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Muhammad Iqbal
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas Dampak pembangunan jalan tol Tangerang - Merak terhadap Kabupaten Tangerang. Sebelum adanya jalan tol Tangerang - Merak, Daerah Kabupaten Tangerang merupakan daerah agraris. Akan tetapi perubahan terjadi setelah dibangunnya jalan tol Tangerang - Merak sebagai realisasi penerapan Jabotabek. Daerah Kabupaten Tangerang perlahan berubah menjadi daerah industri. Perubahan ini dikarenakan oleh pembangunan jalan tol Tangerang - Merak yang dibangun tahun 1990. Jalan tol Tangerang - Merak terbagi dua tahap, tahap pertama menghubungkan Tangerang Barat hingga Ciujung, dan tahap kedua menghubungkan Ciujung hingga Merak. Jalan tol Tangerang - Merak selesai dibangun pada tanggal 23 Oktober 1996. Dampak dari pembangunan jalan tol Tangerang - Merak bagi Kabupaten Tangerang adalah pertumbuhan industri dan perumahan. Industri yang tumbuh di Kabupaten Tangerang merupakan industri pengolahan. Industri di Kabupaten Tangerang tersebar di daerah Cikupa, Balaraja, Pasar Kemis, Legok dan Serpong. Selain industri, perumahan di Kabupaten Tangerang mulai bermunculan seperti Citra Raya, Kota Tigaraksa, BSD, dan Alam Sutera. Dari segi masyarakat, jumlah penduduk di Kabupaten Tangerang bertambah banyak. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pendatang yang mencari kerja di Kabupaten Tangerang. Selain itu, Indeks Pembangunan Manusia IPM di Kabupaten Tangerang meningkat tajam. Hal ini menandakan Daerah Kabupaten Tangerang lebih baik setelah dibangun jalan tol Tangerang - Merak.
This research discusses the growth of Tangerang Merak toll road, in Tangerang Regency which was an agrarian region. However, the change occurred after the construction of Tangerang Merak toll road as the realization of Jabotabek implementation, Tangerang Regency slowly turned to become more industrious. This was mainly due to the construction of Tangerang Merak toll road in 1990. The construction was divided into two phases, the first one connected Ciujung to Merak. It was finished in 23 Oktober 1996. The outcome of the construction of Tangerang Merak toll road construction to the Tangerang Regency is the industrial and housing growth. The major industry sector in Tangerang Regency is process manufacturing. This is widely spread in regions such as Cikupa, Balaraja, Pasar Kemis, Legok and Serpong. Besides industry, some of the housings had became to arise are Citra Raya, Kota Tigaraksa, BSD and Alam Sutera. From the demographic section, this caused population growth, mainly to the fact that there are many newcomers who are looking for occupations in Tangerang Regency. Furthermore, the Human Development Index HDI in Tangerang Regency is getting improved significantly. This is as a result of the economic growth of the newcomers, which showed that the Tangerang Regency was improved by the Tangerang Merak toll road.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dinda Anna Zatika
Abstrak :
Tesis ini mengkaji tentang kesesuaian tahapan pelaksanaan pembangunan Jalan Tol Ruas Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta peran Pemerintah dalam hal pendanaan dan penjaminan yang mendasarkan perjanjian kerjasama dengan pola Bangun Guna Serah dalam pembangunan Jalan Tol tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini, Pemerintah bertindak sebagai pemegang hak atas tanah yang diwakili oleh Badan Pengatur Jalan Tol, yang menunjuk PT Hutama Karya (Persero) sebagai investor dan disebut dengan Badan Usaha Jalan Tol. Tesis ini disusun dengan metode penulisan hukum normatif untuk menghasilkan data yang bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa seluruh tahapan pelaksanaan pembangunan Jalan Tol Ruas Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar telah sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku, dimulai dengan adanya kesepakatan antara Pemerintah dengan investor yang tertulis dalam Perjanjian Pengusahaan Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera Ruas Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar. Selanjutnya, investor diberikan hak pengusahaan Jalan Tol untuk pendanaan, perencanaan teknis, pelaksanaan konstruksi, pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 15 Tahun 2005 tentang Jalan Tol. Masa konsesi yang diberikan Pemerintah kepada investor adalah selama 40 (empat puluh) tahun. Setelah masa konsesi berakhir, investor harus menyerahkan kembali Ruas Jalan Tol tersebut kepada Pemerintah. Hal baru di dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan Jalan Tol Ruas ini bahwa Pemerintah berperan memberikan tambahan Penyertaan Modal Negara kepada bagian ekuitas PT Hutama Karya (Persero) selaku investor, serta memberikan jaminan penggantian kerugian kepada investor apabila pendapatan atas tol tidak mencukupi nilai investasi yang telah dikeluarkan.
