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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Kim, Mi-kyung
Abstrak :
Buku ini membahas ttg; Parfum yang dapat memikat wanita; mengetahui cara menurunkan berat badan, cara memelihara kulit wajah.
Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo, 2013
741.5 KIM f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Putri
Abstrak :
Komplikasi akibat stoma mempengaruhi kehidupan pasien secara fisik dan psikologis. Konseling dan stoma site marking sebelum pembedahan menurunkan resiko terjadinya komplikasi dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien. Enterostomal Therapy Nurse ETN diharapkan memainkan peran penting dalam persiapan pasien sebelum pembedahan stoma. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap ETN terhadap self-efficacy ETN terkait konseling dan stoma site marking. Desain penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan studi cross-sectional dengan jumlah sampel 77 ETN yang ada di Indonesia. Analisis data menggunakan Chi Square dan regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan self-efficacy p = 0,003, OR = 5,963 , terdapat hubungan antara sikap dengan self-efficacy p = 0,004, OR = 5,560 . Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan bagi rumah sakit terkait usaha peningkatan self-efficacy ETN dalam melaksanakan konseling dan stoma site marking kepada pasien yang akan menjalani pembedahan stoma.
Stoma complications may affect physical and psychological aspect in patient life. The implementation of stoma counselling and stoma site marking prior to surgery can reduce the risk of complications and improve the quality of life in patients with stoma. Enterostomal therapy nurse ETN plays vital role in stoma surgery preparation. This study aimed to investigate relationship between the knowledge and attitude on self efficacy during counseling and stoma site marking in ETNs. This quantitative study used cross sectional design which involved 77 ETNs in Indonesia. Chi square and logistic regression analyisis was applied in data analysis. The result shows that there was a correlation of knowledge with self efficacy p 0,003, OR 4,714 and between attitude on self efficacy p 0,002, OR 4,248 . This study is deemed being recommendation for clinical practice related with improvement of ETN rsquo s self efficacy during counselling and stoma site marking for patients undergoing stoma surgery.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henny Sri Purwanti
Abstrak :
Nama : Henny Sri PurwantiProgram Studi : Magister KeperawatanJudul Tesis : Studi Fenomenologi: Pengalaman dan Persepsi Enterostomal Therapy Nurse ETN Tentang Konseling Pra Operasi Stoma dan Stoma Marking Stoma adalah lubang pada dinding abdomen berupa intestin yang dikeluarkan, dibuat melalui pembedahan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan eliminasi urin dan fekal. Stoma mengubah kehidupan individu. Konseling pra operasi stoma dan stoma marking menurunkan risiko terjadinya komplikasi, meningkatkan kemandirian dan kualitas hidup ostomate. ETN diharapkan berperan dalam persiapan pra operasi stoma. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menggali pengalaman dan persepsi ETN tentang konseling pra operasi stoma dan stoma marking. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu Focus Group Discussion FGD dengan jumlah partisipan 10 ETN dari seluruh Indonesia. Analisis data menggunakan Colaizzi. Penelitian menghasilkan 14 tema. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan bagi rumah sakit untuk menyusun SPO konseling pra operasi stoma dan stoma marking, menyusun kebijakan rasio jumlah ETN dan penempatan yang sesuai, pengembangan kurikulum pembelajaran dan pengukuhan konseling pra operasi stoma dan stoma marking sebagai intervensi keperawatan mandiri melalui riset lanjutan.
Name Henny Sri Purwanti Program Master of Nursing ScienceThesis Title Phenomenology Study Experience and Perception of Enterostomal Therapy Nurse ETN on Preoperative Counseling and Stoma Marking Stoma is an artificial opening on abdominal wall made between the bowel and skin and constructed by surgery, to divert faeces and urine. Stoma may change one rsquo s life. Pre operative counseling and stoma marking prior surgery have been known to decrease the stoma complications risks, promote independence and improve quality of life. ETN is expected to play an important role at pre operative stoma surgery. The purpose of this study was to explore an ETN rsquo s experience and perception on pre operative counseling and stoma marking. This study is a qualitative research with a phenomenology approach. The data was gathered using Focus Group Discussion FGD and involved 10 ETNs in Indonesia. Data was analyzed using a Colaizzi method. There were 14 themes emerged. It is recommended to fomulate Standard Operating Procedure SOP of pre operative counseling and stoma marking, arrange policy to support ETN rsquo s role, and developing curriculum and further sudy as evidence based of pre operative counseling and stoma marking as one of nursing intervention.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gilang Praditiyo
Abstrak :
The Indonesia Stock Exchange has really concerned about improving stock market quality these days. One of its effort is implementing pre-closing trading session. It refers to Decision of the Board of Directors of The Indonesia Stock Exchange Number Kep-00399/BEI/11-2012, regarding Amendment to Rule Number II-A concerning Equity-Type Securities Trading. The rule is effective on 2nd January 2013 and Indonesia Stock Exchange has implemented it since that date. The purposes of pre-closing implementation are to mitigate marking the close, which is the practice of buying security at the very end of the trading day at a significantly higher price than the current price of the security, and to improve market quality. This paper attempts to veryfy whether the impact of pre-closing implementation to price efficiency is positive or not. The result shows that the pre-closing implementation has positive impact to price efficiency. It reduces the return volatility and market manipulation at the closing time which also means that the pre-closing implementation has effectively improved market quality in the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
AJB Bumiputera, Fund Management Division, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Collins, James T.
