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Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Penggunaan PRP autologus banyak dimanfaatkan untuk mempercepat proses penyembuhan berbagai macam luka, namun belum ada kriteria yang mengatur penggunaan tersebut. Penelitian yang menjelaskan bagaimana pengaruh penggunaan PRP terhadap proses tersebut juga masih sangat terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengalisa pengaruh PRP terhadap produksi mediator pro dan anti-inflamasi dari kultur makrofag.Metode: Penelitian eksperimental ini menggunakan sampel darah perifer dari subyek sehat yang diambil sebanyak 2x dengan interval waktu 1 minggu. Pada pengambilan darah pertama, dilakukan isolasi sel monosit kemudian dikultur selama 1 minggu menjadi sel makrofag. Pada hari ke-7 dilakukan pengambilan darah kedua untuk dilakukan isolasi PRP dan serum, kemudian dilakukan 5 kelompok perlakuan berbeda terhadap masing-masing subyek. Kelompok I, makrofag ditambah serum. Kelompok II, makrofag ditambah serum dan LPS. Kelompok III, makrofag ditambah serum, LPS, dan PRP. Kelompok IV, makrofag ditambah LPS dan PRP. Kelompok V, makrofag ditambah PRP. Pada hari ke-10 dan ke-14, kadar sitokin TNF-a dan IL-10 yang dihasilkan dari kultur makrofag diukur dengan menggunakan teknik ELISA.Hasil: Terjadi penurunan bermakna kadar TNF-a hari ke-14 dibandingkan hari ke-10 pada kelompok II p=0.001 , kelompok III p=0.011 , dan kelompok IV p=0.000 . Kemampuan sel makrofag untuk memproduksi TNF-a menurun pada hari ke-14 dibanding hari ke-10. Terjadi peningkatan bermakna kadar IL-10 hari ke-14 dibandingkan hari ke-10 pada kelompok I p=0.05 , kelompok II p=0.018 , kelompok III p=0.017 , kelompok IV p=0.030 , dan kelompok V p=0.030 . Kemampuan sel makrofag untuk memproduksi IL-10 meningkat pada hari ke-14 dibanding hari ke-10, namun tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antar tiap kelompok.Kesimpulan: Secara umum, kadar TNF-a menurun pada hari ke-14 dibandingkan hari ke-10 sedangkan kadar IL-10 meningkat pada hari ke-14 dibandingkan hari ke-10. Pemberian PRP dapat meningkatkan produksi kadar TNF-a pada awal aktivasi makrofag dan menurunkan produksi TNF-a pada akhir aktivasi makrofag. Pemberian PRP tidak mempengaruhi produksi IL-10 pada awal aktivasi makrofag dan meningkatkan produksi IL-10 pada akhir aktivasi makrofag.
Background Autologous PRP has been used widely to accelerate wound healing, but many are case reports lacking controls. Research explains how the effect of the use of PRP to the process is still very limited. This study was aimed to analyze the effect of PRP on the production pro and anti inflammatory mediators from macrophage culture.Methods This experimental research was prepared from peripheral blood samples collected 2 times from healthy subjects, within an interval of 1 week. In the first blood collection, monocytes were isolated then cultured for 1 week into macrophage Human monocyte derived macrophages . On day 7, the second blood collection was done to isolate PRP and serum, then 5 different treatments were treated to each subject. Group I, macrophage plus serum. Group II, macrophage plus serum and LPS. Group III, macrophage plus serum, LPS, and PRP. Group IV, macrophage plus LPS and PRP. Group V, macrophage plus PRP. On day 10 and day 14, cytokine TNF a and IL 10 that produced by macrophage culture were measured using ELISA technique.Results There was significant decrease of TNF a concentration on day 14 compared to day 10, especially in Group II p 0.001 , Group III p 0.011 , and group IV p 0.000 . Macrophage rsquo s ability to produce TNF a was decrease on day 14 compared to day 10. There was significant increase of IL 10 concentration on day 14 compared to day 10, in Group I p 0.05 , Group II p 0.018 , Group III p 0.017 , Group IV p 0.030 , and Group V p 0.030 . Macrophage rsquo s ability to produce IL 10 was increase on day 14 compared to day 10, but there was no significant difference between each group.Conclusions In general, TNF a concentration decrease on day 14 compare to day 10 but IL 10 concentration increase on day 14 compare to day 10. PRP supplement can increase the production of TNF a in the first phase of macrophage activation and reduce the production of TNF a in the late phase of macrophage activation. PRP supplement doesn rsquo t influence the production of IL 10 in the first phase of macrophage activation but can induce the increasing of IL 10 production in late phase of macrophage activation.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nina Fitriana
