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Ditemukan 16 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nepal: Tribhuvan University, 1996
610.7 ESS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cope, Oliver M.D.
Toronto: Lippincott Comp., 1968
616.07 COP m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harden, Ronald M.
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2012
610.71 HAR e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riry Ambarsarie
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Model pengembangan staf pengajar akan membantu mengidentifikasiprogram pengembangan yang dapat mengakomodasi keinginan staf pengajar, kebutuhanakademik dan kebutuhan institusi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasimodel pengembangan staf pengajar yang dibutuhkan oleh suatu fakultas kedokteranmelalui tinjauan kepustakaan sistematik dan eksplorasi persepsi panel ahli. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologiyang didahului dengan tinjauan kepustakaan sistematik yang menggunakan duapangkalan data, yaitu PubMed dan ERIC, dilanjutkan dengan proses wawancara denganpanel ahli bidang pendidikan kedokteran sebagai informan yang berasal dari beberapafakultas kedokteran yang dipilih berdasarkan keterwakilan wilayah Asosiasi InstitusiPendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia AIPKI dan keterwakilan institusi pendidikan negeridan swasta di Indonesia. Hasil: Terdapat 10 kepustakaan yang dilibatkan dalam proses tinjauan kepustakaansistematik yang mendasari penyusunan konsep model pengembangan staf pengajar danterdapat 10 wawancara dengan pakar bidang pendidikan kedokteran. Seluruh informanmenyepakati sebagian besar komponen dalam model dan memberikan sejumlahmasukan untuk menyempurnakan model tersebut. Informan menyepakati tigakomponen utama dalam model pengembangan staf, yaitu komponen sistem, proses dankonten. Informan juga mengemukakan gambaran proses pengembangan staf pengajarsaat ini di Indonesia serta tantangan yang akan dihadapi dalam implementasi model. Diskusi: Tiga komponen utama dalam model menjadi salah satu syarat yang harusdipenuhi institusi pendidikan kedokteran jika ingin meningkatkan kualitas pendidikanmelalui program pengembangan staf yang komprehensif. Komponen konten yang terdiridari pengembangan instruksional, profesional, softskill, kepemimpinan dan spiritualmenjadi panduan penentuan konten atau materi yang diperlukan dalam suatupengembangan staf pengajar. Komponen proses menggambarkan berbagai aspek yangmempengaruhi program pengembangan akan mempermudah institusi dalammempersiapkan program pengembangan secara berkelanjutan. Komponen sistemmerupakan gambaran peran sistem pendidikan yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaanprogram pengembangan, terdiri dari aspek pimpinan, kebijakan institusi danketersediaan tenaga ahli. Kesimpulan: Model pengembangan staf pengajar yang disusun peneliti merupakanmodel yang ideal dan mampu diterapkan di Indonesia. Selain karena sifatnya yangkomprehensif, model ini juga disusun berdasarkan tinjauan kepustakaan sistematik,yang didukung oleh tinjauan para ahli dari perwakilan berbagai fakultas kedokteran diIndonesia yang membuat model ini sesuai dengan karakteristik pendidikan kedokterandi Indonesia. Melalui model ini, diharapkan institusi dapat mempersiapkan programpengembangan staf pengajar secara lebih komprehensif dan berkelanjutan. ......Background: Faculty development model will helping to identify developmentprograms that can accommodate faculty, academic and institutional needs. The purposeof this study is to explore the faculty development model that needed by a medicalschool through systematic literature review and expert panel perception exploration. Methods: This qualitative study with phenomenology approach is preceded by asystematic literature review that using two database, Pubmed and ERIC followed by aninterview process with panel expert as informant from several medical school thatselected based on representation of region of Association of Indonesian Medical School AIPKI and representation of public and private medical school in Indonesia. Results: There are 10 literatures involved in systematic literature review that underliesthe drafting of faculty development model and supported by 10 interviews with panelexpert. All informants agree on three main components of the model, that consist ofsystem, process and content components. The informants also presented an overview ofthe current faculty development process in Indonesia as well as the challenges that willbe faced in model implementation. Discussion: The three main components become one of the condition that medicalschool must be fulfilled if they want to improve their educational quality through acomphrehensive faculty development programs. Content component consist ofinstructional, professional, softskill, leadership and spiritual development, it will helpthe determination of content that needed in faculty development. The processcomponent describe the various aspects that will affecting the development program itwill help the institution to preparing the sustainable development program. The systemcomponent describe the role of education system that influences the implementation offaculty development program, consist of leader aspect, institutional policy and theavailability of experts. Conclusion: Faculty development model that construct by the author is an ideal modeland can be applied in Indonesia. Beside the comphrehensiveness, developing based on asystematic literature review and supported by a review expert that represented variousmedical school in Indonesia made this model appropriate with Indonesia medical schoolcharacteristics. Through this model, the institutions are expected to prepare the facultydevelopment program more comphrehensive and sustainable.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prathama Wibisono