This Thesis examines the suitability of stages on implementing the construction of Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar Toll Road with the applicable regulations and the role of the Government in terms of funding and guarantees based on the cooperative agreement of Build Operate Transfer contract model of the Toll Road. In this research, Government acts as the holder of the land's right represented by the Toll Road Regulatory Agency, which appoints PT Hutama Karya (Persero) as an investor and is referres to as the Toll Road Business Entity. This Thesis is prepared using the normative legal research to result descriptive qualitative datas. The results of the research concluded that all stages of the construction of Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar Toll Road have been in accordance with applicable regulations, began with an agreement between Government and PT Hutama Karya (Persero) as an investor, that is written in the Concession Agreement for the Trans Sumatera Toll Road of Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar Section. Furthermore, investors are given concession rights for Toll Road for funding, technical planning, construction, operation and maintenance in accordance with Government Regulations Number 15 of 2005 concerning Toll Road. The concession period granted by the Government to investor for about 40 (forty) years. After the concession period is over, investors must return the Toll Road section to the Government. New things found in this construction, that is the Government has the role of providing additional State Capital Participation to the equity section of PT Hutama Karya (Persero). The Government also guarantees investor compensation if the revenues from the Toll Road are insufficient to the investment values that has been spent.
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iwan Erar Joesoef
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini mengkaji bagaimana Pemerintah menerapkan konsep model kontrak build operate and transfer (BOT) dalam kerjasama Pemerintah dan Swasta (KPS) yang dituangkan dalam perjanjian pengusahaan jalan tol (PPJT) dibidang infrastruktur jalan tol di Indonesia setelah dikeluarkannya Undang-undang Nomor 38 Tahun 2004 Tentang Jalan (UU No. 38/ 2004) yang menggantikan Undang-undang Nomor 13 Tahun 1980 Tentang Jalan (UU No. 13/ 1980). Data yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa total ruas jalan yang terbangun berdasarkan UU No. 38/2004 (2004-2010) sepanjang 131,35 Km yang jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan total ruas jalan yang terbangun berdasarkan UU No. 13/1980 (1978-2004) yaitu sepanjang 610,62 Km. Partisipasi investor swasta juga sangat kecil yaitu hanya 25 % (dua puluh lima persen) sedangkan sisanya 75 % (tujuh puluh lima persen) adalah Jasa Marga sebagai badan usaha milik negara (BUMN). Pemerintah telah melakukan regulasi-regulasi yang mendukung, namun kendala-kendala masih ditemukan seperti: kenaikan harga tanah, status tanah yang dimiliki Pemerintah namun dibiayai investor swasta, pengadaan tanah, kelembagaan dan prosedur badan layanan umum untuk pendanaan tanah, kemampuan investor swasta dalam pendanaan pengadaan tanah, dan adanya ruas jalan tol yang layak secara ekonomi namun belum layak secara finansial. Permasalahan yang mendasar adalah bahwa Pasal 33 ayat (2) UUD 1945 menyatakan bahwa infrastruktur sebagai salah satu cabang-cabang produksi yang penting bagi Negara dan yang menguasai hajat hidup orang banyak dikuasai oleh Negara. Hal ini terlihat dari pola investasinya dimana tanah dibiayai oleh investor swasta, namun dimiliki secara hukum oleh Pemerintah. Secara teoritis pola tersebut mengarahkan infrastruktur jalan tol sebagai public goods, padahal konsep model kontrak BOT secara teoritis merupakan private goods. Disertasi ini mencoba memberikan solusi dengan membuat struktur hukum dimana infrastruktur jalan tol model kontrak BOT tetap sebagai private goods namun tidak melepaskan statusnya sebagai public goods, yaitu dengan memberikan hak penggunaan tanah kepada investor