Penelitian tesis ini bertujuan untuk mendalami hubungan antara psychological capital dan job performance, serta melihat efektifitas intervensi pelatihan untuk meningkatan psychological capital dan job performance. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan lembaga pemerintahan instansi TCA. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner job performance (Koopmans, 2014) (Alpha Cronbach =0.88) dan kuesioner psychological capital (Lunthas et al., 2015) (Alpha Cronbach =0.92). Hasil uji korelasi person menunjukkan hubungan positif signifikan antara psychological capital dan job performance (r=.79 dan p<0.01). Selanjutnya dari hasil korelasi dilakukan intervensi berupa pelatihan How To Become A Super HERO untuk meningkatkan psychological capital dan job performance. Intervensi yang dilakukan merupakan adaptasi dari Lunthans et al., (2006). Pada penelitian ini evaluasi pelatihan dilakukan hingga tahap pengetahuan psychological capital. Hasil uji Wilcoxon Signed Rangks Test menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan psychological capital dari karyawan setelah diberikanya intervensi pelatihan psychological capital (Z =-3.283 dan p<.05). Dengan demikian program How To Become A Super HERO dapat dijadikan program pengembangan diri karyawan agar dapat meningkatkan job performance.
This thesis research aims to explore the relationship between psychological capital and job performance and to see the effectiveness of training interventions to improve psychological capital and job performance. Partisipants in this study were employees of the government agency TCA. The measuring instruments used in this study were job performance questionnaires (Koopmans, 2014) (Cronbach Alpha = 0.88) and psychological capital questionnaires (Lunthas et al., 2015) (Cronbach Alpha = 0.92). The results of the person correlation test showed a significant positive relationship between psychological capital and job performance (r = .79 and p <0.01). Based on the correlation results, the intervention was conducted in the form of How To Become A Super HERO training to increase psychological capital and job performance. The intervention organised was an adaptation of Lunthans et al., 2006). In this study, the training was evaluated to the stage of psychological capital knowledge. The Wilcoxon Signed Test results showed that there was an increase in psychological capital knowledge of employees after the psychological training intervention (Z = -3,283 and p <.05) were given. Thus, the How To Become A Super HERO program can be used as an employee self-development program in order to improve job performance.