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Bobby Setiadi Dharmawan
Abstrak :
Diare merupakan penyebab utama kesakitan dan kematian anak di negara berkembang. Setiap tahun diperkirakan terjadi 1,3 milyar episode diare pada balita dengan insidens paling tinggi usia di bawah 2 tahun. Pada tahun 2003, di negara berkembang terdapat 1,87 juta anak di bawah 5 tahun meninggal akibat diare dan 80% terjadi pada usia di bawah 2 tahun. Anak usia di bawah 5 tahun mengalami sekitar 3 episode diare per tahun namun di beberapa daerah terdapat 6-8 episode diare per tahun. Departemen Kesehatan RI melaporkan, di Indonesia setiap anak rata-rata mengalami diare sebanyak 1,6-2 episode per tahun. Infeksi bakteri merupakan salah satu penyebab diare cair maupun diare berdarah akut. Bakteri yang sering menyebabkan diare akut pada anak di negara berkembang antara lain; Escherichia coli (10-20%), ShigelIa (10-15%), CampyIobacter jejuni (5-15%), Vibrio cholera (5-10%) dan Salmonella (1-5%). Ariyani (1996-1997) menemukan E.coli 1-5 sekitar 14,1% sebagai penyebab tunggal diare terbanyak setelah infeksi tunggal rotavirus (18,8%). Antibiotik sering digunakan dokter pada kasus diare akut tanpa indikasi yang jelas. Purnomo dkk melaporkan sebanyak 27,5% dokter umum di Puskesmas dan praktek swasta di Jakarta Timur memberikan antibiotik pada penderita balita dengan diare akut. Dwipurwantoro dkk melaporkan dari 3 rumah sakit swasta Jakarta, dari 67 pasien diare akut yang dirawat sebanyak 55 anak (82,1%) mendapat antibiotik.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuraini Irma Susanti
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Kolitis infeksi adalah proses inflamasi pada usus besar yang disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri patogen, seperti Shigella, Salmonella, E.coli, dan Campylobacter. Dibuktikan dengan pemeriksaan kultur tinja, tetapi biayanya cukup mahal, perlu waktu dan tidak selalu tersedia di semua fasilitas kesehatan. Rekomendasi WHO jumlah lekosit lebih dari 10 per LPB untuk Shigella disentriae dengan klinis disentri dan merupakan indikasi pemberian antibiotika. Sering ditemukan anak diare dengan lekosit kurang dari 10/LPB tetapi hasil kultur positif bakteri patogen. Mencari hubungan jumlah lekosit tinja dengan kejadian diare yang disebabkan infeksi bakteri patogen yang memerlukan terapi antibiotika. Tujuan. Mengetahui prevalensi, sebaran bakteri patogen, nilai leukosit mikroskopik tinja pada anak dengan kolitis infeksi bakteri. Mengetahui hubungan leukosit tinja dengan kultur tinja dan pola sensitivitas antibiotika pada kolitis infeksi bakteri. Metode. Penelitian deskriptif dengan metode potong lintang dan uji diagnostik untuk menilai sensitivitas hitung leukosit tinja untuk mendiagnosis kolitis infeksi bakteri. Penelitian dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Rujukan Nasional Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta, dari bulan Januari- Juni 2015. Hasil. Dari 45 subjek penelitian ditemukan kultur positif pada 19 subjek (42,2%). Bakteri terbanyak yang ditemukan adalah E.coli (79%), Salmonella sp. (10,5%), dan C.difficille (10,5%). Pada titik potong ROC ditemukan nilai lekosit >8 per LPB dengan sensitivitas 0,654 dan spesifisitas 0.632. E.coli masih memperlihatkan sensitivitas cukup tinggi terhadap kloramfenikol dan siprofloksasin tetapi tidak terhadap sefiksim. Salmonella sp. sensitif terhadap kloramfenikol, sefiksim, dan seftriakson, sedangkan C. difficile sensitif terhadap Seftriakson. Simpulan. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan sebanyak 19 (42,2%) subyek penderita diare hasil kultur tinja positif bakteri patogen dan pada titik potong ROC ditemukan nilai lekosit > 8 per LPB dengan sensitivitas 65.4% dan spesifisitas 63.2%. Pada pola sensitivitas antibiotika, E.coli sensitif terhadap kloramfenikol dan siprofloksasin dan Salmonella dan C.difficile sensitif terhadap seftriakson.
