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Fauziah Khairatunnisa
Abstrak :

Padi (Oryza sativa L.) merupakan tanaman penghasil beras yang menjadi bahan makanan pokok penduduk dunia khususnya di Indonesia. Perluasan lahan pertanian masih perlu dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan beras. Kendala utama pada lahan sawah yang baru dibuka adalah tingginya konsentrasi FeSO4 terlarut. Oleh karena itu diperlukan varietas padi yang tahan terhadap kondisi cekaman FeSO4 secara karakter agronomi dan molekulernya. Karakter agronomi yang dilihat berupa tinggi tanaman, skor leaf bronzing dan jumlah gabah per malai, sedangkan pada molekulernya dilihat ekspresi gen OsFER1 untuk mengetahui varietas yang tahan terhadap cekaman besi. Penelitian dilakukan sejak Agustus 2021 – Juni 2022 di Rumah Kaca dan Laboratorium Instrumentasi Terpadu Departemen Biologi FMIPA Biologi Universitas Indonesia. Konsentrasi FeSO4 yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 0 dan 400 ppm dengan menggunakan enam varietas padi sawah yaitu Ciherang, Inpari 42, Inpari 30, Sunggal, Logawa dan Cibogo. Untuk uji molekuler digunakan gen alfa-tubulin sebagai (TUB) sebagai gen referensi untuk normalisasi kuantitas cDNA dari gen feritin di masing-masing varietas padi. Hasil pengamatan fase vegetatif, varietas Ciherang memiliki viabilitas tertinggi yaitu 77,2%. Rata-rata pertumbuhan tanaman terbaik untuk tanaman kontrol adalah Ciherang (6,805 cm ± 2,708), sedangkan untuk perlakuan 400 ppm, FeSO4 adalah Inpari 30 (4,03 cm ± 1,183). Tinggi tanaman kontrol terbaik adalah Ciherang (68,116 cm ± 0,685), dan pada perlakuan 400 ppm FeSO4 Inpari 30 (40.3 ± 0,4925). Skor bronzing daun tertinggi dengan skor 6 adalah Logawa, sedangkan skor 1 adalah Inpari 30. Bulir padi dihasilkan pada fase generatif oleh varietas Ciherang sebanyak 72 bulir, terdiri dari 44 bulir isi dan 28 bulir kosong pada perlakuan control. Sedangkan pada perlakuan 400 ppm FeSO4 dihasilkan oleh varietas inpari 30 sebanyak 90 bulir, yang terdiri dari 35 bulir isi dan 55 bulir kosong. Hasil uji molekuler pada perlakuan kontrol, Ciherang memiliki nilai rasio ekspresi gen OsFER1 yang paling tinggi yaitu (1,01 ± 0,194), sedangkan pada perlakuan 400 ppm FeSO4 adalah varietas Inpari 30 yaitu (4,01 ± 2,286). Berdasarkan pengujian pada fase vegetatif, generatif dan molekuler, varietas Inpari 30 adalah varietas yang toleran terhadap cekaman FeSO4.


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a rice-producing plant which is a staple food for the world's population, especially in Indonesia. Expansion of agricultural land still needs to be done to meet rice needs. The main obstacle in newly cleared paddy fields is the high concentration of dissolved FeSO4. Therefore, rice varieties that are resistant to FeSO4 stress conditions are needed in terms of agronomic and molecular characters. The agronomic characters were seen in the form of plant height, leaf bronzing score and the number of grains per panicle, while on the molecular level, the expression of the OsFER1 gene was seen to determine varieties that were resistant to iron stress. The research was conducted from August 2021 – June 2022 in the Greenhouse and Integrated Instrumentation Laboratory, Department of Biology, FMIPA Biology, Universitas Indonesia. The concentrations of FeSO4 used in this study were 0 and 400 ppm using six varieties of lowland rice, namely Ciherang, Inpari 42, Inpari 30, Sunggal, Logawa and Cibogo. For the molecular test, the alpha-tubulin gene (TUB) was used as the reference gene for normalizing the cDNA quantity of the feritin gene in each rice variety. The results of the observation of the vegetative phase, the Ciherang variety had the highest viability of 77.2%. The best average plant growth for control plants was Ciherang (6.805 cm ± 2.708), while for the 400 ppm treatment, FeSO4 was Inpari 30 (4.03 cm ± 1.183). The best control plant height was Ciherang (68.116 cm ± 0.685), and in the treatment of 400 ppm FeSO4 Inpari 30 (40.3 ± 0.4925). The highest leaf bronzing score with a score of 6 was Logawa, while the score of 1 was Inpari 30. In the generative phase, the control treatment of the Ciherang variety produced 72 rice grains consisting of 44 filled grains and 28 empty grains. In the treatment of 400 ppm FeSO4 inpari 30 variety produced 90 grains consisting of 35 filled grains and 55 empty grains. Molecular test results in the control treatment, Ciherang had the highest OsFER1 gene expression ratio (1.01 ± 0.194), while in the 400 ppm FeSO4 treatment the Inpari 30 variety was (4.01 ± 2.286). The lowest OsFER1 gene expression ratio at a concentration of 0 ppm FeSO4 was the Sunggal variety (0.03 ± 0.398) and the Logawa variety (0.03 ± 0.004), while at a concentration of 400 ppm FeSO4 the Cibogo variety (0.02 ± 0.0008). Based on tests on the vegetative, generative and molecular phases, the Inpari 30 variety is a variety that is tolerant to FeSO4 stress.


Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuri Qulby Arimy
Abstrak :
Nepenthes mampu hidup di dataran tinggi dan dataran rendah. Perbedaan habitat memunculkan perbedaan anatomi, salah satunya organ daun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan karakter anatomi helaian daun antara Nepenthes dataran tinggi N. aristolochioides dan N. singalana dari Sumatra dan Nepenthes dataran rendah N. rafflesiana dan N. gracilis dari Kalimantan. Setiap spesies diambil satu daun dewasa dari dua individu tumbuhan. Setiap daun dibuat sayatan melintang menggunakan hand mini microtome dan sayatan paradermal dengan teknik leaf scraping. Sayatan didehidrasi menggunakan seri alkohol bertingkat. Pewarnaan menggunakan safranin 1 dan fastgreen 1 . Sayatan diamati mengunakan mikroskop cahaya Olympus di Laboratorium Bioimaging ILRC, UI-Depok. Uji komparatif data anatomi kuantitatif menggunakan Uji T dan Uji Mann-Whitney. Kelompok spesies dataran tinggi menunjukkan helaian daun lebih tebal; kutikula adaksial lebih tipis; kutikula abaksial lebih tebal; epidermis adaksial dan abaksial lebih tebal; hipodermis adaksial lebih banyak lapisan dan lebih tebal; hipodermis abaksial lebih tebal; mesofil lebih tebal; jaringan palisade lebih banyak lapisan dan lebih tebal; sel epidermis adaksial dan abaksial lebih besar; kelenjar sesil adaksial dan abaksial lebih besar, lebih sedikit, dan lebih renggang; stomata abaksial lebih panjang, lebih lebar, lebih besar, lebih sedikit, dan lebih renggang; sel penjaga abaksial lebih panjang dan lebih lebar dibandingkan spesies dataran rendah.
Nepenthes is able to live in the highland and lowland. The differences of their habitat influence theirs anatomical differences, such as leaves. This study aimed to compare the leaves anatomy character between highland Nepenthes N. aristolochioides and N. singalana from Sumatra and lowland Nepenthes N. rafflesiana and N. gracilis from Kalimantan. Each species was represented by one adult leaves of two individual plants. Each leaf was made transverse section by using a hand mini microtome and paradermal section was made by leaf scraping technique. Section was dehydrated by using graded series of alcohol. Sections were stained with safranin 1 and fastgreen 1 . Section was observed using an Olympus light microscope at ILRC Bioimaging Laboratory, UI Depok. The comparative test data of quantitative anatomy using Independent t Test and Mann Whitney Test. Group of highland species showed thicker leaves blade thinner adaxial cuticle thicker abaxial cuticle thicker adaxial and abaxial epidermis more layers and thicker adaxial hypodermis thicker abaxial hypodermis thicker mesophyll more layers and thicker palisade bigger adaxial and abaxial epidermis cell bigger, fewer, and lower density adaxial and abaxial sessile gland longer, wider, bigger, fewer and lower densitity abaxial stomata longer and wider abaxial guard cell than group of lowland species.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The potential land of Indonesia that serves its function as agriculture is about 162.40 million hectares. It consists of 33.4 hectares of swamp area is scatteres in several big island , among them are 9.37 million hectares of swamp area....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Untung Susanto
Abstrak :
