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Siti Zalfa Nur Aaliyah
Abstrak :
Tulisan ini menganalisis bagaimana keberlakuan kuasa jual dalam pengalihan tanah, khususnya pada Putusan Nomor 18/Pdt.G/2021/PN Pwk jo Putusan Nomor 442/Pdt/2022/PT Bdg. Tulisan ini disusun dengan menggunakan metode penelitian doktrinal. Pemberian kuasa didefinisikan dalam Pasal 1792 KUH Perdata sebagai suatu perjanjian di mana seseorang memberikan kewenangan kepada orang lain yang menerimanya untuk mewakili dan menjalankan suatu urusan atas namanya. Sementara itu, kuasa jual adalah jenis kuasa khusus yang diberikan secara tegas untuk tindakan kepemilikan yang hanya dapat dilakukan oleh pemilik. Keabsahan kuasa jual bergantung pada pemenuhan syarat-syarat sah perjanjian menurut Pasal 1320 KUH Perdata. Keberlakuan kuasa jual berkaitan dengan ketentuan tentang berakhirnya pemberian kuasa, yang dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Kantor Wilayah Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) menetapkan masa berlaku kuasa jual selama satu tahun, meskipun tidak diatur secara tegas dalam peraturan hukum. Selama kurun waktu tersebut, bisa terjadi perubahan kondisi yang relevan dengan ketentuan berakhirnya pemberian kuasa. Proses hukum yang melibatkan kuasa jual tidak hanya bergantung pada peraturan mengenai pemberian kuasa. Oleh karena itu, penentuan keberlakuan kuasa jual dalam pengalihan tanah juga harus memperhatikan keselarasan antara prinsip, doktrin, dan praktik pertanahan. ......This paper analyzes how the validity of power of sale in land transfer, especially on the Court Decision Number 18/Pdt.G/2021/PN Pwk jo High Court Decision Number 442/Pdt/2022/PT Bdg. This paper employs doctrinal legal research. Power of is defined in Article 1792 of the Civil Code as an agreement in which one person authorizes another person who accepts it to represent him and conduct business on his behalf. Meanwhile, power of sale is a special type of power of attorney granted expressly for ownership actions that can only be performed by the owner. The validity of the power of sale depends on the fulfillment of the legal requirements of an agreement according to Article 1320 of the Civil Code. The validity of the power of sale is related to the provisions on the expiration of the power of attorney, which can be influenced by various factors. The Regional Office of the National Land Agency (BPN) sets the validity period of the power of sale for one year, although it is not expressly regulated in legal regulations. During this period, there can be changes in conditions that are relevant to the expiry of the power of attorney. Legal proceedings involving power of sale do not only depend on the regulations regarding the granting of power of attorney. Therefore, the determination of the validity of the power of sale in the transfer of land must also pay attention to the harmony between land principles, doctrines and practices.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrew Firdaus Sunarso Putra
Abstrak :
Analisis Pengalihan Hak Garap Berdasarkan Akta Peralihan Garapan Tanah Nomor: 007.21/PROVED/LOKNA-2/II/2017Pembimbing : Prof. Arie Sukanti Hutagalung, S.H., M.LI. Pengalihan hak garap seharusnya dilakukan sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Namun, pada prakteknya dapat beralih tanpa melalui prosedur hukum yang jelas karena ketentuannya tidak terdapat di dalam peraturan perundang-undangan tanah yang berlaku sehingga sering menimbulkan sengketa-sengketa tanah di pengadilan. Pengalihan hak garap dilakukan dengan cara oper alih garapan yaitu si penggarap awal akan menerima ganti rugi terhadap tanah garapan yang dialihkan tersebut kepada penggarap lain. Akta Peralihan Garapan Tanah Nomor: 007.21/PROVED/LOKNA-2/II/2017 menerangkan tentang pengalihan hak garap diatas tanah negara yang dikelola oleh Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Republik Indonesia di Desa Pamijahan, Kecamatan Gunung Sari, Kabupaten Bogor yang mana bersifat tertulis, memiliki dasar hukum, serta berkaitan dengan legalitas status tanah dan perjanjian yang diatur dalam hukum Indonesia dalam rangka untuk menemukan landasan teoritis mengenai konsepsi hak garap untuk pencapaian kesejahteraan masyarakat, kepastian hukum, dan perlindungan hukum terhadap tanah yang dilekati dengan hak garap. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan tipologi penelitian eksplanatoris. Pengalihan hak garap berdasarkan Akta Peralihan Garapan Tanah Nomor: 007.21/PROVED/LOKNA-2/II/2017 adalah sah menurut Pasal 1320 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata berdasarkan perjanjian tertulis oleh para pihak yang dituangkan dalam akta di bawah tangan tanpa ada pengalihan kepemilikan tanah karena berupa tanah negara yang mana tidak dapat dialihkan atau diperjualbelikan.
