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Fenol merupakan salah satu di antara senyawa buangan industri yang berbahaya bagi lingkunagan dan manusia. Berbagai cara telah dilakukan untuk menanggulangi masalah pencemaran air yang disebabkan oleh limbah industri. Proses pengolahan air limbah yang ideal adalah dapat menetralkan semua senyawa berbahaya yang berada dalam air limbah tanpa meninggalkan sisa limbah lagi.
Dari hasil penelitian, senyawa fenol dapat didegradasi dengan proses fotokatalitik. Proses fotokatalitik merupakan teknologi yang relatif baru dalam bidang pengolahan air limbah dan pemurnian air limbah dengan memanfaatkan semikonduktor sebagai katalis seperti TiO2. Proses fotokatalisis ini mempunyai keuntungan antara lain hasil reaksi yang dihasilkan bersifat tidak berbahaya dan dapat menggunakan sinar matahad sebagai sumber ultraviolet.
Dalam makalah Skripsi ini akan dibahas mengenai konsep degradasi senyawa fenol secara fotokatalitik dengan katalis TiO2 Serta berbagai parameter-parameter operasi yang berpengaruh terhadap laju degradasi antara lain konsentrasi katalis, konsentrasi fenol, nilai pH, penambahan karbon aktif, pengaliran udara, dan intensitas lampu. Konsentrasi katalis divariasikan dari 2 sampai 10 gram dalam 1 liter larutan. Harga pH dari larutan menjadi parameter yang penting dalam proses degradasi fenol dan didapatkan harga pH yang optimal sekitar 7. Keberadaan karbon aktif akan membantu katalis untuk meningkatkan daya adsorbsinya terhadap molekul organik, dimana jumlah katalis dan karbon aktif yang optimal adalah masing-masing 5 dan 1 gram dalam 1 liter larutan. Keberadaan oksigen yang terdapat dalam udara, sebagai penerima elektron, merupakan salah satu parameter yang dapat menaikkan laju degradasi. Dan dari hasil penelitian proses degradasi tenol dengan pengaliran udara membutuhkan waktu degradasi yang lebih cepat dibandingkan parameter yang lain.

UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewa Gde Weda Krishna Ditha Rasanji
"Nanokomposit selulosa asetat telah disintesis dengan menggunakan nanofiller organoclay yang dimodifikasi dengan TiO2. Bentonit Tapanuli yang sebelumnya dikenai proses purifikasi dan penyeragaman kation dimodifikasi dengan ditambahkan TiO2 dengan persen berat yakni 0%, 1%, 3%, 5%, dan 10% terhadap total komposit. Analisis FTIR menunjukkan interkalasi surfaktan telah berhasil dilakukan dengan adanya pita serapan baru dari HDTMABr pada 2636 cm-1 dan 2569 cm-1. Pembuatan nanokomposit dilakukan dengan menggunakan aseton sebagai pelarut dan metode solvent casting sebagai teknik untuk pembuatan film nanokomposit.
Aplikasi nanokomposit berupa uji fotodegradasi pada penyinaran sinar matahari langsung, lampu UV, dan tanpa penyinaran selama tiga puluh hari. Diketahui, semakin banyak TiO2 semakin besar komposit yang terdegradasi. Persen penurunan berat hasil uji aplikasi pada penyinaran lampu UV sebesar 4,02% , 13,45%, 18,66%, 22,35%, 27,86%, pada penyinaran langsung sebesar 2,15%, 8,49%, 13,85%, 14,70%, 15,02%, dan pada tanpa penyinaran sebesar 0,16%, 0,16%, 0,18%, 0,20%, 0,26%. Modifikasi nanokomposit dengan penambahan TiO2 sebagai agen fotokatalitik menambahkan sifat baru berupa kemampuan fotodegradas.

