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Agung Susanto
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kelelahan pada pekerja pada shift malam dengan sistem Double Shift Di PT. X Proyek Y Th. 2016. Seperti kita ketahui bahwa angka kecelakaan kerja pada industri konstruksi sangat tinggi yang menelan korban jiwa yang tidak sedikit dan kerusakan properti yang cukup besar. Salah satu faktor yang berkontribusi pada kecelakaan kerja adalah kelelahan yang dialami para pekerja. Banyak defenisi tentang kelelahan, tetapi secara garis besar dapat dikatakan bahwa kelelahan merupakan suatu pola yang timbul pada suatu keadaan, yang secara umum terjadi pada setiap individu, yang telah tidak sanggup lagi untuk melakukan aktivitasnya. Kerangka Teori yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan teori dari Grandjean (1988) yang ditulis dalam bukunya yang berjudul "Fitting The Task to The Man". Dimana pada tahapan sensasi kelelahan dipengaruhi oleh faktor pekerjaan yang monoton, faktor intensitas dan faktor durasi tekanan fisik dan mental pekerjaan, faktor kondisi lingkungan; suhu, pencahayaan dan kebisingan, penyakit dan faktor nutrisi yang buruk dan faktor beban mental; tanggung jawab, kekhawatiran dan adanya konflik. Diharapkan hasil dari penelitian ini dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran akan pentingnya manajemen kelelahan guna meminimalkan risiko kecelakaan kerja. Rekomendasi yang diberikan diharapkan manajemen Proyek Y dimasa yang akan datang dapat memenuhi aspek keselamatan dalam melaksanakan sistem Double Shift dengan cara menerapkan Manajemen kelelahan secara konsisten dan menyeluruh untuk mencegah dan meminimalkan risiko akibat bekerja malam pada sistem Double Shift ini.
The objective of this research is to analyze the risk factors related to the fatigue level of night shift workers of Double Shift system in Project Y, X Company, year 2016. Work-related accidents on construction industry have resulted in a high number of fatalities and sizeable property damage. One of the contributing factors in workrelated accidents is fatigue felt by the workers. There are many definitions of fatigue, but the one which is generally agreed is that of a pattern which arises in a situation where individuals are no longer able to perform their activities. The theory framework used in this research is the one by Grandjean (1988), written in his book "Fitting the Task to the Man". The stages of fatigue are influenced by factors such as monotonous work, intensity and duration of work?s physical and mental stress, environmental conditions (temperature, lighting, and noise), diseases or illnesses, and poor nutrition, and mental load factors (responsibilities, worries, and conflicts). It is to be hoped that the result of this research will raise awareness of the importance of fatigue management in order to minimize the risk of work-related accidents. Recommendations given in this research are intended to help the Y Project management meet the safety aspects in the Double Shift system with the constant and thorough implementation of fatigue management to prevent and minimize risks caused by the system?s working nights.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elvira Damayanti
Abstrak :
Industri pertambangan menerapkan sistem shift kerja untuk meningkatkan produktivitasnya. Salah satu masalah yang tidak dapat dihindari dari shift kerja adalah kelelahan. Kelelahan merupakan perasaan subjektif dari aktivitas secara mental maupun fisik yang mengarah pada penurunan konsentrasi, meningkatkan kesalahan hingga kecelakaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kelelahan pada operator tambang di PT Harmoni Panca Utama dan PT Hasta Panca Mandiri Utama tahun 2021. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 101 responden dan menggunakan data sekunder penelitian Dr. Hendra S.K.M., M.K.K.K. Variabel penelitian meliputi kelelahan dan faktor risiko yang terdiri dari faktor terkait pekerjaan (masa kerja, shift kerja, tingkat stres kerja, lingkungan kabin), faktor tidak terkait pekerjaan (usia, status gizi, status kesehatan, tempat tinggal, kuantitas dan kualitas tidur). Analisis hubungan faktor risiko kelelahan dengan kelelahan operator menggunakan uji chi-square. Analisis faktor yang dominan berhubungan dengan kelelahan didapatkan melalui uji regresi logistik berganda. Hasil analisis diperoleh 13,9% operator mengalami kelelahan. Faktor risiko yang berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kelelahan pada operator adalah shift kerja (p=0,01; OR=7,38; CI 95%: 1,55-7,38) dan tingkat stres kerja (p=0,02; OR=10,08; CI 95%: 1,26-80,5). Faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan kelelahan adalah tingkat stres kerja. Operator yang memiliki tingkat stres sedang-berat berisiko 8,7 kali