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Afiatry Putrika
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai lumut epifit di dua lokasi berbeda di
Universitas Indonesia (UI). Penelitian bertujuan untuk membandingkan
keragaman lumut epifit di hutan kota dan tepi jalan utama kampus. Terdapat 12
plot berukuran 25 x 25 m2 yang tersebar di hutan kota, sedangkan pada tepi jalan
utama kampus tersebar 9 transek garis sepanjang 50 m. Pada setiap plot dan
transek diambil 5 individu pohon sebagai sampel pohon inang. Subplot berukuran
15 x 15 cm2 yang berjumlah 8 subplot ditempatkan pada pada setiap pangkal
batang sampel pohon inang (0--200 cm). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan
bahwa terdapat 23 spesies lumut epifit yang terdiri atas 21 spesies di hutan kota
dan 14 spesies ditemukan di tepi jalan utama kampus. Kesamaan komunitas
lumut epifit antara hutan kota dan tepi jalan utama kampus termasuk kategori
tinggi (Indeks kesamaan Sorenson = 0,73). Octoblepharum albidum merupakan
spesies dominan di hutan kota, sedangkan Calymperes tenerum dominan pada tepi
jalan utama kampus. Keragaman lumut epifit pada kedua lokasi tersebut tidak
berbeda signifikan dan termasuk kategori rendah berdasarkan indeks keragaman
Shanon Wiener (H?< 2).

Research on epiphytic bryophytes has been conducted in two different
sites located in Universitas Indonesia (UI). Those sites were urban forest and
vegetation on main street margin of the campus. This study was carried out to
compare diversity of the bryophyte at both sites. Twelve plots of 25 x 25 m2 were
establish at the forest, while nine of 50 m line transect were made at the street
margin. Five trees of each plot or line transect were sampled. Eight sub plots of
15 x 15 cm2 were placed on each trunk base (0--200 cm) of the tree sampels. The
results obtained 23 species of epiphytic bryophytes, 21 species occured in the
forest and 14 species were found at street margin. The similarity of bryophyte
community between the forest and street margin based on Sorenson Similarity
were high (0.73). Octoblepharum albidum was the dominant species at the forest,
while Calymperes tenerum was dominant at the street margin. The diversity of
epiphyte bryophyte at both sites were categorized low based on Shannon Wiener
index (H?< 2), however there was not significantly different between those place."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evelyn Firdausi
"Semburan lumpur panas Lapindo Sidoarjo kerap dikeluarkan secara konsisten dari retakan lapisan tanah dan mulai menenggelamkan tutupan lahan di sekitarnya, seperti rumah, bangunan sekolah, pabrik, lahan pertanian, dan vegetasi. Lumpur panas Lapindo merupakan lumpur panas vulkanik yang keluar akibat adanya retakan pada lapisan tanah di Desa Siring, Kecamatan Porong, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, dan diteliti memiliki kandungan senyawa logam berat dan suhu yang tinggi. Hal ini menyebabkan adanya perubahan biodiversitas vegetasi pada region lumpur Lapindo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh jarak pusat semburan lumpur Lapindo Sidoarjo terhadap karakteristik fisik lingkungan dan distribusi spasial vegetasi di sekitarnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode transek untuk pengambilan sampel vegetasi dan snowball sampling untuk pengambilan informan sebagai pendukung kondisi vegetasi di wilayah penelitian. Data observasi dan wawancara yang diperoleh kemudian diolah dan dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Analisis yang dilakukan menunjukkan hasil bahwa jarak pusat semburan tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap distribusi suhu udara dan suhu permukaan. Namun, jarak pusat semburan berpengaruh pada keasaman (pH) tanah dengan persentase pengaruh sebesar 41,2%. Pada analisis statistik juga dibuktikan bahwa karakteristik fisik region lumpur Lapindo tidak berpengaruh pada keragaman jenis life form. Selain itu, analisis yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini juga menghasilkan enam jenis life form vegetasi yang terdiri dari herba, semak, pohon, merambat, epifit, dan akuatik, yang tersebar secara acak di seluruh wilayah penelitian yang berupa region lumpur Lapindo. Keberadaan life form vegetasi tidak ditentukan melalui karakteristik fisik region lumpur Lapindo, melainkan dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik lokasi relatifnya, seperti vegetasi akuatik yang tumbuh akibat adanya badan air dan vegetasi herba yang dapat tumbuh pada setiap lahan terbuka. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa munculnya fenomena lumpur panas Lapindo di Sidoarjo hanya berpengaruh pada keasaman tanah. Selain itu, fenomena ini tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan pada distribusi spasial vegetasi di sekitarnya.

Hot mudflows from Lapindo Sidoarjo are often released consistently from cracks in the soil layer and begin to submerge the surrounding land cover, such as houses, school buildings, factories, agricultural land, and vegetation. Lapindo hot mud is hot volcanic mud that comes out due to cracks in the soil layer in Siring Village, Porong District, Sidoarjo Regency and has been researched to contain heavy metal compounds and high temperatures. This causes changes in vegetation biodiversity in the Lapindo mud region. This research aims to analyze the influence of the distance to the center of the Lapindo Sidoarjo mudflow on the physical characteristics of the environment and the spatial distribution of surrounding vegetation. The method used is the transect method for taking vegetation samples and snowball sampling for taking informants to support vegetation conditions in the research area. The observation and interview data obtained were then processed and analyzed quantitatively descriptively using multiple linear regression. The analysis carried out shows that the distance from the center of the burst does not have a significant influence on the distribution of air temperature and surface temperature. However, the distance from the center of the spray influences the acidity (pH) of the soil with an influence percentage of 41.2%. In statistical analysis, it was also proven that the physical characteristics of the Lapindo mud region did not affect the diversity of life form types. Apart from that, the analysis carried out in this research also produced six types of vegetation life forms consisting of herbs, bushes, trees, vines, epiphytes, and aquatic, which were distributed randomly throughout the research area in the form of the Lapindo muddy area. The existence of vegetation life forms is not determined by the physical characteristics of the Lapindo mud region but is influenced by the relative location characteristics, such as aquatic vegetation that grows due to the presence of water bodies and herbaceous vegetation that can grow on any open land. It can be concluded that the emergence of the Lapindo hot mud phenomenon in Sidoarjo only affects soil acidity. Moreover, this phenomenon does not have a significant influence on the spatial distribution of surrounding vegetation."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library