Nanocomposite cellulose acetate has been synthesized using organoclay nanofiller modified with TiO2. Tapanuli Bentonite were previously subjected to processes of purification and unification of cations then modified with TiO2 that was added as much 0%, 1%, 3%, 5%, 10% weight of the total composite. FTIR analysis showed intercalation with surfactant was successfully carried out in the presence of HDTMABr, indicated by new absorption band at 2636 cm-1 and 2569 cm-1. Fabrication of nanocomposite film was carried out using acetone as solvent and through solvent casting method.
Nanocomposite application in photodegradation test was carried out under direct sunlight radiation, UV light, and without irradiation for thirty days. It's found that the greater the presence amount of TiO2 in the composites, the more weight loss occured due to photodegredation. Percent weight loss in the UV light irradiation are 4,02% , 13,45%, 18,66%, 22,35%, 27,86%, while under direct irradiation, the weight loss was 2,15%, 8,49%, 13,85%, 14,70%, 15,02%, and while without light irradiation was 0,16%, 0,16%, 0,18%, 0,20%, 0,26%. Modification of nanocomposite with the addition of photocatalytic TiO2 as photocatalytic agent has shown the ability of self photodegradation of nanocomposit.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Haris Fadli
"Keberadaan polutan mikroplastik saat ini menjadi perhatian banyak ilmuwan karena banyak mencemari lingkungan salah satunya air. Namun, sampai saat ini mayoritas masyarakat belum sadar akan ancaman bahaya yang dimiliki oleh mikroplastik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh komposit Ag/TiO2/RGO dengan komposisi terbaik dalam mendegradasi senyawa mikroplastik (polietilena) di dalam air. Sintesis Ag/TiO2 disintesis dengan metode photo-assisted deposition (PAD) dengan variasi Ag sebesar 1, 3, dan 5%wt. Kinerja Ag/TiO2 diuji dengan melihat kemampuannya dalam mendegradasi senyawa metilena biru (MB). Komposisi Ag/TiO2 terbaik kemudian disintesis dengan RGO dengan variasi loading 0.5 dan 1%wt. Kinerja komposit Ag/TiO2/RGO dalam mendegradasi mikroplastik (polietilena) diuji dibawa radiasi sinar UV selama 4 jam. Variasi loading katalis dengan kemampuan degradasi terbaik juga dilakukan. Hasil karakterisasi SEM-EDX pada Ag/TiO2 menunjukkan bahwa Ag terdopan dengan baik pada permukaan TiO2 dengan persen berat yang tepat. Karakterisasi UV-Vis DRS menunjukkan bahwa dopan Ag pada katalisTiO2 menyebabkan penurunan energi pita celah menjadi 2,70 eV untuk variasi loading Ag terbanyak yaitu 5%wt. Pengujian degradasi metilena biru menunjukkan katalis 3% Ag/TiO2 memiliki kemampuan terbaik dalam mendegradasi senyawa metilena biru. Kemampuan degradasi mikroplastik terbaik adalah pada katalis 3%Ag/TiO2-1%RGO dengan persentase pengurangan massa mikroplastik mencapai 76% selama 4 jam.

The existence of microplastic pollutants is now a concern of many scientists because many pollute the environment and one of them is water. Despite of that, majority of people are not aware of the threat posed by microplastics. The aim of this research is to obtain the best composition of Ag/TiO2/RGO composite in degrading microplastic compounds (polyethylene) in water. Ag/TiO2 was synthesized by photo-assisted deposition (PAD) with loading Ag variations of 1, 3, and 5% wt. Ag/TiO2 performance was tested by looking at the ability to degrade methylene blue (MB) compounds. The best Ag/TiO2 composition was then synthesized with RGO with loading variations of 0.5 and 1% wt. The performance of Ag/TiO2/RGO composites in degrading microplastic (polyethylene) was tested under UV radiation for 4 hours. The variation of catalyst loading with the best degradation ability was also carried out. The results of SEM-EDX characterization on Ag/TiO2 composites that Ag was well supported on the surface of TiO2 with the right weight percent. UV-Vis DRS characterization showed that Ag dopant in TiO2 catalyst caused a decrease in the gap band energy of the composite to 2.70 eV for the most variation of Ag loading, which was 5% wt. Tests of methylene blue degradation showed that 3% Ag/TiO2 catalyst had the best ability to degrade methylene blue. The best microplastic degradation ability is the catalyst of 3% Ag/TiO2-1% RGO with the percentage of microplastic mass reduction reaching 76% for 4 hours.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wirya Sarwana
Peningkatan kesadaran akan ancaman polusi lingkungan mendorong pengembangan pengolahan limbah yang lebih efisien dan berkesinambungan. Material semikonduktor TiO2 merupakan material yang diharapkan memegang peranan penting dalam penyelesaian permasalahan polusi lingkungan melalui pemanfaatan energi matahari berbasis perangkat fotovoltaik termodifikasi. Sistem hibrid Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC)-katalisis merupakan salah satu pendekatan penyelesaian permasalahan limbah dikarenakan dapat mengoksidasi berbagai senyawa limbah serta pengaktifan dalam jangkauan panjang gelombang sinar tampak menyebabkan sistem ini menjadi lebih efisien.