mengalami kelelahan dibandingkan operator dengan tingkat stres ringan. ......The mining industry applies a work shift system to increase its productivity. One of the unavoidable issue of shift work is fatigue. Fatigue is a subjective feeling of mental and physical activity that leads to decreased concentration, alertness, increased errors, and accidents. The purpose of this study is to analyze fatigue on mining operators at PT Harmoni Panca Utama dan PT Hasta Panca Mandiri Utama in 2021. This research is quantitative using secondary data from Dr. Hendra S.K.M., M.K.K.K. The sample in this study are 101 respondents. Research variables include fatigue and risk factors consisting of work-related factors (work period, work shifts, work stress levels, cabin environment) and non-work-related factors (age, nutritional status, health status, place of residence, sleep quantity and quality). Analysis of the relationship between fatigue risk factors and operator fatigue using the chi-square test. The analysis of the dominant risk factors associated with fatigue is obtained through multiple logistic regression tests. The results of the analysis showed that 13.9% of operators experienced fatigue. The only risk factors associated with operator fatigue were work-related factors, namely work shifts (p=0.01; OR=7.38; 95% CI: 1.55-7.38) and work stress levels (p= 0.02; OR=10.08; 95% CI: 1.26-80.5). The dominant factor related to fatigue is the level of work stress. Operators who have moderate-to-severe stress have 8.7 times the risk of experiencing fatigue compared to operators who have low stress levels.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ike Gunawiarsih
Abstrak :
Fungsi pelayanan rumah sakit bertujuan untuk memproduksi pelayanan yang bermutu kepada masyarakat. Pelayanan keperawatan sebagai sub sistem dari pelayanan rumah sakit harus melaksanakan pelayanan selama 24 jam sehinga harus dilakukan pengaturan staffing perawat melalui rotasi kerja secara bergiliran selama 24 jam kerja yang terdiri dari 3 shift kerja yaitu shift pagi, sore dan malam. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari hubungan antara faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal perawat yang berhubungan dengan persepsi perawat tentang shift kerja malam. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari hubungan antara faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal perawat yang berhubungan dengan persepsi perawat tentang shift shit kerja malam. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik regresi logistik sederhana dan dari hasil analisis bivariat, 17 faktor yang diduga secara teoritis dan empiris berhubungan dengan persepsi perawat tentang shiftl kerja malam didapat 10 faktor yang mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik, dengan nilai p S 0,05 sedangkan 7 faktor lainnya tidak terbukti mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik. Disarankan agar menggunakan informasi hasil penelitian ini untuk kebijakan manajemen sumber daya manusia khususnya kebijakan dan pengaturan Staffing dan rotasi perawat.
The Factor which are Related with Nurse Perception about Night Shift Work at Prof DR Sulianti Saroso Hospital, North JakartaThe function of hospital services in order to produce good quality services to the public. Nursing service as a subsystem of hospital service have to perform services during 24 hour, so it needs a regulation of nurse staffing by shifting on job rotation during 24 hour ( work time) which are divided into three shifts, there are morning ,evening, and night shifts. The purpose of this study was to looking for a relation between the internal and external factors of nurse which are related with nurse perception about night shift work. This study was used a simple logistic regretion technique and from a bivariat analysis result, 17 factors which are suppose theoritical and empirical related to the nurse perception about night shift work, there was found 10 factors which are significant related statistically with p 0.05 and other 7 factors are not proved have a significant relation statistically. Suggested that to use this information, the result of this study, for the human resources management policy, especially staffing regulation and nursing rotation policy.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dini Sabila