Abstrak :
Tuberkulosis masih menjadi masalah kesehatan utama karena prevalensinya yang terus meningkat, terutama kasus TB resisten obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis respons adaptasi makrofag terhadap hipoksia dan kemampuan fagositosis makrofag pada penderita TB resisten obat dibandingkan dengan kontak erat yang terinfeksi laten dan sehat. Enam pasien TBRO dan 18 kasus kontak erat (8 TB laten; 10 sehat) di RS Universitas Indonesia direkrut sebagai subjek penelitian. Makrofag berasal dari hasil isolasi sel mononukleus darah tepi (SMDT) subjek yang dikultur selama 7 hari. Pemeriksaan ekspresi mRNA dan protein HIF-1α dilakukan menggunakan qRT-PCR dan ELISA. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas fagositosis kelompok infeksi laten lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok sehat dan TB RO (p<0,05). Ekspresi mRNA dan protein HIF-1α lebih tinggi pada kelompok TB RO dibandingkan kelompok lainnya (p<0,05). Terdapat korelasi negatif sedang antara kemampuan fagositosis dengan ekspresi protein HIF-1α (r = -0,612; p<0,05). Perbedaan respons adaptasi hipoksia dan fungsi sel makrofag diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi selanjutnya dalam membuka penelitian yang lebih spesifik, untuk menelusuri lebih lanjut dari aspek lain mengenai respons imun makrofag pada penderita TB resisten obat dibandingkan dengan kontak erat terdiagnosis laten TB, dan kontak erat yang sehat. ......Tuberculosis remains a major health problem due to its increasing prevalence, especially in cases of drug-resistant TB. This research aims to analyze the macrophage adaptive response to hypoxia and the phagocytic ability of macrophages in patients with drug-resistant TB compared to close contact with latent infection and healthy individuals. Six drug-resistant TB patients and 18 close contact cases (8 latent TB; 10 healthy) at the University of Indonesia Hospital were recruited as research subjects. Macrophages were derived from the PBMC of the subjects and cultured for 7 days. Examination of HIF-1α mRNA and protein expression was conducted using qRT-PCR and ELISA. The results showed that the phagocytic activity of the latent infection group was higher compared to the healthy and drug-resistant TB groups (p<0,05). HIF-1α mRNA and protein expression were higher in the drug-resistant TB group compared to the other groups (p<0,05). However, there was a moderate negative correlation between phagocytic ability and HIF-1α protein expression (r = -0,612; p<0,05). The differences in hypoxia adaptive responses and macrophage cell function are expected to serve as a reference for further, more specific research to explore other aspects of macrophage immune responses in drug-resistant TB patients compared to close contacts diagnosed with latent TB and healthy close contacts.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Irawati
Abstrak :
Diabetes melitus banyak dikaitkan dengan risiko tinggi aterosklerosis dan komplikasinya. Makrofag merupakan kunci dalam semua tahap aterosklerosis dan sudah diketahui berperan penting dalam patomekanisme penyakit metabolik dan kardiovaskuler. Makrofag menginternalisasi LDL teroksidasi melalui scavenger receptor seperti CD36. Makrofag juga mempunyai sistem transpor aktif seperti ABCA1 untuk eliminasi kolesterol dari makrofag ke akseptor ekstraseluler. Keterlibatan protein CD36 dan ABCA1 dalam mekanisme masuk dan keluarnya kolesterol pada makrofag diduga berhubungan dengan risiko pembentukan sel busa  sehingga diperlukan penelitian pola ekspresi CD36 dan ABCA1 serta ekspresi sitokin pro-inflamasi  IL-1b dan anti inflamasi IL-10 makrofag pada subyek non T2DM dan T2DM. Pengamatan dilakukan pada 11 subyek non T2DM dan 13 subyek T2DM. Disain penelitian menggunakan studi obervasional dan intervensi invitro. Monosit distimulasi menjadi makrofag menggunakan M-CSF. Tahap selanjutnya, makrofag dibagi dalam tiga perlakuan yaitu tanpa stimulasi, stimulasi LPS dan stimulasi ox-LDL. Ekspresi makrofag CD36 dan ABCA1 diukur  secara flowcytometri menggunakan alat BD FACSCanto II Flow Cytometer sedangkan ekspresi IL-1b dan IL-10 makrofag diukur  dengan multiplex immunoassay pada alat LuminexTM 200. