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Suryadarma Widjaja
Abstrak :
Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian : Telah banyak dilaporkan tentang malnutrisi dan faktor terjadinya pada pasien hemodialisis. Penyebab yang paling sering adalah asupan makanan terutamaenergi dan protein yang inadekuat. Ada anggapan yang menyatakan bahwa status klinis dan status nutrisi banyak berperon pada asupan tersebut. Penilaian asupan makanan pada pasien hemodialisis biasa dilakukan pada hari antara HD. Telah dilakukan suatu penelitian mengenai penilaian status nutrisi pada 32 responden pasien hemodialisis yang secara klinis stabil, dibagi atas kelompok HD selang 1, 2, dan 3 hari berturut-turut menjadi sebanyak 7, 14 dan 11 responden. Hasil dan Kesimpulan : Antara ke-3 kelompok, asupan energi dan protein tidak berbeda bermakna dan terhadap nilai kecukupan berbeda bermakna, kecuali asupan energi kelompok HD selang 2 hari. Antara ke-3 kelompok, status nutrisi berdasarkan IMT dan status protein somatik berdasarkan LOLA tidak berbeda berrnakna dan terhadap nilai kecukupan pada IMT tidak berbeda bermakna, tetapi pada LOLA berbeda. Status protein viseral berdasarkan prot. tot., alb. dan trans. tidak berbeda antara ke-3 kelompok, terhadap nilai kecukupan nilai albumin tampak berbeda bermakna pada kelompok HD selang 2 dan 3 hari, sedangkan kelompok yang lain tampak tidak berbeda bermakna. Parameter status klinis kadar krea. dan ure. Masing-masing mempunyai korelasi dengan kemaknaan yang tertinggi (p < 0,001) terhadap asupan energi dan protein. Hasil ini mernperlihatkan bahwa pasien hemodialisis yang secara klinis stabil menunjukkan pada parameter yang dinilai antara ke-3 kelompok, ada yang berbeda bermakna dan ada yang tidak. Hal ini juga diperoleh terhadap nilai kecukupan masing-masing parameter. Disamping itu didapati parameter krea. dan ure. berturut-turut mempunyai kolerasi yang dominan dengan parameter asupan energi dan protein.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deka Nata Kustanto
Abstrak :
Meningkatnya prevalensi stunting anak balita mengindikasikan bahwa stunting menjadi masalah serius yang dihadapi oleh Indonesia karena berpotensi menurunkan kualitas SDM dan produktifitasnya di masa mendatang. Dengan menggunakan data IFLS tahun 2007 dan 2014, studi ini akan menelusuri status nutrisi anak-anak pada usia balita dan kemampuan kognitif mereka saat memasuki usia sekolah di tahun 2014. Diestimasi dengan menggunakan metode Ordinary Least Square OLS , hasil studi menemukan bahwa kemampuan kognitif anak-anak yang mengalami stunting pada usia di bawah lima tahun cenderung lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kemampuan kognitif anak-anak lainnya. Kondisi ini akan semakin memburuk jika mereka tetap berstatus stunting ketika memasuki usia sekolah. Tetapi, kondisi ini berbeda jika status nutrisi mereka membaik, maka kemampuan kognitif mereka juga cenderung akan meningkat. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa stunting adalah musuh besar bagi suatu negara karena akan menurunkan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan dalam jangka panjang dapat menurunkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Hal ini mengimplikan bahwa untuk membangun sumber daya manusia tidak hanya diperlukan perbaikan dari aspek pendidikan saja, tetapi juga status nutrisi sejak di dalam kandungan, karena stunting merupakan konsekuensi dari kondisi kehamilan ibu yang mengalami kekurangan nutrisi.
