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Martalia Isneini
Abstrak :
PDAM merupakan salah satu Badan Usaha Milik Daerah yang dimiliki setiap kabupaten dan kota di Indonesia. Keberadaan PDAM selain sebagai perusahaan, juga dituntut sebagai operator pelayanan publik di sektor air minum. Sebagai perusahaan, PDAM dituntut untuk memperoleh laba. Sebagian laba PDAM akan masuk pula sebagai dividen yang menyumbang Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD). Namun kondisi di lapangan, tidak semua PDAM memperoleh laba. Pada tahun buku 2012, 52% PDAM mengalami kerugian sementara hanya 48% yang memperoleh laba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa mengenai faktor utama yang mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan PDAM dilihat dari perolehan laba PDAM di Indonesia pada tahun buku 2012. Estimasi model penelitian menggunakan regresi liniear berganda dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS).Jumlah data populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian sebanyak 350 PDAM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa variabel utama yang berpengaruh positif terhadap keuntungan PDAM, yaitu kapasitas produksi (KAPPROD) dengan koefisien sebesar 188,1217, sedangkan variabel utama yang berpengaruh negatif terhadap keuntungan PDAM yaitu tingkat kehilangan air (TKA) dengan koefisien -67713909. Faktor lain yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap laba PDAM, yaitu: pendapatan lain-lain, biaya kimia dan biaya lain-lain. Sedangkan variabel yang tidak signifikan berpengaruh terhadap keuntungan PDAM di Indonesia yaitu: tarif, biaya energi, biaya pegawai dan biaya pemeliharaan.;
Local Water Supply Company (PDAM) is one of local government enterprises which is owned by each regency and city in Indonesia. Beside as a company, PDAM is also demanded to be the operator of public services in water supply sector. As a company, PDAM is demanded to generate profit. Some of the profit earned will be included in Local Own-source Revenue (PAD). However, in practical, not all PDAMs yield proft. From the accounting year of 2012, 52% of the PDAMs had financial loss while only 48% generated profit. This research aims to analyse the main factor affecting the financial performance of PDAM as seen from the PDAM profit earnings in Indonesia in accounting year of 2012. Total data utilized in this research is 350 PDAMs. The estimation of research model is using double linear regression by Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. The result of the research showed that the main variable which has positive effect on PDAM?s profit is production capacity (KAPPROD) with coefficient of 181,1217, while the main factor which has negative effect on PDAM?s profit is the level of Non Revenue Water (TKA) with coefficient of -67713909. The other factors which have significant effect to the profit of PDAM are miscellaneous revenue, chemical cost and miscellaneous cost. Meanwhile the variables which have insignificant effect to the profit of PDAM are as follows: tariff, energy cost, labour cost, and maintenance cost., Local Water Supply Company (PDAM) is one of local government enterprises which is owned by each regency and city in Indonesia. Beside as a company, PDAM is also demanded to be the operator of public services in water supply sector. As a company, PDAM is demanded to generate profit. Some of the profit earned will be included in Local Own-source Revenue (PAD). However, in practical, not all PDAMs yield proft. From the accounting year of 2012, 52% of the PDAMs had financial loss while only 48% generated profit. This research aims to analyse the main factor affecting the financial performance of PDAM as seen from the PDAM profit earnings in Indonesia in accounting year of 2012. Total data utilized in this research is 350 PDAMs. The estimation of research model is using double linear regression by Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. The result of the research showed that the main variable which has positive effect on PDAM’s profit is production capacity (KAPPROD) with coefficient of 181,1217, while the main factor which has negative effect on PDAM’s profit is the level of Non Revenue Water (TKA) with coefficient of -67713909. The other factors which have significant effect to the profit of PDAM are miscellaneous revenue, chemical cost and miscellaneous cost. Meanwhile the variables which have insignificant effect to the profit of PDAM are as follows: tariff, energy cost, labour cost, and maintenance cost.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anto Yulianto Budi Santosa
