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Ila Fadila
"Penelitian ini mempelajari hubungan skinfoid thickness (penjumlahan biceps, triceps, subscapular, dan suprailiac)/RLPP/IMT dengan kolesterol serum pada orang dewasa. Variabel lain yang dianggap sebagai konfounder meliputi karakteristik responden yaitu : jenis kelamin, umur, indeks aktifitas, suku bangsa dan kebiasaan merokok. Analisis menggunakan data sekunder hasil Survei Gizi dan Kesehatan Pada Orang Dewasa (Kerjasama Direktorat BGM Depkes RI dan FKM-UI, Juni 1996) di 6 kota yaitu : Medan, Padang, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Denpasar dan Ujungpandang.
Desain penelitian adalah cross-sectional . Pemilihan responden (sampel) menggunakan rancangan klaster dua tahap, yaitu : (1) Probability Proportionate to Size (PPS) untuk memilih klaster, (2) Simple Random Sampling (SRS) untuk memilih rumah tangga (responden). Jumlah reponden yang diikutkan dalam analisis sebanyak 493 orang (laki-laki =170, perempuan = 323). Jumlah reponden ini merupakan sub-sampel dari penelitian Direktorat BGM Depkes RI bekerjasama dengan FKM-UI. Untuk membangun model prediksi kolesterol serum dengan penilaian status gizi digunakan analisis regresi berganda (multiple regression analysis). Pada proses pemodelan digunakan tehnik backward elimination procedure.
Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan adanya korelasi positif antara kolesterol dengan skinfold , kolesterol dengan umur, dan kolesterol dengan suku bangsa (p<0.01). Sebaliknya antara kolesterol dengan aktifitas terdapat korelasi negatif (p< 0.15). Sedangkan hubungan antara kolesterol dengan RLPP dan kolesterol dengan IMT tidak bermakna pada p< 0.05, tetapi bermakna pada p< 0.15, Rata-rata umur , indeks aktifitas dan RLPP (Rasio Lingkar Pinggang dan Pinggul) pada laki-laki lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perempuan (p<0.01). Sebaliknya rata-rata skinfold thickness, IMT (p<0,01) dan kolesterol (p0.05) pada perempuan lebih tinggi dibandingkan laki-laki. Dengan pertimbangan substansi, jenis kelarnin dimasukkan ke dalam model walaupun nilai p jenis kelamin di dalam model lebih besar dari 0.05.
Dari hasil pemodelan, terpilih model terbaik dengan persamaan regresi :
Kolesterol Serum = 153.58 + 0.36 Skinfold + 0.34 Umur -1.46 Sex (laki-laki) - 48.71 Aktifitas (bcrat) + 27.84 Suku. Model dapat menduga kadar kolesterol orang dewasa (urnur ~ 18 tahun) dengan kemampuan R2 = 12.63 %. Pada model terlihat bahwa kebiasaan merokok tidak memberi kontribusi terhadap model (p> 0.05). Sedangkan model yang dibangun berdasarkan RLPP maupun EMT mempunyai p> 0.05 sehingga kedua persamaan yang ada menjadi gugur.
Dari sudut kesehatan masyarakat, sebagai deteksi dini kadar kolesterol penggunaan ukuran skinfold thickness ini walaupun belum sensitif namun sebagai langkah awal perlu diperkenalkan dimasyarakat sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kepentingan yang ada. Selanjutnya perlu dilakukan validasi dengan parameter lain sebagai gold standard dan penambahan vaiiabel lain yang dianggap berhubungan.

Prediction Model of Serum Cholesterol based on Anthropometric Assessment of Nutritional Status (Skinfold Thickness, Waist Hip Ratio and Body Mass Index) Among Adults in Six Cities in Indonesia .The relationship between anthropometric measurement (skinfold thickness, WHR and BMI) and serum cholesterol contain among adult was explored in this study. The other variables assumed as confounder including respondent, namely: sex, age, activity index, ethnic, and smoking habitual. The analysis use secondary data from Health and Nutrition Survey Among Adult (collaboration of Nutrition Directorate -Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and The Faculty of Public Health - University of Indonesia, June 1996) in 6 cities: Medan, Padang, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Denpasar and Ujungpandang.