This research was aimed to initially test 40 rainfed lowland dedicated GSR lines along with 3 checks, i.e. PSBRC68, Situbagendit, and Silugonggo. The trial was conducted in ICRR experimental station in Sukamandi with irrigation only until 2 weeks after transplanting and during flowering. The trial was conducted during DS 2012 following Randomized Complete Block Design of three replication in 1 m x 1 m plot size and planting space of 20 cm x 20 cm. Transplanting was conducted to 21 days old seedings. The results showed that identified five line that have higher yields than the best check Silugonggo ( 4.22 t/ha ), which Luyin 46 ( 5.18 t/ha ), 926 ( 5.12 t/ha ), SACG - 7 ( 4.46 t/ha ), LH1 ( 4.36 t/ha ) and Weed Tolerant Rice ( 4.30 t/ha ). A total of three lines , namely ZX788 ( 84 HSS ), 08FAN4 ( 89 HSS ) and D100 ( 91 HSS ) has a ripe age is significantly more early maturity of the check is very early maturing Silugonggo ( 95 HSS ). GSR lines tested had similar agronomic characters with existing varieties, among others, from 46.67 to 100.2 cm plant height, number of productive tiller 6-10 fruit, flowering age 56-86 HSS, or physiological maturity round 84 -102 HSS, filled grain 47-185 grains per panicle, 1000 grain weight 17.94 to 32.34 g, and the results ranged from 0.95 to 5.18 t/ha.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji awal daya adaptasi 40 galur GSR untuk padi sawah tadah hujan (GSR-Rainfed Lowland/GSR-RFLL) yang diintroduksi dari IRRI sebagai salah satu set pengujian dalam INGER (International Network for Rice Genetic Evaluation) beserta 3 varietas cek, yaitu PSBRC68, Situbagendit, dan Silugonggo. Pengujian dilakukan pada kondisi sawah irigasi di Kebun Percobaan BB Padi di Sukamandi, namun dengan perlakuan kering fase vegetatif, yaitu pengairan diberikan hingga dua minggu setelah tanam dan pada saat tanaman berbunga, sebagai simulasi kondisi kering di lahan tadah hujan. Penelitian dilakukan pada MK 2012 menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok tiga ulangan pada plot berukuran 1 m x 1 m dan jarak tanam 20 cm x 20 cm. Tanam pindah dilaksanakan pada saat bibit berumur 21 HSS. Hasil pengujian mengidentifikasi lima galur yang memiliki daya hasil lebih tinggi daripada cek terbaik Silugonggo (4,22 t/ha), yaitu Luyin 46 (5,18 t/ha), 926 (5,12 t/ha), SACG-7 (4,46 t/ha), LH1 (4,36 t/ha) dan Weed Tolerant Rice (4,30 t/ha). Sebanyak tiga galur, yaitu ZX788 (84 HSS), 08FAN4 (89 HSS) dan D100 (91 HSS) memiliki umur masak yang secara nyata lebih genjah dari cek sangat genjah Silugonggo (95 HSS). Galur-galur GSR yang diuji memiliki karakter agronomi setara dengan varietas unggul yang telah ada, antara lain tinggi tanaman 46,67-100,2 cm, jumlah anakan produktif 6-10 buah, umur berbunga 56-86 HSS, atau masak fisiologis sekitar 84-102 HSS, gabah isi per malai 47-185 butir, bobot 1000 butir 17,94-32,34 g, dan hasil berkisar 0,95-5,18 t/ha.
Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi, 2016
630 AGRIN 20:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lia Hapsari
Abstrak :
As indicator for environmental disturbances, the understory is an important structural and functional component of forests ecosystems. Hence, this study was conducted to investigate the diversity and composition of understory plants in the lowland forests adjacent to the trekking paths along Semut Bay (dock entrance) to Segara Anakan Lagoon and some coastal areas in Sempu Island, and to detemine their association with the underlying environmental factors as disturbance indicators by the presence of understory invasive alien species (IAS). Sixty six plots of 2 x 2 m2 were established to analyze the understory vegetation, the site profiles and the environmental variables. A total of 135 understory plant species belonging to 108 genera and 60 families were recorded within the 66 plots of the study areas. Poaceae was the dominant family, followed by Compositae, Phyllanthaceae, Sterculiaceae, Rubiaceae, Putranjivaceae and Cyperaceae. The understory communities in the lowland forest adjacent to Semut Path were dominated by tree seedlings and had a relatively fewer composition of shrubs. Coastal areas, which have more open canopies, were dominated by grasses and shrubs. Some dominant native understory species include