Abstrak :
RINGKASAN EKSEKUTIF Pasar modal Indonesia yang tumbuh pesat sejak tahun 1987 merupakan alternatif yang menarik bagi masyarakat yang kelebihan dana sebagai sasaran investasi. Sayangnya minat masyarakat yang tinggi tersebut tidak dibarengi dengan pemahaman yang cukup terhadap teori-teori dasar investasi di bursa saham. Karya akhir ini akan membahas salah satu teori investasi yang berdasarkan pada analisa fundamental perusahaan, yaitu rasio Price/Book Value. Pemahaman akan rasio Price/Book Value ini diharapkan akan membantu investor pemula dalam melakukan investasi di lantai bursa. Perkembangan teori investasi yang pesat membuat rasio PBV digunakan dalam berbagai model dan varian. Dalam karya akhir ini akan dibahas model perbandingan rasio PBV/ROE dan model multiple regression dengan rasio PBV sebagai variabel terikat dan ROE, growth dan beta sebagai variabel bebas. Kedua model tersebut diaplikasikan pada sampel dari perusahaan-perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Jakarta pada tahun 1995. Dari analisa berdasarkan kedua model tersebut akah didapatkan portofolio saham yang overvalued dan undervalued. Perubahan harga dari portofolio saham-saham tersebut diteliti setelah jangka waktu satu tahun untuk melihat stock return yang dihasilkan masing-masing portofolio. Selain itu juga akan dilihat hubungan antara rasio PBV dan stock return. Dari hasil analisa didapatkan hasil yang tidak jauh berbeda antara kedua model yang digunakan, demikian juga dengan rata-rata stock return yang didapat. Rata-rata stock return untuk portofolio saham yang undervalued dari kedua model ternyata jauh melebihi rata-rata stock return dari porfolio saham yang overvalued dan persentase kenaikan lndeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) selama 1 tahun. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa arga saham akan bergerak ke arah intrinsic value dari saham tersebut. Dengan demikian kedua model tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai strategi dalam pemilihan saham. Nilai coefficient of determination yang rendah dari hasil regresi serta koefisien Beta yang be nilai positif menunjukkan kemungkinan masih rendahnya pemahaman investor terhadap analisa fundamental suatu saham sebelum engadakan suatu transaksi. Hasil analisa regresi sederhana menunjukkan hubungan negatif antara rasio PBV dan stock return. lni berarfi bila nilai rasio PBV suatu saham semakin tinggi maka kemungkinan stock return yang didapatkan akan semakin rendah. Hasil regresi ini dapat menjadi alternatif baru dalam pemilihan saham, yaitu dengan hanya berdasarkan pada rasio PBV saham. Untuk mendapatkan return yang tinggi dipilih saham-saham yang mempunyai rasio PBV rendah. Model ini menjadi alternatif paling sederhana dibanding model rasio PBV/ROE dan multiple regression dalam strategi pemilihan saham.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tuti Yustiana Humairo
Abstrak :
Penerapan PSAK 24 (revisi 2004) khususnya untuk program imbalan pasti sangat kompleks karenanya diperlukan jasa aktuaris yang membantu. Salah satunya untuk menaksir asumsi aktuaria untuk menguknr kewajiban dan beban sehingga menimbulkan kemungldnan keuntungan dan kerugian aktuaria. Kewajiban juga diukur dengan tingkat diskonto karena mungkin baru terselesaikan beberapa lahun selelah pekexja rnemberikan jasa. Asumsi aktuaria mempengaruhl perbitungan nilai kini kewajiban imbelan kezja. Asumsi yang dipa.la!i tidak boleh bias dan mutually compatible, karenanya harus dilskukan secara hati-hati namun tidak terlalu konservatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua tujuan orientasi penelitian, yaitu mengenai fak:rorfaktor yang mempengaruhl penetapan asumsi aktuaria dalam imbalan keija karyawan dan pengaruh asumsi aktuaria dalam imbalan kmja karyawan terhadap kinelja pasar modal dengan variabel earnings response coefficient (ERC) untuk pernsahasn-perusalnum yang terealat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEl) pade