The study design was cross sectional. The sampling method use two stages cluster design, they are : (1) probability proportionate to size (PPS) for choose the cluster; and (2) simple random sampling (SRS) for choose the household (respondent). The number of respondents involved in the analysis were 493 (170 males and 323 females), which were sub samples survey of Nutrition Directorate - Ministry of Health. To build prediction model of serum cholesterol with nutritional status assessment was used multiple regression analysis. Backward elimination procedure was used for model processing.
The study result indicated there was positive correlation between cholesterol and skinfold, cholesterol and age, and cholesterol and ethnic (p < 0.01). The relationship between cholesterol and activity indicated negative correlation ( p < 0.15). Meanwhile the relationship between cholesterol and WHR, cholesterol and BMI indicated no significant result on p < 0.05, but there were significant on p < 0.15. The average of age, activity index and WHRon males were higher than females (p < 0.01). On the contrary, average of skinfold thickness, BMI (p < 0.01) and cholesterol (p > 0.05) on females were higher than males. By substancial consideration, sex was included in the model eventhough p value of sex in the model was higher than 0.05,
Throughout the modelling, the best fit model in regression equation was :
Kolesterol = 153.58 + 036 Skinfo!d + 0.34 Age -1.46 Sex (male) - 48.71 Activity (heavy) + 27.84 Ethnic, the model could predict cholesterol among adult (age > 18 years) with R2 (coefficient of determination) is 12.63%. Smoking habitual not contribute to the model (p > 0.05). Meanwhile model which was built based on both of WHR and BMI had p > 0.05, so the two equations were failed.
By the public health aspect, as early detection of serum cholesterol, the usage of the measurement of skinfold thickness.need to be published and practiced on public user level, according to owned capability and interest priority_ Finally, validation with other parameter should be conducted as a golden standard assumed complete.
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Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stella Ilone
Latar Belakang: Pasien Diabetes Mellitus DM tipe 2 memiliki peningkatan risiko terjadinya fraktur yang dikenal dengan istilah diabetoporosis. Pemeriksaan Bone Mass Densitometry BMD dinilai tidak superior dalam mendiagnosis diabetoporosis mengingat nilai BMD pada DM tipe 2 dapat normal bahkan meningkat. Beberapa penanda diharapkan dapat menggambarkan kualitas tulang secara non invasif. Peran AGEs dan reseptornya dinilai penting dalam proses diabetoporosis. Namun demikian, penelitian mengenai penanda AGEs dan reseptornya pada pasien DM tipe 2 masih tergolong sangat sedikit serta belum adanya penelitian yang membandingkan kadar AGEs dan reseptornya pada pasien DM tipe 2 dan subjek normal.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar pentosidine serum, esRAGE serum, rasio esRAGE/pentosidine serum antara pasien DM tipe 2 dan subjek normal, serta korelasi rasio esRAGE/pentosidine serum terhadap P1NP serum sebagai penanda peningkatan risiko diabetoporosis.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang terhadap 38 perempuan DM tipe 2 belum menopause, berusia 35 tahun dengan diagnosis DM tipe 2 yang berobat di Poli Metabolik Endokrin RSCM, Klaster Diabetes Kencana RSCM, RSUP Persahabatan, RSUK Tugu Koja, RSUK Kemayoran, dan Puskesmas Jatinegara. Sebagai kelompok non DM adalah 36 perempuan non DM dengan rentang usia yang sama. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara simple random sampling terhadap darah yang terkumpul. Pemeriksaan Pentosidine serum dan esRAGE dilakukan dengan metode ELISA sedangkan pemeriksaan P1NP dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ECLIA.Hasil Penelitian: Pasien DM tipe 2 memiliki kadar pentosidine lebih tinggi p=0,028 , kadar esRAGE yang lebih rendah p=0,248 , serta rasio esRAGE/pentosidine yang lebih rendah p=0,001 daripada subjek normal. Rerata kadar pentosidine serum pada DM tipe 2 dan subjek normal adalah 5406 1911 pmol/ml dan 3145 1892 pmol/ml; sedangkan median rasio esRAGE/pentosidine serum adalah 0,03 pg/pmol dan 0,06 pg/pmol. Tidak terdapat korelasi antara rasio esRAGE/pentosidine dengan kadar P1NP serum.Kesimpulan: Kondisi hiperglikemia pada DM tipe 2 menyebabkan tingginya kadar pentosidine serum yang tidak diimbangi dengan peningkatan kadar esRAGE serum. Secara khusus, terjadi penurunan rasio esRAGE/pentosidine serum pada pasien DM tipe 2 perempuan dan tidak ditemukan korelasi antara rasio esRAGE/pentosidine serum dengan kadar P1NP serum sebagai penanda formasi tulang.
