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Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jakarta: Sekretariat Jendral Dewan perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia, 2014
355.031 KEA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuke Miranti Astika
Abstrak :
Keamanan maritim merupakan isu yang terus berkembang. Namun, sampai tulisan ini dibuat, pembahasan mengenai keamanan maritim dalam Ilmu Hubungan Internasional masih terhitung sedikit. Pada kenyataannya, keamanan maritim merupakan bagian yang penting dari studi keamanan. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini mengkaji mengenai keamanan maritim secara mendalam. Pengkajian keamanan maritim dalam tulisan ini menggunakan metode kronologis yang terbagi menjadi beberapa periode. Periode-periode tersebut termasuk periode 1609-1890, periode 1900-2000, dan periode pasca 2001. Penjelasan periode 1609-1890 dimulai dengan mengkaji tema mengenai keamanan tradisional yang termasuk hukum laut dan kekuatan laut. Setelahnya, pembahasan dilanjutkan dengan pembahasan dari periode 1900-2000 dan pasca 2001 yang menunjukkan adanya perkembangan konsep keamanan maritim meliputi isu keamanan nontradisional. Lebih lanjut, tulisan ini menjelaskan bahwa pembahasan mengenai konsep keamanan maritim harus diperluas agar dapat mencakup banyak isu internasional. Alasan dari hal tersebut ialah perluasan konsep keamanan maritim dapat memudahkan pembentukan solusi atas isu keamanan maritim internasional.
Maritime security is an issue that always evolving. However, until this paper`s been made, the discussion about maritime security in International Relation Studies still a few. In fact, maritime security is an important part of security studies. Thus, this paper analyzes the maritime security deeply. The analysis of maritime security in this paper is using chronological method which divided into some periods. These periods including period 1609-1980, period 1900-2000, and period post 2001. The explanation of period 1609-1890 starts with analyzing themes of traditional security which includes law of the sea and sea power. Afterwards, the explanation continues with the discussion of periods 1900-2000 and post 2001 which shows an evolution of maritime security concept that involve the nontraditional security form. Furthermore, this paper explains that the discussion about maritime security concept should be expanded to cover many international issues. The reason of that is the act of expanding maritime security concept could facilitate the forming of solution to handle international maritime security issues.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Klein, Natalie
Oxford: Oxford Univesity Press, 2012
341.45 KLE m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: International Organization for Migration, 2016
387.5 KOM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Indonesia sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia (PMD) tidak terlepas dari perkembangan lingkungan strategis yang sangat dinamis. Isu-isu yang berkembang di dalam negeri dan luar negeri yang berkaitan dengan keamanan di laut sangat berpotensi memengaruhi kepentingan Indonesia. Perlu upaya-upaya konkret dalam pemenuhan alat utama sistem terpadu yang ditunjang implementasi dari kebijakan gelar kekuatan laut yang tepat guna menciptakan jaminan keamanan maritim. Dalam Keamanan Maritim Indonesia perlu mengoptimalkan peran dan tugas Bakamla serta penyediaan anggaran yang memadai.
Jakarta: Seskoal Press, 2020
023.1 JMI 8:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Octav Bayu Dirgantara
Abstrak :
Peningkatan aktivitas perompakan bersenjata dan penculikan di Laut Sulu yang mencakup perairan sekitar Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Filipina telah terjadi sejak 2016 menjadikannya sebagai salah satu perairan berbahaya di dunia. Untuk itu, Indonesia bersama Malaysia dan Filipina melakukan kerja sama Trilateral Maritime Patrol (TMP) Indomalphi dalam rangka menjaga keamanan dan keselamatan maritim sehingga bebas dari gangguan dan ancaman kekerasan, ancaman navigasi, ancaman sumber daya laut, dan ancaman pelanggaran hukum. Penelitian ini membahas efektivitas operasi Trilateral Maritime Patrol di Laut Sulu untuk mengukur efektivitas operasi terhadap penurunan angka pembajakan dan penculikan di Laut Sulu serta menilai efektivitas operasi TMP dalam menjaga keamanan dan keselamatan maritim di Laut Sulu dan sekitarnya. Namun, terdapat tantangan internal yang dihadapi oleh masing-masing Angkatan Laut tiga negara dalam pelaksanaan operasi Trilateral Indomaphi, baik dari sisi anggaran, ketersediaan unsur/alutsista, maupun personel.
