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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Erlien Lindawati
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1981
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Drost, Josephus Ignatius Gerardus Maria
Jakarta: Kompas, 2005
375.959 8 DRO d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Kumbo Lasmono
Penelitian ini ingin melihat implementasi Manajemen Berbasis
Sekolah/Madrasah (MBS/M) di dua madrasah swasta di Lampung dan
mendeskripsikan proses partisipasi masyarakat dalam kegiatan madrasah. Dengan
menggunakan metode studi kasus, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa implementasi
MBS/M di dua madrasah swasta ini berbeda berdasar latar belakang, iklim,
otonomisasi, tenaga pengajar, dan gaya kepemimpinan. Partisipasi masyarakat
masih terbatas hanya pada keikutsertaan masyarakat dalam implementasi atau
penerapan berbagai program pendidikan yang diselenggarakan oleh madrasah.
Meski demikian, ada peluang untuk peningkatan partisipasi ketika muncul kapital
sosial yang mempunyai fungsi bonding dan bridging diketengahkan sebagai
strategi implementasi kebijakan MBS/M di madrasah. Oleh karena itu, madrasah
masih memerlukan pembinaan yang berkesinambungan terkait aspek pelibatan
masyarakat sehingga dapat meningkatkan mutu madrasah yang berkelanjutan.

This study wants to examine the implementation of School/Madrasah
Based Management? (MBS/M) in two private islamic school (madrasah) in
Lampung and the process of public participation in these two madrasah. Using the
method of case study, this study found that the implementation of MBS/M in two
private madrasah is different based on their background, climate, autonomy,
teachers, and leadership style. Community participation in these two madrasah is
limited to the implementation or application of a variety of educational programs
organized by the madrasah. However, there are opportunities for increased public
participation when the social capital appears at the process of participation. It has
the function of bonding and bridging among community. Therefore, a madrasah
still require continuous guidance related to the involvement of the community in
order to improve the quality of madrasah sustainable.;This study wants to examine the implementation of ?School/Madrasah
Based Management? (MBS/M) in two private islamic school (madrasah) in
Lampung and the process of public participation in these two madrasah. Using the
method of case study, this study found that the implementation of MBS/M in two
private madrasah is different based on their background, climate, autonomy,
teachers, and leadership style. Community participation in these two madrasah is
limited to the implementation or application of a variety of educational programs
organized by the madrasah. However, there are opportunities for increased public
participation when the social capital appears at the process of participation. It has
the function of bonding and bridging among community. Therefore, a madrasah
still require continuous guidance related to the involvement of the community in
order to improve the quality of madrasah sustainable.;This study wants to examine the implementation of ?School/Madrasah
Based Management? (MBS/M) in two private islamic school (madrasah) in
Lampung and the process of public participation in these two madrasah. Using the
method of case study, this study found that the implementation of MBS/M in two
private madrasah is different based on their background, climate, autonomy,
teachers, and leadership style. Community participation in these two madrasah is
limited to the implementation or application of a variety of educational programs
organized by the madrasah. However, there are opportunities for increased public
participation when the social capital appears at the process of participation. It has
the function of bonding and bridging among community. Therefore, a madrasah
still require continuous guidance related to the involvement of the community in
order to improve the quality of madrasah sustainable., This study wants to examine the implementation of ‘School/Madrasah
Based Management’ (MBS/M) in two private islamic school (madrasah) in
Lampung and the process of public participation in these two madrasah. Using the
method of case study, this study found that the implementation of MBS/M in two
private madrasah is different based on their background, climate, autonomy,
teachers, and leadership style. Community participation in these two madrasah is
limited to the implementation or application of a variety of educational programs
organized by the madrasah. However, there are opportunities for increased public
participation when the social capital appears at the process of participation. It has
the function of bonding and bridging among community. Therefore, a madrasah
still require continuous guidance related to the involvement of the community in
order to improve the quality of madrasah sustainable.]"
