"Pada program konversi minyak tanah ke LPG, Pemerintah telah berhasil mendistribusikan sekitar 57,19 juta paket perdana, menyusul suksesnya program tersebut, Pemerintah kembali meluncurkan program diversifikasi energi melalui program konversi bensin ke LPG tabung 3 Kg untuk nelayan, program ini kedepannya akan menambah beban subsidi baru. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan perbandingan antara program konversi minyak tanah ke LPG tabung 3 kg dengan program konversi bensin ke LPG tabung 3 kg untuk nelayan dari sisi biaya paket perdana dan subsidi, mendapatkan keunggulan bahan bakar LPG dengan membandingan kinerja mesin, emisi gas buang serta konsumsi bahan bakar terhadap putaran mesin serta analisa dampak penambahan penduduk nelayan terhadap subsidi LPG melalui proyeksi realisasi penyaluran LPG di kota Surabaya. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif untuk menganalisis variabel-variabel dalam penelitian dengan melakukan analisis perbandingan antara 2 (dua) program konversi, analisis hasil perbandingan torsi, daya dan konsumsi bahan bakar antara LPG dan bensin serta analisis dampak konversi. Dari analisis paket perdana diperoleh selisih biaya yang cukup besar yaitu sebesar Rp, 5,930,923.00,-. Dari sisi subsidi, dengan menghitung nilai keekonomian harga LPG, didapatkan penambahan subsidi yang akan dikeluarkan pemerintah sebesar Rp. 2.706 tiap liternya jika konversi tetap dijalankan. Pada analisa hubungan kinerja mesin, emisi gas buang serta konsumsi bahan bakar terhadap putaran menggambarkan keunggulan LPG dibandingkan bensin. Dari analisis dampak subsidi dengan ukuran proyeksi realisasi 5 tahun kedepan menggunakan metode paired sample t test didapat terjadi perubahan yang signifikan pada penyaluran LPG di kota Surabaya yang sebelumnya rata-rata penyaluran adalah sebesar 115305.7780 MT, setelah program konversi kenaikan penyaluran LPG menjadi 117585.7580 MT.
In the kerosene-to-LPG conversion program, the Government has successfully distributed about 57.19 million packets of LPG, following the success of the program, the Government again launched the energy diversification program through a gasoline conversion program to LPG 3 Kg tube for fishermen, increase the burden of new subsidies. The purpose of this study was to obtain a comparison between the kerosene to LPG 3 kg tube conversion program with the gasoline conversion program to the 3 kg LPG tube for fishermen in terms of the cost of the starter pack and subsidies, obtaining the benefits of LPG fuel by comparing engine performance, exhaust emissions and consumption fuel for engine rotation and analysis of the impact of additional fisherman population on LPG subsidy through projected realization of LPG distribution in Surabaya city. This research uses quantitative research design to analyze the variables in the research by conducting comparative analysis between 2 (two) conversion program, torsion ratio analysis, power and fuel consumption between LPG and gasoline and conversion impact analysis. From the analysis of the initial package obtained a large cost difference of Rp. 5,930,923.00, -. In terms of subsidies, by calculating the economic value of LPG prices, the additional subsidy will be issued by the government of Rp. 2,706 per liter if conversion persists. In the analysis of engine performance relationships, exhaust emissions and fuel consumption of rotation illustrates the benefits of LPG compared to gasoline. From the analysis of subsidy impact with projected realization size 5 years ahead using paired sample t test method there was a significant change in LPG distribution in Surabaya which previously average distribution is 115305.7780 MT, after conversion program of LPG channel increase to 117585.7580 MT."