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Pekerja call center dituntut untuk memiliki fungsi psikomotor kognitif yang konstan, yaitu dalam bentuk atensi dan konsentrasi. Penurunan atensi dan konsentrasi dapat terjadi pada pekerja call center shift malam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai fungsi psikomotor kognitif yang diukur dengan perubahan simple auditory reaction time selama periode kerja shift malam dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan. Metode. Studi longitudinal dengan pengukuran simple auditory reaction time berulang pada pukul 8pm, 12am, 4am, dan 8am menggunakan alat L77 Lakassidaya. Penelitian dilakukan di call center PT X, dengan besar sampel 55 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan cara purposive sampling. Kuesioner karakteristik subjek digunakan untuk mengetahui variabel jenis kelamin, usia, lama bekerja, status pernikahan, waktu tidur sebelum bekerja, jenis aktivitas fisik, merokok, dan minum kopi dan/atau minuman berenergi. Hasil. Terdapat perubahan auditory reaction time yang signifikan antara pukul 8pm, 12am, 4am, dan 8am (p=0,001). Pemanjangan auditory reaction time yang signifikan terjadi sejak pukul 12am (p=0,003). Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara faktor minum kopi dan/atau minuman berenergi dengan pemanjangan auditory reaction time hubungan yang bermakna antara variabel karakteristik subjek lainnya dengan pemanjangan auditory reaction time. Kesimpulan. Terjadi pemanjangan auditory reaction time pada pekerja call center shift malam. Pemanjangan auditory reaction time yang signifikan terjadi sejak pukul 12am, dengan waktu reaksi terpanjang adalah pada pukul 8am. Pemanjangan auditory reaction time yang lebih sedikit didapatkan pada subjek yang minum kopi dan/atau minuman berenergi sebelum bekerja shift malam dibandingkan dengan yang tidak. ......Background. Call center workers are obliged to have constant psychomotor cognitive function at all time in the form of atention and concentration. Decreased of atention and concentration level could happen in call center worker working night shift. The aim of this study is to assess psychomotor cognitive function which is representated by simple auditory reaction time change during night shift period and to assess its related factors. This is a longitudinal study with repeated simple auditory reaction time measurement at 8pm, 12am, 4am, and 8am by using L77 Lakassidaya tool. This study was conducted at PT X, with sample size of 55 persons. Participants were chosen by purposive sampling. Participant characteristic questionnaire is used to obtain data of variable sex, age, years of work, marital status, sleeping hour before working night shift, intensity of physical activity, smoking, and drinking coffee and/or drinking energy beverages. Result. There is significant change of simple auditory reaction time measured at 8pm, 12am, 4am, and 8am (p=0,001). Significant elongation of auditory reaction time is detected since 12am (p=0,003). There is significant relationship between drinking coffee and/or drinking energy beverages and elongation of auditory reaction time (p=0,048). No significant relationship between other participant characteristic variables and elongation of auditory reaction time. There is elongation of auditory reaction time in call center workers working night shift. Significant elongation of auditory reaction time was detected since 12am, with the longest auditory reaction time measured was at 8am. Shorter elongation of auditory reaction time was found in subjects who drank coffee and/or drinking energy beverages before night shift compared to those who did not.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sang Ketut Suratna
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Sebuah pabrik tekstil “X” yang sebagian besar pekerjanya perempuan, mempunyai jam operasional yang mengharuskan pekerja menjalani sistem kerja gilir. Sistem kerja gilir mempengaruhi pola makan dan status gizi pekerja, kekurangan zat gizi memiliki potensi tinggi menyebabkan kelelahan sehingga diperlukan rekomendasi makanan tambaha serta edukasi gizi bagi kelompok pekerja ini. Pendekatan Linear Programming (LP) menghasilkan Food Based Recommendation (FBR) yang mempertimbangkan penggunaan bahan pangan lokal yang disesuaikan dengan pola makan pekerja dengan kerja gilir serta permasalahan gizi kelompok pekerja dengan mengoptimalkan kandungan nutrisi sehingga FBR yang dirumuskan dapat menjadi kebijakan bagi pemilik industri tekstil yang memperkerjakan perempuan pekerja dengan sistem kerja gilir. Objektif. Didapatkan rekomendasi makanan tambahan bagi perempuan pekerja dengan kerja gilir malam dalam menurunkan kejadian kelelahan. Metode. Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua fase, yaitu pra dan paska intervensi menggunakan desain quasi-eksperimental dengan uji pra dan paska dengan kelompok kontrol. Subjek penelitian dianalisis secara per protokol sehingga subjek berjumlah 100 perempuan pekerja. Data diet pekerja diperoleh dari penimbangan makanan yang diberikan saat kerja gilir malam, data dikombinasikan dengan 24 hours food recall serta 5 dFFQ (5-days food-frequency questionnaire). Kelelahan diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner CIS (Checklist Individual Strength) 20R dan Reaction Time. Analisis LP menggunakan sistem Optifood yang merumuskan suatu rekomendasi makanan tambahan (FBR). Hasil. