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McDougall, Sara
Abstrak :
The stigmatization as bastards of children born outside of wedlock is commonly thought to have emerged early in medieval European history. Christian ideas about legitimate marriage, it is assumed, set the standard for legitimate birth. Children born to anything other than marriage had fewer rights or opportunities. They certainly could not become king or queen. As this book demonstrates, however, well into the late twelfth century, ideas of what made a child a legitimate heir had little to do with the validity of his or her parents union according to the dictates of Christian marriage law. Instead a childs prospects depended upon the social status, and above all the lineage, of both parents. To inherit a royal or noble title, being born to the right father mattered immensely, but also being born to the right kind of mother. Such parents could provide the most promising futures for their children, even if doubt was cast on the validity of the parents marriage. Only in the late twelfth century did children born to illegal marriages begin to suffer the same disadvantages as the children born to parents of mixed social status. Even once this change took place we cannot point to the Church as instigator. Instead, exclusion of illegitimate children from inheritance and succession was the work of individual litigants who made strategic use of Christian marriage law. This new history of illegitimacy rethinks from the ground up many long-held notions of medieval social, political, and legal history.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
SARS-CoV-2 merupakan penyebab COVID-19 yang melanda dunia sejak akhir 2019. Virus ini telah menyebar secara luas di dunia akibat infektifitasnya yang tinggi. Sampai saat ini, telah muncul banyak lineage dengan karakter yang berbeda, dan beberapa diantaranya memiliki infektifitas lebih tinggi dibandingkan lineage lainnya. Perubahan nukleotida akibat mutasi menjadi penyebab munculnya lineage baru Dalam penelitian ini, telah dilakukan analisa untaian gen SARS-CoV-2 yang berasal dari beberapa lineage berbeda, yang dilanjutkan dengan analisa epitop sel B, dan sel T. Setelahnya, dilakukan desain vaksin menggunakan epitop terbaik dan dihubungkan dengan linker yang berupa asam gabungan asam amino, yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisa fisikokimia dan alergenisitas kandidat vaksin. Setelahnya, kandidat vaksin dilanjutkan ke tahap simulasi molecular docking. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini, terdapat 2 epitop 9-mer HLA kelas I dan 7 epitop 15-mer HLA kelas II yang dapat digunakan untuk mencakup seluruh untaian yang terpilih. Vaksin kandidat yang terpilih disusun dengan menggunakan linker tertentu dan epitop yang telah diperoleh sebelumnya. Dari simulasi molecular docking yang telah dilakukan dari vaksin kandidat terhadap 3 reseptor antigenik, diperoleh hasil simulasi berupa energi center kompleks sebesar -1161,4 kkal/mol (TLR-3), -1034,1 kkal/mol (HLA-C*14:02), -1064,3 kkal/mol (HLA-DRB1*07:01). ......SARS-CoV-2 is the cause of COVID-19 that has hit the world since late 2019. The virus has spread widely in the world due to its high infectivity. To date, many lineages have emerged with different characters, and some of them have higher infectivity than other lineages. Nucleotide changes due to mutations are the cause of the emergence of new lineages In this study, the SARS-CoV-2 gene strands from several different lineages were analysed, followed by epitope analysis of B cells and T cells. After that, vaccine design was carried out using the best epitopes and connected with a linker in the form of an amino acid combination, followed by physicochemical and allergenicity analysis of vaccine candidates. After that, the vaccine candidate is continued to the molecular docking simulation stage. Based on the results obtained from this study, there are 2 9-mer HLA class I epitopes and 7 15-mer HLA class II epitopes that can be used to cover all selected strands. The selected candidate vaccines were prepared using specific linkers and previously obtained epitopes. From the molecular docking simulation of the candidate vaccines against 3 antigenic receptors, the simulation results showed the centre complex energy of -1161.4 kcal/mol (TLR-3), -1034.1 kcal/mol (HLA-C*14:02), -1064.3 kcal/mol (HLA-DRB1*07:01).
