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Ditemukan 19 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hudoro Sameto
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1999
658.8 HUD p (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irena Sakura Rini
Abstrak :
Sampai saat ini belum banyak masyarakat yang mengetahui keberadaan Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais dan memanfaatkan kemampuannya. Jumlah kunjungan pasien untuk pelayanan diagnostik secara keseluruhan memperlihatkan pola yang datar dari tahun ke tahun. Meskipun RSKD adalah rumah sakit khusus milik pemerintah dan berstatus non profit, namun dalam operasionalnya tetap memerlukan pembiayaan. Tujuan penelitian adalah agar diperoleh suatu disain perencanaan manajemen pemasaran untuk rumah sakit khusus/spesialistik, serta memperoleh gambaran mengenai mekanisame kerja dari komponen yang ada pada setiap sistem dalam manajemen pemasaran, melalui permasalahan yang dihadapi bagian pelayanan diagnostik. Untuk memperoleh model yang sesuai dilakukan perbandingan antara manajemen pemasaran dari rumah sakit swasta yang berorientasi profit dan rumah sakit khusus milik sebuah yayasan yang telah menerapkan manajemen pemasaran sejak beberapa tahun lalu. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah disain studi kasus dan datanya dianalisa dengan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa RSKD memerlukan model pemasaran tersendiri karena memiliki berbagai karakteristik selaku rumah sakit khusus. Untuk itu diusulkan beberapa alternatif dari organisasi dan pengembangan sistem pemasaran. Hasil akhir dari model yang ada merupakan gabungan dan model-model pembanding dan analisa kebutuhan dari pihak yang berkepentingan yaitu pihak direksi selaku sumber konsep, Instalasi Radiodiagnostik, Patologi klinik dan Prosedur Diagnostik selaku pemberi jasa serta Tim Kerja Kanker selaku pemakai jasa. Pemasaran internal terutama bagi tenaga dokter perlu mendapat perhatian khusus, selain didukung oleh sistem informasi yang baik untuk pengambilan keputusan manajemen pemasaran. Implementasi dari sistem pemasaran yang dikembangkan diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan bagi RSKD untuk meningkatkan kinerja pelayanannya, sehingga tujuan organisasi dapat tercapai. ......The Development of a Marketing Plan for the Diagnostic Services of Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais (Dharmais Cancer Hospital) At this point in time, not many people know about the existence of Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais (RSKD) nor have many people utilized it's services and capabilities. Over the past few years, the total number of patients utilizing RSKD's diagnostic services has not shown any significant growth. Even though RSKD is a non-profit government owned cancer hospital, significant revenues are still required to fund it's operations. The objective of this research is to design a marketing plan that addresses the challenges faced by specialist hospitals and to identify the procedures that must be performed within the various marketing functions. This marketing plan was developed by studying the challenges and problems faced by the Diagnostic Services Section at RSKD. In developing an appropriate marketing model for RSKD, comparisons were made between the marketing strategies of profit oriented privately owned hospitals and the marketing strategies of specialist hospitals owned by foundations. The method of research utilized in this thesis is the design of case studies and qualitative analysis of the data. Based on the results of this research, it has been determined that due to the unique characteristics of a specialist hospital, RSKD requires a unique marketing model. Several alternatives for how RSKD's marketing organization should be structured and developed are presented. The resulting marketing model has been based on the merging of applicable concepts from several comparative marketing models and an analysis of the requirements of the key stakeholders including: the Board of Directors - as the conceptualizes; the Radiology Section, the Pathology Section, and the Diagnostic Procedure Section - as the service providers; and the Cancer Team - as the user of the marketing services. Internal marketing, especially for the physicians, requires special attention and must be supported by proper management information systems that can support the marketing function in decision-making. Through the implementation of the marketing plan developed here, it is hoped that RSKD will be able to improve the quality of services it provides to it's patients and thereby can assist the organization in achieving its goals and objectives.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Merril Liansyah
Abstrak :
Rencana Pemasaran membahas kekuatan dan kelemahan eBay inc yang berfokus pada cabang di AS. Dengan pandemi saat ini, bagaimana eBay akan memaksimalkan keuntungannya ketika orang-orang berada dalam lockdown dan dipaksa untuk menggunakan online marketplace (E-commerce). Dengan situasi saat ini, eBay memiliki pertumbuhan ekonomi yang buruk dibandingkan dengan pesaingnya sehingga membuat pangsa pasarnya lebih rendah dari tahun ke tahun sementara pesaing lain seperti Walmart telah menggantikannya. Amazon yang dulu menjadi pesaing utama, sekarang tidak bisa dianggap sebagai pesaing karena dominasinya di AS. Rebranding eBay sangat penting untuk bertahan di masa depan dan meningkatkan jangkauan segmen pasar. eBay juga akan mengembangkan dan berkolaborasi dengan teknologi yang lebih baru untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan dari konsumen melalui teknologi blockchain. ...... The Marketing plan discusses the strength and weaknesses of eBay inc that is focused on the US. With the current pandemic, how will eBay maximize its profits when people are in lockdowns and are forced to use the online marketplace. With the current situation, eBay has a bad economic growth compared to its competitor thus making its market share lower by the year while other competitors such as Walmart have taken its place. Amazon has been too far of a target to be considered a competitor due to its dominance in the US. The importance of rebranding of eBay is important for it to survive in the future and increase the range of the market segments. eBay will also develop and collaborate with newer technology to gain the trust of consumers through blockchain technology.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Koma Untoro
Abstrak :
Pada mulanya PT Danareksa yang merupakan badan usaha milik negara adalah perusahaan yang terbesar pada Pasar Modal Indonesia baik sebagai Penjamin Emisi maupun sebagai Perantara Perdagangan Efek dan Pedagang Efek. Bahkan sebagai Pengelola Sertifikat Saham PT Danareksa memonopoli hingga sekarang.