Ckistanthus ohlongifolius, Pterocymbium javanicum, lschaemum muticum, Guettarda spedosa, etc. Indicating disturbance, 12 understory IAS were found in the study areas. Four of these are among the world’s worst invaders (Chromolaena odorata, Imperata tylindrica, Lantana camara and Spathodea campanulata), and three are noxious weeds (Cyperus rotundus, Eleusine indica and Imperata cylindricd). The light intensity and air temperature were strongly positively associated with disturbed sites, while relative humidty, soil pH, and elevation were associated with less disturbed sites. These study results provide the scientific basis for management and recommendations on the current diversity status of the understory plant species at Sempu Island, hoping that these would justify further conservation of indigenous species and their protection from these disturbances.
Bogor: Seameo Biotrop, 2020
634.6 BIO 27:3 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Irfan Afifudin
Abstrak :
Anoa dataran rendah kini berstatus terancam punah sehingga perlu dikonservasi secara ex-situ seperti di Taman Margasatwa Ragunan (TMR). Ditemukannya kasus perkawinan sedarah anoa di TMR mendorong mereka untuk terlibat dalam program collaborative captive breeding antarhabitat ex-situ di bawah pedoman Global Species Management Plan (GSMP) untuk meningkatkan keragaman genetik anoa. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis perilaku sosial dan reproduksi anoa jantan di TMR untuk mengevaluasi kesiapannya sebelum dipasangkan dengan anoa betina hasil pertukaran. Pengamatan terhadap satu ekor anoa jantan dewasa dilakukan selama 2 bulan (Januari—Maret 2024) dengan metode scan sampling dan ad libitum, mencakup 60 sampling point dari 38 hari pengamatan. Hasil menunjukkan variasi aktivitas harian dan kecenderungan berinteraksi secara sosial dan reproduktif oleh anoa jantan, ditandai dengan perilaku approaching, vocalization, dan sniffing (termasuk flehmen) meski terhalang pagar pemisah dengan anoa betina di kandang sebelahnya. Anoa jantan secara keseluruhan menunjukkan ketertarikan dan pendekatan aktif untuk berinteraksi sosial dan reproduksi, sehingga dapat mendukung potensi keberhasilan program breeding. ......The lowland anoa is an endangered species which requires ex-situ conservation efforts like those at Taman Margasatwa Ragunan (TMR). Inbreeding cases discovered at TMR prompted their participation in a collaborative captive breeding program guided by the Global Species Management Plan (GSMP) aimed at increasing the genetic diversity of anoa. This study focused on observing the social and reproductive behavior of a male anoa at TMR as part of evaluating his readiness to be paired with an exchange-bred female anoa. The observation of one adult male anoa was conducted for two months (January—March 2024) using scan sampling and ad libitum method, covering 60 sampling points from 38 observation days. The results revealed that male anoa engaged in various daily activities and exhibited a propensity for social and reproductive behaviors, such as approaching, vocalization, and sniffing (including flehmen), despite being separated by fences from a female anoa in the adjacent enclosure. The overall observations suggest that male anoa displayed interest and actively sought social and reproductive interactions, supporting the potential success of the breeding program.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siagian, Reinhard
Abstrak :
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur dan komposisi komunitas jenis tumbuhan bawah di areal Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango.° Penelitian dilakukan di tiga lokasi yaitu lereng bawah, lereng atas, dan punggung bukit.° Pengumpulan data dilakukan dari bulan April hingga September 1999.