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Identifikasi petanda permukaan sel yang dikenal sebagai kelompok antigen diferensiasi (clusters of differentiation antigens, CD) dapat digunakan untuk mengklasifikasi dan subklasifikasi leukemia. Walaupun antigen yang sama juga diekspresikan pada permukaan sel normal, fenotip pada permukaan sel ganas pada umumnya diekspresikan secara abnormal dan seringkali diekspresikan asinkron atau dalam kombinasi yang tidak lazim dijumpai pada sel-sel darah atau sumsum tulang normal. Ekspresi antigen secara abnormal ini dihubungkan dengan respons terapeutik yang buruk dan ketahanan hidup yang pendek. Penentuan petanda permukaan sebagai pelengkap pemeriksaan morfologi dan sitokimia dapat meningkatkan kemampuan untuk menentukan karakteristik keganasan hematologi. Dalam makalah ini akan dibahas tinjauan pustaka mengenai makna diagnostik pemeriksaan imunofenotip pada leukemia disertai ilustrasi pengalaman pemeriksaan ini di Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais. Data dari 225 pasien yang telah mengalami pemeriksaan hematologi lengkap termasuk morfologi, sitokimia dan pemeriksaan imunofenotip dikumpulkan antara tahun 1994-2001 dan dianalisis. Berdasarkan pemerikssan morfologi dan sitokimia diagnosis leukemia mielositik akut (AML) dan leukemia limfositik akut (ALL) ditegakkan masing-masing pada 51,1% dan 48,9% pasien. Berdasarkan pemeriksaan imunofenotip AML dijumpai pada 49,0%, sedangkan ALL dapat dikelompokkan dalam 4,9% pre-B ALL, 18,7% B-ALL dan 14,7% T-ALL. Jumlah kasus yang menunjukkan antigen dengan kombinasi tidak lazim atau “cross lineage” dijumpai pada 12,7%. Makna prognostik kasus dengan ekspresi antigen abnormal ini masih harus ditelaah, tetapi sebagian dari kasus tersebut ternyata memberikan respons yang kurang baik terhadap terapi. Pemeriksaan imunofenotip merupakan sarana untuk : 1) membedakan klon leukemik dari klon normal; 2) menentukan jalur perkembangan /asal-usul dan maturasi sel ; 3) mengidentifikasi ekspresi abnormal dari antigen permukaan; 4) mendapatkan informasi lebih banyak yang diperlukan untuk menentukan diagnosis dan prognosis leukemia dibanding metode baku. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 195-202)
The identification of cell surface markers, defined as clusters of differentiation antigens (CD’s) could be used to classify and sub-classify leukemia. Although the same antigens are expressed on normal cells, the phenotype on malignant cells are aberrantly and frequently asynchronously expressed and may be present in combinations not observed in normal blood or bone marrow. Aberrant expression of surface antigens corresponds with poor therapeutic response and short survival. Additional surface marker analysis complementary to morphologic evaluation and cytochemical staining has greatly improved our ability to characterize hematologic malignancies. A review and illustration on the diagnostic significance of immunophenotyping in leukemia will be presented. Data from 225 patients having complete assessments including morphology, cytochemistry and immunophenotyping in the period of 1994-2001 were collected and analyzed. Based on morphologic evaluation and cytochemistry, the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia were established in 51,1% and 48,9% of cases, respectively. Based on immunophenotyping AML was found in 49,0% of the cases. ALL could be classified into 4,9% pre-B-ALL, 18,7% B-ALL, and 14,7% T-ALL. Cases expressing cross-lineage antigens were found in 12,7%. The prognostic significance of these aberrant expression of antigens for those cases has yet to be established but some of the cases responded poorly to therapy. Immunophenotyping provides the tool to: 1) distinguish normal from clonal populations of leukemic cells; 2) define lineage and reveal the stage of maturation; 3) identify inappropriate expression of lineage associated antigens; 4) provides more informations to establish diagnosis and prognosis compared to standard methods. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 195-202)
