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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Muhamad Dary Ardian
Abstrak :
ABSTRACT Kebutuhan akan listrik diprediksi akan terus meningkat setiap tahun. Akses listrik ini akan memberikan dampak positif, contohnya meningkatkan taraf hidup penduduk. Namun, banyak desa di Indonesia yang masih mengalami kemiskinan. Oleh karena itu, Pemerintah melaksanakan program pengadaan pembangkit 35.000 Mega Watt untuk mengatasi problema kemiskinan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis energi listrik yang disediakan terhadap kebutuhan masyarakat desa itu sendiri dengan cara bottom up, yakni menentukan beban puncak, konsumsi listrik, keandalan sistem distribusi listrik, karakteristik masyarakat, memprediksi kebutuhan listrik, hingga menentukan pembangkit energi terbarukan yang cocok dikembangkan di sana. Lokasi pengambilan sampel ialah di salah satu daerah pedesaan di Indonesia, yakni Kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ialah pengolahan data survei menggunakan teori Skrotzki dan Keswani, metode SAIDI dan SAIFI, statistik inferensial dan deskriptif, penggunaan perangkat lunak minitab 18, dan LUEC. Hasil penelitian mengestimasi besarnya beban puncak di Kabupaten Batang sebesar 206,4 MW dengan total konsumsi per hari 1752 MWH. Beban dan total konsumsi ini akan terus meningkat hingga 233,21 MW dan 1982 MWH pada tahun 2028. Keandalan distribusi masih tergolong rendah, terutama pada daerah pesisir dengan SAIDI 114-1152 jam dan SAIFI >48 gangguan per tahunnya. Problema besar lain disana ialah masih rendahnya pendapatan per kapita dan banyaknya sampah, maka infrastruktur listrik yang cocok dikembangkan ialah PLTSa untuk mengatasi problema tersebut.
The need for electricity is predicted to increase every year. Access to electricity itself will have a positive impact, such as supporting activities, increasing competitiveness, and improving the economy. However, many villages in Indonesia are still experiencing poverty. Therefore, the Government implemented a procurement program of 35,000 Mega Watt generator to overcome that poverty problem. This study aims to analyze the energy reserved to the needs of the villagers themselves with bottom up methods, by determining peak loads, electricity consumption, reliability of power distribution systems, community characteristics, predicting electricity needs, and determine the appropriate renewable energy generation. The sampling location is in one of the rural areas of Indonesia, namely Batang District, Central Java. The method used in this research is the processing of survey data using Skrotzki and Keswani theory, SAIDI and SAIFI method, inferential and descriptive statistics, and the use of minitab 18 software. The result of this study estimate the peak load in Batang Regency is 206.4 MW with total consumption per day 1752 MWH. This load and total consumption will continue to increase until 233.21 MW and 1982 MWH by 2028. Distribution realibility is still relatively low, especially in coastal areas with SAIDI 114 1152 hours and SAIFI 48 annoyances per year. Another big problems are still low income per capita and the amount of waste, then the appropriate electricity infrastructure developed is PLTSa to overcome the problems.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fachry Dzaky Al Qadri Sabil
Abstrak :
Saat ini kebutuhan energi di dunia pada umumnya, dan di Indonesia khususnya terus meningkat. Hal itu dipicu oleh pertambahan penduduk, pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan pola konsumsi energi yang senantiasa meningkat. Pada tahun 2005, cadangan minyak bumi diperkirakan akan habis dalam kurun waktu 18 tahun. Untuk itu diperlukan upaya diversifikasi pembangkit listrik dengan sumber energi alternatif yang ramah lingkungan salah satunya adalah energi angin. Diketahui pemanfaatan energi angin untuk kebutuhan listrik di Indonesia hanya 0,0006 GW dari total potensi sebesar 9,29 GW. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap bagaimana potensi angin yang berada di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul. Analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) berupa analisis spasial yaitu weighted overlay berdasarkan 6 variabel yaitu kecepatan rata-rata angin, jaringan jalan, wilayah pemukiman, kemiringan, ketinggian, serta penggunaan tanah dari Kabupaten Gunung Kidul. Berdasarkan analisis spasial diketahui lokasi potensial untuk pengembangan pembangkit listrik tenaga angina berada di Desa Tepus, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul. Desa Tepus memiliki rata-rata kecepatan angin pada tahun 2015 sebesar 6,2 m/s dengan arah angin dominan berhembus dari arah tenggara. Kebutuhan listrik dari Desa Tepus adalah 308.759 kWh/bulan dengan konsumsi terbanyak berasal dari sektor perumahan dengan daya 450 VA.