The increasing of stunting prevalence of preschool age children indicate that Indonesia facing serious problem because these condition could decreasing the quality of human capital and productivity in the future. Using longitudinal Indonesia Family Life Survey IFLS data 2007 and 2014, this study tracking nutritional status children at early age and cognitive ability when they reach school age in 2014. Estimate with ordinary least square, this study find out that the children who has stunting status in the early age or under five years old tend to get lower value in cognitive test than others. These condition getting worse if they still has stunting at school age. But, this could be different if the nutritional status getting better, the cognitive test tend to be increase too. These result conclude that stunting is a great enemy for the country, which is could to decrease the quality of human capital and for the long term, that also could decrease economy welfare. This imply that developing human capital not only need improvement in education aspect, but also nutritional status from the early age maternal pregnancy, because stunting are the consequences from the undernutrition maternal pregnancy.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Gaster merupakan organ pencernaan yang salah satu fungsinya sebagai penampung makanan. Keganasan dapat terjadi di sepanjang saluran pencernaan termasuk gaster. Operasi merupakan salah satu modalitas terapi yang dipakai sebagai terapi keganasan gaster. Penderita keganasan gaster akan mengalami perubahan status gizi. Data mengenai gambaran status gizi pasien yang menjalani operasi keganasan gaster belum ada di RSCM.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif retrospektif dengan mengumpulkan data rekam medis pada pasien dengan diagnosis keganasan gaster yang menjalani operasi di Rumah Sakit dr Cipto Mangunkusumo selama periode tahun 2009 sampai dengan 2012. HASIL Dari 30 pasien yang didiagnosis keganasan gaster , didapatkan data yang lengkap 19 (63,3 %). Penderita laki laki, usia tua dan jenis keganasan dominan pada penelitian ini sesuai dengan penelitian Leonard A Laisang tahun 2008 dan kepustakaan.5,19 Terdapat peningkatan jumlah operasi pada kegansan gaster dari tahun 2009 sampai dengan 2011 namun terjadi penurunan pada tahun 2012. Rerata waktu tunggu operasi cukup lama sampai 14,15 hari sedangkan rerata lama rawat 28 hari. Kebanyakan pasien berdomisili di jabodetabek dan sepertiganya dari luar jawa. Jenis operasi kebanyakan adalah parsial gastrektomi baik dengan bypass atau tidak. Perbandingan rerata albumin dan IMT saat masuk rumah sakit, sebelum operasi dan setelah operasi mengalami penurunan. Sedangkan perbandingan rerata Total Limfosit Count saat masuk rumah sakit dan sebelum operasi mengalami penurunan dan meningkat kembali setelah operasi. Pada penelitian ini terdapat dua kali lipat pasien menderita malnutrisi dibandingkan penelitian oeh Rofi dan Kalis.15,16

Kelengkapan data mengenai status nutrisi pada status rekam medis sangat diperlukan. Hasil penelitian bersesuaian dengan kepustakaan dan penelitian sebelumnya.5,19 Lamanya menunggu operasi dan lama rawat memerlukan perhatian khusus untuk menguranginya.
Gaster is a digestive organ that is one of its functions as a container for food. Malignancy may occur along the digestive tract, including the stomach. Operation is one that is used as a therapeutic modality therapy of gastric malignancy. Patients with gastric malignancy will change the nutritional status. Data on the picture of the nutritional status of patients who underwent surgery for gastric malignancy not yet available at RSCM. METHOD This research is a descriptive retrospective medical record by collecting data on patients with a diagnosis of gastric malignancy who underwent surgery at the Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo during the period from 2009 to 2012. THE RESULT Of the 30 patients diagnosed with gastric malignancy, obtained complete data 19 (63.3%). Patients men, old age and type of malignancy dominant in this study is consistent with research Leonard A Laisang 2008 and literature. 5.19 There are an increasing number of operations on gastric malignancy from 2009 to 2011 but decreased in 2012. The mean waiting time operation long enough to 14.15 days, while the average length of 28 days. Most patients live in Jabodetabek and a third from outside Java. This type of surgery is mostly partial gastrectomy with bypass or not. A comparison of the albumin and BMI at admission, before surgery and after surgery decreased. Meanwhile, the average ratio of Total Lymphocyte Count on admission and before surgery decreased and increased again after the operation. In this study, there are two-fold compared to patients suffering from malnutrition research by Rofi and Kalis.15,16 CONCLUSION Completeness of data on nutritional status on the status of medical records is needed. Results consistent with the literature study and research previously.5,19 The waiting list of surgery and length of stay require special attention to reduce it.;BACKGROUND Gaster is a digestive organ that is one of its functions as a container for food. Malignancy may occur along the digestive tract, including the stomach. Operation is one that is used as a therapeutic modality therapy of gastric malignancy. Patients with gastric malignancy will change the nutritional status. Data on the picture of the nutritional status of patients who underwent surgery for gastric malignancy not yet available at RSCM. METHOD This research is a descriptive retrospective medical record by collecting data on patients with a diagnosis of gastric malignancy who underwent surgery at the Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo during the period from 2009 to 2012. THE RESULT Of the 30 patients diagnosed with gastric malignancy, obtained complete data 19 (63.3%). Patients men, old age and type of malignancy dominant in this study is consistent with research Leonard A Laisang 2008 and literature. 