan potensi krisis pangan. Hal ini mengingat pangan merupakan kebutuhan primer setiap individu yang harus dipenuhi setiap saat sehingga merupakan isu keamanan nasional. Melalui permasalahan tersebut, keamanan pangan nasional harus dijamin ketersediaannya oleh pemerintah. Seiring dengan pertambahan jumlah penduduk yang tinggi dan wabah pandemi, keamanan dan stabilitas pangan nasional berada diambang keterbatasan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pembangunan food estate sebagai strategi Indonesia dalam menghadapi ancaman krisis pangan dalam beberapa tahun mendatang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk memahami urgensi pembangunan food estate sebagai cara Indonesia dalam menghadapi ancaman krisis pangan dengan menggunakan teori ancaman, ketahanan pangan, dan food estate. Dalam hal ini, ancaman krisis pangan direspons oleh Jokowi dengan pembangunan lumbung pangan nasional di Kalimantan Tengah. Pembangunan lumbung pangan nasional dinilai dapat memenuhi cadangan pangan Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun ke depan, terutama setelah masa pandemi. Hasil penelitian dalam artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah melihat potensi krisis pangan sebagai ancaman nasional sehingga diperlukan langkah-langkah terukur yang mampu mengatasi permasalahan tersebut serta memperhatikan adanya aspek keberlanjutan dalam pelaksanaannya. Oleh karena itu, pembangunan food estate merupakan langkah yang tepat untuk menjawab tantangan tersebut.
Bogor: Universitas Pertahanan, 2020
355 JDSD 10:3 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andri Apriyana SA
Abstrak :
Sebagai proses alamiah dalam mencapai titik ekuilibrium, perkembangan ekonomi digital akan selalu diikuti oleh peningkatan risiko keamanan cyber. Penelitian ini membahas analisis big data percakapan media sosial Twitter dengan tipe data yang tidak terstruktur untuk memprediksi risiko cyber berupa keberhasilan serangan exploit terhadap kerentanan sistem informasi yang dipublikasikan pada situs kerentanan global cvedetails.com common vulnerabilities and exposures CVE . Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi aspek kualitatif dan kuantitatif atas data yang bersumber dari twitter dan CVE menggunakan metode pemodelan algoritmik statistical machine learning. Prediksi dilakukan dengan membandingkan beberapa model klasifikasi yang dipilih dari sepuluh algoritma yang paling banyak digunakan dalam data mining berdasarkan survey yang dilakukan oleh IEEE pada International Conference on Data Mining tahun 2006. Hasil prediksi terbaik dihasilkan melalui model algoritma Artificial Neural Networks dengan tingkat akurasi 96,73 . Model prediksi dapat dimanfaatkan oleh perusahaan asuransi dengan produk perlindungan risiko cyber untuk mengurangi potensi penyebaran klaim terjadinya risiko. Model juga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh perusahaan umum untuk melakukan mitigasi risiko cyber secara efektif dan efisien dengan menghindari situasi false-negatives error dalam pengelolaan risiko.
As a natural process in achieving equilibrium state, digital economic progress will always be followed by the increase of cyber security risk exposure. This research is focusing on unstructured Twitter social media big data analytics to predict cyber risks event in terms of successful attack on exploit based software vulnerability published in global vulnerability information websites cvedetails.com common vulnerabilities and exposures CVE . This research explores qualitative and quantitative aspect of data extracted from Twitter and CVE using statistical machine learning algorithmic modeling method. Prediction result obtained by comparing and selecting classification model from several statistical machine learning algorithm based on top ten algorithms in data mining survey produced by IEEE in 2006 International Conference on Data Mining. The best prediction results provided through Artificial Neural Networks algorithm with 96,73 accuracy rate. This prediction model offers advantages for insurance company with cyber liability product by reducing claim spread probability over cyber risk loss event. Prediction model can also be beneficial for company in general by providing an effective and efficient way to mitigate cyber risks through false negatives error avoidance in risk management.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library