The Analysis of Transferring Rights of Arable Land Based on Deed of Arable Land transferring Number 007.21 PROVED LOKNA 2 II 2017Counsellor Prof. Arie Sukanti Hutagalung, S.H., M.LI. The transfer of arable rights should be done in accordance by provision of applicable regulations. However, in practice it can be transferred without going through proper legal procedures because the provisions are not contained in the prevailing land legislation so that often cause land disputes in a court. The transfer of arable rights is done by a way of an expropriated which the early owner will receive compensation for the transferred land to another owner. The Deed of Arable Land Transfer Number 007.21 PROVED LOKNA 2 II 2017 explains about the transfer of arable rights on a state land that is managed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of The Republic of Indonesia in Pamijahan Village, Gunung Sari Sub district, Bogor Regency which is characterized written, has a legal basis, and relate to the legality of the status of a land and the agreements set forth in Indonesian law in order to find the theoretical foundation on the conception of arable rights for the achievement of the public welfare, legal certainty, and legal protection of the land which is attached by the arable right. This research uses normative juridical method with the research typology using explanatory. The transfer of arable rights based on Deed of Arable Land Transfer Number 007.21 PROVED LOKNA 2 II 2017 is legal under article 1320 of Indonesian civil code based on a written agreement by the parties set forth in a private deed without any transfer of land ownership due to in the form of state land that cannot be transferred or traded.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firdausi Alamari
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang kedudukan surat keterangan tanah (SKT) yang dijadikan dasar perbuatan hukum dalam peralihan hak atas tanah. Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) adalah pejabat umum yang diberikan kewenangan untuk membuat akta-akta otentik mengenai perbuatan hukum tertentu mengenai hak atas tanah. Namun demikian, terdapat pejabat pembuat akta tanah yang tidak melaksanakan tugas dan kewajibannya dengan baik. Dalam penelitian ini, PPAT telah membuat Akta Penyerahan Hak dengan menggunakan SKT dalam peralihan hak atas tanah sebagai dokumen hukum dan bukti hak atas tanah. Pokok permasalahan yang akan dibahas yaitu 1) bagaimana bentuk dan substansi dokumen hukum yang termasuk dalam perjanjian kebendaan dan menjadi dasar perbuatan hukum dan pendafataran hak atas tanah, serta 2) kedudukan dan kekuatan bukti SKT dan Bagaimana implikasi hukum terhadap perbuatan hukum yang didasarkan pada SKT dengan objek hak atas tanah dan tanggung jawab Notaris/PPAT berkaitan dengan akta yang dibuatnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan tipe penelitian deskriptif analitis, dianalisa dengan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah peralihan hak atas tanah dengan menggunakan SKT tidak bentuk dan substansi dokumen hukum yang termasuk dalam perjanjian kebendaan dan tidak memiliki kedudukan dan kekuatan hukum sebagai dasar perbuatan hukum dan pendaftaran hak atas tanah. Akta yang dibuat berdasarkan SKT berimplikasi batal demi hukum. PPAT selaku pihak yang membuat dan mengeluarkan Akta Penyerahan Hak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang ditimbulkan dari akta yang dibuatnya kepada para pihak yang merasa dirugikan dan dapat dikenakan pertanggungjawaban secara administratif, dan perdata.