dalam bentuk hak pakai (HP) di atas hak pengelolaan (HPL) dari Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum RI. Dengan diberikannya HP di atas HPL selama masa konsesi private goods dan dapat dialihkan, disewa atau dijadikan jaminan utang dengan hak tanggungan, namun berdimensi publik, karena Pemerintah (Negara) masih menguasai infrastruktur jalan tol tersebut melalui HPL. ...... This dissertation examines how the government of Indonesia implements the concept of build operate and transfer (BOT) contract model upon partnership between government and private sector or public private partnership (PPP) of which entered into the toll road concession agreement after the government promulgated Law No. 38 year 2004 concering the Road (Law No. 38/ 2004) as new law which replaced the previous law. Data collected shows that total as built section roads refer to new law only 131,35 Km long compared with previous law which built as 610,62 Km long. Private sector was very small in participation as well with approximately 25 % (twenty five persen) only from which the remain with approximately 75 % (seventy five persen) operated by Jasa Marga as goverment enterprise. Government had issued the regulations to support its development, but obstacles still exist such as: increasing of land price, land status which owned by government legally but financed by private investor, land acqusition, and there are many toll road sections are economic worthyness but not financial worthyness. However, the basic problem of wich, the article 33 (2) of Indonesian Constitution (UUD 1945) stipulated that infrastructure as one of part of product (goods and services) that is very important for State and dominate the social lives are under authority of State. These could been seen from the pattern of investments where the land acquisition financed by private investor but then owned by the government legally. Theoritically, such patterns bring the toll road infrastructure as public goods whilst the concept of BOT contract model theoritically as private goods. This dissertation make an attempt to give a solution by making the legal structure where the toll road infrastructure contract model remain as private goods but do not realese the status as public goods, of which by giving to private investor the right of land use (Hak Pakai) upon the management right of land (Hak Pengelolaan) of Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum RI. By giving such the right of land during the concession period to private investor then the toll road infrastructure status could be as private goods, of which could be transferred, rent or could be put as collateral in debt financing (Hak Tanggungan), but with the public dimension, where the Government (State) still have the right of authority through Hak Pengelolaan.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Infrastruktur merupakan faktor terpenting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara, salah satunya pembangunan infrastruktur jalan tol yang dapat mendukung dan meningkatkan perekonomian Indonesia. Pembangunan infrastruktur merupakan kewajiban pemerintah sebagai penyelenggara negara, namun dalam hal ini pihak swasta dapat membangun proyek infrastruktur tersebut dengan skema Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Swasta (KPS). Skema KPS merupakan alternatif sumber pendanaan utama infrastruktur karena terbatasnya anggaran negara untuk pembangunan infrastruktur. Pendapatan tol sangat dipengaruhi oleh volume lalu lintas kendaraan yang melalui jalan tol. Sehingga, permasalahan volume kendaraan minium merupakan salan satu tantangan terbesar dalam kontrak konsesi jalan tol. Untuk itu, penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai instrumen jaminan volume kendaraan minimum di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pembagian risiko yang diatur dalam KPS, mengetahui ketentuan hukum mengenai pembangunan infrastruktur jalan melalui KPS di Indonesia dan mengetahui apakah Indonesia telah menerapkan instrumen jaminan volume kendaraan minimum dalam perjanjian KPS.
