"I would like to point out through this dissertation that the network established among the institutions have a significant contribution in the firmation and integration occurs through a series of cooperation and competition among actors in the use of scarce resource based on the 'surplus' possessed by each party. The foundation of cooperation and competition is built through patterns of relationship that is developed by three categories of Aceh Besar fisherman economic main actor; i.e. lake boat, pawang, and toke bangku (actors of the base-structure). The relationship system of cooperation and competition that runs parallel to the symmetrical relationship paterns succeed to avoid the symptom of 'patronage' as often in every fisherman community in other parts of Indonesia.
I would like to point out the symptom of the above integration by observing the behavior of actors in the fish catching system of Aceh Besar, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province like toke boat, pawang, and toke bangku, and other actors related to them in the frame of economic purposed such as margee, pengrajin ikan asin (salted-fish maker), aneuk pukat, and becak laut, or others i called as periphery actors. Each of the mentioned actors acts as key actor in the expansion of cooperation networking and competition among fisherman. Outside of the above two actor categories: there are auxiliaries that o called as environmental components such as aoutside capital provider, panglima laot lhok, panglima laot provinsi, and the clement from the government. Such environmental componen possess the functions to facilitate, suppress, limit, and control the actions of actors especially the actions of actors in the 'base structure'. The effect of environment pressure has caused Aceh fisherman to get stuck in the middle of the two main powers. The first is the power came from the land in the form of coastal resource exploitation that significantly affect the traditional fisherman's way of life. Th second is the power came from the sea that the development of global capitalist in the sector of marine resource exploitation has produced large capitalized fish catchers that over exploit marine resource which make the traditional fisherman' yield significantly decrease. Such a power is the result of the cooperatio. between the government's policy and the capitalist. In the mean time, th institution of Lembaga Adat Laor/Pan lima Laot of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalar. Province gives strong pressure to panglima laot lhok, so that the panglima lac llwk then lost his autonomy.
In confronting the environmental pressure that occurs in the fish catching sector, the economic actor of Aceh Besar traditional fishermen try to empower the 'surplus' they have and by using the institution and the existing inter-institution network; such as familial network, cooperation network by complementing 'surplus' - toke boat. pawang , and toke bangku, panglima laot institution and state institution; although the las institution is applid limited to only certain actors."