Jakarta: Seskoal Press, 2020
023.1 JMI 8:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Ayuningtias Fitria Ningrum
Abstrak :
Penelitian tesis ini menganalisa tentang kegagalan kerjasama keamanan maritim ASEAN dalam menghadapi permasalahan illegal fishing di perbatasan wilayah maritim Indonesia dengan negara-negara Asia Tenggara. Permasalahan ini dibahas sebab kawasan maritim ASEAN merupakan salah satu jalur perdagangan strategis internasional yang dilewati sekitar 70% kapal perdagangan yang melalui wilayah maritim ASEAN. Begitu pentingnya wilayah maritim ASEAN sehingga negara-negara anggota ASEAN mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk melindungi wilayah maritim dari berbagai ancaman keamanan laut, seperti pencurian ikan atau illegal fishing. Pencurian ikan atau illegal fishing di kawasan Asia Tenggara paling banyak terjadi berada di laut Indonesia. Sebagai negara maritim terbesar di ASEAN, Indonesia merasa dirugikan dalam sektor politik, ekonomi, sosial, dan keamanan negara. Pencurian atau penangkapan ikan secara ilegal memperlihatkan adanya pelanggaran batas kedaulatan laut yang dilakukan oleh negara-negara lain khususnya di negara-negara kawasan Asia Tenggara, seperti: Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Filipina. Di samping itu, kasus pencurian ikan yang dilakukan oleh negara-negara ASEAN tersebut di perairan Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa kerjasama-kerjasama keamanan maritim ASEAN mengalami kegagalan. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan gagalnya kerjasama keamanan maritim ASEAN, diantaranya adalah ketidaktegasan peraturan dalam kerjasama tersebut, perbedaan pandangan negara-negara ASEAN mengenai permasalahan pencurian ikan, ketidakmampuan ASEAN dalam menjaga wilayah laut regional ASEAN dan faktor ekonomi. Disamping itu, kegagalan kerjasama maritim ASEAN disebabkan pula oleh kegagalan pemerintah Indonesia dalam menyelesaikan kasus pencurian ikan. ...... This thesis analyzes the failure of the ASEAN maritime security cooperation in addressing illegal fishing in Indonesian maritime border with other Southeast Asian countries. This issue is discussed because ASEAN maritime region is one of the international strategic paths, which is passed by 70% of international trade by sea. Therefore the ASEAN maritime border is crucial. ASEAN countries have a responsibility to protect maritime security and to overcome threats, such like illegal fishing. Illegal fishing in Southeast Asian maritime region is one of the most popular problems that happen in the Indonesian seas. As the largest maritime country in ASEAN, Indonesia has suffered illegal fishing in terms of the political, economic, social, and national security. Illegal fishing is an infrigement of the sovereignty. In Indonesian case, the illegal fishing has been done by ships with flags from Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. The fact that the illegal fishing has been done by ASEAN countries shows that the ASEAN maritime security cooperation has failed. There are several factors that lead to the failure of the cooperation, such as the inconsistence of regulation in the ASEAN maritime cooperation, the difference of thoughts among ASEAN countries on illegal fishing, ASEAN inability to protect ASEAN region border, and economic factor. In addition, the failure of ASEAN maritime cooperation happens due to the inability of the Indonesian Government to tackle illegal fishing.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Virdi Lagaida Umam
Abstrak :
Dalam proses menjaga perdamaian dan stabilitas kawasan, agenda keamanan Perhimpunan Bangsa-Bangsa Asia Tenggara (ASEAN)—sebagai institusi internasional utama di Asia Tenggara—melibatkan negara-negara anggotanya serta negara mitra dari luar dalam kegiatan-kegiatannya. Dengan sengketa maritim yang belum terselesaikan, meningkatnya pengaruh dari negara-negara kuat di ambang perbatasannya, serta munculnya pertanyaan-pertanyaan kritis yang diarahkan pada kemampuan institusi-institusi internasional, peran ASEAN dalam dimensi keamanan maritim lantas menjadi titik kritis secara akademik dan politik. Tinjauan literatur ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemahaman akademis mengenai kerja sama keamanan maritim ASEAN secara kritis, serta menerapkan analisis tersebut pada konteks regional yang terus berkembang. Menggunakan 25 literatur serta metode taksonomi, artikel ini mengidentifikasi tiga titik fokus utama literatur: 1) ASEAN sebagai aktor dalam sengketa Laut Tiongkok Selatan; 2) keamanan non-tradisional sebagai fokus utama keamanan maritim ASEAN; dan 3) analisis kritis mengenai kapabilitas dan agensi ASEAN sebagai institusi internasional. Tinjauan ini menemukan bahwa Tiongkok tetap menjadi faktor utama yang konstan dalam diskursus keamanan ASEAN, dan tindakannya di Laut Tiongkok Selatan menjadi tantangan keamanan utama bagi agenda keamanan ASEAN. Tinjauan ini juga menemukan bahwa diskursus akademik terpengaruh oleh interaksi antar-negara adidaya (great powers), khususnya kontestasi antara AS dan Tiongkok. Mengingat aspirasi ASEAN untuk mempertahankan sentralitasnya dalam menjamin perdamaian dan stabilitas kawasan, kajian literatur ini menyimpulkan bahwa ASEAN harus mengambil tindakan jika ingin mempertahankan sentralitas tersebut saat ini. ......The