Pada penelitian ini, fabrikasi sistem hibrid DSSC-katalisis menggunakan TiO2 nanotube yang disintesis melalui teknik Rapid Breakdown Anodization pada beda potensial 15 V dalam elektrolit 0,15 M HClO4. Pengujian performa sistem hibrid DSSC-katalisis menggunakan simulasi limbah rhodamine B dalam air. Beberapa variasi yang dilakukan adalah zat warna yang digunakan, perbandingan luas daerah warna dan daerah katalisis, serta perbandingan komposisi campuran fase anatase-rutil dalam TiO2. Variasi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi optimum device DSSC-katalisis dalam mendegradasi rhodamine B.
TiO2 hasil sintesis dikalsinasi pada suhu 400°C selama 3 jam dan 2 jam serta 500°C selama 3 jam, lalu dikarakterisasi menggunakan XRD, UV Vis DRS, FTIR, FESEM, dan EDX. Hasil karakterisasi UV-Vis DRS menunjukkan band gap TiO2 hasil sintesis berkisar antara 3-3,5 eV. Sementara hasil uji FTIR yang menunjukkan ada puncak spesifik disekitar daerah 400-700 cm-1. Pada FESEM EDX, terlihat hasil yang cukup baik dalam bentuk bundle nanotube yang membuktikan bahwa teknik RBA dapat digunakan dalam proses sintesis TiO2 nanotube.
TiO2 hasil sintesis digunakan untuk merangkai sistem hibrid DSSC-katalisis menggunakan rhodamine B dan ekstrak buah naga sebagai zat warnanya. Zona katalisis pada hibrid DSSC diuji aktivitas katalisisnya, dimana persen degradasi oleh sistem bersensitizer rhodamine B sebesar 65,22% dan ekstrak buah naga sebesar 34,78% dengan lama penyinaran masing-masing 60 menit. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam sistem ini, rhodamine B memberikan hasil yang lebih baik. Pengujian selanjutnya menggunakan sensitizer rhodamine B dengan variasi perbandingan luas zona warna dan zona katalisis sebesar 1:2, 1:1, dan 1:0,5 dan diperoleh persen degradasi berturut-turut 40,19%; 25,01% ; dan 9,59%. Dengan demikian perbandingan optimum pada variasi ini adalah luas zona warna dan katalis yang paling baik adalah 1:2. Pengujian ketiga menggunakan TiO2 dengan komposisi campuran fase kristal anatase rutil sebesar 100% anatase 0% rutil.

