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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Septian Wulandari
Abstrak :
Sejak adanya penemuan tentang struktur DNA yang berupa double helix, terdapat perkembangan tentang interaksi kompleks yang dibutuhkan untuk clustering (mengelompokkan) DNA menjadi clusters (kelompok-kelompok) yang memiliki kesamaan sifat ataupun fungsinya. Clustering DNA dapat dilakukan dengan metode partisi maupun metode hirarki. Dua metode tersebut dapat dipadukan dengan melakukan tahap partisi dan hirarki secara bergantian yang dikenal dengan nama HOPACH clustering. Tahap partisi dapat dilakukan dengan algoritma SOM, PAM, dan K-Means. Algoritma SOM dipilih karena menggunakan metode unsupervised learning dan efisien untuk digunakan pada data yang besar. Proses partisi dilanjutkan dengan proses ordering kemudian dilakukan collapsing dengan proses agglomerative, sehingga hasil clustering yang diperoleh menjadi lebih akurat. Penentuan cluster utama dilakukan dengan menghitung nilai kehomogenan hasil clustering menggunakan MSS (Mean Split Silhoutte). Kriteria penentuan cluster utama adalah pilih nilai MSS yang terkecil. Barisan 136 DNA EVD (Ebola Virus Disease) diperoleh dari Genbank NCBI dengan proses melakukan ekstraksi ciri DNA, selanjutnya melakukan normalisasi, dan dilanjutkan dengan menghitung jarak genetik menggunakan Jarak Euclidean. Matriks jarak genetik dapat dijadikan dasar untuk melakukan partisi serta clustering dengan menggunakan algoritma partisi SOM dalam metode HOPACH clustering. Proses ekstraksi ciri, normalisasi, dan penerapan algoritma partisi SOM dalam metode HOPACH clustering menggunakan bantuan program open source . Pada hasil clustering penerapan algoritma partisi SOM dalam metode HOPACH clustering diperoleh 9 cluster dengan nilai MSS sebesar 0,50280. Cluster yang dihasilkan dapat diidentifikasikan berdasarkan spesies dan tahun pertama kali mewabah. ...... Since the discovery of DNA structure in form of double helix, there is a development about the complex interaction required, DNA clustering into clusters which have the same features or functions. DNA clustering can be done by applying partitional or hierarchical method. Those two methods can be combined by doing partitional and hierarchical stage alternately known as HOPACH clustering. The partitional stage can be done by using SOM Algorithm, PAM, and K-Means. SOM algorithm is chosen because it uses unsupervised learning method and efficient to be used for large data. The partitional process is continued by ordering process and then performed collapsing with agglomerative process, so that the clustering result which is obtained will be more accurate. The determination of the main cluster done by calculating homogeneous value of the clustering result uses MSS (Mean Split Silhouette). The determination criteria of the main cluster is choosing the smallest MSS value. 136 sequences of DNA EVD (Ebola Virus Disease) are obtained from NCBI Genbank by applying extraction of DNA sequence, after that doing normalization, and then calculating the genetic distance use Euclidean Distance. Genetic distance matrix can be used as a basis to do partitional and clustering by implementation SOM partitioning algorithm in HOPACH clustering method. The extraction of DNA sequence, normalization, and the implementation of SOM partitioning algorithm in HOPACH clustering method use open source program . On the result of implementation SOM partitioning algorithm in HOPACH clustering method retrieved 9 clusters with MSS value of 0,50280. The cluster which is obtained can be identified according to species and the first year of becoming an epidemic.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ghea Suryawati
Abstrak :
Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui fungsi dari ekpresi gen (DNA/Protein) adalah dengan analisis kelompok (Clustering). Metode pengelompokan HOPACH mengkombinasikan agglomerative dan partisi. Partisi yang dapat digunakan antara lain PAM, SOM, dan K-Means yang termasuk dalam hard clustering. Dalam beberapa kasus karena beberapa hal pengelompokkan objek dengan hard clustering menjadi kurang tepat. Karena itu kemudian muncul teori himpunan fuzzy (kabur, tidak pasti) yang mendasari berkembangnya metode fuzzy clustering. Salah satu metode fuzzy clustering adalah metode Fuzzy c-means (FCM) yang merupakan perkembangan dari k-means. Hasil dari penerapan algoritma partisi fuzzy c-means dalam metode pengelompokan HOPACH adalah algortima pengelompokan dengan langkah-langkah: ekstraksi ciri dengan n-mers frecuency, normalisasi, partisi dengan FCM, menentukan kelompok terbaik dengan mencari nilai MSS minimum, ordering, dan collapsing. Hal ini dilakukan berulang kali sampai kriteria berhenti terpenuhi. Penerapan algoritma ini dilakukan dengan program R. Pada penerapan algoritma partisi dalam metode HOPACH clustering, langkah normalisasi tidak perlu dilakukan, karena FCM sendiri sudah mengatasi masalah adanya outliers. Kekurangan dari penerapan ini adalah running time program yang cukup lama untuk nilai batas toleransi yang kecil.