lahun 2006. Populasi dalam panelitian ini adalllh se!uruh perusahtl311 yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2006, dengan total sarnpel akhir sebanyak 274 pen1sahaan. Asumsi aktuaria yang diteliti adalllh tingkat diskonto dan tingkat kenaikan gaji. Adapun ERC menggunaksn ukuran Cummulative Abnormal Return (CAR). Sehingga, penelitian ini dibagi menjadi tiga model empiris yang dilakukan dengan pengujian regresi berganda untuk masing-masing model. Hasil penelitian mempelihatkan sebaran yang cukup tinggi dalarn penetapan asumsi aktuaria. Tingkat diskonto merniliki range antara 6% sampai 13% sedangkan tingkat kenaikan gaji lebih bervariasi yaitu antara 2% sarnpai 15%. Hasil penelitian untuk model I menunjukkan bahwa varillhel yang diuji (leverage, profitability, kewajiban imbalan kerja, proporsi kornisaris independen, dan auditor) tidak ada yang berpengaruh terhadap penetapan aswnsi tingkat diskonto. Sedangkan basil penelitian untuk model 2 menunjukkan bahwa profitabi/iry mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap penetapan asumsi tingkat kenaikan gaji. Sedangkan untuk model 3, basil penelitian mennnjukkan bahwa pengaruh asumsi aktuaria (tingkat diskonto dan tingkat kenaikan gaji) dalarn imbelan kelja karyawan tidak cukup kuat mendorong investor untuk memperlakukan ......Application of SF AS 24 (revised 2004), expeeially for defined benefit plan consider very complex, thus needed independent expert like actuaries to help. One of the actuary role is to estimate the actuarial assumptions for calculating employee benefit obligation and expenses. The actuarial assumptions have impact to present value of defined benefit obligations. The assumptions must not be bias anf should mutually compatible, therefore should meastue "'isely but not too conservatives. This research has two research study orientations. First, analysis on the determinants of employee benefits actuarial assumptions) and the effects of actuarial assumptions on Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC) fur companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (JDX) on 2006. Population in this research is ali the companies listed in Indonesian stock Exchange on 2006, with tollll final sample 274 companies. Actuarial assumptions in ths research measured by discount rate and future salary increase. While the ERC measured by Cummulative Abnormal Return (CAR). Therefore, this research used multiple regression with three empirical models for the two research study orientations. 'This research shows a big spread for actuarial assumptions determined by Companies in BEl. Discount rate ranging from 6% until 13% while future salary increase ranging from 2% until 15%. The results for the first model showed that no variable that has significant effect tr> discount rate. For the second model, the result showed that profitability has positive effect to future salary increase asswnption. Furthermore, the third model showed thst actuarial asswnptlons not have a significant power to push the investor to
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Monica Rotua Angelina
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas kompensasi yang merupakan kerugian manfaat yang dapat diminta untuk memulihkan hak kreditor karena wanprestasi sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 1246 KUH Perdata melalui keputusan pengadilan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan di Penelitian ini bersifat yuridis normatif, yaitu data yang diperoleh melalui Tinjauan Literatur. Masalah utama dalam skripsi ini adalah apa yang dimaksud dengan kerugian keuntungan yang merupakan kerugian karena gagal bayar dan Bagaimana pertimbangan hakim yang menyidangkan kasus wanprestasi di kesepakatan untuk menentukan menerima atau menolak kompensasi dalam bentuk kerugian keuntungan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian penulis diketahui manfaatnya Hukum perdata merupakan salah satu unsur kepentingan dalam perjanjian, yaitu kepentingan telah dibayangkan atau dihitung oleh kreditur. Ketidakkonsistenan hakim menerima atau menolak kompensasi dalam bentuk keuntungan yang hilang karena minimnya pengetahuan yang seragam dari para hakim Indonesia terkait keuntungan yang kemudian dapat dihitung sebagai kerugian kreditor.