An increasing concern on environmental pollution lead to development for more efficient and sustainable waste treatment. Titanium dioxide is expected to play an important role to solve the environmental pollution problem by using solar energy based on modified photovoltaic devices. Hybrid Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) -catalysis system may become an efficient approach to solve the problem not only causes of the oxidizing power to degrade almost organic non biodegradable compounds in the waste but also the activation energy of this system still in visible light range. In this study, fabrication of hybrid DSSC - catalysis system used TiO2 nanotubes which was synthesized by Rapid Breakdown Anodization method, the potential difference was 15 V in 0.15 M HClO4. Degradating ability testing for hybrid DSSC ?catalysis system using simulated waste rhodamine B dispersed in water. Several variations has been done as kind of the dye used for the system, the wide comparison of dyes zone and catalytic zone, and composition of mixed crystalline phase ratio of anatase and rutile in TiO2 used. The purpose of the variation was to determine the optimum conditions for DSSC - catalysis device in degrading rhodamine B. TiO2 synthesized was calcined up to 400 ° C for 3 hours and 2 hours and 500°C for 3 hours. It was characterized using XRD, UV- Vis DRS, FTIR, FESEM, and EDX. UV- Vis DRS showed the band gap of samples between 3-3.5 eV. The result of FTIR measurements showed there was peak around the region 400-700 cm-1. FESEM EDX results showed very good shape of TiO2 nanotube bundle which proves that the RBA technique can be used in the synthesis process. Testing for determine the better sensitizer between rhodamine B and dragon fruit extract has been done. Based on the results of UV Vis measurements, percent degradation of rhodamine B system up to 65.22% and dragon fruit extract only 34.78%. Each of them exposure by visible light for 60 minutes. It indicates that in this system, rhodamine B sensitizer gives the better results. Further testing using sensitizer rhodamine B with a wide comparison of dye zone and catalytic zones by 1: 2, 1: 1 and 1: 0.5 and obtained percent of degradation respectively 40.19%; 25.01%; and 9.59%. Thus the optimum ratio in this variation is 1: 2. The third testing using the composition of the mixture TiO2 anatase-rutile crystalline phase 100% anatase 0% rutile, 92.88% anatase 7.12% rutile and 17.08% anatase 82.92% rutile with a percent of degradation for each sample were 66.80%, 81.01%, and 70.37%. The test results showed that the best phase in the system is the mixture of anatase 92.88% rutile 7.12%. Based on the three variations known that the system would work better if using rhodamine B as a;An increasing concern on environmental pollution lead to development for more efficient and sustainable waste treatment. Titanium dioxide is expected to play an important role to solve the environmental pollution problem by using solar energy based on modified photovoltaic devices. Hybrid Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) -catalysis system may become an efficient approach to solve the problem not only causes of the oxidizing power to degrade almost organic non biodegradable compounds in the waste but also the activation energy of this system still in visible light range. In this study, fabrication of hybrid DSSC - catalysis system used TiO2 nanotubes which was synthesized by Rapid Breakdown Anodization method, the potential difference was 15 V in 0.15 M HClO4. Degradating ability testing for hybrid DSSC ?catalysis system using simulated waste rhodamine B dispersed in water. Several variations has been done as kind of the dye used for the system, the wide comparison of dyes zone and catalytic zone, and composition of mixed crystalline phase ratio of anatase and rutile in TiO2 used. The purpose of the variation was to determine the optimum conditions for DSSC - catalysis device in degrading rhodamine B. TiO2 synthesized was calcined up to 400 ° C for 3 hours and 2 hours and 500°C for 3 hours. It was characterized using XRD, UV- Vis DRS, FTIR, FESEM, and EDX. UV- Vis DRS showed the band gap of samples between 3-3.5 eV. The result of FTIR measurements showed there was peak around the region 400-700 cm-1. FESEM EDX results showed very good shape of TiO2 nanotube bundle which proves that the RBA technique can be used in the synthesis process. Testing for determine the better sensitizer between rhodamine B and dragon fruit extract has been done. Based on the