Abstrak :
Dispepsia nonulseratif adalah suatu masalah gastrointestinal yang sering terjadi. Etiopatogenesisnya belum diketahui pasti. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor lingkungan seperti merokok, teh, alkohol, dan konsumsi NSAID terhadap dispepsia nonulseratif. Penelitian dilakukan di Bagian Gastroenterologi, Penyakit Dalam dan Radiologi IG Medical College, Shimla, India. Tiga ratus pasien dispepsia non ulseratif diteliti. Sebagai kelompok kontrol diambil dengan usia dan jenis kelamin yang sama. Riwayat merokok, teh, alkohol, dan konsumsi NSAID diteliti pada kedua kelompok. Konsumsi teh sebagai faktor lingkungan ternyata mempunyai pengaruh bermakna pada kelompok dispepsia nonulseratif, sedangkan faktor-faktor lain seperti merokok, alkohol, dan NSAID tidak mempunyai hubungan positif dengan dispepsia nonulseratif. (Med J Indones 2004; 14: 50-4)
Non ulcer dyspepsia is a common gastrointestinal problem, the etiopathogenesis of which is not well established. This study was planned to see the effect of environmental factors like smoking, tea, alcohol, and NSAIDs consumption with non-ulcer dyspepsia. This study was conducted in the department of Gastroenterology, Medicine and Radiology of I.G. Medical College, Shimla, India. Three hundred patients of non-ulcer dyspepsia were included in the study. Each case was matched with community control of same age and sex. A detailed history of smoking, tea, alcohol, and NSAIDs consumption was taken from the patients and controls. Consumption of tea as an environmental factor was found to be statistically significant in non-ulcer dyspepsia patients as compared to controls using multivariate regression. In the present study, environmental factors like smoking, alcohol, NSAIDs consumption did not show positive co-relation with non-ulcer dyspepsia. (Med J Indones 2004; 14: 50-4)
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 14 (1) January March 2005: 50-54, 2005
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