This thesis discusses compensation which is a loss benefits that can be requested to restore creditors' rights due to default as regulated in Article 1246 of the Civil Code through a court decision. The research method used in This research is normative juridical, namely the data obtained through Literature Review. The main problem in this thesis is what is meant by profit loss which is a loss due to default and how the judge who hears the case of default is considered in the agreement to determine whether to accept or reject compensation in the form of profit loss. Based on the results of the author's research, it is known that the benefits Civil law is one of the elements of interest in the agreement, namely interest has been envisioned or calculated by the creditor. Inconsistency of judges accept or reject compensation in the form of lost benefits due to the lack of uniform knowledge of Indonesian judges regarding profits which can then be counted as creditors' losses.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deasy Nurmalasari Faridyah
Abstrak :
Saat ini industri keuangan mikro sebagai alat bagi keuangan inklusif berkembang dengan dua pendekatan yang berbeda yaitu Financial Lending Approach dan Poverty Lending Approach. Perbedaan paling kontras dari keduanya adalah sasaran penerima kreditnya. Poverty Lending Approach mengkhususkan dirinya untuk menyalurkan kredit kepada orang miskin seperti Lembaga Keuangan Mikro yang mereplika pola Grameen Bank. Sedangkan Financial Lending Approach memberi akses untuk masyarakat miskin, namun tidak menargetkannya secara khusus, pendekatan ini lebih menjaga kesinambungan keuangannya sehingga sasaran mereka bukan orang miskin seperti yang dilakukan perbankan. Tesis ini meneliti Poverty Lending Approach yang dilakukan oleh salah satu Lembaga Keuangan Mikro di Indonesia yaitu PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura (MBK). Studi Kasus dilakukan di Kabupaten Tangerang, tepatnya Kecamatan Pakuhaji, Sukadiri dan Sepatan. Tujuannya adalah ingin menganalisis apakah penyaluran kredit mikro dengan pola Grameen Bank yang dilakukan oleh PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura (MBK) berdampak terhadap pendapatan usaha nasabahnya. Pendapatan usaha merupakan salah satu langkah untuk meningkatkan pendapatan rumah tangga. Dengan menggunakan metode instrumental variable dan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan para nasabah. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pemberian kredit yang diberikan oleh PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura (MBK) dengan pola grameen bank berdampak signifikan terhadap peningkatan pendapatan usaha nasabahnya.
Microfinance, which nowadays has become a tool for development of financial inclusion, has two different approaches. These two approaches are Financial System Lending and the Poverty Lending Approach. The most pronounced differences between these approaches are their credit?s beneficiaries. The Poverty Lending Approach has the speciality to extend its credit the poor. This approach was replicated from the model of the Microfinance Institution Grameen Bank. The Financial Lending Approach, in turn, is special for maintaining financial sustainability. This approach also provides access for the poor, but it is aimed not only for the poor in poor areas but also in other areas. It does not have microfinance institution?s branches like Poverty Lending Approach?s model. This research examines the Poverty Lending Approach?s model carried out by PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura, a large Microfinance Institution in Indonesia. The research?s case study was conducted in Tangerang District in the Subdistricts Pakuhaji, Sukadiri and Sepatan. The aim of this research is to analyze whether the microcredit extended by PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga (MBK), which replicates the Grameen Bank model, has a significant impact on the income of its clients. Clients? business income is a measurements of household income. Using a survey method with in-depth client interviews, the data analysis employs an instrumental variables method. The results show that credits granted by PT. Ventura Family Business Partners (MBK), operating under the Grameen Banks model, have a significant positive impact on the income of its clients.;Microfinance, which nowadays has become a tool for development of financial inclusion, has two different approaches. These two approaches are Financial System Lending and the Poverty Lending Approach. The most pronounced differences between these approaches are their credit?s beneficiaries. The Poverty Lending Approach has the speciality to extend its credit the poor. This approach was replicated from the model of the Microfinance Institution Grameen Bank. The Financial Lending Approach, in turn, is special for maintaining financial sustainability. This approach also provides access for the poor, but it is aimed not only for the poor in poor areas but also in other areas. It does not have microfinance institution?s branches like Poverty Lending Approach?s model. This research examines the Poverty Lending Approach?s model carried out by PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura, a large Microfinance Institution in Indonesia. The research?s case study was conducted in Tangerang District in the Subdistricts Pakuhaji, Sukadiri and Sepatan. The aim of this research is to analyze whether the microcredit extended by PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga (MBK), which replicates the Grameen Bank model, has a significant impact on the income of its clients. Clients? business income is a measurements of household income. Using a survey method with in-depth client interviews, the data analysis employs an instrumental variables method. The results show that credits granted by PT. Ventura Family Business Partners (MBK), operating under