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan adanya hubungan negatif rasio Trigliserida/HDL dengan ekspresi makrofag CD36-ABCA1+. Makrofag yang distimulasi ox-LDL menunjukkan perbedaan ekspresi CD36+ABCA1- pada subyek non T2DM dan T2DM yang tidak signifikan (p=0,12) sedangkan  ekspresi CD36-ABCA1+ menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p=0,04). Subyek non T2DM menunjukkan ekspresi CD36-ABCA1+ dominan tinggi (72.7%) sedangkan pada subyek T2DM dominan ekspresi rendah (59.2%). Makrofag yang distimulasi LPS dan ox-LDL menunjukkan perbedaan rasio IL-1b/IL-10  pada subyek non T2DM dan T2DM (p=0.05; p=0.02). Subyek T2DM menunjukkan rasio IL-1b/IL-10 lebih tinggi dibandingkan non T2DM. Analisa hubungan rasio IL-1b/IL-10 dengan ekspresi makrofag CD36-ABCA1+ menunjukkan kecenderungan subyek dengan rasio IL-1b/IL-10 tinggi mempunyai ekspresi makrofag CD36-ABCA1+ rendah. Analisis juga menunjukkan 62% subyek T2DM menunjukkan eskpresi makrofag CD36- & ABCA1+ rendah disertai rasio IL-1b/IL-10 tinggi  dan hsCRP diatas nilai median sedangkan subyek non T2DM 91% menunjukkan ekspresi CD36-ABCA1+ tinggi dengan rasio IL-1b/IL-10 rendah dan hsCRP rendah.  Pada penelitian ini ditemukan adanya hubungan ekspresi makrofag CD36-ABCA1+ dan  rasio IL-1b/IL-10 terhadap hs-CRP yang merupakan penanda risiko penyakit kardiovaskuler. ......Diabetes mellitus is associated with a high risk of atherosclerosis and its complications. Macrophages are key in all stages of atherosclerosis and are known to play an important role in the pathomechanism of metabolic and cardiovascular disease. Macrophages internalize oxidized LDL via scavenger receptors such as CD36. Macrophages also have active transport systems such as ABCA1 for elimination of cholesterol from macrophages to extracellular acceptors. The involvement of CD36 and ABCA1 proteins in the mechanism of entry and exit of cholesterol in macrophages is thought to be associated with the risk of foam cell formation, so it is necessary to study the expression patterns of CD36 and ABCA1 as well as the expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1b and anti-inflammatory IL-10 in macrophages in non-T2DM subjects and T2DM. Observations were made on 11 non-T2DM subjects and 13 T2DM subjects. The research design used observational studies and in vitro interventions. Monocytes were stimulated to become macrophages using M-CSF. In the next stage, macrophages were divided into three treatments: no stimulation, LPS stimulation and ox-LDL stimulation. The expression of CD36 and ABCA1 macrophages was measured by flowcytometry using the BD FACSCanto II Flow Cytometer while the expression of IL-1b and IL-10 macrophages was measured by multiplex immunoassay on the LuminexTM 200. This study found a negative relationship between triglyceride/HDL ratio and expression of CD36-ABCA1+ macrophages. Ox-LDL stimulated macrophages showed insignificant differences in CD36+ABCA1- expression in non-T2DM and T2DM subjects (p=0.12) while CD36-ABCA1+ expression showed significant differences (p=0.04). Non-T2DM subjects showed high dominant CD36-ABCA1+ expression (72.7%) while T2DM subjects had low dominant expression (59.2%). The LPS and ox-LDL-stimulated macrophages showed different ratios of IL-1b/IL-10 in non-T2DM and T2DM subjects (p=0.05; p=0.02). T2DM subjects showed a higher IL-1b/IL-10 ratio than non-T2DM subjects. Analysis of the relationship between the IL-1b/IL-10 ratio and CD36-ABCA1+ macrophage expression showed a tendency for subjects with a high IL-1b/IL-10 ratio to have low CD36-ABCA1+ macrophage expression. The analysis also showed that 62% of T2DM subjects showed low expression of CD36- ABCA1+ macrophages with high IL-1b/IL-10 ratio and hsCRP above the median value, while 91% of non-T2DM subjects showed high CD36-ABCA1+ expression with IL-1b/IL-10  low and low hsCRP. In this study, it was found that there was a relationship between the expression of CD36-ABCA1+ macrophages and the ratio of IL-1b/IL-10 to hs-CRP which is a marker of cardiovascular disease risk.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogia Ikhsas
Abstrak :