Abstrak :
One of the distinctive languages of Central Maluku, Naka’ela, was once spoken by a remnant language community on the north coast of Seram. Relying on data collected in Seram in 1978, Naka’ela has been among the Central Maluku languages included in studies of morphophonology (Collins 1983a, 1983b), areal phonology shift (1982, 2018a), and language classification (Collins 1983a). A fallacious, mechanistic classification of Naka’ela (Mahsun et al. 2008; Mukhamdanah 2015) was also published and has been recently disproven (Collins 2019a, 2019b). This essay will review some of the aspects of the Naka’ela language system by exploring what we can discern about verbal conjugation systems and genitive paradigms in this Central Maluku language. Based on contemporary reports from Seram (Sadrach Latue, p.c., 27-10-2018), the Naka’ela language, like so many others in Central Maluku, is no longer spoken; nor are there “rememberers” of this extinct language. In this setting of dead and forgotten languages, we recall the brutal genocides and culture murders in Australia (Daniel Nettle and Suzanne Romaine 2000). Recently, Dianne Biritjalawuy Gondarra, a Yolngu woman from northern Australia, explained that “culture is a shadow, it’s something that follows your everywhere, and part of culture is language, which connects me back to my land” (James Griffths 2020). This essay is intended to shed more light on Naka’ela and the complex setting of fading multilingualism in Central Maluku. The displaced, disregarded Naka’ela community survives in Seram, their land, but their language is only a shade, a ghostly memory.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
909 UI-WACANA 22:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Destian Sanyoto
Abstrak :
Perkembangan manusia dalam kebutuhan untuk bertransportasi semakin meningkat. Kebutuhan manusia untuk menggunakan kendaraan bermotor sendiri bisa kita lihat dari tingginya permintaan manusia terhadap kendaraan bermotor. Karena tingginya permintaan tersebut, maka jumlah kecelakaan pada kendaraan bermotor ikut meningkat. Sudah banyak terjadi kecelakaan akibat dari kelalaian pengemudi yang secara tidak sadar maupun sadar. Untuk itu diperlukannya sistem keamanan saat berkendara. Sistem kendaraan yang dibuat ini berdasarkan pendeteksian marka jalan sehingga mengetahui perilaku pengemudi. Sistem ini menggunakan OpenCV sebagai pengolah citra beserta algoritmanya yaitu Canny Edge Detection dan Hough Transform. Selain mendeteksi marka jalan untuk mengetahui posisi pengemudi, sistem ini juga dilengkapi dengan pendeteksi rasa kantuk bagi pengemudi. Dari implementasi yang dibuat mendapatkan tingkat keberhasilan dalam mendeteksi marka jalan pada segala kondisi pencahayaan serta cuaca dengan hasil 71 . Pada kondisi jalan sesuai dengan peraturan lalu lintas mendapatkan hasil yang baik, dan dapat mendeteksi rasa kantuk jika apabila dalam waktu 30 detik sudah terdapat 3 langkah menyentuh marka jalan.