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan kelelahan pada dua kelompok menunjukkan bahwa nilai rerata waktu reaksi pada kelompok intervensi pra intervensi sebesar 239,29±49,96 setelah dilakukan intervensi terjadi penurunan rerata waktu reaksi sebesar 12,97 millidetik. Penurunan rerata waktu reaksi kelompok intervensi mempunyai nilai p<0,05 (p=0,006) sehingga secara statistik nilai p bermakna pada rerata penurunan waktu reaksi kelompok intervensi paska intervensi. Pada kelompok kontrol pra intervensi rerata waktu reaksi sebesar 236,99±40,56 setelah dilakukan intervensi mengalami penurunan sebesar 3,56 millidetik. Sedangkan rerata waktu reaksi pra intervensi gabungan kedua kelompok sebesar 238,12±45,24 paska intervensi sebesar 229,94±27,34, beda rerata gabungan kedua kelompok sebesar 8,18 millidetik. Artinya ada penurunan kelelahan sebesar 8,18 millidetik paska intervensi. Secara satitistik penurunan rerata waktu reaksi gabungan kedua kelompok bermakna (p=0,007). Kesimpulan. Intervensi FBR cukup efektif dalam penurunan kelelahan bagi kedua kelompok penelitian, pada paska intervensi terdapat perbaikan kelelahan yang cukup baik. ......Introduction. Textile factory “X”, where most workers are women, has an operational system that requires its workers to work on shifts. The shift system affects the dietary patterns and nutritional status of workers. Malnutrition has a high potential in causing fatigue. Thus, additional food recommendations and nutritional education for this population are needed. A Linear Programming (LP) approach produced the Food Based Recommendation (FBR), which considers the use of local food ingredients adjusted to the dietary pattern of shift workers and the nutritional problem of those workers by optimizing nutritional content. Therefore, the formulated FBR can be used as a policy for textile industry owners who employ female workers with a shift system. Objective. Obtaining additional food recommendations for female workers who work a night shift to reduce the incidence of fatigue. Methods. This study was conducted in two phases, i.e., pre-and post-intervention, using a quasi-experimental design with pre-and post-test with the control group. The subjects were analyzed per the protocol and a total of 100 female workers was obtained. The data on the workers’ diet was obtained from weighing food given during the night shift. The data were combined with a 24-hour food recall and 5 RFQ (5-days food-frequency questionnaire). Fatigue was examined using a CIS (Checklist Individual Strength) 20R questionnaire and a Reaction Time Analysis LP using the Optifood system, which formulated a Food-Based Recommendation (FBR). Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis. Results. Based on the results of the fatigue examination of the two groups, the mean value of pre-intervention reaction time in the intervention group was 239.29 ± 49.96. After the intervention, an average reduction of 12.97 milliseconds occurred in reaction time.The mean reduction of reaction time in the intervention group produced a p-value of < 0.05 (p = 0.006). Therefore, statistically, the p-value was significant to the mean reduction in reaction time in the intervention group after the intervention. In the pre-intervention period of the control group, the mean value of reaction time was 236.99 ± 40.56 and decreased by 3.56 milliseconds after the intervention. Meanwhile, the average pre-intervention reaction time between the combinations of the two groups was 8.18 milliseconds. This means that there is a decrease in fatigue by 8.18 milliseconds after the intervention. Statistically, the reduction of mean reaction time between the two groups was significant (p = 0.007). Conclusion. Adequate energy intake will improve the health status of workers, especially to avoid physiological disturbances and fatigue. The additional food menu chosen as the FBR recommendation is the one with the highest nutritional content. The recommended FBR was quite effective in reducing reaction time for both study groups. In the pre-intervention group with the mean value (239.29±49.96) and the post-intervention mean value (226.32±31.19), there was a decrease in reaction time of 12.9 milliseconds. Recommendations for providing additional food menus and nutrition education can be used as recommendations for workers and company owners.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitria Nanda Saputri
Abstrak :
