Kata Kunci:
Penanganan Pengaduan, Kualitas Pelayanan, Kualitas Interaksi, Kualitas Lingkungan Fisik, Kualitas Hasil. ......This thesis discusses the quality of public complaint services organized by the Center for Information and Complaints Service (PINDU) of Pinrang Regency. Although PINDU has made efforts to deliver good quality complaint services, the number of complaints tends to decrease every year. This study aims to analyze the quality of complaint services at the PINDU of the Pinrang Regency Government measured by the hierarchical model of perceived service quality approach. This study uses a positivist paradigm. The data was collected quantitatively using a survey method through questionnaires. Research respondents were the Pinrang community that had experienced PINDU complaint services between 2018–2019, with total respondents of 103. Data processing used Microsoft Excel 2010, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 22, and the MSI Stat97.XLA application. Data analysis was done descriptively. The result shows that the complaints service quality of PINDU is in a good enough category with a score of 3.3556. Therefore, Pinrang Regency Government needs to improve the quality of PINDU services. This effort can be started sequentially from the dimension with the lowest perceived value to the dimension with the highest perceived value, namely the quality of the results, the quality of the physical environment, and the interaction quality.
Key Words:
Complaint Handling, Service Quality, Interaction Quality, Physical Environment Quality, Outcome Quality.