One of the way to know the function of gene expression by clustering analysis. HOPACH clustering is combine thea agglomerative and partition method. The partition are PAM, SOM, and K-means which is part of hard clustering. In some cases because of the placement object in to a cluster with hard clustering can cause an error. So that is the reason why fuzzy set theory occurs and became the foundation of fuzzy clustering. One of the fuzzy clustering methods is Fuzzy C-means (FCM) which is developed from K-means. The result from the implementation of FCM partitioning algorithm in HOPACH clustering method is the clustering algorithm which the steps are: characteristic extraction, normalization, partition using FCM, choosing the best cluster with the minimum MSS, ordering and collapsing. The process need done by iteration until the stopping criteria has reached. The implementation of this algorithm is use R program. In the implementation of FCM partitioning algorithm in HOPACH clustering method, normalization process can be deleted, because the FCM already sole the outliers problem. This disadvantage of this implementation is the running time program need quite along time for the small tolerance limits.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khaola Rachma Adzima
Abstrak :
Penerapan algoritma partisi k-means dalam metode HOPACH clustering dalam penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengelompokkan barisan DNA virus ebola. Proses dimulai dengan mengumpulkan barisan DNA virus ebola yang diambil dari GenBank, kemudian dilakukan ekstraksi ciri menggunakan n-mers frequency. Hasil ekstraksi ciri barisan DNA tersebut dikumpulkan dalam sebuah matriks dan dilakukan normalisasi menggunakan normalisasi min-max dengan interval [0, 1] yang akan digunakan sebagai data masukan. Hasil pengelompokan barisan DNA virus ebola pada penelitian ini diperoleh 8 kelompok dengan nilai MSS (Mean Split Silhouette) minimum 0,50266. Proses clustering pada penelitian ini menggunakan program open source R.
