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Muhammad Ngusri Yusron
Abstrak :
Studi WHO pada 2001 menunjukan gangguan depresi menjadi penyebab keempat disabilitas atau tidak mampunya seseorang menjalankan aktivitas normal sehari- hari. Pada 2020 nanti diproyeksikan gangguan depresi akan menjadi penyebab kedua disabilitas setelah penyakit jantung. Fenomena ini terjadi karena ketidakmampuan individu mengelola kondisi kejiwaannya untuk mendapatkan standar ketenangan pada dirinya. Islam menawarkan metoda untuk meraih ketenangan jiwa ini dengan zikir. Metode zikir telah dikembangkan oleh banyak dikembangkan oleh komunitas tarekat dengan eksplorasi fisik dan jiwa, dan mampu menjadi salahsatu alternatif bagi masyarakat modern untuk menggapai ketenangan jiwa, sebagai bentuk keselarasan hidup. Penelitian dilakukan untuk lebih mengetahui mengenai ketenangan jiwa yang diperoleh para pengamal setelah melaksanakan zikir Sholawat wahidiyah, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif sebagai tumpuan analisis. Data dikumpulkan melalui pengumpulan dokumen, pengamatan langsung dan wawancara mendalam terhadap pengamal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perubahan yang terjadi sebelum dan sesudah mengamalkan sholawat wahidiyah sangatlah kentara. Gangguan kejiwaan (symtomp) seperti bosan, jenuh, resah, gelisah, tidak puas, yang dialami sebelumnya akan sirna ketika sudah mampu mendawamkan amalan sholawat wahidiyah ini dan mengikuti ajaran-ajarannya. Perasaan tenang, ketentraman jiwa serta kekhusu’an dalam beribadah dapat mereka peroleh ketika enam aspek ketenangan jiwa dalam sholawat wahidiyah dipenuhi, yakni syukur, ikhlas, sabar, ridho, mahabbah dan husnudzhan.
Research of WHO on 2001 showed that depressive disorders become the fourth leading cause of disability or inability of a person to run the daily activities. The prediction on 2020, depressive disorders will become the second leading cause of disability after heart disease. This phenomenon occurs because of the inability of the individual to manage his mental state to reach the standard of serenity. Islam offers a method to achieve this peace of mind with remembrance. Remembrance method has been developed by many community of congregations with physical and mental exploration, and be able to be an alternative for modern society to achieve peace of mind, as a form of harmony of life. This research conducted in order to know about the peace of mind which felt by the doer after doing Sholawat wahidiyah dhikr, by using the qualitative approach as the pedestal of analysis. The data collected through the collection of documents, direct observation and in-depth interview towards the doers. The result of the research shows that the changes which happened before and after doing the Sholawat Wahidiyah dhikr is really obvious. Mental disorders symptoms like bored, restless, and dissatisfied which are previously experienced will disappear when a man is able to accustom this sholawat wahidiyah and following the teachings brought by the Muallif. They can feel the sense of calm, tranquility and also devoted in doing the religion rituals when they fulfill the six aspects of peace of mind within sholawat wahidiyah, namely gratitude, sincerity, patience, blessing, love and good prejudice.;Research of WHO on 2001 showed that depressive disorders become the fourth leading cause of disability or inability of a person to run the daily activities. The prediction on 2020, depressive disorders will become the second leading cause of disability after heart disease. This phenomenon occurs because of the inability of the individual to manage his mental state to reach the standard of serenity. Islam offers a method to achieve this peace of mind with remembrance. Remembrance method has been developed by many community of congregations with physical and mental exploration, and be able to be an alternative for modern society to achieve peace of mind, as a form of harmony of life. This research conducted in order to know about the peace of mind which felt by the doer after doing Sholawat wahidiyah dhikr, by using the qualitative approach as the pedestal of analysis. The data collected through the collection of documents, direct observation and in-depth interview towards the doers. The result of the research shows that the changes which happened before and after doing the Sholawat Wahidiyah dhikr is really obvious. Mental disorders symptoms like bored, restless, and dissatisfied which are previously experienced will disappear when a man is able to accustom this sholawat wahidiyah and following the teachings brought by the Muallif. They can feel the sense of calm, tranquility and also devoted in doing the religion rituals when they fulfill the six aspects of peace of mind within sholawat wahidiyah, namely gratitude, sincerity, patience, blessing, love and good prejudice.;Research of WHO on 2001 showed that depressive disorders become the fourth leading cause of disability or inability of a person to run the daily activities. The prediction on 2020, depressive disorders will become the second leading cause of disability after heart disease. This phenomenon occurs because of the inability of the individual to manage his mental state to reach the standard of serenity. Islam offers a method to achieve this peace of mind with remembrance. Remembrance method has been developed by many community of congregations with physical and mental exploration, and be able to be an alternative for modern society to achieve