5.19 There are an increasing number of operations on gastric malignancy from 2009 to 2011 but decreased in 2012. The mean waiting time operation long enough to 14.15 days, while the average length of 28 days. Most patients live in Jabodetabek and a third from outside Java. This type of surgery is mostly partial gastrectomy with bypass or not. A comparison of the albumin and BMI at admission, before surgery and after surgery decreased. Meanwhile, the average ratio of Total Lymphocyte Count on admission and before surgery decreased and increased again after the operation. In this study, there are two-fold compared to patients suffering from malnutrition research by Rofi and Kalis.15,16 CONCLUSION Completeness of data on nutritional status on the status of medical records is needed. Results consistent with the literature study and research previously.5,19 The waiting list of surgery and length of stay require special attention to reduce it., BACKGROUND Gaster is a digestive organ that is one of its functions as a container for food. Malignancy may occur along the digestive tract, including the stomach. Operation is one that is used as a therapeutic modality therapy of gastric malignancy. Patients with gastric malignancy will change the nutritional status. Data on the picture of the nutritional status of patients who underwent surgery for gastric malignancy not yet available at RSCM. METHOD This research is a descriptive retrospective medical record by collecting data on patients with a diagnosis of gastric malignancy who underwent surgery at the Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo during the period from 2009 to 2012. THE RESULT Of the 30 patients diagnosed with gastric malignancy, obtained complete data 19 (63.3%). Patients men, old age and type of malignancy dominant in this study is consistent with research Leonard A Laisang 2008 and literature. 5.19 There are an increasing number of operations on gastric malignancy from 2009 to 2011 but decreased in 2012. The mean waiting time operation long enough to 14.15 days, while the average length of 28 days. Most patients live in Jabodetabek and a third from outside Java. This type of surgery is mostly partial gastrectomy with bypass or not. A comparison of the albumin and BMI at admission, before surgery and after surgery decreased. Meanwhile, the average ratio of Total Lymphocyte Count on admission and before surgery decreased and increased again after the operation. In this study, there are two-fold compared to patients suffering from malnutrition research by Rofi and Kalis.15,16 CONCLUSION Completeness of data on nutritional status on the status of medical records is needed. Results consistent with the literature study and research previously.5,19 The waiting list of surgery and length of stay require special attention to reduce it.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Sora Yullyana
Abstrak :
Indonesia merupakan negara dengan jumlah kasus tuberkulosis terbanyak urutan ke-2 di dunia. Selama beberapa dekade terakhir, tuberkulosis juga muncul pada populasi anak. Tahun 2017, proporsi kasus tuberkulosis anak masih mengalami peningkatan menjadi 5.86 per 100.000 penduduk pada umur 0-4 tahun dan 5.89 per 100.000 penduduk pada usia 5-14 Tahun. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi tuberkulosis anak di Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kasus kontrol. Populasi adalah semua kasus tuberkulosis anak yang ditemukan di pelayanan kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur tahun 2017. Kelompok kasus adalah seluruh anak berumur 0-14 tahun yang sudah didiagnosis tuberkulosis positif berdasarkan sistem skoring tuberkulosis paru anak dan tercatat dalam register di Puskesmas wilayah Jakarta Timur. Kelompok kontrol adalah anak 0-14 tahun yang tinggal di wilayah Jakarta Timur dan tidak terdiagnosis tuberkulosis paru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proporsi kurang gizi kelompok kasus sebesar 29.17% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Hasil analisis T-test menjelaskan bahwa anak dengan gizi buruk memiliki risiko TB paru dibandingkan dengan anak dengan status gizi normal (OR 3.54; 95% CI 1.56-8.04; p 0,002). Hasil analisis regresi logistik menjelaskan bahwa anak dengan malnutrisi berisiko tuberkulosis paru 3.37 dibandingkan dengan anak dengan status gizi normal setelah dikontrol oleh variabel kondisi atap, pencahayaan, riwayat imunisasi dasar, dan riwayat kontak kasus tuberculosis (95% CI 1.10-10.25; p 0.034). Kegiatan preventif dan promotif merupakan upaya dalam pencegahan dan pengendalian tuberkulosis paru khususnya pada anak. Upaya preventif dapat dilakukan melalui Gerakan Temukan Tuberkulosis Obati Sampai Sembuh (TOSS TB). Untuk memperkuat Gerakan TOSS TB, Pemerintah bersama masyarakat dapat melakukan Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat (GERMAS).
