Dinding penahan tanah (DPT) metoda Branch Block merupakan salah satu jenis dinding penahan tanah yang dikembangkan di Jepang dan mulai di aplikasikan sejak tahun 2003, sedangkan Indonesia diperkenalkan sejak tahun 2017, dengan nama Turap Progresif (TUPRO). Lokus praktek keinsinyuran ini merupakan salah satu kawasan perumahan di Bogor yang terletak di tengah perbukitan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi akibat kontur tanah perbukitan ini membuat di beberapa area memerlukan cut and fill sehingga diperlukan penanganan potensi tanah longsor pada sisi tanah urukan yang tinggi dan curam. Tujuan laporan praktek keinsinyuran ini adalah mendapat gambaran pencegahan tanah longsor menggunakan DPT metoda branch block. Metoda laporan menggunakan metoda deskriptif, interpretasi data yang diperoleh didokumentasikan dalam bentuk laporan Praktek Keinsinyuran dilengkapi dengan sisi Etika Praktek Keinsinyuran, Profesionalisme, Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Lindung Lingkungan. Pelaksanaan proyek pembangunan DPT metoda Branch Block ini merupakan solusi dalam mencegah tanah longsor pada tebing tanah urukan yang tinggi dan dengan sudut kemiringan yang terjal. Kesimpulan laporan keinsinyuran ini adalah DPT Metoda Branch Block dapat menjadi alternatif solusi dalam penanganan bahaya tanah longsor di Indonesia.
The branch block method is a retaining wall developed in Japan and has been applied since 2003, in Indonesia the branch block method was introduced in 2017 with the name Turap Progressive (TUPRO). The locus of this study was in one of the residential areas in Bogor, which is situated in the middle of the hills. Cut and fill at the steep side of the landfill is necessary to handle the potential landslides. This study aims to get an overview of landslide prevention using the branch block method. This study uses a descriptive approach, the interpretation of the acquired data is documented in this report, which includes aspects of engineering ethics, professionalism, occupational health and safety, and environmental protection. Implementing the branch block construction project serves as a solution to prevent landslides on high embankments with steep slopes. In conclusion, the branch block method can be an alternative solution for addressing Indonesia's landslide hazards.
The rapid and uncontrolled population growth of the city causes pressure on the availability of land. In addition, various problems such as uneven public facilities such as disasters such as floods and landslides that occur at this time will be even worse in the future. This research attempts to make projections regarding population growth so that the available land can be used sustainably. Modeling system is a method that can describe real situations regarding land availability. Land use suitability assessment is the main determinant in the planning and decision making process. The variables taken for this study are slope, altitude, and land cover. This study provides information on projections of population growth and built areas, as well as land suitability for future city formation and flood and landslide mitigation strategies for the development of built areas.