The implementation of k-means partitioning algorithm in HOPACH clustering method in this thesis is used to clustering DNA sequences of ebola viruses. The clustering process is started with collecting DNA sequences of ebola viruses that are taken from GenBank, then performing the extraction of DNA sequences using n-mers frequency. The extraction results are collected as a matrix and normalized using the min-max normalization with interval [0, 1] which will be used as an input data. As the results, we obtained 8 clusters with minimum MSS (Mean Split Silhouette) 0,50266. The clustering process in this thesis is using the open source program R.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noviaji Joko Priono
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Musculoskeletal Symptoms (MSS) merupakan salah satu gangguan yang sangat umum terjadi dan menjadi masalah kesehatan para pekerja. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor risiko individu, organisasi, lingkungan, fisik dan psikososial dengan MSS pada pekerja pabrik di Karawang, Indonesia. Metode: Desain study yang digunakan adalah cross sectional. Data dikumpulkan dari Januari- Juni 2019 melalui survey online pada 288 pekerja secara acak. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan regresi logistik. Hasil: Prevalensi MSS pada leher, bahu, punggung atas dan punggung bawah lebih dari 60%. Jumlah rata-rata keluhan pada periode 7 hari terakhir adalah 4,3 keluhan dan periode 12 bulan terakhir adalah 4,8 keluhan dari total 9 bagian tubuh. Pekerja yang mengalami stress dapat meningkatkan risiko MSS pada leher 4,25 kali. Berat beban angkat >10kg meningkatkan risiko terjadinya MSS pada bahu sebesar 2,33 kali, punggung atas 3,25 kali, dan punggung bawah 3,52 kali. Kesimpulan: Kami menyimpulkan bahwa perlu ada perhatian khusus pada pekerja yang mengangkat beban berat dan juga manajemen stress karena kedua hal tersebut adalah faktor dominan yang dapat meningkatkan MSS.
Background: Musculoskeletal Symptoms (MSS) is one of the most common disorders and is a health problem for workers. Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between individual, organizational, environmental, physical and psychosocial risk factors with MSS in factory workers in Karawang, Indonesia. Method: The study was cross sectional. Data was collected from January to June 2019 through an online survey of 288 workers randomly. Data were analyzed using logistic and ordinal regression. Results: The prevalence of MSS more than 60% in the neck, shoulders, upper back and lower back. The average number of complaints in the last 7 days was 4.3 complaints and the last 12 months was 4.8 complaints from a total of 9 body parts. Several factors are associated with and can increase the risk of MSS in the neck as in very stressful conditions (OR 4.25, 95% CI 1.25-14.46). Weight lifting >10kg can increase the risk of MSS on the shoulder (OR 2.33, 95% CI, 1.08-5.02), upper back (OR 3.25, 95% CI, 1.06- 9.96) and lower back (OR 3.52, 95% CI, 1.27-9.71). Conclusion: We conclude that there needs to be special attention to workers who lift heavy loads and also stress management because both of these are dominant factors that can increase MSS.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Muhimatul Munawaroh
Abstrak :
Pelayanan kesehatan orang terduga TB merupakan salah satu standar pelayanan minimal (SPM) bidang Kesehatan yang harus dipenuhi oleh pemerintah Kab/Kota. Puskesmas merupakan unit terdepan dalam pencapaian target kinerja SPM bidang Kesehatan. Capaian SPM TB di kota Depok tahun 2021 baru mencapai 36,17 % dan menjadi capaian terendah kedua dari 12 SPM bidang Kesehatan Kota Depok. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis secara mendalam aspek struktur, aspek proses peningkatan mutu dan kinerja  dengan pendekatan PDSA (Plan-do-study-act) serta output dalam upaya peningkatan capaian pelayanan kesehatan orang terduga TB di Puskesmas Kota Depok Tahun 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan desain studi kasus melalui wawancara mendalam kepada 31 informan, observasi lapangan dan telusur dokumen. Hasil penelitian, belum semua Puskesmas menetapkan Tim TB Dots, kurangnya tenaga yang terlatih,sarana-prasarana belum semua  sesuai standar, bahan-obat belum memadai, penggunaan teknologi informasi belum optimal, komitmen pimpinan dan staf masih kurang. Pada faktor proses, kegiatan upaya peningkatan capaian SPM TB pada tahapan study belum semua Puskesmas melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi terhadap capaian SPM TB.Pada output; terjadi peningkatan capaian  pelayanan orang terduga TB pada tahun 2022 dibandingkan tahun 2021, namun belum semua Puskesmas dapat mencapai target  SPM TB yang ditetapkan.  Kesimpulan: faktor struktur dan proses peningkatan mutu dan kinerja yang dilakukan berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan dalam pencapaian SPM TB di Puskesmas. ......The health service for people suspected of having TB is one of the minimum service standards (MSS) in the health sector that must be met by the district/city government. The Public Health Center is the leading unit in achieving the MSS performance targets in the health sector. TB MSS achievement in Depok city in 2021 only reached 36.17% and became the second lowest achievement of the 12 MSS in Depok City Health. The aim of this study was to analyze in depth aspects of the structure, aspects of the quality and performance improvement process using the PDSA (Plan-do-study-act) approach as well as outputs in an effort to increase the achievement of health services for people suspected of having TB at the Depok City Health Center in 2022. This research used a qualitative approach using a case study design through in-depth interviews with 31 informants, field observations and document searches. The results of the study, not all Public Health Centers have established TB Dots Teams, lack of trained personnel, not all facilities are up to standard, medicinal materials are not adequate, use of information technology is not optimal, leadership and staff commitment is still lacking. In terms of process factors, not all Public Health Centers have conducted monitoring and evaluation of TB MSS achievements at the study stage. On output; there has been an increase in the achievement of services for people suspected of having TB in 2022 compared to 2021, but not all Public Health Centers have reached the set TB MSS target. Conclusion: structural factors and quality and performance improvement processes carried out influence success in achieving TB MSS at the Public Health Centers.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kristin Indriyani
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini melakukan investigasi terhadap faktor-faktor ergonomi yang berhubungan dengan Indoor Health and Comfort/IHC (dengan indikator keluhan gejala SBS dan kenyamanan kerja) dan keluhan MSS yang dialami oleh pegawai fungsional dan staf di Kantor X. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kantor X dengan objek penelitian yaitu pegawai fungsional dan staf yang bekerja menggunakan komputer/laptop dan berada di ruangan staf bertipe cubicle (ruangan A, B, C, D, dan E). Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui pengamatan, wawancara, pengukuran kualitas lingkungan kerja di dalam ruangan serta pengisian kuesioner kenyamanan kerja, keluhan gejala SBS dan keluhan MSS. 53,85% pegawai memiliki tingkat kenyamanan kerja tinggi dan 46,15% pegawai memiliki tingkat kenyamanan kerja rendah. 53,85% pegawai merasakan keluhan gejala SBS dengan keluhan paling banyak ditemui 33,85% mata lelah dan 33,85% lelah atau mengantuk. 78,57% pegawai mengalami keluhan MSS. Faktor-faktor ergonomi yang tidak sesuai dengan standar meliputi: dimensi kursi, dimensi meja, penggunaan perangkat komputer, postur kerja, dimensi ruangan, layout ruangan, warna ruangan, serta faktor lingkungan berupa kebisingan, pencahayaan, temperatur, kelembaban, karbondioksida, formaldehyde, dan VOCs. Ditemukan adanya hubungan signifikan antara faktor level aktivitas dengan kenyamanan kerja; serta faktor konsentrasi VOCs dengan keluhan gejala SBS. Tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara faktor-faktor ergonomi yang diteliti dengan keluhan MSS.