Indonesia is the country with the second highest number of tuberculosis cases in the world. Over the past few decades, tuberculosis has also emerged in the childhood population. In 2017, the proportion of cases of childhood tuberculosis still increased by 5.86 per 100,000 population at 0-4 years old and 5.89 per 100,000 population at 5-14 years old. This study aims to determine the association nutritional status and pulmonary tuberculosis of children in Health Center Area, East Jakarta Administrative City in 2019. This study used a case-control design. The population was all children 0-14 years old who live in the East Jakarta Region in 2018 until March 2019. The case group was all children 0-14 years old who had been diagnosed with positive tuberculosis based on the scoring system of pediatric pulmonary tuberculosis and recorded in registers in the Puskesmas in East Jakarta. The control group was children 0-14 years old who lived in the east Jakarta region and without pulmonary TB. The results showed that the proportion of malnutrition of case groups at 29.17% higher compared to control groups. The results of the T-test analysis explained that children with malnutrition had a risk of pulmonary tuberculosis compared to a children of normal nutritional status (OR 3.54; 95% CI 1.56-8.04; p 0.002). The results of the logistic regression analysis explained that children with malnutrition at risk of pulmonary tuberculosis 3.37 compared to children with normal nutritional status after being controlled by variable roof conditions, lighting, history of basic immunization, and history of contact with tuberculosis cases (95% CI 1.10-10.25; p 0.034). Preventive and promotive activities are efforts in the prevention and control of pulmonary tuberculosis, especially in children. Preventive efforts can be made through the Movement to Find Tuberculosis Treat to Treat (TOSS TB). To strengthen the TOSS TB Movement, the Government and the community can carry out the Healthy Living Society Movement (GERMAS).
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadillah Ayu Mahendra
Abstrak :
Permasalahan pangan dan malnutrisi pada usia anak masih banyak terjadi di Indonesia. Kedua masalah tersebut memiliki hubungan dimana ketika seseorang mengalami kekurangan pangan maka ia akan berpotensi mengalami masalah gizi. Penelitian ini akan melihat dampak jangka panjang dari bantuan pangan Raskin terhadap kesehatan anak. Anak yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah anak usia 7-12 tahun dan berada pada rumah tangga miskin. Kesehatan anak akan diukur menggunakan pendekatan antropometri berupa nilai z. Status gizi anak yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain stunting yang berasal dari indikator height-for-age, underweight dari indikator weight-for-age, dan wasting dari indikator BMI-for-age. Penelitian ini menggunakan data IFLS 4 dan 5 dan metode regresi logit. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa anak yang mengonsumsi Raskin memiliki status gizi yang lebih baik dibandingkan anak yang tidak mengonsumsi Raskin. Hubungan yang signifikan ditemukan pada status gizi stunting, sedangkan untuk status gizi underweight dan wasting tidak ditemukan hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik.