Polarisasi makrofag ke arah tipe 1 (M1) atau tipe 2 (M2) sangat penting dalam perbaikan inflamasi kolon. Penggunaan bahan alam seperti kulit buah delima (Punica granatum L) dalam kıtosan diharapkan dapat menginduksi M2 peritoneal dan memperbaiki kondisi inflamasi kolon. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbedaan efek pemberian ekstrak kulit buah delima (Punica granatum L.) dalam nanopartikel kitosan untuk menginduksi polarisasi makrofag peritoneal pada mencit yang diinduksi dekstran sodium sulfat (DSS). Analisis spektrum FTIR dilakukan pada sampel nanopartikel kitosan, sodium tripolifosfat (STTP), pomegranate peel extract (PPE), dan nanopartikel kitosan-PPE. Selanjutnya, mencit Balb/c dibagi secara acak menjadi 6 kelompok: normal, asam elagat 26 mg/kgBB/hari (kontrol positif), DSS 2% b/v (kontrol negatif), nanopartikel kitosanPPE dosis 480 mg/kgBB/hari (P2), nanopartikel kitosan-PPE dosis 240 mg/kgBB/hari (P1), PPE dosis 480 mg/mgBB/hari (P3), semua kelompok diberikan DSS 2% selama 2 siklus kecuali kelompok normal. Pada akhir percobaan, cairan peritoneal diambil dan dianalisis jumlah makrofag M1 dan M2 dengan flow cytometry. Dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif, nanopartikel kitosan-PPE dengan dosis 240 mg/kgBB tidak menurunkan jumlah makrofag M1, namun meningkatkan jumlah makrofag M2 (p<0,05). Sedangkan nanopartikel kitosan-PPE dan PPE murni dengan dosis yang sama 480 mg/kgBB dapat menurunkan jumlah makrofag M1 dan meningkatkan jumlah makrofag M2 secara bermakna dibandingkan kontrol negatif (p<0,05). ......Macrophage polarization towards type 1 (M1) or type 2 (M2) is critical in the repair of colonic inflammation. The use of natural materials such as pomegranate peel (Punica granatum L) in chitosan is expected to induce peritoneal M2 and improve colon inflammatory conditions. The aims of this study is to compare the effects of pomegranate peel extract (Punica granatum L.) in chitosan nanoparticles on the macrophages polarization in peritoneal fluid of DSS-induced mice. The FTIR spectra of chitosan nanoparticles, sodium tripolyphosphate (STTP), pomegranate peel extract (PPE), and chitosan-PPE nanoparticles was analyzed. In addition, Balb/c mice were randomly separated into 6 groups: normal, elagic acid 26 mg/kgBW/day (positive control), 2% w/v DSS (negative control), chitosan-PPE nanoparticles dose of 480 mg/kgBW/day (P2), chitosan nanoparticles-PPE dose of 240 mg/kgBW/day (P1), and PPE dose of 480 mg/mgBW/day. Flow cytometric analysis was performed on peritoneal fluid at the conclusion of the experiment to determine the number of M1 and M2 macrophages. Compared to the negative control, chitosan-PPE nanoparticles at a dose of 240 mg/kg BW did not decrease the number of M1 macrophages, but increased the number of M2 macrophages (p<0,05). Whereas a dose of 480 mg/kgBW of chitosan-PPE nanoparticles and pure PPE decreased the number of M1 macrophages and raised the number of M2 macrophages significantly compared to negative controls (p<0.05).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keely Ladiana Riza
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Penyakit periodontal di Indonesia merupakan penyakit gigi dan mulut terbesar kedua menurut Riskesdas 2018 dengan prevalensi sebesar 74,1%. Periodontitis merupakan penyakit inflamasi pada gingiva yang disebabkan oleh akumulasi plak akibat bakteri yang salah satunya adalah bakteri Porphyromonas gingivalis. Selain perawatan antibakteri, inflamasi pada periodontitis juga perlu ditangani. Dalam perawatan periodontitis untuk mencegah inflamasi, chlorhexidine dan ibuprofen merupakan agen terapeutik yang umum digunakan. Namun, penggunaan jangka panjang kedua agen tersebut dapat menimbulkan beberapa efek samping dan menunjukkan sitotoksisitas terhadap sel tubuh. Sekarang, sudah mulai ditemukan perawatan alternatif antiinflamasi. Salah satunya adalah propolis yang merupakan zat resin yang berasal dari ekstrak tumbuhan yang dibuat oleh spesies lebah. Propolis sudah terbukti memiliki sifat antiinflamasi dengan mengurangi ekspresi sitokin inflamasi. Di Indonesia sendiri, terdapat berbagai jenis propolis dan salah satunya adalah propolis Heterotrigona itama. Namun, sitotoksisitas propolis H. itama belum banyak diteliti di Indonesia. Dengan itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat sitotoksisitas obat kumur propolis H. itama 5% sebagai alternatif perawatan periodontitis. Metode: Analisis kualitatif tingkat sitotoksisitas obat kumur propolis H. itama 5% terhadap sel makrofag peritoneal tikus muda secara in vitro melalui gambaran mikroskopis. Hasil analisis kualitatif akan dilakukan skoring berdasarkan panduan ISO 10993-5:2009. Hasil: Obat kumur propolis H. itama 5% memiliki tingkat sitotoksisitas yang tinggi terhadap sel makrofag peritoneal tikus karena adanya penurunan jumlah sel lebih dari 50% pada