Infrastructures are the most important factor of the economic growth in a country, one of them is the toll road infrastructure development, which can support and increase the economy of Indonesia. Infrastructure development is the responsibility of Indonesian Government, but in this case the private sector can build the infrastructure projects with Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. PPP scheme is a major source of alternative financing, because the state has a limited budget for infrastructure development. The toll road revenue is influenced by the volume of traffic that pass through the roll road. Thus, the problem of minimum traffic is one of the biggest challenges in toll road concession contract. To that end, this research will discuss the minimum traffic guarantee instrument in Indonesia. The purpose of this research was to determine the risk- sharing which regulated in a PPP scheme, knowing the legal provisions concerning the infrastructure development of toll road through PPP scheme in Indonesia and determine whether Indonesia has implemented the minimum traffic guarantee instrument in PPP agreement.;Infrastructures are the most important factor of the economic growth in a country, one of them is the toll road infrastructure development, which can support and increase the economy of Indonesia. Infrastructure development is the responsibility of Indonesian Government, but in this case the private sector can build the infrastructure projects with Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. PPP scheme is a major source of alternative financing, because the state has a limited budget for infrastructure development. The toll road revenue is influenced by the volume of traffic that pass through the roll road. Thus, the problem of minimum traffic is one of the biggest challenges in toll road concession contract. To that end, this research will discuss the minimum traffic guarantee instrument in Indonesia. The purpose of this research was to determine the risk-sharing which regulated in a PPP scheme, knowing the legal provisions concerning the infrastructure development of toll road through PPP scheme in Indonesia and determine whether Indonesia has implemented the minimum traffic guarantee instrument in PPP agreement., Infrastructures are the most important factor of the economic growth in a country, one of them is the toll road infrastructure development, which can support and increase the economy of Indonesia. Infrastructure development is the responsibility of Indonesian Government, but in this case the private sector can build the infrastructure projects with Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. PPP scheme is a major source of alternative financing, because the state has a limited budget for infrastructure development. The toll road revenue is influenced by the volume of traffic that pass through the roll road. Thus, the problem of minimum traffic is one of the biggest challenges in toll road concession contract. To that end, this research will discuss the minimum traffic guarantee instrument in Indonesia. The purpose of this research was to determine the risk-sharing which regulated in a PPP scheme, knowing the legal provisions concerning the infrastructure development of toll road through PPP scheme in Indonesia and determine whether Indonesia has implemented the minimum traffic guarantee instrument in PPP agreement.]
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas Pengalokasian risiko yang sesuai antara Pemerintah dan Swasta dengan pola Public Private Partnership pada infrastruktur jalan tol di Indonesia. Faktor-faktor risiko dikategorikan berdasar siklus hidup proyek mulai dari Studi kelayakan, Pengadaan, Disain, Pelaksanaan, Operasional & Pemeliharaan, dan Penyerahan aset. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan mengumpulkan data melalui survey kuesioner, selanjutnya diolah dengan metode statistik menggunakan uji validitas dan realibilitas, dilanjutkan dengan penggunaan matrik tingkat risiko dan penggunaan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dalam pengalokasian risiko yang sesuai antara Pemerintah dan Swasta. ......This thesis discuss an appropriate risk allocation between Government and Private sector with scheme of Public Private Partnership on toll road infrastructure in Indonesia. Risk factors categorized based on lifecycle project started from Feasibility study, Procurement, Design engineering, Construction, Operation & Maintenance and Asset Transfer. This research is done by collecting data through quisionaire survey, then processed with statistical method (validity and realibility test), risk level matrix and using Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP) in allocating appropriate risk between Goverment and Private.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tedy Syaputra
