ABSTRAKDalam mengatasi permukiman kumuh Pemrov DKI Jakarta salah satu caranya
adalah dengan melakukan Program Bantuan Perbaikan Rumah di Permukiman
Kumuh. Program ini menggunakan APBD, yang pada pelaksanaannya sering
ditemukan masalah-masalah yang mempengaruhi kinerja anggaran, yang salah
satu indikatornya adalah Realisasi Penyerapan Anggaran. Masalah-masalah dapat
timbul di setiap kegiatan pada pelaksanaan program tersebut, dimana bisa timbul
di fase perencanaan dan fase pelaksanaan. Pada penelitian ini, Pengumpulan data
dengan Metode Survey dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat frekuensi dan dampak
dari variabel Risiko terhadap realisasi penyerapan anggaran dan data tersebut
kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan software program SPSS. Kemudian
dilanjutkan dengan analisis berbasis risiko untuk menghasilkan strategi
pengelolaan risiko yang baik sehingga pelaksanaan program itu dapat menyerap
anggaran sesuai dengan yang direncanakan.
ABSTRACTIn Addressing Slum area, Jakarta Provincial Government, one way is by doing
housing renovation Assistance Program in slum. This Program uses Public budget
that the implementation is often founded problems that influence the performance
budget, which is one indicator is Realization of Budget. Problems can arise in any
activities on the implementation of the program, which could arise in the planning
phase and the implementation phase. In this study, data was collected by survey
method was conducted to determine the level of variable frequency and impact of
risks to the realization of budget absorption and the data was analyzed using SPSS
software. Then proceed with a risk-based analysis to produce a good risk
management strategy so that it can absorb the implementation of the program in
accordance with the planned budget;In Addressing Slum area, Jakarta Provincial Government, one way is by doing
housing renovation Assistance Program in slum. This Program uses Public budget
that the implementation is often founded problems that influence the performance
budget, which is one indicator is Realization of Budget. Problems can arise in any
activities on the implementation of the program, which could arise in the planning
phase and the implementation phase. In this study, data was collected by survey
method was conducted to determine the level of variable frequency and impact of
risks to the realization of budget absorption and the data was analyzed using SPSS
software. Then proceed with a risk-based analysis to produce a good risk
management strategy so that it can absorb the implementation of the program in
accordance with the planned budget, In Addressing Slum area, Jakarta Provincial Government, one way is by doing
housing renovation Assistance Program in slum. This Program uses Public budget
that the implementation is often founded problems that influence the performance
budget, which is one indicator is Realization of Budget. Problems can arise in any
activities on the implementation of the program, which could arise in the planning
phase and the implementation phase. In this study, data was collected by survey
method was conducted to determine the level of variable frequency and impact of
risks to the realization of budget absorption and the data was analyzed using SPSS
software. Then proceed with a risk-based analysis to produce a good risk
management strategy so that it can absorb the implementation of the program in
accordance with the planned budget]"