Pencacahan flora menggunakan metode berpetak dengan 2 buah transek sepanjang 275 m. Pada setiap transek dibuat 25 petak berukuran lx1 m dengan jarak 10 m antar petak.

Hasil pencacahan tumbuhan bawah pada 150 petak lx1 m2 di tiga lokasi penelitian Gunung Masigit mencatat 43 jenis tumbuhan yang tergolong ke dalam 39 marga dan 35 suku, dengan jenis-jenis utama Dipteris conjugata, Blechnum finlaysonianum, Impatiens javensis, tlrena lobata, Reds sp, Elatostemma sp, Smilax zeylanica, Schima wallrchrr, Phaius sp, Vitis adnanta, Dendrochyllum sp, Cyperus sp.

Sebaran jenis tumbuhan bawah di lokasi penelitian, khususnya di Lereng Bawah dan Punggung Bukit, sangat heterogen. Penyebaran jenisjenis tertentu umumnya tidak terkait dengan sebaran jenis-jenis iainnya. Komunitas tumbuhan bawah di Lereng Bawah dan Lereng Atas dapat disebut sebagai komunitas Dipteris conjugate, sedangkan di Punggung Bukit disebut asosiasi D.conjugata-B.fnlaysonianum. Karakteristik tumbuhan bawah di lokasi penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunitas tumbuhan di sana telah mengalami gangguan. Kadar air lapangan yang dimiliki jenis-jenis dominan seperti Dipteris conjugata dan Blechnum finlaysonianum, yang hanya sekitar 30 %, memiliki resiko.tjnggi terhadap bahaya kebakaran.
Composition and Structures Community Lowland Fires in Gunung Masigit and Preliminary Study of Natural Regeneration Forest Fire Gunung Masigit, G. Gede-Pangrango National ParkGunung Gede Pangrango National Park, is one of the Long-term Ecological Research Site in Indonesia. In the late 1997, the fires have burnt and destroyed nearly 300 ha forest in this park . Of nine location of hot spots recognized G.Masigit was the largest burnt area with the tot& of 250 ha . Undergrowth vegetation got the most severe impacts. Almost undergrowth vegetation in various location in study site were totally burnt. However, with in three months following burning new seedlings such as Omalanthus populneus, Macaranga tanarius , Trema orientalis appeared in the forest floor.°

Abdulhadi et al. (1999) reported that those species were found as the component of seed bank in a permanent plot of this forest. Thus, it is believed that those seedlings might be recruited from seed bank or seed rain.

The objective of the research is to find out the composition and structure of undergrowth forest a community after forest fire in Gunung Masigit, G. Gede-Pangrango National Park.

Data collection were carried out between April and September 1999 at three areas, i.e. upper slope, lower slope, ridge. Four transects of 275 m were established within each site; each two transects established in burnt and unburnt forest. A long the each 275 m transect 25 plots of l x1 m were established with the interval of 10 m.

A total of 43 species belong to 39 genera and 35 families were recorded within 150 plots of unburnt sites. The dominant species of the unburnt sites were Dipteris conjugata, Blechnum fnlaysonianum, Impatiens javensis, Urena lobalata, Pteris sp, Elatostemma sp, Smilax zeylanica, Schima wallichii, Phaius sp, Vitis adnanta, Dendrochy1/um sp, Cyperus sp.

Based on their important value indices (I V I) the plant communities in lower and upper slopes were called Dipteris conjugata community, while in ridge site was an association of D_conjugata and Blechnum fin/aysonianum. The composition of undergrowth forest community observed during this study clearly indicated that G. Masigit has experienced some kind of disturbance before the fire in the late 1997.

Field water capacities of the dominant plants of the undergrowth forest were about 30 %. It is believed that this condition makes the forest is under high risk of fires.

The species richness of born sites was higher than in unburnt sites due to occurrence of the secondary species such as Melastoma balatrichum and Omalanthus populneus, that were not found in the unburnt site. There were 38 species found on the ridge, as the richest site, followed by upper slope 33 species , and the lower slope 21 species. Based on the life form, the undergrowth species in burning area can be classified to 18 species of trees, 6 species of shrubs, 9 species of lianas, 15 species of herbs, and 5 species of ferns.