Background: Diabetes Mellitus type 2 T2DM patients have an increased risk of fracture known as diabetoporosis. Examination of Bone Mass Densitometry BMD is considered not superior in diagnosing diabetoporosis since the BMD value in type 2 DM can be normal and even increased. Some markers are expected to describe bone quality in a non invasive manner. The role of AGEs and their receptors is considered important in the process of diabetoporosis. However, research on the role of AGEs and their receptors in T2DM patients is still lacking and there was no study comparing AGEs and their receptors in T2DM and non T2DM patients before.Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the difference of serum pentosidine level, serum esRAGE, serum esRAGE/pentosidine ratio between T2DM and non T2DM patients, and correlation of serum esRAGE/pentosidine ratio to serum P1NP as a marker of increased risk of diabetoporosis.Method: This is a cross-sectional study on 38 premenopausal females with T2DM with a minimum age of 35 years with symptoms or diagnosis of T2DM for more than 5 years, seen for treatment at Endokrin Metabolik Klinik at RSCM, Klaster Diabetes RSCM Kencana, RSUP Persahabatan, RSUK Tugu Koja, RSUK Kemayoran, and Puskesmas Jatinegara. Healthy controls are 36 non-DM females with similar age range. Sampling was done by simple random sampling. Serum pentosidine and serum esRAGE measurement were done by ELISA method and serum P1NP measurement was done by ECLIA method.Results: T2DM patients had higher serum pentosidine levels p=0.028 , lower serum esRAGE p=0.248 , as well as lower esRAGE/pentosidine p=0.001 ratios than non T2DM. Serum pentosidine in T2DM and non T2DM is 5406 1911 pmol/ml and 3145 1892 pmol/ml; whereas median ratio of serum esRAGE/pentosidine was 0.03 pg/pmol and 0.06 pg/pmol. There was no correlation between ratio serum esRAGE/pentosidine and serum P1NP in T2DM patients.Conclusions: Hyperglycemia in T2DM patients lead to high serum pentosidine levels that are not followed by elevated serum esRAGE levels. In combination, there was a decrease level of serum esRAGE/pentosidine ratio in T2DM patients. No correlation was seen between level of serum esRAGE/pentosidine ratio and level of P1NP as a marker for bone formation in T2DM patients. "
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Maria Wahyuningtyas
"Penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya pengarub pemberian jus anggur 300 gram per hari selama dua minggu terhadap kadar NO serum laki-laki dan perempuan dengan kadar kolesterol total batas tinggi. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuab field trial, membandingkan Ul subyek dalam kelompok yang mendapatkan jus anggur disertai penyuluhan TIC (P) dengan 17 subyek dalam kelompok yang hanya mendapatkan penyuluhan 1LC (K). Subyek yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian dibagi menjadi dua kelompok dengan randomisasi sederhana. Data yang diambil melipoti usia, jenis kelamin, riwayat hiperkolesterolemia dalam keluarga, akrivitas fisik, indeks massa tubuh (IMT), asupan energi, lernak, kolesterol, serat, dan polifenol dengan food record. Pemeriksaan kadar kolesterol total dan NO serum dilekukan di awal dan ekhir perlekuan. Analisis data menggunakan uji t tidak berpasangan dan uji Mann Whitney dengan batas kernaknaan 5%. Sebanyak 18 subyek pada kelompok P dan 14 subyek pada kelompok K, dengan rerata usia 35,57±5,20 tahun mengikuti penelitian secara lengkap. Indeks akrivitas fisik subyek kedua ke!ompok termasuk di bawah rata-rata. Data awal tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna (p>O,OS). Setelah dua minggu perlakuan, didapatkan persentase asupan energi terbadap kebutuhan energi total termasuk kategori cukup pada kelompok perlakuan dan kurang pada kontrol. Asupan lemak total dan kolesterol kadua kelompok adalah tergolong cukup. Asupan serat tergolong kurang. Terdapat perbadaan bermakna asupan polifenol pada kedua kelompok selama perlakuan (p<0,05). Terdapat peningkatan kadar NO serum sesudab perlekuan pada kedua kelompok yang tidak berbeda bermakna (p>O,OS), bahkan terdapat penurunan kadar kolesterol total serum pada kedua kelompok sesudah perlekuan meskipun tidak berbeda bermakna (p>0,05) dan masih dalam kategori batas tinggi. Pemberian jus anggur 300 gram per han tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna peningkatan kadar NO serum antara kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol.

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of grape juice (that made from 300 grams of grapes per day) during two weeks on serum NO level in male and female subjects with borderline high total cholesterol level. The study was a field trial Thirty five subjects were selected using certain criteria and randomly (simple randomization) divided into two groups. The treatment group (n=18) received grape juice and nutrition counseling; the control group (n=l7) received nutrition counseling. Data obtained directly from the subjects were age, gender, history of hypercholesterolemia in .subject's family, physical activity, and body mass index, intake of energy, fat, cholesterol~ fiber and polyphenol using food record. Laboratory findings of serum NO level and total cholesterol level were done before and after intervention. For statistical analysis, unpaired t-test and Mann Whitney were used with the level of significance was S%. Eighteen subjects in the treatment group and fourteen subjects in the control group completed the study and analyzed. Mean of age was 35.57±5.20 years old. The physical activity index of bath groups were low. The characteristics of the two groups were closely matched at base line (p>O.OS). After two weeks intervention, subjects? energy consumed in the treatment group achieved the recommended diet, while in the control group was below. The average intake of total fat and cholesterol in both groups achieved the recommended diet, but the fiber intake were below. The average intake of polyphenol in the treatment group was increased significantly than the control group (pQ.05). There were decreased on serum total cholesterol level in bath groups, although not statistically significant (p>O.OS). The effect of gyape juice for two weeks did not significantly increase serum NO level in the treatment group.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Nina Aspasia Harli
"Latar belakang dan tujuan: Tuberkulosis (TB) sampai saat ini merupakan tantangan dan ancaman besar bagi kesehatan masyarakat di dunia. Insidens TB paru di kota Bekasi tahun 2014 adalah 1359/2.510.951 penduduk dan 3099 total kasus selama tahun 2014. Defisiensi mikronutrien seperti retinol dapat terjadi akibat hilangnya nafsu makan, gangguan absorbsi usus halus yang menyebabkan keadaan imununosupresi sehingga meningkatkan risiko infeksi TB. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kadar retinol serum dengan derajat bacterial TB paru kasus baru di tingkat pelayanan primer.
Metode: Penelitian mempergunakan desain potong lintang dengan 135 sampel yang diambil dengan cara cluster consecutive sampling di puskesmas wilayah kota Bekasi pada penderita TB paru kasus baru yang belum mendapatkan terapi obat anti tuberkulosis (OAT).