kultur makrofag berdasarkan gambaran mikroskopis. Obat kumur propolis H. itama memiliki tingkat sitotoksisitas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan chlorhexidine dan ibuprofen. Kesimpulan: Obat kumur propolis H. itama memiliki tingkat sitotoksisitas tinggi dengan hasil skor 3 dan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan chlorhexidine dan ibuprofen berdasarkan panduan ISO 10993-5:2009. Namun, dibutuhkan penelitian lanjut dengan uji sitotoksisitas metode kuantitatif dan uji lanjutan in vivo agar mendapatkan hasil yang lebih akurat. ......Introduction: Periodontal disease is the second largest dental and oral diseases in Indonesia according to Riskesdas 2018 with a prevalence of 74.1%. Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the gingiva caused by the accumulation of plaque by bacteria, one of which is Porphyromonas gingivalis. In addition to antibacterial treatment, inflammation in the pathogenesis of periodontitis also needs to be treated. For anti-inflammation treatment in periodontitis, chlorhexidine and ibuprofen are commonly used therapeutic agents. However, long-term use of both agents can cause several side effects and show cytotoxicity to different types of cells in the body. Nowadays, alternative anti-inflammatory treatments are starting to be discovered and used for periodontal diseases. One of them is propolis which is a resinous substance derived from plant extracts made by bee species. Propolis has been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties by reducing the expression of inflammatory cytokines. In Indonesia itself, there are various types of propolis and one of them is the Heterotrigona itama propolis. However, the cytotoxicity grade of H. itama propolis has not been widely studied in Indonesia. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the level of cytotoxicity of H. itama propolis mouthwash 5% as an alternative treatment for periodontitis. Methods: Qualitative analysis of the cytotoxicity of H. itama propolis mouthwash towards peritoneal macrophage cells of young mouse in vitro through microscopic images. The results of the qualitative analysis will be scored based on ISO 10993-5:2009 guidelines. Results: H. itama propolis mouthwash 5% has a high level cytotoxicity to mouse peritoneal macrophage cells due to a decrease in cell number of more than 50% in macrophage culture observed from microscopic images. H. itama propolis mouthwash has higher cytotoxicity level compared to chlorhexidine and ibuprofen. Conclusion: H. itama propolis mouthwash has a high level of cytotoxicity with a cytotoxicity score of 3, and is higher compared to chlorhexidine and ibuprofen. However, further research is needed with quantitative cytotoxicity tests and further in vivo tests to get more accurate results.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Handayani
Abstrak :
Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui aktivitas ekstrak rimpang temu hitam (Curcuma aeruginosaRoxb.) terhadap makrofag, sitokin TNF dan IFN pada tikus Spraque-Dawley betina yang diinduksi dengan7,12-dimetilbenz-()antrasen (DMBA). Ekstrak etanol 96% dibuat secara maserasi. Pengukuran kadar NO makrofag, jumlah sitokin TNF, IFN menggunakan metode ELISA pada panjang gelombang 450nm. Hewan uji dibagi dalam 10 kelompok yaitu kontrol normal, kontrol DMBA, kontrol doksorubisin, kontrol bahan alam (ST), kelompok perlakuan kuratif dan kelompok perlakuan ajuvan. Setiap tikus kecuali kontrol normal diinduksi dengan DMBA 4mg/200gBB, 5 kali diberikan 2x/minggu. Masa inkubasi tumor 8 minggu dengan palpasi seminggu sekali. Delapan minggu berikutnya kelompok perlakuan diberikan ekstrak dalam 3 variasi dosis yaitu 40mg/200gBB, 80mg/200gBB, 160mg/200gBB. Pengambilan darah dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Perhitungan statistic menggunakan Kruskal Wallis (=0,05) untuk makrofag, dan ANOVA (=0,05) untuk TNF dan IFN. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh temu hitam terhadap makrofag pada kelompok kuratif dan ajuvan, meski tidak sebesar ST. Terjadi penurunan kadar TNF sebelum dan sesudah pemberian sampel temu hitam, demikian juga pada sitokin IFN. Penurunan kadar TNF dan IFN tidak berbeda bermakna, dapat disebabkan oleh penurunan imunitas non spesifik tikus akibat tingkat keparahan penyakit tumor. Disimpulkan bahwa temu hitam meningkatkan produksi NO makrofag, namun tidak meningkatkan jumlah sitokin TNF dan IFN.