Hunger and malnutrition problems on children are still common in Indonesia. Both of these problems have a relationship, when a person experiences food shortages then he will have a potential to experience nutritional problems. This research will look at the long-term impact of Raskin on children's health. The age of children, that are studied in this study, is 7 until 12 years old and also live in poor household. Children's health will be measured using an anthropometric approach in the form of z-score. The nutritional status of children that used in this study are stunting which is derived from the height-for-age indicator, underweight from the weight-for-age indicator, and wasting from the BMI-for-age indicator. This study uses IFLS 4 and 5 data and logit regression method. The results of this study found that children who consume Raskin has better nutritional status than children who do not consume Raskin. A significant relationship is found in stunting nutritional status, while for underweight and wasting status has no statistically significant relationship.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadillah Ayu Mahendra
Abstrak :
Permasalahan pangan dan malnutrisi pada usia anak masih banyak terjadi di Indonesia. Kedua masalah tersebut memiliki hubungan dimana ketika seseorang mengalami kekurangan pangan maka ia akan berpotensi mengalami masalah gizi. Penelitian ini akan melihat dampak jangka panjang dari bantuan pangan Raskin terhadap kesehatan anak. Anak yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah anak usia 7-12 tahun dan berada pada rumah tangga miskin. Kesehatan anak akan diukur menggunakan pendekatan antropometri berupa nilai z. Status gizi anak yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain stunting yang berasal dari indikator height-for-age, underweight dari indikator weight-for-age, dan wasting dari indikator BMI-for-age. Penelitian ini menggunakan data IFLS 4 dan 5 dan metode regresi logit. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa anak yang mengonsumsi Raskin memiliki status gizi yang lebih baik dibandingkan anak yang tidak mengonsumsi Raskin. Hubungan yang signifikan ditemukan pada status gizi stunting, sedangkan untuk status gizi underweight dan wasting tidak ditemukan hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik. ......Hunger and malnutrition problems on children are still common in Indonesia. Both of these problems have a relationship, when a person experiences food shortages then he will have a potential to experience nutritional problems. This research will look at the long-term impact of Raskin on children's health. The age of children, that are studied in this study, is 7 until 12 years old and also live in poor household. Children's health will be measured using an anthropometric approach in the form of z-score. The nutritional status of children that used in this study are stunting which is derived from the height-for-age indicator, underweight from the weight-for-age indicator, and wasting from the BMI-for-age indicator. This study uses IFLS 4 and 5 data and logit regression method. The results of this study found that children who consume Raskin has better nutritional status than children who do not consume Raskin. A significant relationship is found in stunting nutritional status, while for underweight and wasting status has no statistically significant relationship.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimple Gobind Nagrani
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Penyakit jantung bawaan (PJB) yang tersering adalah defek septum ventrikel (DSV), defek septrum atrium (DSA) dan duktus arteriousus paten (DAP). Keterlambatan koreksi defek dapat menyebabkan gangguan tumbuh kembang dan kualitas hidup. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan status gizi dan kualitas hidup pada anak PJB asianotik sebelum dan 6 bulan-2tahun setelah koreksi dan apakah terdapat hubungan dengan jenis PJB, status gizi awal, metode dan usia koreksi. Metode: Penelitian kohort retrospektif pada 79 anak berusia 0-18 tahun dengan DSV, DSA, DAP, dan kombinasi ketiganya. Usia, jenis kelamin, jenis PJB, usia koreksi, metode koreksi, BB dan TB dinilai sebelum dan setelah koreksi. Hasil: Subyek penelitian berusia 0-15 tahun dengan mayoritas 1-5 tahun, diagnosis terbanyak adalah DSV (58,2%), dan status nutrisi awal adalah gizi kurang (50,6%). Secara keseluruhan terdapat kenaikan persentil BB/U (p<0,001), TB/U (p=0,004), dan BB/TB (p<0,001) yang bermakna sebelum dan sesudah koreksi. Tidak ada perubahan status gizi yang bermakna sebelum dan sesudah koreksi (p=0,851). Tidak ada hubungan perubahan status gizi dengan status gizi awal (p=0,451), metode koreksi (p=0,454), dan usia tindakan (p=0,861). Terdapat hubungan antara perubahan status gizi dengan ukuran defek (p=0,035). Sebanyak 29,1% memiliki gangguan kualitas hidup, 45,4% memiliki gangguan aspek emosi. Tidak ada hubungan antara gangguan kualitas hidup dengan diagnosis, metode koreksi, dan ukuran defek. Simpulan: Status gizi awal terbanyak anak dengan PJB asianotik adalah gizi kurang. Terdapat peningkatan persentil BB/U, TB/U, dan BB/TB yang bermakna 6 bulan-2 tahun setelah koreksi. Terdapat hubungan antara perubahan status gizi dengan ukuran defek. Sepertiga subyek memiliki gangguan kualitas hidup setelah koreksi. Hampir separuhnya memiliki gangguan aspek emosi.