Hasil: Karakteristik subjek TB paru kasus baru di puskesmas menurut usia dengan nilai tengah 35,5 tahun (IQR 18-65), laki-laki 62,3%, perokok 44,9%, IMT gizi kurang 56,5%, hipoalbumin 17,4%, kadar retinol serum defisien 40,6%. Lesi kavitas 30,4?% dan derajat bacterial load mayoritas scanty dan +1 dengan persentase berturut-turut 10,1% dan 39,1%. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna kadar albumin, IMT, lesi kavitas dengan bacterial load dengan nilai p=0,003, p=0,014, p=0,011 namun tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara kadar retinol serum dengan bacterial load.
Kesimpulan: Kadar retinol serum tidak berhubungan dengan derajat bacterial load pasien TB paru kasus baru di wilayah kerja kota Bekasi serta terdapat hubungan bermakna antara IMT, kadar albumin dan lesi radiologis dengan bacterial load.

Background: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a threat for community health across the globe including Indonesia. The incidence of pulmonary TB in Bekasi, Indonesia in 2014 is 1,395/2,510,951 people and there were 3.099 cases in 2014. Micronutrient deficiency such as retinol can be caused by loss of appetite and disorder in intestinal absorption which could lead to immunosuppressive condition that increased the risk of TB. This study aims to find the correlation between serum retinol level and semi-quantitative bacterial load in new case of pulmonary TB at a community health center.
Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 135 subjects collected through cluster consecutive sampling in a primary health care in Bekasi, Indonesia. The study included new pulmonary TB cases which had no history of taking any anti-TB drugs.
Results: The median age of the subjects was 35.5 years old (IQR 18-65) and most of subjects were males (62.3%), smokers (44.9%), had low body mass index (BMI) (56.5%), had hypoalbuminemia (17.4%), serum retinol deficient (40.6%), presented with cavity lesion (30.4%) and presented with scanty and +1 semi-quantitative bacterial load (10.1% and 39.1%, respectively). There was no significant correlation between serum retinol level and semi-quantitative bacterial load. However, there were significant correlations between serum albumin level, BMI and presence of cavity lesion and semi-quantitative bacterial load (p=0.003, p=0.014, and p=0.011, respectively).
Conclusion: There was no correlation between serum retinol level and semi-quantitative bacterial load in new cases of pulmonary TB patients. There were significant correlations between serum albumin level, BMI and presence of cavity lesion and semi-quantitative bacterial load.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Arifin Suyardi
"This study was carried out to analyze the serum vitamin A / carotene concentration among Indonesian full term neonates in relation to maternal nutritional status and nutrients intake. One hundred and eight couples' (mothers + neonates) were recruited for the study. The serum vitamin A/carotene concentrate ion was determined by High Pressure Liquid Chromotography (HPLC) and Ultraviolet Absorbance/Spectrophotometric method (IVACG, 1982) and the dietary nutrient intake of the mothers was analyzed using a 2 day/24 hours recall method. Seventy one (67%) of the neonates were suffering from low vitamin A level ( (20 g/dl), the rest 35 (33%) were at an adequate vitamin A level (>20 / g/dl) and 13 (12%) of the mothers were suffering from low vitamin A level ( <20 /4g/di), the rest 95 (88%) were at an adequate vitamin A level. That mean serum vitamin A/carotene of the neonates was lower than those of their mothers. The mean serum vitamin A of the mothers was 30.7 ,wg/dl - v.53 and mean serum carotene of the mothers was 124.23g/dl - 49.66. The study concluded that there was no significant correlation between serum vitamin A of the neonates and serum vitamin A of their mothers (p } 0.1). It was found that? serum vitamin .A concentration and serum carotene of the mothers were positively correlated; also maternal serum carotene was positively related to serum carotene of the neonates. The beta-carotene intake, fat intake, protein intake were positively related to serum vitamin A of the mothers. Further investigation using larger numbers of samples and more controlled method was suggested to -scrutinize the influences of gestational age, dietary nutrients intake on the serum of vitamin A/carotene of the mothers. The study also pointed out the importance of providing .the pregnant mothers with sound information about nutrition in pregnancy.