Latar belakang Diabetes Mellitus (DM) merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan utama di negara berkembang maupun negara maju.1 Pada tahun 2007, sekitar 23,6 juta orang Amerika menderita DM, dimana sebagian besar adalah pekerja.2 Penelitian oleh Poulsen (2014) menemukan bahwa 3,5% petugas kesehatan menderita DM selama periode pengamatan 7 tahun.3 Informasi mengenai dampak kerja shift terhadap kontrol glikemik pada pada pekerja yang memiliki DM tipe 2 masih belum banyak diketahui. Metode Kasus wanita berusia 52 tahun bekerja sebagai perawat di rumah sakit, mengikuti jadwal shift malam dan telah didiagnosis DM tipe 2 sejak 7 tahun lalu. Pencarian literatur dilakukan melalui pencarian elektronik (PubMed dan ProQuest) serta hand searching dengan kata kunci “kontrol glukosa darah”, “diabetes mellitus tipe 2”, “kerja shift” dan “kerja shift malam” yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Hasil Hasil pencarian didapatkan 92 studi dan 3 studi yang relevan ditemukan dengan desain potong lintang. Studi oleh Manodpitipong (2017) menunjukkan bahwa kerja shift malam dikaitkan dengan HbA1c yang lebih tinggi (p = 0,044) dibandingkan dengan kerja siang hari. Studi oleh Chalernvanichakorn (2008) memberikan hasil kontrol glikemik yang baik secara signifikan lebih tinggi pada pekerja harian dibandingkan pekerja shift (28,3% vs 15,8%) dengan p = 0,02. Studi oleh Ghazawy (2013) menunjukkan bahwa HbA1c lebih tinggi di antara pekerja dengan diabetes yang melakukan kerja shift dibandingkan dengan pekerja yang hanya bekerja siang hari (p = 0,01). Kerja shift sendiri berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengendalian diabetes (p = 0,04), dengan OR = 3,83 (1,02 – 14,34). Kesimpulan Bukti penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara kerja shift malam dengan kontrol glikemik yang buruk pada pekerja dengan DM tipe 2. Pekerja shift malam berisiko 2-3 kali memiliki kontrol glikemik yang buruk daripada pekerja non-shift. Bukti yang ditemukan dalam studi Manodpitipong dan Chalernvanichakorn dapat diterapkan pada pasien ini karena karakteristik subjek penelitian yang sama. ......Background Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is considered to be one of a major problem in both developing and industrialized countries.1 As of 2007, approximately 23.6 million Americans have diabetes, most of whom are or wish to be participating members of the workforce.2 Research by Poulsen et al., (2014) found that 3.5% of health workers had diabetes during the 7-year observation period.3 A person with diabetes should be individually assessed to determine whether or not that person can safely and effectively perform the particular duties of the job in question.2 Shift work is considered to be disruptive to normal diurnal biological rhythms and has been associated with many health problems.4 Observational studies revealed that night-shift work is associated with increased risk of prevalent diabetes and incident diabetes.7 Information regarding the impact of shift work on blood glucose control or glycemic state in workers who have a history of type 2 diabetes is still not widely known. Method The case is about a 52-year-old female who worked as a nurse in non-intensive ward of government hospital and performed night shift work. She has been diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus for seven years . A literature search was conducted through PubMed and ProQuest and also performed with the hand searching method. The inclusion criteria of this search strategy were systematic review, cohort study, worker with type 2 DM, shift work, blood glucose control and glycemic control. The exclussion criteria were articles not in english and inaccessible full text article. Then, they were critically appraised based on Center of Evidence- Based Medicine, Oxford University, Critical Appraisal for Etiology. Result Three relevant studies were found through literature searching and all of those studies were cross sectional design. The first study by Manodpitipong, et al.(2017) showed that night shift work was associated with significantly higher haemoglobin A1c (p = 0.044) compared with day work. While there were no differences between unemployed participants and day workers (p = 0.572). The second study conducted by Chalernvanichakorn, et al.(2008) give result that good glycemic control was significantly higher in day workers versus shift workers (28.3% vs 15.8%) with p = 0.02. A higher proportion of shift workers had hypoglycemic symptoms compared to day workers (42.5% vs. 26.7%). The third study by Ghazawy, et al.