"Mangrove forest is coastal vegetation which influenced by sea water and river flow tide. Beside as a habitat for various sea biota and natural food resources for various fish, mangrove forest also has important function to protect coastline ecosystem.
A Two kind of research have been done; first, silvofishery aspect and status and conservation mangrove forest in Muara Gembong Bekasi West Java
The first research for studying variously silvofishery ecology aspect. Result of research shows litter production around 3,0-4,8 ton/ha/year; velocity litter decomposition 55 - 77 %; temperature 30,2 - 30,9 °C; salinity 21,7 - 27,5; brightness 0,48 - 99,5 m; pH 7,9 - 8.1; oxygen 4,5 - 5,4 mgll; BOD 1.9 - 2,9 mg/l; COD 139,1 - 272,6 mgll; Nitrat-N 0,140 - 0.274 mgll: Ortho-P040 0,034 -0.062 mgll. Fitoplankton analysis got result there was 4 family 17 spesies and for zooplankton had 2 family with 6 spesies.
The second research have been done for knowing about the total mangrove plant which grew there and for giving ecology characteristics. The
research shows that in research area had 14 species from 9 family. Vegetation in this area is dominated by Rhizophora, Avicenia, Exoecria, Sonneratia, Bruguiera, Achantus, Acrostichum, Aegiceros, Wedelia, Nypa.
The conclusion of two researches shows mangrove forest in Muara Gembong Bekasi West Java is unique estuarine ecosystem type with mangrove and in this area had a good potential to be developed as brackiswater area through silvofishery. According to potential area and considering need projection, management of mangrove forest area have to be developed with government support. Because we face a problem with brackwiswater farmer who always try to enlarge their brackiswater area through cut down the mangrove plant"