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Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1992
T 6963
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Hasanah
"Latar Belakang: Hiperhomosisteinemia merupakan salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya penyakit kardiovaskular (PKV). Psoriasis vulgaris adalah penyakit kulit inflamasi kronis yang berhubungan dengan beberapa penyakit penyerta, misalnya aterosklerosis dan PKV. Defisiensi folat dapat terjadi pada pasien psoriasis, akibat utilisasi yang meningkat di kulit yang mengalami hiperproliferasi dan atau penyerapan oleh usus yang berkurang. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan peningkatan kadar homosistein dalam darah. Penulis meneliti korelasi antara kadar homosistein serum dan derajat keparahan psoriasis vulgaris, yang diukur dengan metode psoriasis area severity index (PASI) dan luas permukaan tubuh (body surface area, BSA). Metode: penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan potong lintang, pada 36 pasien psoriasis vulgaris. Subyek terdiri dari16 perempuan dan 20 laki-laki. Kadar homosistein serum diukur dengan metode competitive immunoassay dan dikorelasikan dengan derajat keparahan psoriasis. Hasil: pada subyek psoriasis laki-laki, kadar homosistein serum berkorelasi positif dengan derajat keparahan penyakit yang diukur dengan PASI (korelasi Pearson, r = 0.615 , p < 0,05) dan BSA (korelasi Spearman , r = 0,476 , p < 0,05). Tidak ada korelasi antara kadar homosistein serum dengan PASI (korelasi Pearson , p > 0,05 ) dan BSA (korelasi Spearman, p > 0,05) pada subyek psoriasis perempuan. Kesimpulan: Terdapat korelasi positif yang signifikan secara statistik antara kadar homosistein serum dengan derajat keparahan psoriasis yang diukur dengan PASI dan BSA pada subyek psoriasis laki-laki.

Background: hyperhomocysteinemia is an independent risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Psoriasis vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory skin disease associated with several comorbidities, such as atherosclerosis and CVD. Psoriatic patients often presents low levels of folic acid as a result of an increasing vitamin utilization in the skin and/or reduced gut absorption. This may result in raised levels of homocysteine. The authors investigated the correlation between serum homocysteine levels and the severity of psoriasis vulgaris measured by psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) and body surface area (BSA). Method: we performed a cross-sectional study in 36 patients with psoriasis vulgaris. The subjects comprised 16 women and 20 men. The serum levels of homocysteine were measured by competitive immunoassay method and were correlated with the severity of psoriasis (PASI and BSA). Result: in male psoriasis subjects, serum homocysteine levels positively correlated with disease severity as measured by PASI (Pearson's correlation; r = 0.615, p < 0.05) and BSA (Spearman's correlation; r = 0.476, p < 0.05). There was no correlation between serum homocysteine levels with PASI (Pearson's correlation, p > 0.05) and BSA (Spearman's correlation, p > 0.05) in female psoriasis subjects. Conclusion: a significant correlation between serum homocysteine levels with disease severity measured by PASI and BSA in male psoriasis subjects was evidenced."
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Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ria Buana
"Latar belakang : Infeksi STH masih merupakan masalah kesehatan di Indonesia. Infeksi STH dapat menyebabkan malnutrisi dan sebaliknya. Zinc merupakan salah satu mineral esensial yang konsentrasinya dapat berkurang pada infeksi STH. Belum diketahui pengaruh pengobatan antelmintik terhadap konsentrasi zinc dalam serum pada anak SD.
Tujuan : Menganalisis pengaruh pengobatan infeksi soil-transmitted helminths terhadap konsentrasi zinc dalam serum pada anak usia sekolah dasar di Jakarta.
Metodologi : Penelitian pre-eksperimental (one group pre and post study) dilakukan pada anak sekolah dasar kelas 3-5 di salah satu SDN di Jakarta Utara. Pemeriksaan FLOTAC dilakukan untuk menentukan infeksi dan intensitas STH, untuk konsentrasi zinc dalam serum dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan Atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Sampel tinja dan darah diambil dua kali yaitu sebelum dan tiga minggu sesudah pengobatan dengan albendazole 400mg selama tiga hari berturut-turut yang diberikan pada semua anak baik yang terinfeksi maupun yang tidak terinfeksi.