(2013) showed that HbA1c was significant higher levels among diabetic shift workers compared to diabetic day-time workers (p=0.01), where mean of current shift workers and former shift workers were 7.8±1.9 and 8.4±2.6, compared to 6.3±1.1. Shift work itself has a significant effect on control of diabetes (p = 0.04), with an OR = 3.83 (1.02 – 14.34), whereas age, duration of diabetes, BMI and waist circumference had no significant effect. Conclusion The research evidence found from the three studies above shows that there is association between night shift work and poor glycemic control in workers with type 2 DM. But the causation effect between the two variables cannot be determined yet, because there are many confounding factors that influence it. Night shift workers are two to three times more likely to have poor glycemic control than non-shift workers. The evidence found in the two study (Manodpitipong and Chalernvanichakorn) can be applied to our patient because of the same characteristic: female, diabetic worker, involved in night shift work. For future studies, cohort research should be conducted to find causality between shift work and glycemic control. Recommendation to our patient is to pay more attention to diet and adhere to treatment. It is necessary to inform the doctor that she is involved in shift work so that the doctor will provide a suitable regimen and diet for the patient.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arnold Fernando
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Tenaga kesehatan di rumah sakit memerlukan tingkat kewaspadaan yang tinggi saat kerja gilir dimalam hari, untuk meminimalisir terjadinya kecelakaan medis ataupun kelalaian medis akibat penurunan tingkat kewaspadaan. Memberikan waktu tidur singkat dapat merupakan suatu solusi untuk dapat tetap menjaga tingkat kewaspadaan saat bekerja gilir dimalam hari.Tujuan. Mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh intervensi tidur singkat terhadap tingkat kewaspadaan pekerja medis dan paramedis di RSUD Tanah Abang saat kerja gilir di malam hari.Metode. Penelitian pre-post experiment dilakukan di RSUD Tanah Abang dengan proportional random sampling. Kriteria inklusi subyek meliputi pekerja gilir malam yang dalam kondisi laik kerja. Pengukuran karakteristik subyek termasuk aktivitas harian dan asupan makanan saat dinas dilakukan melalui pemeriksaan fisik dan kuesioner terstandar. Intervensi diberikan berupa satu siklus waktu tidur singkat selama maksimal 30 menit pada saat waktu gilir malam. Pengukuran tingkat kewaspadaan dilakukan dengan Mackworth clock test pada awal dan akhir shift saat subyek tidak mendapatkan perlakuan tidur singkat maupun mendapatkan perlakuan tidur singkat. Pada saat mendapatkan perlakuan tidur singkat dilakukan pengukuran tambahan pada saat sebelum dan sesudah tidur singkat.Hasil. 4 pekerja medis dan 14 paramedis diikutsertakan dalam penelitian. Subyek penelitian tidak memiliki karakteristik dasar dan pola asupan makanan yang homogen. Tidak ada perbedaan tingkat kewaspadaan yang bermakna antara kerja gilir malam tanpa tidur singkat skor 571,45 458-1477 dengan kerja gilir malam dengan perlakuan tidur singkat skor 609,33 466-1658 dengan p=0,500.pada populasi yang diteliti. Hasil yang sama didapatkan setelah penyesuaian dilakukan berdasarkan aktivitas harian dan asupan makanan.Kesimpulan. Tidak ada pengaruh intervensi tidur singkat terhadap tingkat kewaspadaan pekerja medis dan paramedis.
Background. Healthcare provider at hospital need to be in high vigilance during their night shift. This is important to minimize medical mishap and negligence. Power nap allocation could be one of the solutions to maintain the level of vigilance during night shift.Aim. To identify how power nap influences medic and paramedic staff vigilance during night shift at Tanah Abang regional hospitalMethods. A pre post experimental study was conducted at Tanah Abang regional hospital using proportional random sampling. Inclusion criteria includes night shift workers who were fit to work. Baseline characteristics including daily activities record and food consumption were measured using standarize physical examination and questionnaires. Intervention was given a single cycle of power nap of maximal 30 minutes during night shift. Measurement of vigilance was conducted using Mackworth clock test at the begining and at the end of shift with or without intervention. During the intervention period, additional vigilance measurements were conducted.Result. We included 4 medics and 14 paramedics into the study. Subjects were relatively similar in baseline characteristics and food consumptions pattern. There is no signficance difference in vigilance between night shift without intervention score 571,45 458 1477 or with intervention score 609,33 466 1658 , with wilcoxon comparative test p 0,500 . Similar results persist even with adjustment in daily activities. Conclusion. There was is no significant improvement of vigilance level at the end of night shift with power nap interventionKeywords. Power Nap, Vigilance, Food Intake, Daily Activity, Medic, Paramedic, Night Shift
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library