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dony Hidayat
Beban yang terjadi pada main landing gear saat touchdown impact merupakan fungsi dari berat pesawat dikalikan dengan ground reaction load factor. Pada CASR Part 23.473 Ground Load Conditions and Assumptions disebutkan bahwa nilai ground reaction load factor berada antara 2 s/d 2.67 dan harus dibuktikan dengan Landing Gear Drop Test LGDT . Dari simulasi dengan kecepatan jatuh vsink 1.7 m/detik dan beban 22 kN diperoleh gaya kontak/impak yang terjadi pada simulasi menggunakan perangkat lunak MSC ADAMS sebesar 73.65 kN, sedangkan menggunakan perangkat lunak Solidworks Motion Analysis sebesar 74.47 kN. Hasil pengujian eksperimental diperoleh gaya kontak/impak sebesar 73.61 kN. Untuk mendapatkan ground reaction load factor dibawah 3 pada vsink = 3.05 m/detik, maka harus menggunakan rubber damper dengan stiffness antara 2000 - 2100 N/mm dan tekanan roda antara 60 - 65 psi.

Loads at main landing gear while touchdown impact is function of aircraft weight and ground reaction load factor. In regulation CASR Part 23.473 states ground reaction load factor at vsink 3.05 m s is between 2 to 2.67 and must be proven by Landing Gear Drop Test LGDT . From simulation with vsink 1.7 m s and load 22 kN obtained contact impact force that ensue in MSC ADAMS is 73.65 kN and Solidworks Motion Analysis is 74.47 kN, while from experimental is 73.61 kN. To obtain ground reaction load factor below 3 in vsink 3.05 m s, rubber damper stiffness have to 2000 2100 N mm and tire pressure between 60 65 psi."
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raihan Rizki Amalsyah
"Visi 2030 Arab Saudi merupakan kebijakan yang diinisiasikan oleh Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) untuk mendiversifikasi ekonomi negara tersebut. Salah satu sektor yang menjadi fokus pengembangan adalah pariwisata. Kebijakan publik sektor pariwisata Arab Saudi berfungsi sebagai landasan peraturan untuk mencapai visi 2030. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji implementasi kebijakan MBS di bidang pariwisata, jenis wisata baru yang diperkenalkan, pelonggaran hukum syariah yang dilakukan, dan dampak perubahan sosial terhadap masyarakat Arab Saudi. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori kebijakan publik yang dikemukakan oleh Nasucha dan Pasolong, serta metode kualitatif deskriptif. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah Arab Saudi telah mengimplementasikan kebijakan MBS dengan mengembangkan destinasi wisata unik di seluruh negara tersebut. Wisata baru yang diperkenalkan mencakup proyek-proyek inovatif yang menjadi daya tarik utama bagi wisatawan. Pelonggaran hukum syariah dilakukan untuk mendukung pengembangan sektor pariwisata tanpa mengesampingkan prinsip-prinsip keagamaan. Dampaknya mencakup perubahan signifikan dalam pola pikir dan gaya hidup masyarakat, dengan peningkatan toleransi dan pemahaman lintas budaya.

Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 is a policy that Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) initiated to diversify the country's economy. One of the sectors that is the focus of development is tourism. The public policy of Saudi Arabia's tourism sector serves as a regulatory cornerstone to achieve Vision 2030. This study examines the implementation of SBM policies in tourism, new types of tourism introduced, the easing of sharia law carried out, and the impact of social change on Saudi society. This research uses the public policy theory proposed by Nasucha and Pasolong and descriptive qualitative methods. Research findings show that the Saudi Arabian government has implemented SBM policies by developing unique tourist destinations nationwide. The new tours introduced include innovative projects that are a major tourist attraction. The easing of sharia law is carried out to support the development of the tourism sector without compromising religious principles. The impact includes significant changes in people's mindsets and lifestyles, with increased tolerance and cross-cultural understanding."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henny Widhaningsih
"Penelitian ini membahas strategi komunikasi dalam sosialisasi program Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kota Bekasi, sekaligus membahas tentang penerapan program MBS di SMUN I Bekasi . Kerangka penelitian ini mengacu pada Undang-Undang No. 22 Tahun 1999, Undang-Undang No. 25 Tahun 1999 jo PP No 25 Tahun 2000, yang telah digulirkan sejak 1 Januari 2001. Sejalan dengan reformasi yang sedang bergulir, Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi Jawa Barat, Khususnya Dimas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kota Bekasi bertekad melaksanakan desentralisasi di bidang pendidikan yang intinya bertumpu pada pemberdayaan sekolah di semua jenjang pendidikan. Kerangka pemikiran yang digunakan adalah teori Komunikasi Organisasi yang menitikberatkan pada perubahan organisasi atau inovasi sebuah program baru.
Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan tujuan untuk memahami strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan dalam sosialisasi program MBS. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh gambaran yang jelas mengenai strategi komunikasi yang digunakan dalam sosialisasi program MBS. Level analisis yang digunakan adalah individu sebagai anggota organisasi yang menerapkan sosialisasi program MBS dan organisasi sebagai pihak yang melakukan sosialisasi tersebut Maka metode penelitian yang akan penulis gunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, dengan memaparkan, menuturkan, menafsirkan dan menganalisis data yang ada.
Hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kota Bekasi dalam kerangka sosialisasi program MBS menggunakan saluran komunikasi selektif. Komunikasi selektif ini dapat berupa penyuluhan dan pengadaan symposium tentang program MBS. Di luar itu juga menggunakan pembuatan materi komunikasi yang berupa, pembuatan spanduk, banner, dan sebagainya. Strategi lainnya adalah dengan membangun komunikasi yang intensif terhadap lembaga-lembaga lain yang penting, dengan cara; komunikasi lintas struktural, lintas fungsional, dan lintas antar sekolah.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah bahwa penggunaan model komunikasi selektif dan pembuatan materi komunikasi serta tiga bentuk komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh dinas pendidikan, yang terpenting juga adalah penggunaan media massa sebagai bagian dari strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan untuk sosialisasi inovasi program MBS. Dengan demikian, rekomendasi praktisnya adalah agar pihak dinas pendidikan Kota Bekasi mengalokasikan anggaran dana yang cukup untuk mewujudkan tercapainya sosialisasi inovasi program MBS Mi. Bagi pihak SMUN I Kota Bekasi untuk tetap berjuang menerapkan prinsip-prinsip MBS agar tercapainya basis pendidikan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan siswa. Sedangkan rekomendasi akademisnya adalah penelitian ini dapat menjadi rujukan sekaligus rangsangan bagi penelitian lanjutan tentang MSS, dan khususnya tentang Komunikasi Organisasi secara sepesifik."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Wrinarti
Produksi cat menghasilkan limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun. Jumlah limbah pabrik cat, sebagian besar berasal dari air pencucian peralatan pabrik. Saat ini PT. XYZ, s ebuah i ndustri c at, belum m enggunakan ke mbali a ir l imbahnya unt uk mencuci pe ralatan pabriknya, b elum m engetahui bi aya pe nggunaan a ir ol ahan untuk pr oses p encucian alat dan belum m engetahui peranan karyawannya unt uk menurunkan jumlah limbahnya. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menentukan konsentrasi optimal bakterisida dengan parameter jumlah bakteri, pH, kekeruhan dan T SS di air olahan (air limba h ditambah ba kterisida), menentukan bi aya penggunaan air ol ahan, dan menganalisis persepsi karyawan tentang pe ranan mereka unt uk menurunkan jumlah limbahnya. Penentuan konsentrasi optimal bakterisida dilakukan pada 4 sampel selama 9 hari, penentuan biaya penggunaan air ol ahan telah di hitung dan
untuk menganalisis persepsi p eranan karyawan
dilakukan s urvei terhadap 93 responden. Penelitian ini m enghasilkan 3
kesimpulan. Kesimpulan pertama adalah konsentrasi optimal bakterisida terdapat
pada sampel air olahan yang mengandung Acticide MBS 0,4%. Kesimpulan kedua
adalah biaya penggunaan air olahan belum menguntungkan secara ekonomi pada
saat ini. Kesimpulan ke 3 adalah nilai persepsi karyawan tentang peranan mereka
untuk menurunkan jumlah limbah adalah 4,93 dari 6 skala.