Hasil : Dari total 115 anak (54,8% perempuan, usia 9-11 tahun) didapatkan sebanyak 63,4% positif terinfeksi STH dengan mayoritas pada anak usia 9 tahun. Status zinc normal (konsentrasi zinc dalam serum ≥ 10,7 μmol/L) sebesar 73,9%. Mayoritas anak berstatus gizi baik dan berhubungan bermakna dengan konsentrasi zinc dalam serum (p=0,011). Anak yang terinfeksi A.lumbricoides dan T.trichiura memiliki konsentrasi zinc dalam serum sebelum pengobatan yang lebih tinggi secara signifikan (p=0,028 dan p=0,014). Konsentrasi zinc dalam serum sebelum pengobatan berkorelasi negatif secara signifikan terhadap selisih konsentrasi zinc (p=0,000).
Kesimpulan : Status gizi mempengaruhi konsentrasi zinc dalam serum sebelum pengobatan. Sebelum pengobatan, anak yang terinfeksi A.lumbricoides dan T.trichiura memiliki konsentrasi zinc yang lebih tinggi secara signifikan. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi zinc dalam serum sebelum pengobatan memiliki selisih konsentrasi zinc dalam serum yang semakin kecil. Setelah pengobatan, anak yang terinfeksi T.trichiura dan infeksi campur mengalami selisih konsentrasi zinc yang cukup besar secara signifikan. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan waktu pengawasan yang lebih lama, intensitas infeksi yang lebih berat dan kemungkinan faktor infeksi lain selain STH.

Background: STH infection is still a health problem in Indonesia. STH infection can cause malnutrition dan vice versa. Zinc is one of essensial mineral that can be depleted in infection that caused by STH. Effect of antelminthic agent to zinc serum in primary school children is unknown.
Objective: To analyze the effect of STH treatment to zinc serum concentration in primary school age children in Jakarta.
Methodology: Pre-experimental study (one group pre and post study) was carried out on the basis of grade 3-5 school children in one primary school in North Jakarta. FLOTAC examination was conducted to determine the intensity of STH infections and Atomic absorption spectrophotometer was conducted to examine zinc serum concentration. Stool and blood samples were taken twice, before and three weeks after treatment with albendazole 400 mg for three consecutive days, given to all children either infected or uninfected.
Results: 63,4% children were infected with STH. Normal zinc status (zinc serum ≥ 10,7 μmol/L) was mostly found (73,9%). Majority of children had good nutrition status and was significantly correlated with pre treatment zinc serum (p=0,011). Children who were infected with A.lumbricoides dan T.trichiura had significantly higher pre treatment zinc serum than uninfected (p=0,028 and p=0,014). Pre treatment zinc serum had significantly negative correlation with difference of zinc serum (p=0,000).
Conclusions: Nutritional status was correlating with pre treatment zinc serum. Children who are infected by A.lumbricoides and T.trichiura has higher pre treatment zinc serum. Higher pre treatment zinc serum has smaller zinc difference. Children who are infected by T.trichiura dan mixed infection has significantly bigger difference of zinc serum. Further research is needed in different locations with a larger sample size, longer time observation, heavier intensity and other possibility such as co-infection with other microorganism."