ABSTRACT Background: The most common congenital heart disease (CHD) is ventricular septal defect (DSV), atrial septal defect (ASD), and patent ductus arteriosus (DAP). Delayed correction is correlated with disturbance of growth, development and quality of life (QOL). Aim: To determine the difference in nutritional status and QOL for acyanotic CHD before and after 6 months-2 years correction and its association with diagnosis, initial nutritional status, method and age of correction. Method: A retrospective cohort study on 79 children aged 0-18 years old with DSV, ASD, DAP, and a combination of the 3. Age, gender, type of CHD, age and method of correction, weight and height before and after correction were evaluated. Result: The subjects are aged 0-15 years with majority of 1-5 years, most common diagnosis is DSV (58.2%) and initial nutritional status is moderate malnutrition (50.6%). There is significant increase in weight/age (p<0.001), height/age (p=0,004) and weight/height (p<0.001) percentiles. There is no increment of nutritional status (p=0.851). There is no association between nutritional status and initial nutritional status before correction (p=0.451), method (p=0.454) and age (p=0.861) of correction. There is a statistically significant association between growth status and defect size (p=0.035). Twenty nine percent have decreased QOL, 45.4% on emotional aspect. Decreased QOL was not associated with diagnosis, method of correction and defect size. Conclusion: The most common nutritional status in acyanotic CHD children is moderate malnutrition. There is a statistically significant increase in the percentiles 6 months-2years post correction. There is an association between changes in growth status and defect size. One third of patients have decreased QOL after correction and almost half on emotional aspect
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggar Jito
Abstrak :
Latar belakang dan tujuan : Tuberkulosis saat ini masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat dunia dan Indonesia menempati urutan kedua kasus TB paru di seluruh dunia. Faktor risiko terpenting terinfeksi TB adalah malnutrisi. Keadaan ini mempengaruhi perjalananpenyakit sehingga menentukan prognosis pengobatan dan meningkatkan angka mortalitas. Malnutrition screening tools MST sebagai alat penapisan risiko malnutrisi banyak dipergunakan pada rawat inap dandiharapkan dapat menilai hubungan status gizi pasien dengan bacterial load di tingkat pelayanan primer/rawat jalan. Metode : penelitian mempergunakan desain potong lintang dengan 185 sampel yang diambil dengan cara stratified consecutive sampling di Puskesmas Rujukan mikroskopis PRM wilayah Kota bekasi pada penderita TB paru kasus baru yang belum mendapatkan terapi Obat anti tuberkulosis OAT. Hasil : Karakteristik subjek TB paru kasus baru di puskesmas menurut usia dengan nilai tengah 37 tahun IQR 25-51, laki-laki 61,6, perokok 44,3, Kontak serumah 27,6, IMT gizi kurang 56,8, hipoalbumin 18,4, anemia 54,6 kavitas 27 dan keluhan sebagian besar subjek batuk 2-3mgg, demam dan mudah lelah. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna kadar albumin, IMT, skor risiko MST, dan gejala klinis batuk berdahak, batuk kering, sesak napas, nafsu makan turun, berat badan turun dan keringat malam. Skor MST p=2 dan nafsu makan turun mempunyai risiko untuk menderita TB dengan bacterial load 1 ,2 dan 3 . Skor MST dapat dipergunakan sebagai prognosis derajat keparahan penderita TB paru kasus baru di pelayanan kesehatan primer. ......Background and aim: Currently tuberculosis still become global health problems and Indonesia is as the second number of tuberculosis globally. Most important risk factor of tuberculosis is malnutrition. This condition affects to pathogenesis of tuberculosis so it will be determining treatment prognosis and increasing mortality. Malnutrition Screening Tools MST often uses at hospitalized patients to decide malnutrition risk and hopefully it has correlation between nutritional status and bacterial load at primary health center outpatients. Method: A cross sectional study was conducted among 185 samples new case without tuberculosis drug treatment and stratified consecutive sampling at microscopic reference community health center of Bekasi city. Results: Data from total 185 participants with median age 37 years IQR 25 51, male 61,6, smokers 44,3, household contact 27,6, BMI underweight 56,8, Hipoalbumin 18,4, anemia 54,6, cavity 27 and most of clinical manifestations are prolong cough, fever and weak. There are correlation among variabels consist of albumin level, BMI, MST score, productive and dry cough, dyspnea, loss of appetite and weight and night sweat. MST score p