This study presents our investigations of ergonomic factors that related to Indoor Health and Comfort/IHC (with indicators Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) symptoms and work comfort) and Musculaskeletal Symptoms (MSS) suffered by functional and staff workers in Office X year 2017. Conducted in X Office in Indonesia, with the object study are functional and staff workers who work using computer or laptop in staff room which cubicle type (room A, B, C, D, and E). This study perform via walktrought observation, interview, measure indoor air quality/environment factors and fill indoor comfort quesionaire, SBS symptoms quesionaire and Nordic Body Map (NBM) quesionaire . 53,85% of workers have a high level of work comfort and 46,15% of workers have a low level of work comfort. 53,85% of workers suffered complaint of SBS symptoms with at most complaint of SBS symptoms be found are 33,85% tired or strained eyes and 33,85% fatigue or drowsiness. 78,57% of workers suffered MSS complaint. Ergonomic factors that not comform to standard include seat dimensions, table dimensions, computer used, work posture, room dimensions, room layout, room colors, and noise, lighting, temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide , formaldehyde, and VOCs. There is significant relationship between activity level factors and work comfort; VOCs concentration and complaint of SBS symptoms. There is no significant relationship between ergonomic factors are studied and MSS complaint.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dita Septianawanti
Abstrak :
CPOB atau Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik bertujuan untuk menjamin obat dibuat secara konsisten, memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan dan sesuai dengan tujuan penggunaannya. Dalam CPOB tercantum persyaratan untuk ruang karantina. PT Hexpharm Jaya Laboratories memiliki ruang Work In Process (WIP) sebagai ruang karantina produk yang merupakan area penting dalam proses. Area ini digunakan sebagai tempat untuk karantina produk antara dan/atau tablet yang siap untuk dilakukan proses primary packaging. Kegiatan dan produk yang ada di ruang WIP harus sesuai dengan pedoman Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB), produk yang berada dalam ruang WIP harus jelas identitasnya, ruangan harus terjaga kebersihannya, wadah yang digunakan harus sesuai ketentuan, dan akses untuk memasuki ruang WIP harus terbatas hanya untuk orang yang memiliki wewenang, seperti supervisor dan PIC pada ruang produksi. Penumpukan dalam ruang WIP juga dapat menyebabkan mix up batch yang dapat terjadi apabila operator salah mengambil material atau saat operator menggeser wadah, label identitas dari produk yang menempel pada wadah terjatuh mengakibatkan kemungkinan label tertukar. Oleh karena itu, dalam tugas khusus ini penulis diminta untuk memanajemen ruang WIP agar lebih terstruktur dan sesuai dengan pedoman Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik dengan cara pembuatan mapping dan lay out pada ruang WIP. Hasil yang didapat, hampir semua aspek pada ruang WIP PT. Hexpharm Jaya Laboratorium sudah sesuai dengan pedoman CPOB, hanya aspek kerapihan saja yang masih perlu ditingkatkan. Aspek kerapihan dapat diatasi dengan memanajemen ruang WIP dengan pembuatan mapping, hasilnya cukup efektif untuk membuat ruang WIP lebih terstruktur sehingga dapat menghindari risiko mix up batch dan memudahkan operator dalam mencari MSC atau MSS yang akan diproses ......CPOB or Good Manufacturing Practices of Drugs aims to ensure that drugs are made consistently, meet the stipulated requirements and are in accordance with their intended use. In the GMP, the requirements for quarantine rooms are listed. PT Hexpharm Jaya Laboratories has a Work In Process (WIP) room as a product quarantine room which is an important area in the process. This area is used as a place for quarantine of intermediate products and/or tablets that are ready for the primary packaging process. The activities and products in the WIP room must comply with the guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), the product in the WIP room must have a clear identity, the room must be kept clean, the containers used must comply with the provisions, and access to enter the WIP room must be limited to authorized persons, such as supervisors and PICs in the production room. Stacking in the WIP chamber can also cause a mix up batch which can occur if the operator picks up the wrong material or when the operator shifts the container, the identity label of the product attached to the container falls, resulting in the possibility of labels being confused. Therefore, in this special task, the author is asked to manage the WIP room so that it is more structured and in accordance with the guidelines for the Good Manufacturing Practice of Medicine by mapping and laying out the WIP room. The results obtained, almost all aspects of the PT. Hexpharm Jaya Laboratory has complied with GMP guidelines, only the tidiness aspect still needs to be improved. The neatness aspect can be overcome by managing the WIP space by making a mapping, the results are quite effective in making the WIP room more structured so as to avoid the risk of batch mix ups and make it easier for operators to find MSC or MSS to be processed.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tanti Siswanti