Human development in the need for transportation is increasing. Human needs to use their own motor vehicles can be seen from the high demand for human vehicles. Due to the high demand, the number of accidents on motor vehicles also increased. There have been many accidents resulting from the negligence of the driver who is unconscious or conscious. Therefore, we need a security system when driving. This vehicle system is made based on the detection of road markings to know the behavior of the driver. This system uses OpenCV as image processing along with its algorithms namely Canny Edge Detection and hough transform. In addition to detecting a road marker to determine the driver 39 s position, the system is also equipped with a drowsy detector for the driver. From the implementation, it was found to be successful in detecting road markings in all lighting conditions and weather with 71 yield. On road conditions in accordance with traffic regulations get good results, and can detect drowsiness if within 30 seconds there are 3 steps touching the road marker.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Haryadi
Abstrak :
Salah satu dampak peningkatan arus lalu lintas pada jalan-jalan antar kota mengakibatkan bertambahnya permasalahan-permasalahan lalu lintas. Kondisi geometrik jalan dan fasilitas perlengkapan jalan dapat dijadikan salah satu identifikasi permasalahan keselamatan lalu lintas di daerah tersebut. Standar geometrik jalan hanya bisa dipahami oleh pengguna jalan melalui rambu dan marka. Sehingga ekspektasi pengemudi perlu diarahkan ke arah positif agar terhindar dari kecelakaan. Tujuan penelitian terhadap jalan di luar kota ini adalah untuk mengetahui keselarasan antara geometrik jalan terhadap penempatan rambu dan marka sebagai pengarah positif bagi pengguna jalan dan berdasar nilai keselamatan. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa kajian akademis penempatan serta pemasangan rambu dan marka dengan pemahaman visibilitas jarak pandang. ......One of the impacts of increased traffic flow on roads between cities lead to increased traffic problems. Geometric conditions of roads and road equipment facility can be one of identifying traffic safety problems in the area. Geometric standard can only be understood by road users through signs and markings. Thus expectations of the driver needs to be directed toward to the positive direction in order to avoid accidents. The research objective of the road outside the town is to find harmony between the geometric design of traffic signs and markings for the positive steering to road users and based on the value of safety. The results of this study in the form of academic study of the installation of traffic signs and markings with an understanding of sight visibility.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faradhya Annisa Prameswari
Abstrak :
Suatu industri farmasi harus dapat memastikan kebersihannya bukan hanya tentang bangunan dan fasilitas namun juga termasuk alat-alat penunjang yang digunakan. Untuk memastikan apakah prosedur yang dilakukan telah sesuai, maka dilakukan validasi. Resep merupakan hal terpenting sebelum pasien menerima obat. Dalam alur pelayanan resep, apoteker wajib melakukan skrining resep. Ada tiga aspek yang perlu diperhatikan dalam skrining resep yakni kelengkapan administratif, kesesuaian farmasetik dan pertimbangan klinis untuk menjamin legalitas suatu resep dan meminimalkan kesalahan pengobatan. Salah satu pelayanan kefarmasian yang juga harus dilakukan dalam rangka menangani masalah terkait obat adalah Pemantauan Terapi Obat (PTO). Penyimpanan obat, bahan obat, alat kesehatan dan produk lainnya sesuai kategori seringkali menjadi hal yang cukup sulit di PBF PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari khususnya di PBF cabang Bogor. Terutama penyimpanan barang di area loading APL cabang Bogor sehingga dibutuhkan tanda khusus untuk memberikan perbedaan setiap area loading berbagai daerah. Penyusunan Protokol Cleaning Validation, Pengkajian resep dan PTO pasien loyal, dan kegiatan pembuatan penanda area loading daerah Cianjur dilakukan pada saat Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker di PT Global Onkolab Farma, Apotek Roxy Poltangan, dan PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari. Periode pengerjaan mulai dari Juli – November 2021. ......A pharmaceutical industry must be able to ensure hygiene, not only about buildings and facilities but also including supporting equipment. To ensure whether the procedures carried out are appropriate, validation is carried out. Prescription is the most important thing before the patient receives the drug. In the prescription service flow, pharmacists are required to screen prescriptions. There are three aspects that need to be considered in prescription screening, namely administrative completeness, pharmaceutical suitability and clinical considerations to ensure the legality of a prescription and minimize medication errors. One of the pharmaceutical services that must also be carried out in order to deal with drug-related problems is Drug Therapy Monitoring (DTM). Storage of drugs, medicinal ingredients, medical devices and other products according to categories is often quite difficult at PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari PBF, especially at PBF Bogor branch. Especially the storage of goods in the APL loading area of ​​the Bogor branch, so a special sign is needed to distinguish each loading area from various regions. The preparation of the Cleaning Validation Protocol, review of prescriptions and DTM of loyal patients, and activities of making markers for the loading area in the Cianjur area were carried out during the Pharmacist Professional Practice at PT Global Onkolab Farma, Roxy Poltangan Pharmacy, and PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari. The working period starts from July – November 2021.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library