Abstrak :
Background Mental emotional disorder becomes one of among top five sources of premature death and disability in many countries around the globe. Several studies reveal that mental health problems are very common among the college student, resulting almost half of college students population having mental health problems. The aim of this study is to find out the prevalence of mental emotional disorder among the first year medical and also to identify whether or not the trend of mental emotional disorder is increase in medical student after 1 year of medical education.Methods The total population of this study is 44 people that consist of men and women aged range from 18 to 24 years from international class medical students in the third semester. This study used the pre post study design. In addition, this study rsquo s population is the international class medical students of Universitas Indonesia Batch 2015. They underwent SRQ 20 both in the beginning of medical education and after 1 year of medical education which is in 2015 and 2016 respectively. In addition, they also conducted Holme Rahes questionnaire and open questions in 2016 after 1 year of medical education.Results The prevalence of mental emotional disorder is 34.1 of total population after 1 year of medical education. Meanwhile, the frequency of mental emotional disorder in 2015 of this population is none. There are some changes comparing mental emotional disorders in 2015 and 2016 that the changes of differences in mean score of 5.909.
Gangguan mental-emosional menjadi salah satu dari 5 sumber penyebabnya kematian dini dan kecacatan di beberapa negara seluruh dunia. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masalah kesehatan mental sangat banyak ditemukan pada mahasiswa, yaitu hampir setengah dari setengah populasi mahasiswa mempunya masalah kesehatan mental. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan prevalensi gangguan mental-emotional pada mahasiswa kedokteran tahun pertama dan mengidentifikasi apakah kecenderungan gangguan mental-emosional akan bertambah pada mahasiswa kedokteran setelah menjalani satu tahun pembelajaran ilmu kedokteran.Metode: Total populasi dari penelitian ini adalah 44 mahasiswa yang terdiri atas pria dan wanita rentang umur mulai dari 18 sampai 24 tahun dari mahasiswa kedokteran kelas internasional semester tiga. Penelitian ini memakai pre dan post desain. Selanjutnya, populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiwa kedokteran kelas internasional Universitas Indonesia angkatan 2015. Mereka telah melakukan pengisian kuisioner SRQ-20 saat mereka memulai pembelajaran kedokteran pada tahun 2015 dan setelah mereka melewati 1 tahun pertama pembelajaran kedokteran pada tahun 2016. Setelah itu, mereka juga telah mengisi kuisioner Holme-Rahes dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan terbuka pada tahun 2016 setelah 1 tahun pertama pembelajaran kedokteran.Hasil: Prevalensi dari gangguan mental-emotional adalah 34.1 dari total populasi penelitian ini setelah menjalani 1 tahun pertama pembelajaran kedokteran. Selain itu, frekuensi gangguan mental-emosional pada populasi penelitian ini tahun 2015 tidak ada. Terdapat beberapa perubahan saat membandingkan gangguan mental-emosional pada tahun 2015 dan 2016, yaitu perubahan dari rata-rata nilai sebesar 5.909
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silverman, Jonathan
Abstrak :
The Third Edition is one of two companion books on improving communication in medicine which together provide a comprehensive approach to teaching and learning communication skills throughout all levels of medical education in both specialist and family medicine. Since their publication, the first edition of this book and its companion, Teaching and Learning Communication Skills in Medicine, have become texts in communication skills teaching. This substantially expanded third edition has been fully updated in relation to the current literature and revised to reflect the explosion of research on healthcare communication since the second edition was published in 2004. It incorporates considerable evidence in support of the skills of the Calgary-Cambridge Guides, offering a comprehensive and now even more evidence-based delineation of the skills that make a difference when communicating with patients. It explores the specific skills of doctor-patient communication and provides wide-ranging evidence of the improvement that those skills can make to health outcome and everyday clinical practice. It is unique in providing a secure platform of core skills which represent the foundations of doctor-patient communication
London: CRC Press, 2013
610.696 SIL s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riener, Robert
Abstrak :
Virtual reality in medicine presents examples for surgical training, intra-operative augmentation, and rehabilitation that are already in use as well as those currently in development. It is well suited as introductory material for engineering and computer science students, as well as researchers who want to learn more about basic technologies in the area of virtual reality applied to medicine. It also provides a broad overview to non-engineering students as well as clinical users, who desire to learn more about the current state of the art and future applications of this technology.