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan Standar Pelayanan Minimal Bidang Kesehatan (SPM-BK) serta faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan Pelaksanaan SPM-BK oleh Suku Dinas Kesehatan di 5 (lima) Wilayah DKI Jakarta. . SPM-BK adalah standar yang digunakan untuk menjamin dan mendukung pelaksanaan kewenangan wajib daerah, sekaligus merupakan akuntabilitas daerah kepada Pemerintah dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintah daerah. Penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah survey deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan cara wawancara mendalam kepada 10 informan di Suku Dinas Kesehatan 5 (lima) wilayah DKI Jakarta. Setiap Suku Dinas terdiri dari 2 informan yaitu Kepala Suku Dinas Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Kepala Suku Dinas Kesehatan Masyarakat. Dipilih Kepala Suku Dinas Kesehatan karena Kepala Suku Dinas adalah penanggung jawab program pembangunan kesehatan di wilayah kerjanya, dan karena itu dipandang yang paling mengetahui tentang pelaksanaan SPM-BK. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sekalipun Pedoman SPM-BK belum diterima oleh para informan akan tetapi secara umum kewenangan yang tercantum dalam SPM-BK telah dilaksanakan oleh seluruh Kepala Suku Dinas Kesehatan. Jika pelaksanaan kewenangan SPM-BK dikaitkan dengan karakteristik informan , didapat kesan bahwa makin tinggi umur informan makin baik pelaksanaan kewenangannya, selanjutnya jika pelaksanaan kewenangan SPM-BK dikaitkan dengan tingkat pengetahuan dan pemahaman informan didapat kesan bahwa informan yang pernah mendengar SPM-BK serta yang memiliki pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang SPM-BK, cenderung menyelenggarakan kewenangan SPM-BK yang lebih baik. Ditemukan adanya dukungan untuk penyelenggaraan kewenangan SPM-BK, baik dari Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi maupun dari Pemerintah Daerah. Namun ada atau tidaknya dukungan tersebut agaknya tidak mempengaruhi baik atau tidaknya penyelenggaraan kewenangan SPM-BK. Pada dasarnya SPM-BK di daerah akan terlaksana apabila adanya kerjasama dari semua pihak yang berkaitan. Oleh karena itu sebelum disusun SPM-BK disetiap wilayah, maka terlebih dahulu perlu diselenggarakan pertemuan untuk menyamakan persepsi terhadap pedoman SPM-BK, agar pada waktu pelaksanaannya dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Perlu pula segera disusun SPM-BK secara tertulis untuk setiap wilayah kota, yang di satu pihak mengacu pada SPM-BK yang dikeluarkan pusat, serta dipihak lain sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi kesehatan wilayah kota masing-masing. Selanjutnya perlu dikembangkan dasar teori yang lebih kuat tentang perlunya SPM-BK sehingga dapat dipatuhi oleh setiap penanggung jawab program kesehatan di daerah dalam rangka desentralisasi, disamping perlu dilakukan penelitian serupa yang lebih mendalam di berbagai propinsi serta kabupaten/kota lain sehingga didapatkan gambaran yang lebih riil tentang pelaksanaan SPM-13K. Daftar Pustaka 41 (1987 -- 2002)
The Analysis of the implementation of Minimum Services Standard Policy on Health in 5 (five) Municipalities in Jakarta Year 2002This study aims to understand the implementation of the Minimum Service Standard on Health (MSS-H) and the influential factors in five Municipalities in Jakarta. MSS-H is a standard that can be used to guarantee and support the implementation of obligatory regional responsibilities and also can be used as a tool to measure the accountability of the region (province and district/municipality) to the central government in implementing their responsibilities. The study design used is a descriptive survey with a qualitative approach. The collection of data was done through in depth interview with ten- (10) informants from five (5) municipalities in Jakarta. Each municipality has two informants which are Head of the Municipality Health Services and Head of Municipality Public Health. These informants were chosen because all of them are responsible person for the health development program in their respective areas and are therefore well informed about the implementation of the minimum service standards for health. The findings revealed that although the minimum service standards manual for health was not received yet by the informant, the implementation of the compulsory responsibilities that are in the minimum service standards for health, in general, has been implemented. If the implementation of the compulsory responsibilities are viewed from the informants personal characteristics, it was found that the oldest informant was implemented the compulsory responsibilities better than the youngest and the informant that had already heard and about were more experienced about minimum service standards for health are better in the implementation of these standards. This study also found that there was support from the provincial health office as well as local government in the