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Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Pardede, Lucia V.H.
Abstrak :
A study on Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) and intellectual performance of the school-children has been done in Malang District, East Java, in December 1994. This study covered 11 villages within 5 sub districts, three of which have volcanic soil and two have limestone soil. Totally 544 school-children aged 8- 10 years old, from 22 public primary schools were measured. Villages selection was done with the aim to describe the overall extent and severity of IDD among school-children by using different methods of assessment. Methods of assessment were palpation, ultrasonography, urinary iodine excretion (UIE) and the serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level. Culture Fair Intelligence Test were used to assess the intelligence quotient (IQ) points. The Total Goiter Rate (TGR) for the whole survey area as indicated both by palpation and ultrasound measurement were revealed 35.7 % and 54.8 % respectively. According to WHO criteria, the survey area categorized as "Severe" (TGR >=30%) as indicated by either palpation or ultrasound measurement. In contrast, the survey area categorized as "Mild" based on both UIE and TSH level (Median UIE = 5.50 ag/dl, TSH >5 mU/l = 3.4 %) Goiter, either determined by palpation or USG, was significantly associated with IQ points of the subjects ( p < 0.001 and p < 0.01 respectively). The association between median of UIE and IQ points of the subjects were also significant (p < 0.001). TSH level was not necessarily associated with either IQ points of the subjects or another IDD indicators. It is concluded that two of the IDD indicators (goiter and UIE) were significantly associated with the level of intelligence of the school-children, which reflected the quality of life of the people. Therefore, the intervention is urgently needed.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Rejeki
Abstrak :
GAKY merupakan salah sam masalah kexeharan masyarakat di Indonesm. Gamm bwyodium ada/ah Salah sam cara untuk mcnanggulangf gangguan alcibat kekurangan yodium yang dapa! mengakibatkan berbagai masalah gangguan akiba! kekurangan yodium (GAKY). Penggunaan garam beryadium adalah cara penanggulangan _vang praklis dan ;murah. Rumah langga yang menggunakan garam beryodium di K ecamalan Bojongmangu sebesar 51 %. Scdangkan target USI adalah 90 % rumah rangga menggunakan garam beryodium. Dengan melihal adanyua kesenjangan zensebul, jzkror- _/Zzkror apa yang berhubungan dengan kandungan yodium daiam garam. Tn/uan penelitian ini adalah unruk mengetahuifaktorfaktor yang berhubzmgan dengan kandungan yodium dalam garam yang digunakan oleh rumah Iangga di Kecamaran Bojongfnangu tahun 3007. _ __ Penelilian ini mengguna/ran design cross sccrfonal. Jumlah sampe1 216 di 3 desa. Wap desa 3 RM tiap RW 2 RT dan Hap RT 12 rcsponden. Sebagai rcsponden adalah ibu rumah rangga. Cara pengambilan .vampel menggunakan random. Variabel dependen adalah kandungan yodium dalam garam yang dlgunakan oleh rumah langga. Variabel independen yang dfteiitih adalah pendidlkan. pekerjaan, pendaparan, pengelahuan ibn tenrang garam bcryodium, rempat membeli, persepsi harga, lama simpan, jenis garam, wadah penyimpan, cam menyimpan dan Ierak menyimpan garam. .Pengumpulan data mengzmakan Iodine Tast, timbangan, dan kuesioner. Hasil penelirian ada/ah 16.2 % rumah tangga yang menggunakan garam beryodium de/:gan kandungan yodium cukup berdasarkan pengetesan menggunakan Iodina Test, 38,9 % kurang mengandung yodium dan 44,9 % tidak mengandung yodium. Terbanyak adalah bemuk garam bafa (85.2 %). Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan chi square dnneroleh p value < 0,05 pada variabel promosi tentang penggunaan garam be1;vodium_ pengerahuan ibu tanrang garam beryodium, tempat membeli garam, jenis / bentuk garam, cara menyimpan, dan letak menyimpan garam. Kesimpulannya bahwa bentuk garam yang paling banyak digunakan di masyarakat adalah benluk garam bam. Kemungkinan Ierjadi bahwa garam bata bcvgyalc yang tidak beryodium. Masih jauh untuk mencapai target USI 90 % rumah rangga menggunakan garam beryodium. Banyalc program kegiaran yang harus dilaksanakan untuk nzeningkatlcan penggunaan garam beryodium di Kecamatan Bojongmangu.
Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) is one of public health problems in Indonesia. Iodine Deficiency Disorder can cause many health problems. One of endeavors to address this This effort is considered practical and in expensive. There are 51 % households that use iodizes salt in Bojongmangu sub district, meanwhile, it is targeted Universal Salt Iodization (USI) that 90 % of the household use iodizes salt. Based on this data therefore, it is essential to know factors that related with the salt iodine level at the household. The aims of the study are to find out the factors that relate with salt iodine level that has been consumed at the liouseholds. This study used cross-sectional design. There are 2 l6 respondents in 3 villages. In each village, 3 RW have been choosen. In each RW, 2 RT have been choosen and then in each RT, 12 respondents have become the samples ofthe study. The housewives are the samples of the study and they have been chosen randomly. The dependent variable is the iodine level at the households. The independent variables consist of education, occupation, income, knowledge about the iodize salt, place of purchase,cost perception, duration of storage, the variety of the salt, container for storage, storage technique and the location of storage. The data collection has been done using Iodine Test, weight scale and questioner. ` The results of the study reveal that 16,2 % household use iodize salt with the sufficient level based on iodine test, 38,9 % of them use insufficiently and 44,9 % do not use iodize salt. Most of the households (85,2 %) use brick salt. T he data analysis use chi- square, there are some variables that have p Value < 0,05, they are iodize salt promotion, knowledge of the housewives, place of purchase, the kind of salt, thc storage technique and place oh storage.In conclusion, the type of salt that most of the households use brick salt. Most of salt do not have iodine especially the brick salt. This facts show that in population level, there are many households that do not use iodine salt. The target ot`USI (90%) has not been reached, thus, the effort to promote the use of iodize salt should be encouraged in Bojongmangu sub district.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library