Budi Karyono
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengumuman dividen terhadap abnormal return dalam hubungannya dengan Earning Per Share, Market Book Ratio, dan Return Market.
Penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya sebagian besar menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara pengumuman dividen dan return saham yang selanjutnya berimplikasi pada abnormal return.
Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah market model untuk menghitung intersep dan slope pada periode estimasi, yang kemudian digunakan untuk menghitung return saham pada periode pengamatan.
Sampel yang digunakan adalah perusahaan-perusahaan non keuangan yang terdaftar dalam Bursa Efek Jakarta, yang menentukan kebijakan dividen dalam bentuk dividen tunai pada tahun 2001 dan 2002.
Berdasakan uji statistik,pada hipotesis pertama menunjukkan bahwa pengumuman dividen tunai tidak berpengaruh langsung terhadap abnormal return. Tetapi secara akumulasi yang dim ulai antara T-7 (tujuh hari sebelum pengumuman dividen) dan T+7 (tujuh hari setelah pengumuman dividen) pengumuman dividen tunai berpengaruh signifikan terhadap abnormal return.
Pada hipotesis kedua menunjukkan bahwa besamya CAR pada saat pengumuman dividen tunai tidak dipengaruhi oleh besamya nilai EPS dan MBR pada laporan keuangan tahun terakhir, tetapi dipengaruhi oleh besamya return market pads saat itu.
Berdasakan pengujian statistika (program SPSS 11.0 dan Eviews 3.0) menunjukkan bahwa model regresi CAR 1o = EPS I-1 + MBRI-1 - RM1 signifikan (uji F statistik) dan diantaranya tidak terdapat hubungan multikolinieritas, heteroskedastisitas, dan otokolerasi.
Penulis menyarankan kapada para pembaca yang tertarik akan melakukan penelitian dengan topik yang sama untuk:
1. Dalam menentukan sample perusahaan, mungkin akan memberikan hasil yang berbeda jika digolongkan dalam beberapa katagori, misalnya perusahan besar, sedang, dan kecil dipisahkan seeara tersendiri, atau dibedakan antara perusahaan produksi dan perusahaan jasa.
2. Besarnya nilai EPS dan MBR tidak hanya dilihat dan laporan keuangan terakhir, tetapi juga dilihat perubahannya dari tahun sebelumnya, naik ataukah turun.
3. Membedakan antara jumlah dividen yang mengalami kenaikan dan penurunan.
This research aims to understand a dividend announcement impact towards the abnormal return related to the RM1, EPS1_1, and the MBR1_1.
A large part of the previous researches showed that, there was a relationship between a dividend, announcement and a stock return, which in turn, it will make an impact towards an abnormal return as well.
A methodology which has been used in this study is a kind of a market model to calculate an intercept and a slope in an estimated period, and then, it is used to calculate a stock return during an observational period. A sample which has been used is a kind of non financial enterprises which had been registered in BEJ, which determined the dividend policy in a form of cash dividend for the periods or 2001 and 2002.
Based upon a statistical examinations, shown that, a cash dividend announcement has not a direct impact towards the abnormal return there of. But accumulatively according to what has been started between T-7 (seven days before a dividend announcement) and T+7 (seven days after a dividend announcement), shown that, a cash dividend launching here in, has a significant impact towards the abnormal return as well.
The amount of CAR during announcement of cash dividend there in, shown that, it has not been influenced at all by the amounts of EPS and MBR as shown in the end year of financial report, but it has been influenced as well by the amount of market return during that time.
Based upon statistical examination (SPSS 11.0 and Eviews 3.0 programs), shown that, a regression model of CAR CAR 1o = EPS I-1 + MBRI-1 - RM1 is significant (statistical F examination), and there is not any such relationship of multicollinearity, heterocedastisity or autocorrelation as well.
The writer in this case, will make three suggestions for the readers who are interesting in this same topic and who wish to make a research related to this matter, such as follows:
1. In order to obtain a good result, you must use a sample of non-financial entere prises which should be divided into several categories, such as, big, middle and small enterprises, and then to be subdivided into special manufactures (which produce many things) and general companies (which give services only).
2. The amounts of EPS and MBR, would not safety viewed from the end year financial report only, but also. Viewed from their yearly changes previously, is it up or down?
3. To differentiate the dividends it self, is it going up or going down?
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library