Akan tetapi dengan adanya deregulasi Pasar Modal dan perbankan menyebabkan persaingan ketat. Keadaan tersebut belum dapat diatasi oleh Danareksa. Sebagai akibatnya pangsa pasar Danareksa mengalami penurunan walaupun secara absolut ada kenaikan penjualannya.

Untuk mengatasi penurunan pangsa pasar tersebut Danareksa perlu untuk merubah konsep marketingnya yaitu dari konsep menarik konsumen sebanyak-banyaknya menjadi konsep marketing menjalin hubungan balk dengan konsumen. Konsep tersebut menekankan pada penciptaan hubungan jangka panjang dan pemberian multi jasa melalui pemuasan seluruh kebutuhan jasa keuangan pelanggan.

Alasan digunakannya konsep marketing menjalin hubungan baik dengan konsumen adalah karena konsep mi mempunyai daya saing yang lebih balk dibandingkan dengan kosep menarik konsumen sebanyak-banyaknya. Konsep ml tidak hanya dapat mempertahankan dan memelihara pelanggannya, tetapi juga dapat menarik pelanggan baru.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rumantir, Victor William
Abstrak :
Thesis ini secara khusus difokuskan untuk merencanakan pemasaran hasil pabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit 30 Ton/Jam Oleh PT. ISG. Tesis ini menggunakan analisis lingkungan usaha dan aspek pemasaran. Dari analisis lingkungan usaha menunjukkan bahwa industri kelapa sawit mempunyai peluang yang sangat besar. Hal ini terkait dengan permintaan akan hasil pengolahan kelapa sawit yang terus meningkat baik di dalam dan luar negeri. Selain itu hal ini didukung dengan adanya ketersediaan bahan baku yang berasal dari kebun sendiri menyebabkan proscs produksi dapat berjalan efektif dan efisien. Dari aspek pemasaran menunjukkan bahwa pemasaran hasil pabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit dipengaruhi oleh pajak ekspor. Dari kedua aspck tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa rencana pemasaran pabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit mendukung kelayakan pendirian pabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit PT. ISG......This thesis is specifically planned to plan the marketing of 30 Ton/Hr palm oil products by PT. ISG. This thesis uses an analysis of the business environment and marketing aspects. The analysis of the business environment shows that the palm oil industry has enormous opportunities. This is related to the demand for palm oil processing products that continues to increase both at home and abroad. In addition, this is supported by the availability of raw materials originating from the plantation itself, causing the production process to run effectively and efficiently. From the marketing aspect, it shows that the marketing of palm oil processing mill products is influenced by export taxes. From the two aspects, it can be said that the marketing plan of the palm oil processing plant supports the establishment of the PT. ISG.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adria Devius Tiono
Abstrak :
Milkuit is a brand extension from Energen. It is one of Energen tools to strengthen the brand image and brand equity towards brand that associated with nutrition and health. Milkut has launched at June 2004, and it is the first brand and line extension from Energen after 13 years known as milk and cereal products. The product launch is not very smooth, several factors were behind this trouble. First, the product didn?t get through marketing concept of new product development process. It was only focusing on development of the product itself, creating taste that accepted by consumers and the packaging design was created without any strategic direction. Second, the management directions also play a role in this failure. When the first brief, the management want this product become a premium product and only sold in modern trade at Rp. 1.000 per pack that doubled competitor?s price. But sales in modern trade are limited, management demanded higher volume, and then the marketing team are releasing this product to traditional trade without any proper preparation and strategy. Third, the distribution in traditional trade is very weak, this happened because the distribution system and teams from Mayora is not really working well. Inbisco, a distribution company and sister company from Mayora is not applied direct distribution system. They have different sub distributors in every area. With indirect distribution system, Inbisco have less power to reach certain numeric distribution in short term period. Fourth, inconsistent communication strategy is one of the biggest contribution to failure of this new brand extension from Energen. It?s hard for marketing team to determine a proper strategy because there are no marketing researches before they develop Energen Milkuit. Knowing this situation Mayora is willing to revitalize and re-launch Energen Milkuit to become one of key player in biscuit market. Energen Milkuit is aimed to be