the Grameen Banks model, have a significant positive impact on the income of its clients.;Microfinance, which nowadays has become a tool for development of financial inclusion, has two different approaches. These two approaches are Financial System Lending and the Poverty Lending Approach. The most pronounced differences between these approaches are their credit?s beneficiaries. The Poverty Lending Approach has the speciality to extend its credit the poor. This approach was replicated from the model of the Microfinance Institution Grameen Bank. The Financial Lending Approach, in turn, is special for maintaining financial sustainability. This approach also provides access for the poor, but it is aimed not only for the poor in poor areas but also in other areas. It does not have microfinance institution?s branches like Poverty Lending Approach?s model. This research examines the Poverty Lending Approach?s model carried out by PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura, a large Microfinance Institution in Indonesia. The research?s case study was conducted in Tangerang District in the Subdistricts Pakuhaji, Sukadiri and Sepatan. The aim of this research is to analyze whether the microcredit extended by PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga (MBK), which replicates the Grameen Bank model, has a significant impact on the income of its clients. Clients? business income is a measurements of household income. Using a survey method with in-depth client interviews, the data analysis employs an instrumental variables method. The results show that credits granted by PT. Ventura Family Business Partners (MBK), operating under the Grameen Banks model, have a significant positive impact on the income of its clients., Microfinance, which nowadays has become a tool for development of financial inclusion, has two different approaches. These two approaches are Financial System Lending and the Poverty Lending Approach. The most pronounced differences between these approaches are their credit’s beneficiaries. The Poverty Lending Approach has the speciality to extend its credit the poor. This approach was replicated from the model of the Microfinance Institution Grameen Bank. The Financial Lending Approach, in turn, is special for maintaining financial sustainability. This approach also provides access for the poor, but it is aimed not only for the poor in poor areas but also in other areas. It does not have microfinance institution’s branches like Poverty Lending Approach’s model. This research examines the Poverty Lending Approach’s model carried out by PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga Ventura, a large Microfinance Institution in Indonesia. The research’s case study was conducted in Tangerang District in the Subdistricts Pakuhaji, Sukadiri and Sepatan. The aim of this research is to analyze whether the microcredit extended by PT. Mitra Bisnis Keluarga (MBK), which replicates the Grameen Bank model, has a significant impact on the income of its clients. Clients’ business income is a measurements of household income. Using a survey method with in-depth client interviews, the data analysis employs an instrumental variables method. The results show that credits granted by PT. Ventura Family Business Partners (MBK), operating under the Grameen Banks model, have a significant positive impact on the income of its clients.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gina Sara Melati
Abstrak :
Kemajuan teknologi dan digitalisasi telah menyebabkan disrupsi di berbagai industri, termasuk media. Media massa seperti televisi dan surat kabar yang dulunya merupakan sumber informasi utama bagi masyarakat, kini telah digantikan oleh media online dan sosial. Oleh karena itu, strategi menghadapi tantangan telah diambil oleh banyak perusahaan media melalui proses konvergensi. Dimana perusahaan media yang sebelumnya hanya menghibur audiens platform tertentu, kini harus menjawab kebutuhan audiens di semua platform. Sebuah perusahaan media di Indonesia, perusahaan media “X” juga telah memilih melakukan konvergensi untuk memperluas potensi pasar dan meraih audiens di level yang lebih besar. Konvergensi dimulai pada awal 2020, yang merupakan pembatasan publik akibat pandemi global COVID-19. Perusahaan media “X” pun harus beradaptasi dengan pembatasan berkegiatan yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Hal ini berdampak pada cara kerja dan proses konvergensi. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi dampaknya terhadap pekerja media, khususnya reporter di perusahaan media “X” dan bagaimana perusahaan memenuhi kebutuhan pekerjanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif interpretivisme, di mana wawancara mendalam akan dilakukan dengan karyawan perusahaan media “X”, yaitu reporternya dan mereka yang berada di level manajer. Temuan menunjukkan perbedaan pandangan antara pemimpin organisasi dengan para reporter dalam hal kebijakan dan perubahan sistem konvergensi. Dimana sistem konvergensi yang bertujuan menghasilkan sistem produksi berita yang efisien dan efektif, menjadi tambahan beban pekerjaan para reporter terutama di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Dengan temuan ini, menjadi pengingat dan turtut dijabarkan saran akan bagaimana perusahaan menjalin hubungan dengan para pekerjanya dan bagaimana meningkatkan motivasi mereka melalui dukungan yang dibutuhkan di saat perubahan dan krisis ......The advancement in technology and digitalization has caused disruption in various industries, including the media industry. Media companies and channels continue to find ways to stay relevant and survive in gaining the audience’s attention and preferences. Mass media such as television and newspapers that were once the main source of information for the public, has now been replaced by online and social medias. Therefore, a strategy facing the challenge has been taken by many media