The undergrowth forest community in burnt sites was dominated by herbs and ferns indicated that the community was still in an early succession. The LVI of plant communities in burnt site showed that the lower slope was the association of Pteris sp-Flatostemma sp., the upper slope was a community of Cyperus sp, and the ridge was the association of Cyperus sp-Pteris sp.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang komposisi dan struktur hutan pamah serta regenerasi pohon di zona inti bagian barat Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas, Jambi pada bulan Oktober-November 2012. Plot seluas satu hektare diletakkan di tanah datar di punggung bukit. Plot dibagi menjadi 100 petak yang masing-masing berukuran 10x10 m untuk pencacahan pohon. Petak 5x5 m dan 1x1 m disarangkan dalam plot tersebut untuk pencacahan belta dan semai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pohon dengan diameter setinggi dada (DSD) ≥ 10 cm tercatat sebanyak 463 individu, mewakili 91 spesies dan 36 famili, dengan total area dasar (AD) 27,21 m2 dan indeks keanekaragaman shannon-wiener (H’) 4,04. Spesies dominan berdasarkan nilai kepentingan (NK) adalah Archidendron bubalinum dengan NK tertinggi sebesar 13,93%, diikuti Dacryodes sp. 12,32% dan Antidesma neurocarpum sebesar 12,17%. Archidendron bubalinum adalah spesies dengan kerapatan tertinggi (29 pohon/ha) dan frekuensi tertinggi (22). Koompassia malacensis dari famili Caesalpiniaceae memiliki AD tertinggi 2,23 m2 atau 8,18% dari total AD dalam plot. Burseraceae (32,73%) dan Dipterocarpaceae (25,78%) merupakan famili dengan NK tertinggi, sedangkan famili dengan spesies terbanyak tercatat pada famili Euphorbiaceae (7 spesies). Sebanyak 12 spesies (71 individu) masuk dalam kategori redlist IUCN, 2 di antaranya masuk dalam kategori Critically Endangered (Prashorea lucida dan Shorea acuminata), Endangered (Shorea leprosula), Lower Risk (8 spesies), dan vulnerable (1 spesies). Tercatat sebanyak 511 individu pada tingkat semai, yang diwakili oleh 57 spesies dan 32 famili. Pada tingkat belta tercatat 570 individu yang diwakili oleh 87 spesies dan 36 famili. Di antara 10 spesies pohon yang memiliki kerapatan tertinggi, terdapat 6 spesies (Archidendron bubalinum, Dacryodes sp., Antidesma neurocarpum, Ochanostachys sp., Knema laurina, dan Hydnocarpus sp.) memiliki sebaran lengkap. Empat spesies hanya memiliki sebaran anakan di tingkat belta (Koompassia malacensis, Parashorea lucida, Leptonychia caudata, dan Dacryodes rostrata). Sebanyak 65 spesies atau 71,43% dari semua spesies pohon beregenerasi dalam petak penelitian.
Study on the composition, structure, and regeneration of the lowland forest in the western part of the core zone of the Bukit Duabelas National Park, Jambi, was conducted in October-November 2012. A one-hectare plot was established on a flatland, over a ridge. It was divided into 100 quadrats of 10 x 10 m each for the enumeration of trees. Subplots of 5x5 m and 1x1 m were nested within the 10x10 m quadrats for enumeration of saplings and seedlings. The results showed that as many as 463 trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 10 cm were recorded, representing 91 species and 36 families, with a total basal area (BA) of 27.21 m2 and the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H ') of 4.04. The prevalent species in the plot was Archidendron bubalinum with highest importance value (IV) of 13.93%, followed by Dacryodes sp. with IV of 12.32% and Antidesma neurocarpum with IV of 12.17%. Archidendron bubalinum was the species with the highest density (29 trees/ha) and highest frequency (22). Koompassia malacensis from Caesalpiniaceae was a species having the highest BA 2.23 m2 or 8.18% of the total BA in the plot. Burseraceae (32.73%) and Dipterocarpaceae (25.78%) were a families with the highest IV, while the families with the highest number of species recorded was Euphorbiaceae (7 species). A total of 12 species (71 individuals) occurring in the plot were listed in the IUCN redlist category, 2 of which were in the category of Critically Endangered (Prashorea lucida and Shorea acuminata), Endangered (Shorea leprosula), Lower Risk (8 species), and vulnerable (1 species). We recorded 511 individuals of tree seedling, representing 57 species and 32 families. At the sapling stage 570 individuals were recorded representing 87 species and 36 families. Out of 10 species of tree with the highest density, 6 species (Archidendron bubalinum, Antidesma neurocarpum, Dacryodes sp., Hydnocarpus sp., Knema laurina, and Ochanostachys sp.) had a good number of saplings and seedlings. Only four species had individuals at sapling stage (Koompassia malacensis, Parashorea lucida, Leptonychia caudata, and Dacryodes rostrata). A total of 65 species or 71.43% of all tree species were regenerating in plot.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library