peace of mind, as a form of harmony of life. This research conducted in order to know about the peace of mind which felt by the doer after doing Sholawat wahidiyah dhikr, by using the qualitative approach as the pedestal of analysis. The data collected through the collection of documents, direct observation and in-depth interview towards the doers. The result of the research shows that the changes which happened before and after doing the Sholawat Wahidiyah dhikr is really obvious. Mental disorders symptoms like bored, restless, and dissatisfied which are previously experienced will disappear when a man is able to accustom this sholawat wahidiyah and following the teachings brought by the Muallif. They can feel the sense of calm, tranquility and also devoted in doing the religion rituals when they fulfill the six aspects of peace of mind within sholawat wahidiyah, namely gratitude, sincerity, patience, blessing, love and good prejudice., Research of WHO on 2001 showed that depressive disorders become the fourth leading cause of disability or inability of a person to run the daily activities. The prediction on 2020, depressive disorders will become the second leading cause of disability after heart disease. This phenomenon occurs because of the inability of the individual to manage his mental state to reach the standard of serenity. Islam offers a method to achieve this peace of mind with remembrance. Remembrance method has been developed by many community of congregations with physical and mental exploration, and be able to be an alternative for modern society to achieve peace of mind, as a form of harmony of life. This research conducted in order to know about the peace of mind which felt by the doer after doing Sholawat wahidiyah dhikr, by using the qualitative approach as the pedestal of analysis. The data collected through the collection of documents, direct observation and in-depth interview towards the doers. The result of the research shows that the changes which happened before and after doing the Sholawat Wahidiyah dhikr is really obvious. Mental disorders symptoms like bored, restless, and dissatisfied which are previously experienced will disappear when a man is able to accustom this sholawat wahidiyah and following the teachings brought by the Muallif. They can feel the sense of calm, tranquility and also devoted in doing the religion rituals when they fulfill the six aspects of peace of mind within sholawat wahidiyah, namely gratitude, sincerity, patience, blessing, love and good prejudice.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meyliana Santy
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketiadaan pedoman khusus mengenai hinder mengingat hak atas tanah sudah tidak lagi menjadi subjek Pasal 570 KUH Perdata. Terlepas dari ketentuan umum dalam Pasal 1365 KUH Perdata, hinder sering dicampuradukkan dengan misbruik van recht dan kerusakan fisik. Gangguan atas ketenangan hidup itu sendiri pada dasarnya tidak hanya berlaku di Indonesia, melainkan juga misalnya di Inggris, dengan istilah private nuisance. Hal tersebut menimbulkan pertanyaan yakni bagaimana konsep hinder di Indonesia dan private nuisance di Inggris, praktik penggunaan dalil hinder di Indonesia dan dalil private nuisance di Inggris, serta bagaimana perbandingan di antara keduanya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perbandingan dan pendekatan kasus. Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa cakupan private nuisance lebih luas daripada hinder. Di samping itu, penerapan dalil hinder masih belum didasarkan pada pertimbangan yang kompehensif, sementara dalil private nuisance telah berkembang pesat dengan berbagai landmark case. Terdapat beberapa perbedaan antara hinder dan private nuisance mengenai ruang lingkup, klasifikasi, jenis gangguan, syarat utama, jenis dan pertimbangan atas ganti rugi, sifat melawan hukum, pertimbangan atas gangguan, para pihak terkait, pembelaan. Sementara itu, persamaannya adalah fokus, jarak, hubungan dengan ketentuan perizinan izin gangguan maupun planning permission, dan batasan. ...... The background of this research is the lack of specific guidance of hinder regarding that the title of land is no longer subject of Article 570 Indonesia Civil Code ICC . Regardless of general provision in Article 1365 ICC, hinder often confused with misbruik van recht and material damage. The interference of enjoyment of life itself basically applies not only in Indonesia, but also ndash for example ndash in England, with the term private nuisance. That raises question of how the concept of hinder in Indonesia and private nuisance in England, the practice of using hinder in Indonesia and private nuisance, as well as how the comparison between the two. The method used is a normative juridical research with comparative and case approach. The result of this study is the scope of private nuisance is wider than hinder. Besides, hinder implementation is still not based on a comprehensive consideration, while private nuisance has been growing rapidly through various landmark cases. In addition, there are some differences between hinder and private nuisance on the scope, classification, types of interference, main requirements, damages and its consideration, unlawful conduct, interference consideration, parties, and defence. On the other side, the similarities are the focus, distance, relation to permission hinder permission and planning permission , and restriction.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library