This thesis discusses the position of the latter of land which is the basis for legal actions in the transfer of land rights. The official land deed official (PPAT) is a public official who is given the authority to make authentic deeds regarding certain legal actions regarding land rights. However, there are officials who make letter of land that do not carry out their duties and obligations properly. In this study, the PPAT has made a Deed of Transfer of Rights using SKT in the transfer of land rights as a legal document and proof of land rights. The main issues to be discussed are 1) how the form and substance of legal documents are included in the material agreement and become the basis for legal actions and registration of land rights, and 2) the status and strength of SKT evidence and how the legal implications for legal actions based on SKT with the object of land rights and the responsibility of the Notary/PPAT relating to the deed he made. This study uses normative juridical research methods with analytical descriptive research types, analyzed by qualitative methods using secondary data collection techniques. The result of this research is the transfer of land rights using SKT does not have legal position and power as the basis of legal documents included in the material agreement and becomes the basis for legal actions and registration of land rights. Deed that is made based on SKT has implication null and void. The PPAT as the party that makes and issues the Deed of Transfer of Rights is responsible for the losses incurred from the deed he made to the parties who feel disadvantaged and may be subject to administrative, and civil liability.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aurora Aldwita Mariel
Abstrak :
[Penulisan skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dengan data sekunder sebagai sumber datanya. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk meneliti mengenai jual beli tanah dan bangunan yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan serta kedudukan dan kekuatan mengikat Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli Lunas (PPJB Lunas) dan Kuasa Jual dalam hal pengalihan hak milik atas tanah (beserta bangunan apabila diperjanjikan). Dalam skripsi ini, dianalisis satu kasus dengan empat putusan dari Pengadilan Tingkat Pertama sampai dengan Tingkat Peninjauan Kembali. Dari analisis tersebut, dapat diketahui bahwa ada dua pendapat hakim yang saling bertentangan. Pendapat pertama adalah dengan PPJB Lunas dan Kuasa Jual maka telah terjadinya peralihan hak milik atas tanah dan bangunan sedangkan pendapat kedua adalah dengan PPJB Lunas dan Kuasa Jual belum terjadi peralihan hak milik atas tanah dan bangunan. Sebagai hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedudukan dan kekuatan mengikat PPPJB Lunas dan Kuasa Jual telah mengalihkan hak milik atas tanah dan bangunan apabila dalam kenyataannya sudah terjadi perbuatan hukum dimana pembeli telah melakukan pembayaran dan telah menerima penyerahan serta menguasai tanah dan bangunan tersebut, sedangkan penjual telah menyerahkan Kuasa Jual dan tanah serta bangunan itu sendiri kepada pembeli dan penjual telah menerima pembayaran sehingga perbuatan tersebut memenuhi unsur terang, tunai dan riil sebagaimana dasar hukum jual beli tanah yang berlaku pada saat ini, serta memenuhi syarat materiil jual beli. ......This thesis was written using literary research method with secondary data as its source of data. This thesis aims to examine the mechanisms sale and purchase of land and building which is regulated in accordance with the laws and regulations and the legal standing and binding of Land and Building Conditional Sale Purchase Agreement in Full Settlement (CSPA in Full Settlement) and Power of Attorney to Sell, in connection with the transfer of right of ownership over the land (and building if agreed). This thesis will primarily analyze one legal case which went to produce four court decisions, leveling from the Court of First Instance until the Supreme Court. From this analysis, it is discovered that there are two judge’s opinion, which contradicts one to another. The first opinion is that, the CSPA in Full Settlement and Power of Attorney to Sell have transferred the right of ownership over land and building, while the second opinion is that the CSPA in Full Settlement and Power of Attorney to Sell have not transferred the right of ownership over land and building yet. As a result of this study, it can be concluded that the legal standing and binding of CSPA in Full Settlement and Power of Attorney to Sell have transferred the right of ownership over land and building when the facts of the case show that it had happened a juridical action in which the buyer has made payment and has conducted the acceptance, and possessed the land and buildings, while the seller has granted the Power of Attorney to Sell and delivered the land and building to the buyer and received the payment for it. Such action would therefore qualified for a sale and purchase that is “terang”, “tunai” and “riil”, which is the basic of legality of the sale and purchase of the land under the prevailing laws, as well as the fulfilling the material requirement of sales and purchase. , This thesis was written using literary research method with secondary data as its source of data. This thesis aims to examine the mechanisms sale and purchase of land and building which is regulated in accordance with the laws and regulations and the legal standing and binding of Land and Building Conditional Sale Purchase Agreement in Full Settlement (CSPA in Full Settlement) and Power of Attorney to Sell, in connection with the transfer of right of ownership over the land (and building if agreed). This thesis will primarily analyze one legal case which went to produce four court decisions, leveling from the Court of First Instance until the Supreme Court. From this analysis, it is discovered that there are two judge’s opinion, which contradicts one to another. The first opinion is that, the CSPA in Full Settlement and Power of Attorney to Sell have transferred the right of ownership over land and building, while the second opinion is that the CSPA in Full Settlement and Power of Attorney to Sell have not transferred the right of ownership over land and building yet. As a result of this study, it can be concluded that the legal standing and binding of CSPA in Full Settlement and Power of Attorney to Sell have transferred the right of ownership over land and building when the facts of the case show that it had happened a juridical action in which the buyer has made payment and has conducted the acceptance, and possessed the land and buildings, while the seller has granted the Power of Attorney to Sell and delivered the land and building to the buyer and received the payment for it. Such action would therefore qualified for a sale and purchase that is “terang”, “tunai” and “riil”, which is the basic of legality of the sale and purchase of the land under the prevailing laws, as well as the fulfilling the material requirement of sales and purchase. ]
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library