The objectives of these research are to find out the activity of Curcuma aeruginosarhizome extracts on macrophage, TNF and IFNcytokinesforfemale Spraque-Dawley ratsinduced by dimethylbenz()anthracen (DMBA).Extract yielded from C. aeruginosa rhizomes maceration using 96% ethanol. The amount of NO production ofmacrophage, TNF and IFN concentration counts by ELISA reader on 450 nm. Rats devided into 10 groups of Normal, control of DMBA, control of doxorubicin, control of herbal, curative groups and adjuvant groups. All rats except Normal group induced by DMBA 4 mg/200gBB, 5x for 2x/weeks. Incubation phases were 8 weeks with palpation every week. The next 8 weeks were extracts treatment in 3 dose variation, 40mg/200gBB, 80mg/200gBB, 160mg/200gBB. The first bloods take before extract treatments, and the second after treatments. Statistical analysis for macrophage using Krukal Wallis (=0,05), and ANOVA(=0,05) for TNF and IFN. On macrophage studies, the NO yields onDMBA group and ST group significantly different from KD groups and AD groups. The amounts of TNF after Curcuma aeruginosaextracts treatments lower than the amounts before treatments. Also with IFN, the IFN amounts decreased after treatments. The descendent among all groups are not significantly different. The conclusions areCurcuma aeruginosaincreaseNO production of macrophage, but can?t increased the amounts ofTNF and IFN in serum.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pungguri Ayu Nega Sarsanti
Abstrak :
Respon imun makrofag merupakan proses alamiah yang terjadi di dalam tubuh sebagai adaptasi terhadap benda asing/antigen. Makrofag merupakan komponen penting pada respon imun bawaan maupun adaptif, karena berperan pada proses fagositosis serta sebagai antigen presenting cell APC . Pada proses fagositosis makrofag memerlukan O2 dan energi yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuktikan bahwa pada makrofag peritoneum yang diimunisasi terjadi hipoksia relatif dan peningkatan biogenesis mitokondria dalam usaha meningkatkan keperluan energi. Untuk membuktikan terjadi hipoksia diukur ekspresi mRNA dan protein HIF-1? serta HIF-2? yang merupakan protein yang berperan pada respons terhadap hipoksia. Juga diukur ekspresi mRNA dan protein sitoglobin yang merupakan protein pengikat O2. Untuk menilai biogenesis mitokondria diukur kadar protein PGC-1?. 24 ekor mencit BALB/c dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok perlakuan imunisasi dan 1 kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi hipoksia yang ditunjukkan oleh peningkatan bermakna kadar protein HIF-1? p=0.000, ANOVA dan HIF-2? p=0.035, ANOVA mulai dari 24 jam dan terus meningkat sampai 72 jam setelah imunisasi. Ekspresi protein sitoglobin meningkat mulai 24 jam sampai 72 jam setelah imunisasi p=0.01, ANOVA , sedangkan ekspresi protein PGC-1? meningkat bermakna pada 72 jam setelah imunisasi p=0.047, Kruskal-Wallis . Disimpulkan pada makrofag peritoneum mencit yang diimunisasi terjadi hipoksia dan biogenesis mitokondria. Kata kunci: Sitoglobin; HIF-1?; HIF-2?; Makrofag; PGC-1?
Macrophages rsquo s immune response is natural process that occurs in the body. Macrophages is important in innate and adaptive immunity, due to their role in phagocytosis as well as antigen presenting cell APC . Phagocytosis itself requires O2 and high energy. This study aims to investigate that immunized peritoneal macrophages were in relative hypoxia condition and its mitochondrial biogenesis increased in efforts to provide energy. To confirm hypoxia were calculated by mRNA and protein expression of HIF 1 and HIF 2 . mRNA and protein Cygb expression were also measured as the protein considered binds O2. To assess mitochondrial biogenesis, PGC 1 protein level were measured. 24 male BALB c mice were used and divided into three immunized treatment groups and one control group. The results showed that hypoxia occur, affirm by a significant increase in protein levels of HIF 1 p 0.000, ANOVA and HIF 2 p 0.035, ANOVA ranging from 24 hours and continued to increase until 72 hours. Cygb protein expression also increased from 24 hours to 72 hours p 0.01, ANOVA , whereas the expression of PGC 1 alpha protein increased significantly at 72 hours p 0.047, Kruskal Wallis . In conclusion in immunized mice peritoneal macrophages present itself hypoxia and mitochondrial biogenesis. Keyword Cytoglobin HIF 1 HIF 2 Macrophages PGC 1
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Rahmat Widodo
Abstrak :