Abstrak :
Jalan Tol Trans Sumatra (JTTS) merupakan salah satu proyek infrastruktur strategis nasional yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pembangunan kawasan di Pulau Sumatra yang diharapkan dapat mendukung pertumbuhan perekonomian nasional. JTTS terdiri dari 24 ruas dengan panjang 2.704 km yang menghubungkan titik paling utara Pulau Sumatra yang ada di Banda Aceh dengan titik paling selatan di Bakauheni, Provinsi Lampung. Kehadiran JTTS diharapkan menimbulkan dampak fiskal bagi pemerintahan berupa kenaikan penerimaan pajak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan pembangunan JTTS terhadap penerimaan pajak pusat dan pajak daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan data penerimaan pajak daerah Pemerintah Kota/Kabupaten dan pajak pusat pda Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (KPP) di Pulau Sumatra dalam kurun waktu 2014 - 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Difference in Difference with multi time periods. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif antara pembangunan JTTS dengan penerimaan pajak pusat dan pajak daerah. .......The Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) is one of the national strategic infrastructure projects that aims to increase regional development on Sumatra which is expected to support national economic growth. The JTTS consists of 24 segments with a length of 2,704 km that connects the northernmost point of Sumatra in Banda Aceh and the southernmost point in Bakauheni, Lampung Province. The presence of JTTS is expected to be a fiscal impact for the government in the form of tax revenue. This study aims to analyze the relationship of JTTS to central and local tax revenues. This study uses data on local tax revenues from the City/Regency Government and the central tax office of the Tax Service Office (KPP) on Sumatra in the period 2014 to 2020. This study uses the Difference in Difference method with multi time periods. The results showed that there was a positive relationship between JTTS and central and local tax revenues.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Junaedi Abdulah
Abstrak :
Pembangunan jalan tol sekarang sedang marak terjadi di Indonesia. Untuk mencapai pembangunan jalan tol, dibutuhkan analisis dari beberapa bidang ilmu. Salah satu analisis yang dilakukan yaitu analisis peralihan lahan pada area galian jalan tol. Analisis yang dibutuhkan adalah analisis jenis dan estimasi volume batuan pada area galian pembangunan jalan tol. Terdapat dua metode yang digunakan untuk melakukan analisis batuan dan estimasi volume batuan pada area galian yaitu menggunakan data bor dan data geolistrik tahanan jenis. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode geolistrik tahanan jenis dengan konfigurasi wenner dikarenakan biaya yang dibutuhkan lebih efisien. Metode geolistrik tahanan jenis digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis batuan daerah galian dan melakukan estimasi volume jenis batuan. Jumlah lintasan yang digunakan sebanyak 8 lintasan dengan masing masing lintasan memiliki panjang 500 meter dan 48 elektroda. Hasil data pengukuran metode geolistrik tahanan jenis diinversi menggunakan software res2dinv dan dilakukan least square inversion untuk memperoleh penampang 2-D tahanan jenis. Hasil dari pengolahan data menunjukkan variasi tahanan jenis berkisar 6-6.000 Ωm. Untuk memperoleh analisis jenis batuan dari data tahanan jenis, dilakukan korelasi antara penampang 2-D tahanan jenis dengan data bor pada lokasi penelitian. Hasil dari korelasi menunjukkan terdapat 2 jenis batuan yang ada pada area penelitian yaitu jenis batuan lapilli lapuk sedang-kuat dan lapilli segar-lapuk ringan. Batuan jenis lapilli lapuk sedang-kuat memiliki nilai tahanan jenis <300 Ωm sedangkan lapilli segar-lapuk ringan memiliki nilai tahanan jenis >300 Ωm. Dari penampang 2-D data tahanan jenis dilakukan pemodelan 3-D untuk mengetahui estimasi volume setiap jenis batuan pada area penelitian. Pemodelan dilakukan dengan menggunakan software Rockwork. Hasil estimasi volume batuan pada area penelitian menunjukkan total volume batuan sebesar 9.599.076 m3 yang terdiri dari 3.149.704 m3 batu lapilli lapuk sedang-kuat dan 6.449.372 m3 batu lapilli segar-lapuk ringan. ......The construction of toll roads is currently happening in Indonesia. To achieve the construction of toll roads, analysis from several fields of knowledge is needed. One of the analyzes carried out is the