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Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Hipertensi dalam kehamilan merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang merupakan penyebab kematian maternal pada ibu hamil dengan prevalensi di negara maju sekitar 10–20%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar magnesium serum dan korelasinya dengan tekanan darah sistolik, tekanan darah diastolik, serta dengan asupan magnesium. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret sampai bulan April 2013 dengan menggunakan desain potong lintang pada 47 subyek ibu hamil usia 20–35 tahun trimester kedua dan ketiga. Data diperoleh dari wawancara, pengukuran tekanan darah, pengukuran antropometri, penilaian asupan makanan dengan menggunakan Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) semikuantatif serta pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk mengetahui kadar magnesium serum. Sebanyak 93,6% subyek berusia 20–30 tahun, dan sebanyak 56,3% berada pada trimester ketiga serta tidak didapatkan riwayat hipertensi dalam keluarga sebesar 89,4%. Status gizi subyek penelitian sebesar 70,2% adalah normal. Sebanyak 68,1% asupan magnesium subyek adalah kurang dengan rerata 237,42 ± 5,183. Kadar magnesium serum subyek penelitian sebesar 89,4% termasuk normal dengan rerata 1,92 ± 0,2. Berdasarkan nilai tekanan darah sistolik sebanyak 74,5% termasuk ke dalam kategori prehipertensi dengan median 120(110-160) dan median tekanan darah diastolik adalah 80(70-100). Dengan uji korelasi tidak ditemukan korelasi antara kadar magnesium serum dengan tekanan darah sistolik (r = -0,249, p = 0,091) dan tekanan darah diastolik (r = -0,257, p = 0,081) serta dengan asupan magnesium (r = 0,119, p = 0,424).

Hipertension in pregnancy is one of the health problem and may cause maternal mortality with the prevalence is 10–20%. The aim of this study was to know serum magnesium level in primigravida and its correlation with sistolic and diastolic blood pressure and magnesium intake. This study is conducted in March–April 2013, it was a cross sectional study of 47 primigravida subjects aged 20–35 years old. Data were obtained from interview, dietary assessment using semiquantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ), blood pressure and anthropometric measurement, and blood test to obtain serum magnesium levels. Of the subjects, 93.6% in 20−35 years old, and 56.3% in 3nd trimester, 89.4% with no history of hypertension in family, and 70.2% body mass index is normal. 68.1% had low magnesium intakes with mean 237.42 ± 5.183 mg/day and 89.4% had normal serum magnesium levels with mean1.92 ± 0.2 mg/dL. Based on systolic blood pressure, there were 74.5% was categorized as prehypertension, with median of systolic blood pressure was 120(110-160) mm Hg and median of diastolic blood pressure was 80(70-100) mm Hg. There was no correlation between serum magnesium levels and systolic blood pressure (r = -0.249, p = 0.091) and between serum magnesium levels and diastolic blood pressure (r = -0.257, p = 0.081) and also with magnesium intakes (r = -0.119, p = 0.424)."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hadril Busudin
"Telah diteliti 67 penderita Strok dan 56 penderita Non-Strok sebagai kontrol. Dengan CT. Scan. kepala terbukti terdapat 31 pende~ita Strok Hemoragik dan 36 Strok NonHemoragik. Dist~ibusi menurut jenis kelamin dan menurut golongan umur antara jenis Strok dengan Non-Strok tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna ( p > 0,05). Hasil analisa data tentang kadar kolesterol serum dalam hubungannya dengan Strok menunjukan bahwa : 1.Tak terdapat kolesterol antara 0,05 ). perbedaan yang bermakna rerata Strok Hemoragik dan Non-Hemoragik kadar p > 2.Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna rerata kadar kolesterol antara Strok dengan Non-Strok ( p < 0,01 ). 3.Terdapat kolesterol 0,03 - 0,3. hubungan yang negatif tak bermakna antara serum rendah dengan Strok. DR = 0,1 95% CI = 4.Terdapat hubungan positif lemah dan tak bermakna antara kolesterol serum tinggi (hiperkolesterolemia) dengan Strok. OR = 1,2 ; 95% CI = 0,2 - 6,6. 5.Terdapat hubungan negatif - bermakna antara serum yang rendah dengan Strok Hemoragik. OR = 0,1 0,02 - 0,3. kolesterol 95% CI = 6.Terdapat hubungan positif yang kuat namun tidak bermakna antara kolesterol tinggi dengan Strok Non-Hemoragik. OR = 2,5 95% CI = 0,3 14,8 (lebar sekali)."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lely Listianingrum
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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