Cedera saraf perifer merupakan beban klinis yang besar. Berbagai modalitas terapi dikembangkan untuk mencapai perbaikan fungsi, salah satunya dengan platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Walaupun PRP sudah diterapkan secara klinis, namun proses intrinsik di dalamnya belum sepenuhnya diketahui. Oleh karena itulah penelitian ini dibuat untuk mengetahui efek pemberian PRP terhadap populasi sel Schwann dan makrofag pada lokasi cedera saraf perifer. Penelitian eksperimental dengan sampel tikus Wistar, terdiri dari tiga kelompok penelitian untuk masing-masing terminasi di hari ke-3 dan hari ke-7, yaitu kontrol, model sciatica, dan model sciatica yang diberi PRP. Model sciatica dilakukan dengan metode crush injury. Fungsi motorik dinilai pada hari ke-3 dan ke-7 menggunakan Sciatic Functional Index (SFI) dan Foot Fault Test (FFT). Ekspresi marker sel Scwann diperiksa dengan imunohistokimia (IHK) SOX10, dan ekspresi marker sel makrofag dengan IHK CD68. Fungsi motorik meningkat pada hari ke-7 (p<0,05), dan populasi sel Schwann meningkat pada hari ke-7 (p<0,05). Pemberian PRP mempengaruhi proses regenerasi saraf perifer model tikus sciatica. ......Peripheral nerve injury is a large clinical burden. Various therapeutic modalities have been developed to achieve improved function, one of which is with platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Although PRP has been applied clinically, the intrinsic processes are not fully understood. For this reason, this study was made to determine the effect of PRP administration on the Schwann cell population and macrophages at the site of peripheral nerve injury. Experimental study with samples of Wistar rats, consisted of three research groups for termination on day 3 and day 7 respectively, namely control, sciatica model, and sciatica model treated with PRP. The sciatica model was performed using the crush injury method. Motor function was assessed on day 3 and 7 using the Sciatic Functional Index (SFI) and Foot Fault Test (FFT). Schwann cell marker expression was examined by SOX10 immunohistochemistry (IHC), and macrophage cell marker expression was examined by CD68 IHC. Motor function increased on day 7 (p<0.05), and the Schwann cell population increased on day 7 (p<0.05). PRP administration affects the process of peripheral nerve regeneration in the sciatica rat model.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitri Octaviana
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Prevalensi neuropati sensorik HIV (NS-HIV) di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) pada tahun 2006 adalah 33%, saat seluruh pasien mendapatkan terapi antiretroviral (ARV) stavudine. Walaupun stavudine tidak digunakan lagi, pasien masih mengeluhkan gejala NS-HIV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi dan faktor yang berhubungan dengan NS-HIV dan nyeri neuropatik; kadar kemokin CCL5 plasma dan antibodi IgG CMV pada NS-HIV dan nyeri neuropatik. Tujuan lain adalah untuk mengetahui dan gambaran intra-epidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD) dan makrofag CD14+ perineural pada NS-HIV. Metode: Penelitian potong lintang yang dilakukan di RSCM pada tahun 2015-2017. Didapatkan 197 pasien HIV dalam terapi ARV tanpa stavudin >12 bulan. NS-HIV ditegakkan berdasarkan The AIDS Clinical Trial Group Brief Peripheral Neuropathy Screening Tool (ACTG-BPNST/BPNST), sedangkan nyeri neuropatik dinilai menggunakan kuesioner Douleur Neuropathique 4 (DN4). Dilakukan pengambilan darah untuk mengukur hitung sel T CD4+, viral load, CCL5, antibodi IgG CMV. Dilakukan pemeriksaan nerve conduction study (NCS) dan Stimulated SkIin Wrinkle (SSW) test. Biopsi kulit dilakukan pada 9 pasien NS-HIV dan 5 pasien tanpa NS (NS-) untuk menilai intra-epidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD) dan makrofag CD14+ perineural dan dibandingkan kontrol sehat. Hasil: Prevalensi NS-HIV adalah 14,2% sedangkan prevalensi nyeri neuropatik 6,6%. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan NS-HIV adalah viral load >500 kopi/ml dan meningkatnya usia. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan nyeri neuropatik adalah penggunaan ARV Protease Inhibitor (PI) dan durasi ARV< 2 tahun. Kadar CCL5 plasma dan antibody IgG CMV tidak berhubungan terhadap NS-HIV dan nyeri neuropatik. Median IENFD pada pasien NS-HIV lebih rendah dibandingkan pasien HIV tanpa neuropati (3 vs 5,8 /mm2); median IENFD pasien HIV dengan dan tanpa neuropati sensorik lebih rendah dibandingkan kontrol sehat (11,2/mm2). Empat dari lima pasien NS-HIV dengan INEFD rendah mempunyai hitung CD4+ nadir yang rendah. Makrofag CD14+ dapat diidentifikasi perineural pada pasien NS-HIV dan pasien HIV tanpa neuropati sensorik. Kesimpulan: Prevalensi NS-HIV menurun jauh saat stavudin tidak lagi digunakan. Prevalensi nyeri neuropatik lebih rendah dari prevalensi NS-HIV. Meningkatnya usia dan terdeteksinya viral load berhubungan dengan NS-HIV; PI dan durasi penggunaan ARV yang lebih pendek berhubungan dengan nyeri neuropatik. IENFD pasien HIV lebih rendah dibandingkan kontrol sehat. Pasien NS-HIV dengan IENFD rendah memiliki hitung CD4+ nadir yang rendah. Makrofag CD14+ perineural di epidermis dapat diidentifikasi pada pasien HIV dengan dan tanpa neuropati sensorik.
