ABSTRAKAktivitas menggunakan mobile instant messenger merupakan aktivitas
yang paling sering dilakukan oleh konsumen Indonesia dengan perangkat ponsel
pintarnya. Salah satu mobile instant messenger yang paling banyak digunakan
oleh konsumen Indonesia adalah LINE messenger. Penelitian ini meneliti dampak
network externalities yang konsumen miliki dan flow experience yang dirasakan
oleh konsumen terhadap loyalitas yang dimiliki konsumen pada LINE messenger.
Dengan metode SEM, didapatkan bahwa referent network size perceived
complementarit, perceived enjoyment, attention focus mempengaruhi loyalitas
konsumen MIM secara positif.
ABSTRACTThe activity of using mobile instant messaging is the most popular activity
Indonesian consumers do with their smartphones. One of the most used mobile
instant messaging applications in Indonesia is LINE messenger. This study tries to
find the impact of consumers? network externality and flow experience to their
loyalty towards their LINE messenger. Structural Equation Modeling is used to
analyze the relationship between each variable. By that analysis, It is found that
referent network size, perceived complementarity, perceived enjoyment, and
attention focus can affect the consumers? loyalty positively"