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 13 (3) Juli September 2004: 195-202, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Krisis blastik pada lekemia mielositik kronik (CML) bisa berasal dari lini granulosit, monosit, eritrosit, limfoid (sel B atau sel T), dan megakariositik. Krisis blastik seri limfoid biasanya berupa sel B dengan fenotipik sel Pre-B, di mana Ig permukaan belum diekspresikan. Krisis blastik dari sel T sangat jarang didapatkan. Tujuan penelitian : mendeskripsikan gambaran fenotipik, transkrip fusi bcr-abl, dan CD3 sitoplasmik, dan terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase pada kasus-kasus CML dengan krisis blastik seri limfoid-T. Laporan kasus dari 4 kasus leukemia mielogenik kronik dengan krisis blastik sel-sel T yang dikumpulkan dalam kurun waktu 17 tahun (1987-2004). Kasus-kasus tersebut telah dilakukan pemeriksaan analisis fenotipik dan genotipik pada awal diagnosis ditegakkan. Kesemua kasus menunjukkan adanya t(9;22)(q34;q11). Sampel sel-sel mononuklear pasien yang disimpan dalam bentuk 10%DMSO diperiksa Reverse Transkripsi (RT) PCR BCR_ABL multiplex untuk mendeteksi transkrip fusi bcr-abl, PCR CD3ε untuk mendeteksi Cd3 sitoplasmik, dan PCR TdT untuk mendeteksi terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. Hasil analisis antigen permukaan sel pada awal diagnosis menunjukkan 1 kasus CD7+, CD5-, dan CD2-; 1 kasus CD7+, CD5+, dan CD2-; dan 2 kasus CD7+, CD5+, dan CD2+ yang menunjukkan bahwa semua sel T krisis blastik CML berada pada stadium pre dan protimik. Dua kasus menunjukkan hasil positip untuk transkrip bcr-abl b2a2, 1 kasus positip pada e1a2, dan 1 kasus negatip. RT PCR CD3ε menunjukkan hasil positip pada semua kasus dan RT PCR TdT hanya positip pada 1 kasus. Hasil yang dikumpulkan diharapkan dapat menjadi dasar analisis lebih lanjut pada kasus CML dengan krisis blastik sel-sel T. (Med J Indones 2005; 14: 184-9)
Blast crisis (BC) transformation in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) can involve each differentiation lineage of the hematopoietic system, i.e. granulocyte, monocyte, erythrocyte, megakaryocyte, and lymphocyte lineage. The lymphoid blast crisis (BC) leukemia cells usually belong to B-lineage, commonly having the phenotype of Pre-B stage of the B-lineage, in which cell-surface immunoglobulin(sIg) is not yet expressed. In contrast, T-lineage BC of CML is extremely rare. The objective of this study is to describe the fenotype, fusion transcript of bcr-abl, TdT, and cytoplasmic CD3 in T-lineage BC CML cases. Case report study. This report shows a simple summary of 4 cases of T-lineage BC of CML which have been collected in the phenotypic and genotypic analysis study for 17 years (1987-2004). In all cases, the chromosomal analysis revealed the presence of t(9;22)(q34;q11) at presentation. Cell surface analysis were done at diagnosis. Cases’ mononuclear cells stored as 10% DMSO were retrieved to be performed reverse transcription (RT) PCR BCR-ABL multiplex to demonstrate the presence of the fusion transcript of bcr-abl. RT-PCR was also performed for detecting the expression of cytoplasmic CD3ε and terminal deoxynucleotydil transferase (TdT). The results of cell surface antigen (CSA) at presentation showed that 1 case was CD7+, CD5-, and CD2-; 1 case CD7+, CD5+, and CD2-; and 2 cases CD7+, CD5+ and CD2+ indicating that all these T-lineage BC of CML cells show the phenotype of pre-(pro-) thymic stage phenotype. In the present study, two cases showed b2a2, one e1a2, and one negative bcr-abl transcript. The RT-PCR revealed the presence of CD3ε mRNA in all cases, and TdT mRNA in only one case. These results can constitute a basis for the future analysis of T-lineage BC of CML from now on. (Med J Indones 2005; 14: 184-9)
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 14 (3) July September 2005: 184-189, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library