Nowadays, the energy needs in Indonesia in particular, and generally in the world are increasing due to population growth, economic growth, and the pattern of energy consumption. According to data released by The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in 2005, petroleum reserves are expected to run out within 18 years, therefore, we need a solution to diversify electricity power plant with environmental friendly alternative energy sources, one of them is wind energy. Based on blueprint released by The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, it is known that the use of wind energy for electricity needs in Indonesia is only 0,0006 GW of the total potential of 9,29 GW. Potential location for the development of wind power plants in Kabupaten Gunung Kidul that aims to determine the potential of wind energy itself in Kabupaten Gunung Kidul. The analysis was conducted using spatial analysis with weighted overlay analysis based on 6 variables of average wind speed, road network, residential area, slope, altitude, and land use in Kabupaten Gunung Kidul. Based on spatial analysis, it is known that the potential location for the development of wind power plants located in Tepus Village, Gunung Kidul Regency. Based on data processing and field survey is known that the village of Tepus has an average of wind speed in 2015 of 6,2 m/s with the dominant wind direction blowing from the southeast. From the result of the field survey, it is known that the electricity needs of the village of Tepus are 308.759 kWh/month where housing sector with 450 VA is the sector with the most consumption.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fauzan Adhi Sasmita
Abstrak :
Proyek listrik 35.000 MW bertujuan untuk meningkatkan rasio elektrifikasi menjadi 97 pada tahun 2019. Dengan target yang sangat tinggi, pelaksanaan proyek pembangkit listrik diharapkan tidak menemui kendala dan keterlambatan sesuai jadwal Commercial Operation Date COD yang ditetapkan di dalam RUPTL Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik . Salah satu penyebab terjadinya kendala proyek adalah kurang akuratnya penentuan tipe pembangkit listrik di dalam RUPTL karena hanya menitik beratkan pada prakiraan beban demand forecast , efisiensi dan keandalan sistem. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisa pemilihan tipe pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar gas menggunakan metode Proses Hirarki Analitik AHP . Dari hasil penelitian, kriteria dengan prioritas tertinggi pada studi kasus pembangkit 250 MW lokasi Arun adalah kriteria kebutuhan sistem dengan nilai Eigen Vector sebesar 0,507 diikuti operasional pembangkit, finansial dan konstruksi. Prioritas sub kriteria teratas adalah demand forecast, jadwal penyelesaian pembangkit dan biaya EPC dengan nilai Eigen vector global lebih dari 0,100. Tipe pembangkit PLTG Aero derivative merupakan alternatif prioritas pertama dengan nilai Eigen Vector global 0,249 disusul oleh PLTMG dengan nilai Eigen Vector global 0,239 dan PLTG Heavy Duty dengan nilai Eigen Vector global 0,227. Nilai prioritas yang hampir sama antara tiga prioritas alternatif PLTG AD, PLTMG dan PLTG HD menunjukkan bahwa tipe pembangkit yang dipilih dalam RUPTL sangat memungkinkan untuk dibuka hanya antara ketiga jenis pembangkit tersebut. Kata kunci: kebutuhan listrik Indonesia, pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar gas, analisa multi kriteria, AHP, kebutuhan sistem, demand forecast, PLTG AD
The 35,000 MW power project aims to increase the electrification ratio to 97 by 2019. With very high targets, the implementation of power generation projects is expected to meet no obstacles and delays in accordance with the Commercial Operation Date COD schedule set out in the RUPTL Business Plan for Power Supply . One of the causes of project constraints is the inaccurate determination of the type of power plant in RUPTL as it only emphasizes on the demand forecast, efficiency and reliability of the system. In this research, there is an analysis of the selection of gas fired power plants using the Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP method. From the research result, the criteria with the highest priority in the case study of 250 MW Arun location is the system requirement criterion with the Eigen Vector value of 0.507 followed by the operational of the plant, finance and construction. The priority of the top sub criteria is demand forecast, plant completion schedule and EPC cost with global Eigen vector value more than 0.100. Aero derivative Gas Turbine power plant type is the first priority alternative with global Eigen Vector 0.249 followed by Gas Engine with global Eigen Vector 0.239 and Heavy Duty Gas Turbine with global Eigen Vector 0.227. Similar priority values among the three alternative priorities of Gas Turbine AD, Gas Engine and Gas Turbine HD indicate that the type of plant selected in RUPTL is possible to be opened only between the three types of plants. Keywords Indonesia 39 s electricity needs, gas fired power plants, multi criteria analysis, AHP, system requirements, demand forecast, Aero Derivative Power Plant
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adrian Wasistoadi Budiarto
Abstrak :
In 2020, renewable energy sources contribution in Indonesia’s energy production mix had only reached 14,71%. The percentage was still far from Indonesia’s renewable energy mix target of 23% in 2025 and 31% in 2050 according to their own national energy plan. To enhance their progress in reaching those targets, one way that can be done is to benefit promising renewable energy potential in many areas, including coastal area such as Muara Bungin Beach located in Pantai Bakti Village, Bekasi. The village mentioned before have an average of 3,26-5,41 m/s wind speed and solar radiation of 5-5,4 kWh/m2/day. To utilize the area’s potential, three units of The Sky Dancer TSD-500 wind turbine and two monocrystalline solar panels with a total capacity of 1800 Watt peak have been installed in that area since 2014, making Muara Bungin Village mostly known as Bungin Techno Village to public. Sadly, the wind turbines have been removed recently in October 2021 due to poor physical condition, and the solar panels rarely being used and maintenanced. A revitalization plan can be done to keep Bungin Techno Village’s existance in utilizing their renewable energy potential alive. ......The revitalization plan will create huge project, which is to install renewable energy power plants that can serve Desa Pantai Bakti’s electricity demand. A modelling result by LEAP shows that Desa Pantai Bakti’s electricity demand will reach 1.965,1 kWh/day in 2031. The planned renewable energy power plants will handle electricity load of 1.021,85 kWh/day or 51,6% from the village’s total electricity demand. A solar power plant consisting 104 units of Monocrystalline Maysun Solar Cell 500 Wp Peak Power with a lifetime of 25 years, a wind power plant consisting 24 units of 2000 W/220 V capacity wind turbines with a lifetime of 20 years, and a waste-to-energy power plant consisting a TG30 gasification machine and a 200 kVa/160 kW capacity diesel genset Caterpillar with a lifetime of 20 years. The total cost for lifetime operation of the planned solar, wind, and waste-to-energy power plant is estimated to be around Rp1.519.049.423; Rp3.238.231.499; and Rp859.733.884 respectively. The investment for the renewable energy technology revitalization plan can be considered economically worthy, judging by the NPV and ROR of every single planned power plants showing positive values or greater than zero.
2021: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library