Introduction: Prevalence of HIV associated sensory neuropathy (HIV-SN) in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (CMH) was 33% in 2006 where all patients used stavudine. Despite stavudine use has been reduced; some patients still complain the symptom of HIV-SN. This study aimed to explore the prevalence and associated factors of HIV-SN and neuropathic pain; to know plasma CCL5 chemokine level and CMV IgG antibody in HIV-SN and neuropathic pain; to study the pattern of intra-epidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD) and perineural CD14+ macrophage in HIV-SN. Method: It was a cross sectional study carried out at CMH from 2015 until 2017. We tested 197 HIV patients who had antiretroviral treatment (ART) without stavudine for >12 months. The AIDS Clinical Trial Group Brief Peripheral Neuropathy Screening Tool (ACTG-BPNST/BPNST) and Douleur Neuropathique 4 (DN4) questionnaire were used to assess HIV-SN and neuropathic pain respectively. Nerve conduction study (NCS) and Stimulated Skin Wrinkle (SSW) test were performed. The current CD4+ T-cell counts, viral load, CCL5 and IgG CMV antibidoy were measured. Skin biopsy was performed in 5 HIV-SN and 9 HIV-NoSN to assess IENFD and CD14+ macrophage compare to healthy control subjects. Result: The prevalence of HIV-SN was 14.2% and neuropathic pain was 6.6%. Viral load >500 copies HIV-RNA/ml and increasing age were associated with HIV-SN, while protease inhibitor (PI) and ART duration<2 years were associated with neuropathic pain. CCL5 plasma level and CMV IgG antibody were not associated with HIV-SN and neuropathic pain. IENFDs in HIV-SN were lower than HIV-NoSN (3 vs 5.8/mm2, respectively); IENFDs in HIV patients generally were lower than healthy control (11.2/mm2). Four of 5 HIV-SN patients with low IENFD had low nadir CD4+ T-cell count. CD14+ macrophage can be identified around the nerves of both HIV-SN and HIV-NoSN patients. Conclusion: Prevalence of HIV-SN in the era without stavudine is lower. Prevalence of neuropathic pain is lower than prevalence of HIV-SN. Increasing age and detectable viral load are associated with HIV-SN; PI and shorter duration of ART are associated with neuropathic pain. IENFDs in HIV patients are lower than healthy control. HIV-SN patients with low IENFD tend to have low nadir CD4+ T-cell count. CD14+ macrophage is present in both HIV patients with and without sensory neuropathy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ndaru Andri Damayanti
Abstrak :
Introduction: Constant exposure to a variety of microorganisms in domestic environment plays an important role in the shaping of individual immune response mechanism, which can affect one's susceptibility to the diseases. The aim of the study to get an understanding how the exposure of microorganisms in the the different area where the people living might give a contribution to the profile and the regulation of the immune respons after stimulated to malaria, vaccine BCG and oxLDL antigents in PBMC and whole blood cultures, and to evaluate the character of T reg as a mediator to suppress the cell proliferation. Methode: It is an in vitro experimental study performed at Laboratorium Terpadu, Faculty of Medicine Univertas Indonesia, Jakarta in 2013 2014. As a model of infectious diseases is used pathogenic antigents such as Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells malaria and bacille calmette gu rin BCG vaccine, and as a modell of inflammatory disease is used non a patonegic antigen, low density lipoprotein LDL . Whole blood cultures is done for 80 blood samples to know how the regulation of immune respons from people living a rural populatin. PBMC cultures is also done to explore macrophages after stimulated to malaria, BCG and LDL. PHA stimulated to the PBMC culture with and without T reg cells to evaluate the character of T reg. T regulatory cells perhaps play the important roles to suppress the immune respons to microorganisms was also done. Results: The profile of the immune respons of the people living in the unslum area is significantly more inflamatif than that in the slum area. The ratio of pro anti inflammation cytokines TNF IL 10 of the people living in the unslum area is significantly higher than that in the slum area. This is marked by increasing of oxLDL accumulationis that is the important point of the low protection to oxLDL of the people living in the unslum area p 0.01 . T regulatory cell may suppress the proliferation in the PBMC culture for the people living in the slum area marked by increasing not only the expression of IL 10 cytokines but also the sum of T regulatory sells p 0.01 significantly. Conclusion: The immune respons of the people living in the unslum area is more inflamatif and responsive to malaria, BCG vaccine and oxLDL. The character of macrophage of the people living in the slum area is marked by the low ratio of pro anti inflammation cytokines TNF IL 10 to malaria, BCG vaccine and oxLDLstimulations. T regulatory cell may suppress the proliferation in the PBMC culture for the people living in the slum.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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