analysis of land transition in the excavated area of ​​the toll road. The analysis required is an analysis of the type and volume estimation of rock in the excavated area for toll road construction. There are two methods used to perform rock analysis and estimate the volume of rock in the excavation area, using drill data and geoelectrical resistivity data. In this study, the geoelectric resistivity method with Wenner configuration was used because the required cost is more efficient. The geoelectrical resistivity method is used to identify rock types in excavation areas and to estimate the volume of rock types. The number of tracks used is 8 tracks with each track having a length of 500 meters and 48 electrodes. The results of the measurement data using the geoelectric method of resistivity were inverted using res2dinv software and a least square inversion was performed to obtain a 2-D section of resistivity. The results of data processing show that the resistivity varies in the range of 6-6,000 Ωm. To obtain rock type analysis from the resistivity data, a correlation was performed between the 2-D resistivity sections and the drilled data at the study site. The results of the correlation showed that there were 2 rock types in the study area, medium-strong weathered lapilli and fresh-lightly weathered lapilli. Medium-strong weathered lapilli rocks have a resistivity value of <300 Ωm while fresh-lightly weathered lapilli rocks have a resistivity value of >300 Ωm. From the 2-D section of the resistivity data, 3-D modeling was carried out to determine the estimated volume of each type of rock in the study area. Modeling is done using Rockwork software. The results of rock volume estimation in the study area showed a total rock volume of 9,599,076 m3 consisting of 3,149,704 m3 of medium-strong weathered lapilli and 6,449,372 m3 of fresh-lightly weathered lapilli.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ali Sunandar
Abstrak :
[Trans Sumatera dengan Pendekatan Value Engineering. Perencanaan proyek infrastruktur JTTS menghabiskan investasi sebesar Rp 340 Triliun. Investasi sebesar itu hanya membangun Jalan Tol konvensional yaitu kendaraan golongan 1 sampai 5, seharusnya besarnya investasi tersebut mendapat nilai tambah multi fungsi. Untuk mendapatkan nilai tambah, metode rekayasa nilai (value engineering) mengidentifikasi fungsi-fungsi, menciptakan gagasan kreatif dan inovatif. Pengembangan fungsi dasar dari JTTS sebagai fungsi transportasi golongan 1 sampai 5 diawali dengan pendekatan ranking PDRB dan jumlah penduduk, pengembangan wilayah Sumatera dengan location quotient, ditambah dengan fungsi pariwisata, telekomunikasi fiber optic, integrasi median tol dengan kereta api, integrasi jalur sepeda motor, integrasi dengan pelabuhan sungai, perkebunan karet, integrasi pipa migas serta service dan rest area. Dengan adanya penambahan fungsi tersebut dapat menambah manfaat proyek infrastruktur Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera. ......Planning JTTS Infrastructure project require investment Rp 340 trilion. Investment of the Toll Road just build conventional vehicle classes 1 to 5, the magnitude of the investment should have the value added multi function.. In order to reach a goal to have additional value, using value engineering to identify functions, creating creative and innovative ideas. Developing basic functions of JTTS as transportation functions from level 1 up to 5 begins ranking GDP and total inhabitant, then to the development Sumatera of the location quotient and coupled with additional value of tourism function, fiber-optic telecommunication, toll road median integration with train, motorcycle integration pathway, integration with dryport, rubber plantation, integration oil & gas pipeline, service and rest area. With addition of several functions, it is to have increase the benefits of JTTS Infrastructure project.;Planning JTTS Infrastructure project require investment Rp 340 trilion. Investment of the Toll Road just build conventional vehicle classes 1 to 5, the magnitude of the investment should have the value added multi function. In order to reach a goal to have additional value, using value engineering to identify functions, creating creative and innovative ideas. Developing basic functions of JTTS as transportation functions from level 1 up to 5 begins ranking GDP and total inhabitant, then to the development Sumatera of the location quotient and coupled with additional value of tourism function, fiber-optic telecommunication, toll road median integration with train, motorcycle integration pathway, integration with dryport, rubber plantation, integration oil & gas pipeline, service and rest area. With addition of several functions, it is to have increase the benefits of JTTS Infrastructure project.;Planning JTTS Infrastructure project require investment Rp 340 trilion. Investment of the Toll Road just build conventional vehicle classes 1 to 5, the magnitude of the investment should have the value added multi function.. In order to reach a goal to have additional value, using value engineering to identify functions, creating creative and innovative ideas. Developing basic functions of JTTS as transportation functions from level 1 up to 5 begins ranking GDP and total inhabitant, then to the development Sumatera of the location quotient and coupled with additional value of tourism function, fiber-optic telecommunication, toll road median integration with train, motorcycle integration pathway, integration with dryport, rubber plantation, integration oil & gas pipeline, service and rest area. With addition of several functions, it is to have increase the benefits of JTTS Infrastructure project., Planning JTTS Infrastructure project require investment Rp 340 trilion. Investment of the Toll Road just build conventional vehicle classes 1 to 5, the magnitude of the investment should have the value added multi function.. In order to reach a goal to have additional value, using value engineering to identify functions, creating creative and innovative ideas. Developing basic functions of JTTS as transportation functions from level 1 up to 5 begins ranking GDP and total inhabitant, then to the development Sumatera of the location quotient and coupled with additional value of tourism function, fiber-optic telecommunication, toll road median integration with train, motorcycle integration pathway, integration with dryport, rubber plantation, integration oil & gas pipeline, service and rest area. With addition of several functions, it is to have increase the benefits of JTTS Infrastructure project.]
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Keberhasilan melaksanakan proyek konstruksi tepat pada waktunya adalah salah satu tujuan terpenting. Keterlambatan merupakan sesuatu yg tidak dikehendaki, karena akan sangat merugikan kedua belah pihak. Beberapa proyek yang kompleks terdapat banyak faktor ketidakpastian sering menimbulkan limbah (waste) yang menyebabkan proyek terlambat. Salah satu metode untuk menanganinya adalah konsep lean construction. Studi di proyek Pekanbaru Dumai Seksi 2A pada underpass 28+150 terdapat 15 dari 58 kegiatan yang memyebabkan keterlambatan 30 hari, dimana jika menghilangkan kegiatan tersebut masih terlambat 15 hari. Salah satu upaya memperpendek durasi adalah crashing program dengan penambahan tenaga kerja sebanyak 115 orang selama 47,5 hari pada pekerjaan bekisting dan pembesian. Tools lean lainnya yang dapat dilakukan adalah standardization, last planner system, coordination, get quality right at first time, just-in-time, prefabricated dan five S. Dengan crashing program, waktu pekerjaan menjadi 145,5 hari kalender dimana lebih cepat 4,5 hari dari schedule rencana. Biaya mengalami kenaikan sebesar Rp 625.941.000,-, namun disisi lain terdapat efisiensi waktu selama 4,5 hari sebesar Rp 62.907.368 sehingga berpengaruh terhadap HPP dari 82,166% menjadi 86,311% dan laba mengalami penurunan dari 17,878% menjadi 13,689%. Dampak lainnya adalah tidak kena sanki 1/1000 dan terhindar blacklist dari Owner. ......The success of implementing a construction project in the end is one of the most important goals. Delay is something that is not desirable, because it will be very detrimental to both parties. Some projects are one of the most important factors that cause waste to emerge. One method to handle it is the lean construction concept. The study in the Pekanbaru Dumai Section 2A project on the 28 + 150 underpass was 15 of the 58 activities which caused a delay of 30 days, whereas if the activity was eliminated it was still 15 days late. One effort to shorten the duration is a strike program with a workforce of 115 people for 47.5 days on formwork and pembesian work. Other lean tools that can be done are standardization, the last planning system, coordination, getting the right quality at the first time, on time, prefabricated material, and five S. With the program breaking down, working time becomes 145.5 calendar days, 4 faster, 5 days from the scheduled schedule. Increasing costs increased by Rp. 625,941,000, - but on the other hand, the time efficiency of 4.5 days amounting to Rp. 62,907,368 increased against HPP from 82,166% to 86,311% and profits increased from 17,888% to 13,689%. Other impacts are not subject to 1/1000 sanctions and avoid being blacklisted by the Owner.