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Follow-up study of severely malnourished children during early chIldhood have been carried out in Bogor, Indonesia. The aim of the study is to investigate the long-term effects of severe malnutrition during early childhood on intelligence level and physical growth of school-age children. Fifty six children recovered from severe malnutrition after rehabilitation at NRDC outpatient clinic in Bogor for six months and fifty six well-nourished children matching for age, sex and some socioeconomic condition were included in the study. Weight and height measurement were conducted in 1991 when they were under-five years of age and in 1998 when they were nine to 13 years of age. Psychological test using the WISC were carried out in 1998. Intelligence level of the children suffered from severe malnutrition during early childhood were lower 11.34 1Q point compared to the children who did not Those who were rehabilitated at younger age had significantly higher 10 scores compared to those of older age before the age of 18 months. The more severe the children at admission to the clinic, the lower their IQ level. Previously malnourished group Were signifiCt1Y shorter than match control group. Only little catch-up were observed at 5fooI-ag6 among previously malnourished children. Those wto came to rehabilitation clinic at older age tend to have the better improvement on physical growth compared to those who came during infancy.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kwan Francesca Gunawan
Abstrak :
Malnutrisi sering dialami oleh pasien kanker dan dapat menyebabkan penurunan kualitas hidup. Oleh karena itu, identifikasi awal pasien yang berisiko malnutrisi harus dilakukan pada semua pasien kanker, namun hingga saat ini, belum ada baku emas alat skrining yang digunakan di bagian rawat jalan radioterapi. Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang yang dilakukan untuk membandingkan skrining malnutrisi Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST) dan Abridged Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (abPG-SGA) pada 144 pasien kanker yang akan menjalankan radioterapi di RSUPNCM, dengan Patient- Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) sebagai baku emas. Didapati sebanyak 41% pasien berisiko malnutrisi (PG-SGA). Skrining MST dinilai mudah dan cepat dengan rerata waktu pengerjaan 21 detik, dan memiliki nilai sensitivitas 84,75%, spesifisitas 77,65%, nilai prediksi positif (NPP) 0,73, nilai prediksi negatif (NPN) 0,88, dan nilai area under the ROC curve (AUC) 0,812. Skrining abPG-SGA memiliki sensitivitas 98,31%, spesifisitas 92,94%, NPP 0,91, NPN 0,99, AUC 0,956, dan rerata waktu pengerjaan 2 menit 24 detik. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah abPG-SGA merupakan alat skrining yang lebih baik dan akurat untuk digunakan di bagian rawat jalan radioterapi.
Malnutrition is common among cancer patients and can lead to decreased quality of life. Therefore, early identification of patients at risk of malnutrition should be performed in all cancer patients, but until now, there is no gold standard of nutrition screening tool that should be used in outpatient radiotherapy setting. This study was a cross-sectional study conducted to compare Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST) and Abridged Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (abPG-SGA) as nutrition screening tools in 144 radiotherapy outpatients against Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) as the gold standard. Forty-one percent of patients were at risk of malnutrition (PG- SGA). The MST was a simple and quick tool with an average of 21 seconds. It had 84.75% sensitivity, 77.65% specificity, positive predictive value (PPV)=0.73, negative predictive value (NPV)=0.88, and area under the ROC curve (AUC)=0.812. The abPG-SGA yielded 98.31% sensitivity, 92.94% specificity, PPV=0.91, NPV=0.99, AUC=0.956, and it took an average of 2 minutes 24 seconds. In conclusion, the abPG-SGA is a better and more accurate screening tool in outpatient radiotherapy setting., Malnutrition is common among cancer patients and can lead to decreased quality of life. Therefore, early identification of patients at risk of malnutrition should be performed in all cancer patients, but until now, there is no gold standard of nutrition screening tool that should be used in outpatient radiotherapy setting. This study was a cross-sectional study conducted to compare Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST) and Abridged Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (abPG-SGA) as nutrition screening tools in 144 radiotherapy outpatients against Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) as the gold standard. Forty-one percent of patients were at risk of malnutrition (PG- SGA). The MST was a simple and quick tool with an average of 21 seconds. It had 84.75% sensitivity, 77.65% specificity, positive predictive value (PPV)=0.73, negative predictive value (NPV)=0.88, and area under the ROC curve (AUC)=0.812. The abPG-SGA yielded 98.31% sensitivity, 92.94% specificity, PPV=0.91, NPV=0.99, AUC=0.956, and it took an average of 2 minutes 24 seconds. In conclusion, the abPG-SGA is a better and more accurate screening tool in outpatient radiotherapy setting.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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