Tesis ini membahas optimasi kinerja motor bakar empat langkah menggunakan bahan bakar campuran bensin dan bioethanol. Bensin yang digunakan memiliki nilai oktan 88, 92, dan 98, sedangkan komposisi bioethanol divariasikan mulai E0 sampai dengan E40 dengan kelipatan 10% volume. Optimasi kinerja dilakukan menggunakan Engine Control Module (ECM) dengan pengaturan waktu penyalaan sebesar 2o CA lebih awal dan durasi injeksi bahan bakar dengan pengurangan sebesar 10% dan penambahan sebesar 10% dari kondisi standar. Untuk mendapatkan data kinerja pada kondisi standar dan kondisi setelah optimasi dilakukan dengan pengujian engine dynamometer pada kecepatan 1000, 1500, 2000, dan 2500 rpm pada kondisi wide open throttle. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa kinerja optimal (peningkatan daya dan torsi, serta penurunan specific fuel consumption) dicapai dengan pengaturan waktu penyalaan 2o CA lebih awal disertai dengan pengurangan durasi injeksi bahan bakar sebesar 10%.
This thesis discusses the optimization of the performance of a four-stroke internal combustion engine using a mixture of gasoline and bioethanol. The gasoline used in this research has octane number 88, 92, and 98, while the bioethanol composition is varied from E0 to E40 with increment of 10% volume. The performance optimization is done using the Engine Control Module (ECM) by advancing the ignition time of 2o CA and the setting the fuel injection duration with a reduction of 10% and an addition of 10% of the standard conditions. To obtain the performance data of before and after the optimization, the engine dynamometer is tested at speeds of 1000, 1500, 2000, and 2500 rpm at wide open throttle conditions. The results of the study show that the optimum performance (higher power and torque, and lower specific fuel consumption) is achieved by setting the ignition time of 2o CA earlier (advanced) accompanied by a reduction in fuel injection duration by 10%.
Dari hasil penelitian ditarik kesimpulan pada data pertama dan kedua, bahwa torsi dan daya terbesar didapat sebesar 39,72 Nm dan 10,4 kW, didapat pada campuran bahan bakar E50 dengan pengaturan ignition timing +8 obTDC dan injection duration -10%. Data ketiga yang didapat yaitu Specific Fuel Consumption terhemat didapat pada campuran bahan bakar E60, dengan pengaturan pengaturan ignition timing +6 obTDC dan injection duration -10%, yaitu sebesar 329,15 g/kWh. Data keempat yang didapat adalah emisi HC dimana diperoleh emisi terkecil diproduksi pada bahan bakar campuran E40 dengan pengaturan ignition timing +8 obTDC dan injection duration -10%, yaitu sebesar 79,75 ppm. Data kelima yang didapat adalah emisi CO2 dimana produksi terkecil didapat saat bahan bakar campuran E40 dengan pengaturan ignition timing kondisi base dan injection duration kondisi base, yaitu 11,72%. Data keenam yang didapat adalah emisi CO dimana produksi terkecil didapat saat bahan bakar campuran E60 dengan pengaturan ignition timing +8 obTDC dan injection duration -15%, yaitu sebesar 0,13. Data terakhir yang didapat adalah NOx dengan produksi terkecil didapat pada bahan bakar campuran E40 dengan pengaturan ignition timing kondisi base dan injection duration kondisi base, yaitu sebesar 488,77 ppm.
From the results of this study concluded that on the first and second obtained data, ÃÂ the greatest torque and power obtained by 39.72 Nm and 10.4 kW, obtained in the E50 fuel mixture with ignition timing settings +8 obTDC and injection duration -10%, and prove that the setting caused combustion timing happens when piston near to Top Dead Center (TDC) condition. The third obtained data are the Specific Fuel Consumption saved in the E60 fuel mixture, with ignition timing settings +6 obTDC and injection duration -10%, which is 329.15 g/kWh. The ÃÂ fourth obtained data is the HC emission which is the smallest emission produced on the E40 mixture fuel with ignition timing +8 obTDC and injection duration of -10%, which is 79.75 ppm. The fifth obtained data is CO2 emissions where the smallest production is obtained when the E40 fuel mixture with ignition timing base and injection duration base settings, which is 11.72%, proves that this setting produces more incomplete combustion. The sixth obtained data is CO emission where the smallest production is obtained when the E60 mixture fuel with ignition timing +8 obTDC and injection duration -15%, which is equal to 0.13%, proves that this setting produces more complete combustion. The last obtained data is NOx with the smallest production obtained on the E40 mixture fuel with ignition timing conditions in base condition and injection duration in ÃÂ base conditions, which is 488.77 ppm.