issue of maritime security cooperation has become one of considerable importance within the changing political context of the maritime Southeast Asia region. In the process of establishing and maintaining the region’s peace and stability, the security agendas of the Association of Southeast Asian Nation—acting as Southeast Asia’s premier international institution—sees active participation by both its member states within the region as well as partners from without. But how does it fare in the face of its changing security challenges? With unresolved maritime disputes within its borders, the growing influence of international powers, and critical questions poised at the capabilities of international institutions, ASEAN’s role within the dimension of maritime security becomes a critical academic and political juncture. This literature review aims to critically analyze current academic understanding of ASEAN maritime security cooperation, applying it to the changing regional context. Using 25 relevant academic articles, this article identifies three main focal points of literature: 1) ASEAN as an actor in the South China Sea disputes’ 2) non-traditional security as the primary focus of ASEAN maritime security; and 3) critical analyses regarding ASEAN’s institutional capability and agency. It finds that China remains a constant primary factor in ASEAN’s security discourse, and its actions in the South China Sea constitutes ASEAN’s main security challenge. It also finds that the academic discourse is subject to the encroachment of great power politics, particularly the US-China contestation. Considering ASEAN’s aspirations to maintain its centrality in guaranteeing the region’s peace and stability, this literature review concludes that ASEAN must take political and academic action if it seeks to maintain its current trajectory.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmah Citra Vebria
Abstrak :
Perdebatan konseptual keamanan maritim diawali oleh perdebatan konseptual mengenai sea power. Konsepsi keamanan maritim itu sendiri pertama kali muncul di Barat pada tahun 1990-an akibat dari mencuatnya kasus-kasus kejahatan maritim, seperti terorisme maritim, pembajakan dan perampokan bersenjata, penangkapan ikan ilegal, perdagangan manusia, dan pencemaran laut. Tinjauan pustaka ini menggunakan kerangka matriks keamanan maritim Bueger untuk mendefinisikan konsep keamanan maritim Indonesia yang berusaha melihat hubungan antara keamanan maritim dengan konsep lain yang berkaitan. Setidaknya terdapat empat konsep yang berkaitan dengan keamanan maritim, yaitu (1) keamanan nasional, (2) keamanan laut, (3) ekonomi biru, dan (4) keamanan insani. Tinjauan pustaka ini menyajikan perkembangan keamanan maritim Indonesia melalui keempat perspektif tersebut, serta bahasan minor yang kemudian muncul dalam literatur-literatur keamanan maritim Indonesia. Melalui keempat perspektif tersebut, penulis mencermati bahwa cakupan bahasan dalam literatur keamanan maritim Indonesia adalah bahasan mengenai keamanan laut, penanggulangan isu dan ancaman maritim, pengaturan kebijakan dan regulasi maritim, serta strategi maritim. Tinjauan pustaka ini juga memperlihatkan area konsensus berupa konsep keamanan maritim dapat ditelusuri maknanya dengan melihat korelasinya pada tema lain yang berkaitan, tumpang tindih kewenangan antar institusi maritim, TNI AL sebagai kekuatan utama maritim, dan ancaman keamanan maritim. Area perdebatan berupa keamanan maritim dalam studi keamanan, tradisional vs non-tradisional; perspektif keamanan nasional dalam diplomasi maritim Indonesia sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia, memudar vs tidak memudar; komando keamanan maritim, multi-agen vs single-agen; serta keamanan maritim Indonesia dalam rule-based order vs realpolitik. Kesenjangan literatur yang ditemukan berupa minimnya jumlah literatur dalam bentuk buku (monograf) maupun bab dalam buku mengenai perdebatan konseptual keamanan maritim yang ditulis oleh penulis Indonesia dan masih sedikit literatur yang berisi pembahasan menyeluruh mengenai peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur tugas pokok dan fungsi (Tupoksi) 12 instansi keamanan laut, yang menyebabkan tumpang tindihnya kewenangan antara instansi maritim. Selain itu, tinjauan pustaka ini juga menunjukkan persebaran asal penulis literatur keamanan maritim Indonesia dan paradigma ilmu hubungan internasional yang digunakan dalam literaturnya masing-masing. Tinjauan pustaka ini kemudian juga merekomendasikan penelitian lanjutan perdebatan konseptual keamanan maritim Indonesia menggunakan dua kerangka lainnya dari Bueger, yaitu (1) kerangka sekuritisasi maritim dan (2) Praktik Keamanan dan Komunitas Praktik. ......The conceptual debate on maritime security was preceded by a conceptual debate regarding sea power. The concept of maritime security itself first appeared in the West in the 1990s as a result of the emergence of cases of maritime crimes, such as maritime terrorism, piracy and armed robbery, illegal fishing, human trafficking, and marine pollution. This literature review uses the Bueger maritime security matrix framework to define the concept of Indonesian maritime security which seeks to see the relationship between maritime security and other related concepts. There are at least four concepts