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Abstrak :
Daerah penelitian “M” merupakan salah satu daerah yang memiliki potensi geotermal di Indonesia. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan adanya struktur geologi dan kemunculan manifestasi di permukaan yang dapat membantu dalam mengidentifikasi keberadaan sistem geotermal di bawah permukaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan inversi 3-dimensi magnetotellurik untuk mengetahui distribusi resistivitas di bawah permukaan, penentuan area prospek, serta pembuatan model konseptual dengan integrasi data magnetotellurik dan data pendukung berupa data geologi, geokimia, dan gravitasi. Berdasarkan data pendukung geologi, daerah “M” terdiri dari susunan produk vulkanik berumur kuarter dan struktur geologi dengan arah barat laut-tenggara. Dari data pendukung geokimia, ditemukan endapan travertine di sekitar manifestasi mata air panas yang relatif bersifat netral, temperatur cukup tinggi, dan berasosiasi dengan struktur geologi. Fluida di mata air panas tersebut dominan bertipe bicarbonate water yang menandakan fluida berasal dari reservoir dan dominan telah terkontaminasi oleh meteoric water. Fluida tersebut juga dominan memiliki nilai klorida tinggi yang menandakan bahwa lingkungan manifestasi mata air panas berada di lingkungan vulkanik. Selain itu, perhitungan dengan geotermometer diperoleh dugaan temperatur reservoir berkisar antara 160°C-180°C. Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan inversi 3-dimensi magnetotellurik dan data pendukung berupa model forward2-dimensi gravitasi diketahui sebaran dari variasi resistivitas dan densitas bawah permukaan yang menggambarkan lapisan clay cap, top of reservoir, dan bentuk updome yang kemungkinan merupakan heat source. Lapisan dengan nilai resistivitas rendah diduga merupakan clay cap atau batuan penudung berupa sebaran batuan beku yang mengalami alterasi. Di bawah lapisan clay cap terdapat sebaran resistivitas medium yang diindikasikan sebagai reservoir berupa batu gamping bahbotala. Di bagian bawahnya terdapat lapisan dengan resistivitas tinggi yang kemungkinan adalah batuan metamorf yang menjadi batuan dasar/basement. Diantara basement ini terdapat bentuk updome dengan resistivitas sedikit lebih tinggi yang diduga merupakan batuan terobosan atau intrusi yang dapat menjadi sumber panas bagi sistem geotermal. Sumber panas ini diduga berasal dari Dolok Tinggi Raja dikarenakan terbentuknya dome di permukaan yang mungkin diakibatkan oleh adanya larutan magma yang tidak tererupsikan keluar permukaan sehingga membentuk batuan terobosan di bawah permukaan. Adanya sumber panas ini dapat menimbulkan aliran fluida panas secara vertikal (upflow). Berdasarkan integrasi data-data tersebut, area prospek geotermal di daerah “M” diperkirakan berada di sekitar Dolok Tinggi Raja melebar ke arah timur laut, timur, dan selatan. ......The research area "M" is one of the areas with geothermal potential in Indonesia. This is indicated by the presence of geological structures and the appearance of manifestations on the surface which can assist in identifying the presence of subsurface geothermal systems. This study uses 3-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion to determine the distribution of resistivity below the surface, determine prospect areas, and construct a conceptual model by integrating magnetotelluric data and supporting data in the form of geological, geochemical and gravity data. Based on supporting geological data, the "M" area consists of volcanic products of quarter age and geological structures in a northwest-southeast direction. From supporting geochemical data, travertine deposits around hot spring manifestations were found which were relatively neutral, had relatively high temperatures, and were associated with geological structures. The fluid in the hot springs is dominant of the bicarbonate water type, which indicates that the fluid comes from a reservoir and has been predominantly contaminated by meteoric water. The fluid also dominantly has a high chloride value which indicates that the manifestation environment of the hot springs is in a volcanic environment. In addition, calculations with the geothermometer obtained an estimated reservoir temperature ranging from 160°C-180°C. Based on the results of 3-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion modeling and supporting data in the form of a 2-dimensional forward gravity model, it is known that the distribution of resistivity and subsurface density variations describes the clay cap layer, top of reservoir, and up-dome shape which may be a heat source. The layer with a low resistivity value is thought to be a clay cap or a cap rock in the form of a distribution of altered igneous rocks. Beneath the clay cap layer, there