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis, sampai sejauh mana suatu kebijakan dapat di-implementasikan melalui suatu ketentuan peraturan perundangan, dapat secara efektif dilaksanakan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuannya semula. Sebagaimana amanat dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 194 5 yang menyangkut tentang perekonomian, termasuk pengelolaan serta pemanfaatannya bagi kepentingan rakyat banyak, harus dapat dirasakan hasil dan manfaatnya oleh segenap rakyat Indonesia secara menyeluruh dan merata.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif dengan cara pengumpulan, pengolahan dan analisis data yang bersifat deskriptif analisis. Undang-Undang Nomor 38 Tahun 2004 Tentang Jalan adalah merupakan salah satu bentuk ketentuan pelaksanaan kebijakan tentang bagaimana diaturnya pembangunan infrastruktur jalan, khususnya jalan tol yang diharapakan antara lain dapat menjadikan lebih terbukanya jalur transportasi sekaligus distribusi,yang diharapkan dapat lebih menggerakkan roda perekonomian sehingga dapat menciptakan pemerataan pembanguanan dengan hasil-hasilnya, yang pada akhirnya dapat pula meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi untuk tercapainya peningkatan taraf hidup rakyat Indonesia demi kesejahteraan dan keadilan yang merata pula. Dalam implementasinya, kebijakan pembangunan infrastruktur jalan khsusnya jalan tol, menghadapi kendala dan hambatan yang tidak mudah. Keberadaan PT Jasa Marga (Pesero) dan pembentukan Badan Pengatur jalan Tol (BPJT) tidak serta merta dapat mempermudah percepatan pembangunan jalan tol. Keikut-sertaan atau partisipasi Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) maupun Badan Usaha Milik Swasta pun masih mendapatkan kendala yang cukup besar.Faktor pengadaan lahan dan penentuan tarif tol merupakan faktor yang dapat menenetukan menarik-tidaknya investasi jalan tol apabila ditinjau dari segi kelayakan bisnisnya. Lambannya pembangunan jalan tol berakibat pada kurang meratanya jalur transportasi dan distribusi, mengakibatkan kurangnya pergerakan pemerataan kegiatan perekonomian guna peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Pemerintah diharapkan dapat melakukan terobosan-terobosan guna menggairahkan sektor investasi penyelenggaraan jalan tol.
This research is intended to analyze on how far a policy can be implemented effectively through the provisions of the laws and regulations in accordance with its initial objectives and purposes. As instructed in the 1945 Constitutions of the Republic of Indonesia related to the economy/ including the administration and utilization for the interest of the people, its result and benefit must be enjoyed by the entire Indonesian people in general and equally. This research uses the normative research method by collecting, processing and analyzing the data that have analytic descriptive nature. Law Number 38 of 2004 regarding Road is one of the policy implementation formats in the administration of the road infrastructure construction particularly toll road that is expected, among others, will allow the opening of the transportation as well as the distribution path that can activate the economic wheels in creating the even distribution of the development and its result in turn will improve the economic growth for achieving the better standard of living for the people in Indonesia as well as the evenly distributed prosperity and justice. In the implementation of the policies in the toll road encountered many problems and hindrances which are not easily eliminated. The existence of PT Jasa Marga (Persero) and the establishment of Toll Road Regulating Board (BP JT) do not automatically make it easier for accelerating the construction of the toll road. The participation of the Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) or Private-Owned Enterprises encountered also significant problem. The land procurement factor and the decision of the toll tariff, that makes the investors loss their interest in constructing the toll road if it is seen from the business feasibility point of view. In this condition, the delay in the construction of the toll road infrastructure resulted in the delay in evenly distribution of the transportation and distribution path which at the end prevent the equal movement of the economic activities in supporting the economic growth in Indonesia. In this matter, the government is expected to create a breakthrough to stimulate the investment sector in the organization of toll road.
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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