Paint production generates hazardous and toxic waste. The amount of paint waste, mostly came from t he wash water from plant e quipments. Currently, P T. X YZ, the paint industry, has not reused the waste water for cleaning plant equipments, not known the cost of using treated water for cleaning plant equipments and not known the role of their employees to reduce the amount of waste. This study was conducted to determine the optimum concentration of bactericide with parameter such as number of bacteria, pH, turbidity, and TSS (Total Suspended Solid) in the treated water (waste water added bactericide) for reuse in the cleaning process of plant equipment, to analyze the cost of using treated water, and to analyze the role of em ployees in reducing the a mount of waste. The d etermination of optimum concentration of ba ctericide done on 4 s amples f or 9 da ys, the c ost of us ing treated water has been calculated, and the role of employees had been analized via survey with 93 respondents. There are 3 conclutions of this research. The first is the optimum concentration was found in the sample of t reated water containing 0.4% A cticide MBS. The second is the cost of using treated water is not economical provitable at this time. The third is the value of the role of respondents to reduce the amount of waste is 4.93 in six scales.;Paint production generates hazardous and toxic waste. The amount of paint waste, mostly came from t he wash water from plant e quipments. Currently, P T. X YZ, the paint industry, has not reused the waste water for cleaning plant equipments, not known the cost of using treated water for cleaning plant equipments and not known the role of their employees to reduce the amount of waste. This study was conducted to determine the optimum concentration of bactericide with parameter such as number of bacteria, pH, turbidity, and TSS (Total Suspended Solid) in the treated water (waste water added bactericide) for reuse in the cleaning process of plant equipment, to analyze the cost of using treated water, and to analyze the role of em ployees in reducing the a mount of waste. The d etermination of optimum concentration of ba ctericide done on 4 s amples f or 9 da ys, the c ost of us ing treated water has been calculated, and the role of employees had been analized via survey with 93 respondents. There are 3 conclutions of this research. The first is the optimum concentration was found in the sample of t reated water containing 0.4% A cticide MBS. The second is the cost of using treated water is not economical provitable at this time. The third is the value of the role of respondents to reduce the amount of waste is 4.93 in six scales., Paint production generates hazardous and toxic waste. The amount of paint waste, mostly came from t he wash water from plant e quipments. Currently, P T. X YZ, the paint industry, has not reused the waste water for cleaning plant equipments, not known the cost of using treated water for cleaning plant equipments and not known the role of their employees to reduce the amount of waste. This study was conducted to determine the optimum concentration of bactericide with parameter such as number of bacteria, pH, turbidity, and TSS (Total Suspended Solid) in the treated water (waste water added bactericide) for reuse in the cleaning process of plant equipment, to analyze the cost of using treated water, and to analyze the role of em ployees in reducing the a mount of waste. The d etermination of optimum concentration of ba ctericide done on 4 s amples f or 9 da ys, the c ost of us ing treated water has been calculated, and the role of employees had been analized via survey with 93 respondents. There are 3 conclutions of this research. The first is the optimum concentration was found in the sample of t reated water containing 0.4% A cticide MBS. The second is the cost of using treated water is not economical provitable at this time. The third is the value of the role of respondents to reduce the amount of waste is 4.93 in six scales.]"
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library