related to maritime security, namely (1) national security, (2) maritime security, (3) blue economy, and (4) human security. This literature review presents the development of Indonesia’s maritime security through these four perspectives, as well as minor discussions that have subsequently appeared in the Indonesia’s maritime security literature. Through these four perspectives, the authors observe that the scope of discussion in the Indonesian maritime security literature is the discussion of maritime security, overcoming maritime issues and threats, setting maritime policies and regulations, and maritime strategy. This literature review also shows consensus area in Indonesia’s maritime security can be traced by looking at its correlation to other related themes, overlapping authority between maritime institutions, the Indonesian Navy as the main maritime power, and maritime security threats. The area of debate are: maritime security in security studies, traditional vs non-traditional; the perspective of national security in Indonesia’s maritime diplomacy as the Global Maritime Fulcrum, fades vs does not fade; maritime security commando, multi-agent vs single-agent; and Indonesia’s maritime security in rule-based order vs realpolitik. Literature gaps found are: lack of literature in the form of books (monographs) and chapters in books that discussed the conceptual debate of maritime security written by Indonesian authors and there is only a small amount of literature that contains a comprehensive discussion of the laws and regulations governing main tasks and functions (Tupoksi), which causes overlapping authority between maritime agencies. In addition, this literature review also shows the distribution of authors’ origins of Indonesian maritime security literature and the paradigm of international relations used in their respective literature. This literature review then also recommends further research into the conceptual debate of Indonesia’s maritime security using two other frameworks from Bueger, namely (1) maritime securitization framework and (2) Security Practices and Community of Practice.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iskandar Zulkarnain
Abstrak :
[Selama ini, TNI Angkatan Laut dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas pertahanan diluar negeri berdasarkan pada kepentingan misi damai sesuai dengan mandat PBB dan ternyata TNI Angkatan Laut juga memiliki tugas diluar mandat PBB dalam operasi keamanan laut untuk memberikan jaminan keamanan maritim untuk kepentingan pelayaran bagi kapal-kapal dagang berbendera Indonesia di wilayah perairan internasional. Salah satu kontribusi pemerintah Indonesia terhadap jaminan keamanan maritim adalah melibatkan TNI Angkatan Laut dalam pembebasan kapal Sinar Kudus diluar batas yurisdiksi nasional. Dalam tesis ini akan mempertanyakan : 1. Bagaimana peran Militer, Polisionil dan diplomasi TNI Angkatan Laut dalam penanganan keamanan maritim khususnya keamanan maritim internasional, 2. Apa faktor-faktor yang menentukan kepentingan Indonesia dalam melibatkan TNI Angkatan Laut diwilayah perairan internasional, 3. Bagaimana implikasi penanganan keamanan maritim TNI Angkatan Laut terkait pembebasan kapal Sinar Kudus dan kontribusinya dalam perspektif ketahanan nasional. Dalam mengelaborasi permasalahan tersebut digunakan teori ketahanan nasional, keamanan maritim dan konsep universal angkatan laut. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif analisis deskriptif dengan menghimpun data-data primer dan sekunder juga melakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap narasumber. Sementara temuan yang di peroleh dari tesis ini adalah: 1. Bahwa partisipasi TNI Angkatan Laut yang selama ini melaksanakan tugas operasi diluar negeri lebih banyak dilandasi pada permintaan dari otoritas PBB. Sementara konteks dalam penanganan pembebasan sandera kapal Sinar Kudus pemerintah Indonesia melalui TNI Angkatan Laut tanpa menggunakan mandat PBB dan atas dasar kepentingan nasional, 2. Ternyata tugas-tugas TNI Angkatan Laut dapat memungkinkan untuk melakukan operasi ekspedisi jarak jauh dan memungkinkan TNI Angkatan Laut melaksanakan kegiatan ekspedisi jarak jauh sebagai bentuk dari fungsi-fungsi TNI Angkatan Laut yang bersifat internasional sesuai dengan konsep universal Angkatan Laut, 3. Kontribusi yang dilakukan oleh TNI Angkatan Laut dapat memperkuat ketahanan nasional, melalui jaminan keamanan maritim dalam rangka mendukung aktifitas perdagangan melalui laut. Adapun yang disimpulkan dari tesis ini adalah partisipasi TNI Angkatan Laut dalam misi keamanan tidak dibatasi oleh mandat PBB namun dapat dilakukan atas dasar kepentingan pertahanan dan keamanan nasional, meskipun berada diatas kapal berbendera Indonesia dan diluar kedaulatan Indonesia yang berimplementasi menjadi Angkatan Laut kelas dunia. ......During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy ;During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy ;During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy ;During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy ;During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy., During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy ]
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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