results of UV Vis measurements, percent degradation of rhodamine B system up to 65.22% and dragon fruit extract only 34.78%. Each of them exposure by visible light for 60 minutes. It indicates that in this system, rhodamine B sensitizer gives the better results. Further testing using sensitizer rhodamine B with a wide comparison of dye zone and catalytic zones by 1: 2, 1: 1 and 1: 0.5 and obtained percent of degradation respectively 40.19%; 25.01%; and 9.59%. Thus the optimum ratio in this variation is 1: 2. The third testing using the composition of the mixture TiO2 anatase-rutile crystalline phase 100% anatase 0% rutile, 92.88% anatase 7.12% rutile and 17.08% anatase 82.92% rutile with a percent of degradation for each sample were 66.80%, 81.01%, and 70.37%. The test results showed that the best phase in the system is the mixture of anatase 92.88% rutile 7.12%. Based on the three variations known that the system would work better if using rhodamine B as a;An increasing concern on environmental pollution lead to development for more efficient and sustainable waste treatment. Titanium dioxide is expected to play an important role to solve the environmental pollution problem by using solar energy based on modified photovoltaic devices. Hybrid Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) -catalysis system may become an efficient approach to solve the problem not only causes of the oxidizing power to degrade almost organic non biodegradable compounds in the waste but also the activation energy of this system still in visible light range. In this study, fabrication of hybrid DSSC - catalysis system used TiO2 nanotubes which was synthesized by Rapid Breakdown Anodization method, the potential difference was 15 V in 0.15 M HClO4. Degradating ability testing for hybrid DSSC ?catalysis system using simulated waste rhodamine B dispersed in water. Several variations has been done as kind of the dye used for the system, the wide comparison of dyes zone and catalytic zone, and composition of mixed crystalline phase ratio of anatase and rutile in TiO2 used. The purpose of the variation was to determine the optimum conditions for DSSC - catalysis device in degrading rhodamine B. TiO2 synthesized was calcined up to 400 ° C for 3 hours and 2 hours and 500°C for 3 hours. It was characterized using XRD, UV- Vis DRS, FTIR, FESEM, and EDX. UV- Vis DRS showed the band gap of samples between 3-3.5 eV. The result of FTIR measurements showed there was peak around the region 400-700 cm-1. FESEM EDX results showed very good shape of TiO2 nanotube bundle which proves that the RBA technique can be used in the synthesis process. Testing for determine the better sensitizer between rhodamine B and dragon fruit extract has been done. Based on the results of UV Vis measurements, percent degradation of rhodamine B system up to 65.22% and dragon fruit extract only 34.78%. Each of them exposure by visible light for 60 minutes. It indicates that in this system, rhodamine B sensitizer gives the better results. Further testing using sensitizer rhodamine B with a wide comparison of dye zone and catalytic zones by 1: 2, 1: 1 and 1: 0.5 and obtained percent of degradation respectively 40.19%; 25.01%; and 9.59%. Thus the optimum ratio in this variation is 1: 2. The third testing using the composition of the mixture TiO2 anatase-rutile crystalline phase 100% anatase 0% rutile, 92.88% anatase 7.12% rutile and 17.08% anatase 82.92% rutile with a percent of degradation for each sample were 66.80%, 81.01%, and 70.37%. The test results showed that the best phase in the system is the mixture of anatase 92.88% rutile 7.12%. Based on the three variations known that the system would work better if using rhodamine B as a, An increasing concern on environmental pollution lead to development for more efficient and sustainable waste treatment. Titanium dioxide is expected to play an important role to solve the environmental pollution problem by using solar energy based on modified photovoltaic devices. Hybrid Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) -catalysis system may become an efficient approach to solve the problem not only causes of the oxidizing power to degrade almost organic non biodegradable compounds in the waste but also the activation energy of this system still in visible light range. In this study, fabrication of hybrid DSSC - catalysis system used TiO2 nanotubes which was synthesized by Rapid Breakdown Anodization method, the potential difference was 15 V in 0.15 M HClO4. Degradating ability testing for hybrid