is a medium resistivity distribution which is indicated as a reservoir in the form of bahbotala limestone. At the bottom, there is a layer with high resistivity which is probably the metamorphic rock that became the basement. Among these basements, there is an up-dome with slightly higher resistivity which is thought to be a breakthrough or intrusive rock which can be a heat source for geothermal systems. This heat source is thought to have originated from Dolok Tinggi Raja due to the formation of a dome on the surface which may be caused by the presence of magma solution that has not erupted off the surface to form breakthrough rock below the surface. The existence of this heat source can cause a vertical flow of hot fluid (up-flow). Based on the integration of these data, the geothermal prospect area in the “M” area is estimated to be around Dolok Tinggi Raja, widening to the northeast, east, and south.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mufidatul Khoiroh
Abstrak :
Daerah di sekitar kawasan X merupakan kawasan yang berupa dataran tinggi yang berada di kawasan kompleks vulkanik. Di kawasan ini terdapat kawah panas yang menunjukkan aktivitas hidrotermal, dimana manifestasi utamanya muncul di kawasan X berupa fumarol Cd. Salah satu sasaran dalam eksplorasi panas bumi adalah menemukan titik-titik pemboran yang berkorelasi dengan zona suhu tinggi dan zona yang memiliki kriteria permeabilitas tinggi, dimana zona tersebut berkorelasi dengan struktur geologi. Berdasarkan analisis kurva pemisahan dan diagram kutub, terdapat sesar Wp 1, Ga, Wp 2, Pk, Dg, Cd, dan Jm yang umumnya berarah barat laut-tenggara. Sistem panas bumi wilayah X terutama dikendalikan oleh sesar Cd. Adanya struktur sesar memungkinkan fluida dari kawasan timur Jm, Kaipohan Wp, dan sekitar kawasan Pk mengalir sebagai imbuhan. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil inversi 3 dimensi, data magnetotelurik menunjukkan bahwa zona alterasi sebagian besar terkonsentrasi pada kedalaman sekitar 1500 m hingga 1000 m dengan indikasi bahwa batas zona konduktor (BOC) sudah mulai terlihat. pada ketinggian sekitar 1000 m dan zona reservoir berada pada kedalaman dibawah 1000. m yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai resistivitas sedang antara 20 - 63 Ωm. Zona resistif basement pada kedalaman -3000 m ditunjukkan dengan sebaran nilai resistivitas yang tinggi, dengan sumber utama didominasi oleh pegunungan Dm, Al, dan Jm dengan satuan litologi dominan berupa lahar andesit. Zona upflow kemungkinan terletak di sekitar prospek zona Cd atau di sekitar titik MT-37, dengan arah outflow ke barat daya. Berdasarkan pengukuran panas bumi, temperatur prospek utama diperkirakan 270 0C. Lokasi sasaran pemboran dapat ditarik di sekitar geothermal Cd dengan kedalaman pemboran yang dapat ditarik sekitar 1000 m sampai 1500 m di bawah permukaan.
The area around area X is an area in the form of a plateau located in a volcanic complex area. In this area there are hot craters showing hydrothermal activity, where the main manifestation appears in region X in the form of fumarole Cd. One of the targets in geothermal exploration is to find drilling points that are correlated with zones of high temperature and zones that have high permeability criteria, where these zones are correlated with geological structures. Based on the analysis of the separation curve and polar diagram, there are faults Wp 1, Ga, Wp 2, Pk, Dg, Cd, and Jm which generally run northwest-southeast. The X region geothermal system is mainly controlled by the Cd fault. The existence of a fault structure allows fluid from the eastern region of Jm, Kaipohan Wp, and around the Pk area to flow as a recharge. In addition, based on the results of the 3-dimensional inversion, the magnetotelluric data shows that the alteration zone is mostly concentrated at a depth of about 1500 m to 1000 m with an indication that the conductor zone boundary (BOC) is already visible. at an altitude of about 1000 m and the reservoir zone is at a depth below 1000. m which is indicated by a moderate resistivity value between 20 - 63 Ωm. The basement resistive zone at a depth of -3000 m is indicated by the distribution of high resistivity values, with the main source being dominated by mountains Dm, Al, and Jm with the dominant lithological unit in the form of andesite lava. The upflow zone is likely located in the vicinity of the prospect zone Cd or around the point MT-37, with the outflow direction to the southwest. Based on geothermal measurements, the temperature of the main prospect is estimated to be 270 0C. The drilling target location can be drawn around the geothermal Cd with a drilling depth that can be drawn from about 1000 m to 1500 m below the surface.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library