a significant brand in cookies category with nutrition and health benefit from the product. Differentiation is the anchor of a brand?s equity. Without differentiation a company cannot charge a premium, nor can it sustain a brand. That was what happened with Energen Milkuit that fail to succeed in the market. Energen Milkuit was offering products that quite similar to competitor?s product with higher price without any significant differentiation. That?s why Energen Milkuit needs to have significant differentiation if they want to fight with competitors. After Mayora find the suitable differentiation for Energen Milkuit, they need to reposition the brand to establish more compelling points of difference. We need to reposition a brand to establish a point of parity on some key image dimension. Updating a brand may require some combination of new products, new advertising, new promotions, new packaging, and so forth. Energen Milkuit must have a proper marketing communication strategy to be success in this relaunch. The communication strategy will determine whether the consumer aware and buy the products or not. All strategy for revitalize and relaunch Energen Milkuit should put into marketing plan. The objectives to have marketing plan are to make clear how it will impact three important overall business performance objectives, revenue growth, strategic position, and financial performance.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Arief Baskoro
Abstrak :
Setelah berbagai peristiwa kejahatan dan musibah yang terjadi di Indonesia akhir- akhir ini, perusahaan di berbagai bidang semakin sadar akan pentingnya sektor industri keamanan dan dampaknya bagi industri- industri lainnya. Untuk menangkap peluang tersebut, maka Peneliti mengajukan alternatif perencanaan pemasaran untuk PT KORP. Analisa perencanaan pemasaran ini didasarkan pada latar belakang serta pasar industri jasa keamanan yang ada. Perencanaan ini meliputi penentuan target segmen, strategi pemasaran serta rencana program pemasaran PT KORP. Hasil dari perencanaan pemasaran ini adalah program- program untuk meningkatkan pangsa pasar PT KORP dalam industri ini.
After several crime events and disasters that happened in Indonesia recently, companies are realizing more the importance of security sector industry and the effect it had to others. To capture that opportunity, the Researcher proposes an alternative marketing plan for PT KORP. Analysis in this marketing plan is based upon the background of the security service industry and the market. The plan covers the target segment, marketing strategy and the marketing plan for PT KORP. The results of the business plan are programs targeted to increase the market share of PT KORP in the industry.
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
As of 31 December 2011, there were 2.2 billion people or 32.7% of total world population using the internet. Growth since year 2000 reached 528.1% or five folds the users twelve years earlier. Major factors that draw people to turn online are the interactivity and connected environment enabled by the Web 2.0 technology and the control over information access on the internet thanks to internet search tools, such as directories and search engines. With more people shift from physical place to internet space, ready or not, marketers also need to evolve in the way they communicate with customers.

Online advertising differs from traditional advertising in terms of interactivity, capability of one-to-one marketing, targeted marketing, and push and pull nature that are enabled by sophisticated software advances and extensive database. A major break-out in online advertising was introduced by Google with its keywordtargeted advertising programs called AdWords?Google's text-based system for advertising on search engine result pages, and AdSense?appears on Google's content network of millions of web sites. By this means, two categories for textbased web advertising are enabled: Search Engine Advertising?ads that are triggered by user?s search keyword and displayed on the result page of the search engine, and Contextual Advertising?ads that are placed on third-party Web pages based on its relevancies with the content of the currently viewed page.

The blog internationalsnack.com is a website about snack and snack-related piece from around the globe. It seeks opportunity to monetize the site by adopting contextual advertising business model. A number of objectives are set, including to reach critical mass and to break even within 2 years after the blog launch in July 2012. This marketing plan will mainly focus on the strategy to promote and build traffic to the site through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Public Relation (Web PR) and Viral marketing tactics.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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