implementation of minimum service standards for health. However the present of this support did not influences the quality of the implementation of the standards. In general, it can be said that the minimum service standards for health can be implemented if there is a good working relationship with all stakeholders. Therefore, it is recommended that as part of the development of minimum service standards for health, a meeting of all stakeholders should be conducted, with the aim to establish the same perception on minimum service standards for health and facilitate the implementation. It is also recommended that written minimum service standards for health for each municipality be developed soon, that on one hand is based on the minimum service standards for health prepared by the central government and on the other hand is adjusted to the local situation and condition. Another recommendation that would help guarantee the good implementation of the standards is to develop a theoretical basis for minimum service standards for health so the concept can be easily understood and accepted by each person responsible for health in the region. Last but not least it is also recommended that similar studies should be conducted in others provinces and districts/municipalities so this real picture of the implementation of minimum service standards for health can be better understood and documented. References: 4 1 (1987 - 2002)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Sasutji
Abstrak :
The atmospheric effects reduction in this study which covers path radiance effect decrement and ground reflectivity extraction of Landsat MSS Data.

When radiation travels through the atmosphere, energy is attenuated through scattering and absorption, an enhanced due to atmospheric emission and path radiance. Ground reflected radiance, from which information is extracted for remote sensing application, is altered by the atmosphere when it reaches the satellite. Besides that, radiance reflected by the background area surrounding the target may also reach the satellite. Therefore, the effects of atmosphere on Landsat data must be reduced, before data processing for any purposes.

The effective reflectivity which is observed from the satellite can be computed as a function of ground reflectivity. Relation between the effective reflectivity and ground reflectivity is linear approximately.

Land cover classification which is processed by Maximum Likelihood method is used in this study, in order to evaluate the atmospheric effects reduction method.
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1985
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Roudo
Abstrak :
How can performance management influence management influence public sector agencies to improve their performance? This question has long been the subject of intense discussion among scholars. It is often the case that public sector units have no motivation to improve beyond the minimum level required to stay safe and can also result in unambitious average syndrome. A similar phenomenon potential to arise with the introduction of the Minimum service Standards (MSS) for local authorities within Indonesia's decentralised system. Through the decentralisation policy, which was launched in 1999, the central government has devolved most public service decision-making to local authorities. As a concequence of this policy, inequality has grown, reflecting different capacities and motivations of local government. Yet, the central government has (in principle) a reserve power to intervene and enforce these minimum standards. Thus, instead of a set target or rank for local government, MSS was introduced as a form of compromise between the central and local governments in relation to the minimum quality of service in health and education that should be delivered by local governments. This paper attempts to assess the influence of public sector performance management on the motivation of local public-sector agencies to improve their performance. There are two main research questions. Firstly, what is the influence of MSS on the motivation of public sector agencies to improve their performance in delivering services? Secondly, how far does the concept of an unambitious average syndrome explain the outcomes attained? Semi-structured interviews with 80 informants in central and local government, as well as scholars, non-government organisations and international agencies were used in data collection, with thematic analysis used for data analysis. In terms of the results, the influence of MSS on the motivation of local government to improve their performance hardly fits with the idea of the 'unambitious average syndrome'. MSS seems only to motivate improvements in performance among those local governments whose current achievement fall just below the required standard. They are motivated only to pass and deliver just above the required standard. MSS, however, does not appear to motivate local governments delivering either above or well below the standards
Jakarta: Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS), 2018
330 JPP 2:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library