London: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meilania Saraswati
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Anatomik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (PPDS PA FKUI) menggunakan kurikulum berdasarkan kompetensi/outcome (competency-/outcome-based curriculum). Namun, PPDS PA FKUI selama ini belum pernah melaksanakan ujian formatif berdasarkan kerja (workplace-based Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif untuk mengekplorasi secara mendalam pemanfaatan ujian formatif Diskusi berdasarkan Kasus dalam proses pendidikan di PPDS Patologi Anatomik FKUI. Dilakukan wawancara dan focused group discussion terhadap pengelola program, staf pengajar dan peserta PPDS PA FKUI. Staf pengajar diminta melakukan intervensi berupa ujian formatif DbK terhadap PPDS PA FKUI sebanyak tiga kali menggunakan borang yang telah diterjemahkan. Setelah intervensi, kembali dilakukan wawancara dan focused group discussion terhadap staf pengajar dan peserta PPDS PA FKUI.


Hasil: Staf Pengajar dan peserta PPDS PA FKUI menunjukkan respons positif terhadap pelaksanaan ujian formatif DbK. Ujian formatif DbK dianggap memungkinkan proses diskusi mendalam antara staf pengajar dan peserta PPDS PA terkait proses penegakkan diagnosis dari suatu kasus. Staf pengajar dapat memantau kemajuan proses pembelajaran serta memberikan umpan balik yang spesifik terhadap peserta PPDS. Peserta PPDS dapat mempelajari suatu kasus dengan lebih komprehensif, memperoleh umpan balik yang spefisik, serta mendapatkan simulasi ujian sumatif. Kesimpulan: Ujian DbK bermanfaat dalam proses pencapaian kompetensi dalam pendidikan yang menggunakan pendekatan competency- atau outcome-based curricula.

Postgraduate program for Anatomical Pathology Specialist in Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia use competence-/outcome-based curriculum approach. However, until now, the program has not yet adopted formative workplace-based assessment, for example, case-based discussion. This was a qualitative research to explore the use of formative assessment case-based discussion during educational process in postgraduate program for anatomical pathology specialist in FMUI. Interview and focused group discussion to the program manager, teaching staff and the residents were performed. Teaching staff was asked to perform three times case-based discussion (CbD) formative assessment toward the resident. Postintervention, interview and focused group discussion to the staf and resident were conducted. The staffs and residents of Anatomical Pathology Specialist Program of FMUI showed positive response toward CbD formative assessment. CbD formative assessment enabled deeper discussion between the staffs and residents regarding establishing diagnosis. The staffs were able to monitor the residents learning process and giving specific feedback toward the residents. The residents were able to learn about a case in a more comprehensive way, acquiring specific feedback and summative assessment simulation. Conclusion: CbD formative assessment is useful in the process of acquiring competence in diagnosis in a postgraduate education that uses competence- or outcome-based curricula.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Dharma Diatmika
Abstrak :
Rumah Sakit Pendidikan dalam pemberian pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat melibatkan residen untuk berinteraksi dan melaksanakan tindakan-tindakan medis tertentu dibawah pengawasan dan pendelegasian wewenang dari dokter penanggung jawab pelayanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kedudukan residen dalam pemberian pelayanan dan risiko tindakan medis residen yang didelegasikan padanya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, dengan melakukan wawancara dan penelusuran dokumen. Analisis data dengan content analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa risiko tindakan medis oleh residen adalah besar karena bukan staf medis. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah HBL RSUP Sanglah tidak mengatur tentang tindakan medis yang dilakukan oleh residen meskipun Undang-Undang Pendidikan Kedokteran mensyaratkan adanya perlindungan hukum bagi residen. Risiko pemberian tindakan medis yang dilakukan residen sangat berisiko mengingat hasil analisis yang dilakukan terhadap aturan perundang-undangan yang dilakukan adalah tidak adanya pengaturan secara tegas yang tertuang. Saran yang utama adalah adanya aturan pelaksana dari Undang-Undang Pendidikan Kedokteran dari Kementerian Kesehatan dan Kementerian Pendidikan yang jelas tentang perlindungan hukum kepada residen dalam pemberian pelayanan kesehatan. ...... Teaching Hospital in the provision of health services to the community is to engage residents to interact and carry out certain medical acts under the supervision and delegation of authority from the physician in charge of the service. The purpose of this study was to determine the position of resident in service delivery and the risk of resident medical actions delegated to him. This research is a qualitative descriptive study, by conducting interviews and document searches. Data analysis is done by content analysis. The results showed that the risk of medical treatment by a resident is great because the resident is not a medical staff. The conclusion of this study is Sanglah HBL does not regulate medical procedures performed by residents although Medical Education Law requires the existence legal protection for residents. The risk of giving medical treatment undertaken resident is very risky because of the results of the analysis conducted on the rules of law that have been done show no rule expressly set forth. The main suggestion was made rule of implementation of Medical Education Law issued by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education are clear about the legal protection to the residents in the delivery of health services.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tompodung, Linda Maya
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Persepsi mahasiswa terhadap lingkungan pembelajaran terbukti dapat memengaruhi prestasi, kepuasan dan kesuksesan mahasiswa. Mahasiswa yang berpendapat bahwa lingkungan pembelajaran memberikan dukungan akan belajar lebih keras dan memberikan prestasi lebih baik. Di Indonesia prestasi belajar lulusan dokter diukur secara nasional dengan menggunakan UKMPPD.Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran persepsi mahasiswa terhadap lingkungan pembelajaran dan hubungannya dengan kelulusan dalam UKMPPD.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross-sectional. Data diperoleh dari 105 peserta UKMPPD. Persepsi lingkungan pembelajaran diukur menggunakan kuesioner DREEM dan menghubungkannya dengan kelulusan dalam UKMPPD. Data berdistribusi tidak normal sehingga digunakan analisis Mann-Whitney. Analisis multivariat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kelulusan UKMPPD.Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukkan sembilan puluh persen mahasiswa FK UNSRAT mempunyai persepsi lsquo;positif rsquo; terhadap lingkungan pembelajaran. Total skor median DREEM persepsi mahasiswa kurang berprestasi lebih baik dibandingkan mahasiswa berprestasi. Hasil analisis multivariat tidak menemukan hubungan lingkungan pembelajaran dan kelulusan UKMPPD, namun kelulusan UKMPPD berhubungan dengan dengan status ujian peserta.
Background Students rsquo experience about their learning environment in medical education has been shown to be related to their achievements, satisfaction and success. Students who consider the learning environment supportive will learn harder and perform better. In Indonesia, the performance of newly graduated physicians is measured nationally using Indonesia Medical Licensing Exam IMLE . Objective The aim of this research is to describe students rsquo perception about their learning environment and its relationship with pass rate in IMLE.Methods We measured the perception on the learning environment of 105 students of Sam Ratulangi University UNSRAT Faculty of Medicine who were about to undertake IMLE in February 2017 using DREEM questionnaire and calculated the relationship with IMLE pass rate. Data analyzed was conducted using Mann Whitney test. Multivariate analysis was used to identify the factors affecting pass rate at IMLE.Results We found that 90 percent of the students have positive perception regarding learning environment in UNSRAT. The overall median DREEM score of the academic under achievers 136.00 was higher compared to the academic achievers 126.00 . However, multivariate analysis found no significant association between learning environment and the IMLE pass rate. Instead, IMLE pass rate is associated with the participant rsquo s exam status.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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