companies my going through a convergence process. Where the media company which before only entertained a certain platform audience, namely television, printed or radio, now has to answer the needs of audiences on all platforms. A media company in Indonesia, “X” Media company also has taken the step in going through a convergence process. This is done to widen its market potential and grab audiences on a larger level. The convergence began in early 2020, which was also the beginning of public restrictions due to the global COVID19 pandemic. Companies, including “X” media company had to adjust accordingly to government relations. This impacted the way of work and the convergence process. This research explores the impact it has towards the media workers, specifically reporters at “X” media company and how the company addresses the needs of its workers. The research uses a qualitative interpretivism approach, where in-depth interviews has been conducted with “X” media company’s employees, including its reporters and those at the managerial level. The findings show differences in views between organizational leaders and reporters in terms of policies and changes in the convergence system. Which the convergence system, that aims to produce an efficient and effective news production system, has become an additional workload for reporters, especially in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The findings become a reminder and with this the research also provides suggestions on how the company establish relations with its workers and how to enhance their motivation through the needed support in times of change and crisis.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Faozi Kurnia Darmawan
Abstrak :
Kebijakan percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia menjadi salah satu fokus utama dalam hal mewujudkan program pembangunan berkelanjutan. Salah satu dari tujuh agenda tersebut ialah memperkuat infrastruktur untuk mendukung pengembangan ekonomi dan pelayanan dasar. Upaya tersebut tidak terlepas dari peran industri konstruksi dalam mewujudkan pembangunan di Indonesia. Dalam melakukan pekerjaan, kontraktor utama akan didukung dengan subpenyedia barang jasa (subkontraktor dan vendor) sebagai bagian dalam mewujudkan pekerjaan proyek konstruksi. Perusahaan swasta atau Badan Usaha didirikan dengan tujuan utama ialah untuk memperoleh keuntungan yang maksimal termasuk didalamnya perusahaan di sektor konstruksi. Dengan meningkatnya pembangunan di Indonesia disertai dengan peningkatan daya saing dan jumlah penyedia barang dan jasa, sehingga diperlukan seleksi dalam memilih subkontraktor dan vendor yang sesuai dengan kriteria dari kontraktor utama. Kegiatan pengadaan (procurement) barang dan jasa memegang peranan yang penting dan bersifat kritis dalam upaya pencapaian tujuan proyek dan tujuan perusahaan. Dengan demikian, perlu dilakukan pengujian terhadap kriteria pemilihan subpenyedia barang jasa serta hubungannya dengan peranan dalam memengaruhi keuntungan proyek bagi kontraktor. Diharapkan, kriteria pemilihan subpenyedia barang jasa memiliki hubungan dengan peranan subkontraktor dan vendor dalam memengaruhi keuntungan bagi kontraktor utama ......The policy of accelerating infrastructure development in Indonesia is one of the main focuses in realizing a sustainable development program. One of the seven agendas is to strengthen infrastructure to support economic development and basic services. These efforts are inseparable from the role of the construction industry in realizing development in Indonesia. In carrying out the work, the main contractor will be supported by goods and service providers (subcontractors and vendors) as part of realizing construction project work. A private company or business entity is established with the main objective being to obtain maximum profits including companies in the construction sector. With the increasing development in Indonesia accompanied by an increase in competitiveness and the number of providers of goods and services, selection is needed in selecting subcontractors and vendors that are in accordance with the criteria of the main contractor. The procurement activities of goods and services play an important and critical role in efforts to achieve project goals and corporate objectives. Thus, research needs to be done on the criteria for selecting suppliers of goods and services and their relationship with the role in influencing project profits for contractors. It is expected that the selection criteria for goods and service providers have a relationship with the role of subcontractors and vendors in influencing project profits for contractors.
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia , 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Nyoman Arya Sidi Mantra
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang evaluasi opsi pengembangan LPG Plant untuk memaksimalkan revenue di Lapangan Gas ?X? sebagai produk tambahan selain komponen gas alam dan kondensat. Penelitian ini adalah bersifat simulasi berdasarkan data-data fasilitas dan informasi cadangan gas yang telah ada dengan metode simulasi LPG extraction, estimasi biaya konstruksi dan operasional dengan informasi akhir berupa penentuan kelayakan ekonomi secara keseluruhan.
This tesis is discussing about evaluation development plan of LPG extraction plant to improve revenue in ?X? Field ? South Sumatera as additional product from the existing ones which are natural gas and condensate. The method of this research is simulation refer to data from existing facility and reservoir to be evaluated using software LPG extraction analysis, cost estimate related with construction and operational cost with final result about overall economic evaluation.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
M.Y. Handayani
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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