DSSC –catalysis system using simulated waste rhodamine B dispersed in water. Several variations has been done as kind of the dye used for the system, the wide comparison of dyes zone and catalytic zone, and composition of mixed crystalline phase ratio of anatase and rutile in TiO2 used. The purpose of the variation was to determine the optimum conditions for DSSC - catalysis device in degrading rhodamine B. TiO2 synthesized was calcined up to 400 ° C for 3 hours and 2 hours and 500°C for 3 hours. It was characterized using XRD, UV- Vis DRS, FTIR, FESEM, and EDX. UV- Vis DRS showed the band gap of samples between 3-3.5 eV. The result of FTIR measurements showed there was peak around the region 400-700 cm-1. FESEM EDX results showed very good shape of TiO2 nanotube bundle which proves that the RBA technique can be used in the synthesis process. Testing for determine the better sensitizer between rhodamine B and dragon fruit extract has been done. Based on the results of UV Vis measurements, percent degradation of rhodamine B system up to 65.22% and dragon fruit extract only 34.78%. Each of them exposure by visible light for 60 minutes. It indicates that in this system, rhodamine B sensitizer gives the better results. Further testing using sensitizer rhodamine B with a wide comparison of dye zone and catalytic zones by 1: 2, 1: 1 and 1: 0.5 and obtained percent of degradation respectively 40.19%; 25.01%; and 9.59%. Thus the optimum ratio in this variation is 1: 2. The third testing using the composition of the mixture TiO2 anatase-rutile crystalline phase 100% anatase 0% rutile, 92.88% anatase 7.12% rutile and 17.08% anatase 82.92% rutile with a percent of degradation for each sample were 66.80%, 81.01%, and 70.37%. The test results showed that the best phase in the system is the mixture of anatase 92.88% rutile 7.12%. Based on the three variations known that the system would work better if using rhodamine B as a]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Meningkatnya air limbah minyak bumi, maka diperlukan pengolahan yang baik. Proses fotolisis merupakan pengolahan yang tepat dan penambahan katalis TiO2 untuk mempercepat prosesnya. Objek studi penelitian ini adalah Air limbah produksi minyak bumi dan gas pada Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) di PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU III, Plaju, Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian eksperimental dilakukan pada skala laboratorium. Proses ini dilakukan dengan menyinari sampel air limbah dengan lampu UV dan ditambahkan katalis TiO2. Katalis TiO2 memiliki ukuran partikel hingga mencapai 5 μm, tingkat disperse rendah, dan tingkat kemurnian 100%. Air limbah produksi memiliki debit 40 m3/jam dengan kualitas influen rata-rata COD 1035,7 mg/l; Fenol 246,6 mg/l; Suhu 28,8oC; pH 8,95; Amonia 0,076 mg/l; Sulfida 246,6 mg/l; dan tidak terkandung Minyak dan Lemak didalamnya. Variasi yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini dosis katalis, waktu kontak, dan pH. Konstanta degradasi COD pada hubungan waktu kontak tehadap removal COD yaitu k = 0,0074 min-1 pada pH 4. Kondisi optimum pengolahan berada pada pH 4, dosis optimum100,8 ppm, dan waktu kontak 150 menit mencapai removal 69,154%.

The increase of petroleum wastewater needs the better treatment. Photolysis is the proper processing with catalyst TiO2 to accelerate the process. The object study is Wastewater of Oil and gas Refinery Production at Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) at PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU III, Plaju, South Sumatera. This experimental research conducted in laboratory scale. This process is carried out by irradiating the sample by UV rays which has been added TiO2 catalyst. The size of catalyst TiO2 is up to 5 μm, has low disperse, and 100% purity. Wastewater discharge production has 40 m3/day with the quality of influent COD 1035.7 mg/l, Phenol 246.6 mg/l, Temperature 28.8oC, pH 8.95, Ammonia 0.076 mg/l, Sulfide 246.6 mg/l, and there wasn't oil in it. This process is carried out by irradiating the sample by UV rays which has been previously added TiO2 catalyst. Variations to be conducted in this study is the catalyst dosage, contact time, and pH. The constant degradation of COD on the relationship of time contact against the removal of COD that is k =0.0074 min-1 at pH 4. Treatment optimum condition at pH 4, catalyst dosage 100,8 ppm, and contact time 150 minutes has reached 69.154% of COD removal.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library