Background. Infective colitis is an inflammatory process in the colon caused by pathogenic bacterial infection, such as Shigella, Salmonella, E.coli, and Campylobacter. Diagnosis is made by fecal culture, but the cost is relatively expensive, time-consuming, and not readily available in every health facility. WHO recommends that fecal leukocyte more than 10 per HPF for the diagnosis of Shigella disentriae with clinical symptom of dysentriae and indicated for antibiotic treatment. Often there are diarrheic children with leukocyte less than 10/HPF but the culture is positive for pathogenic bacteria. This study would like to look for the relationship between fecal leukocyte and incidence of diarrhea caused by pathogenic bacteria infection that requires antibiotic therapy. Objective. To study the prevalence, distribution of pathogenic bacteria, leukocyte count in fecal microscopic test in children with bacterial infective colitis. To study the relationship between fecal leukocyte and fecal culture with sensitivity pattern of antibiotics in bacterial infective colitis. Methods. Descriptive, cross-sectional study and diagnostic test to study the sensitivity of fecal leukocyte count in diagnosing bacterial infective colitis. Study was performed in the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, from January to June 2015. Results. From 45 study subjects, positive culture was found in 19 subjects (42.2%), and the most common bacteria were E.coli (79%), Salmonella sp. (10.5%), and C. difficille (10,5%). At the ROC we found leukocyte count >8 per HPF as cutoff point with 0.654 sensitivity and 0.632 specificity. E. coli still showed relatively high sensitivity to chloramphenicol and ciprofloxacin, but not to cefixime. Salmonella sp. were sensitive to chloramphenicol, cefixime, and ceftriaxone, while C. difficile were sensitive to ceftriaxone. Conclusion. In this study there were 19 (42.2%) subjects with diarrhea, with positive fecal culture for pathogenic bacteria. At the ROC cutoff point we found leukocyte count > 8 per HPF with 65.4% sensitivity and 63.2% specificity. On the antibiotic sensitivity pattern, E. coli was sensitive to chloramphenicol and ciprofloxacin, while Salmonella dan C.difficile were sensitive to ceftriaxone, Background. Infective colitis is an inflammatory process in the colon caused by pathogenic bacterial infection, such as Shigella, Salmonella, E.coli, and Campylobacter. Diagnosis is made by fecal culture, but the cost is relatively expensive, time-consuming, and not readily available in every health facility. WHO recommends that fecal leukocyte more than 10 per HPF for the diagnosis of Shigella disentriae with clinical symptom of dysentriae and indicated for antibiotic treatment. Often there are diarrheic children with leukocyte less than 10/HPF but the culture is positive for pathogenic bacteria. This study would like to look for the relationship between fecal leukocyte and incidence of diarrhea caused by pathogenic bacteria infection that requires antibiotic therapy. Objective. To study the prevalence, distribution of pathogenic bacteria, leukocyte count in fecal microscopic test in children with bacterial infective colitis. To study the relationship between fecal leukocyte and fecal culture with sensitivity pattern of antibiotics in bacterial infective colitis. Methods. Descriptive, cross-sectional study and diagnostic test to study the sensitivity of fecal leukocyte count in diagnosing bacterial infective colitis. Study was performed in the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, from January to June 2015. Results. From 45 study subjects, positive culture was found in 19 subjects (42.2%), and the most common bacteria were E.coli (79%), Salmonella sp. (10.5%), and C. difficille (10,5%). At the ROC we found leukocyte count >8 per HPF as cutoff point with 0.654 sensitivity and 0.632 specificity. E. coli still showed relatively high sensitivity to chloramphenicol and ciprofloxacin, but not to cefixime. Salmonella sp. were sensitive to chloramphenicol, cefixime, and ceftriaxone, while C. difficile were sensitive to ceftriaxone. Conclusion. In this study there were 19 (42.2%) subjects with diarrhea, with positive fecal culture for pathogenic bacteria. At the ROC cutoff point we found leukocyte count > 8 per HPF with 65.4% sensitivity and 63.2% specificity. On the antibiotic sensitivity pattern, E. coli was sensitive to chloramphenicol and ciprofloxacin, while Salmonella dan C.difficile were sensitive to ceftriaxone]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gustin Sukmarini
Abstrak :
Latar belakang:Sepsis adalah infeksi bakteri dalam darah yang sangat serius (SBI) karena akan mengancam jiwa. Masih tingginya angka kematian balita karena infeksi berat dan keterbatasan fasilitas di rumah sakit daerah untuk mendiagnosis terjadinya SBI, maka penilaian secara klinis dengan menggunakan standar yang valid dalam menegakkan diagnosis SBI sangat diperlukan. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai apakah anak diprediksi menderita SBI adalah dengan skala Acute illness observation scale (AIOS). Peneliti terdahulu menemukan skalaAIOS >8 mempunyai titik potong paling baik, tapi validasi keakuratannya perlu diteliti lebih lanjut. Tujuan:Melakukan validasi menggunakan skala AIOS>8 untuk mendeteksi terjadinya infeksi bakteri serius pada usia 3-36 bulan yang datang dengan demam, dan membandingkannya dengan diagnosis akhir dari dokter spesialis anak. Metode :Uji diagnostik potong lintang dan validasi skor menggunakan tabel dua kali dua, untuk mendapatkan nilai sensitifitas, spesifisitas, nilai duga positif, nilai duga negatif dan rasio kemungkinan positif dan negatif. Hasil penelitian :Dari 143 sampel, subjek penderita SBI sebesar 44(30,77%), proporsi anak laki-laki sama dengan perempuan. dan usia terbanyak adalah 3-12 bulan yaitu 27(61,4%) subjek. Subjek penderita SBI dengan skoring AIOS > 8 sebanyak 41( (93,2%%). Penyakit SBI terbanyak adalah pnemonia 21(47,7%) subjek, diikuti ISK (13,6%), diare bakterial, sepsis dan ensefalitis masing masing (9,1%), selulitis (6,8%) dan meningitis (4,6%) dan penyakit bukan SBI terbanyak adalah ISPA 36(36,4%) subjek. Sensitifitas skor AIOS 95,5% (IK 95%; 84,5-99,4%), spesifisitas 29,3% (IK 95%; 20,6-39,3%), nilai duga positif 37,5% (IK 95%; 34,3-40,9%), nilai duga negatif 93,6% (IK 95%; 78,4-98,3%), rasio kemungkinan positif 1,4 (IK95%; 1,2-1,6), rasio kemungkinan negatif 0,2 (IK95%; 0,04-0,6). AUC(area under receiver operating characteristic curve 0,655 dengan p 0,002 dan IK 95% 0,6-0,8) dapat mendiskriminasi pasien-pasien yang dicurigai SBI dengan baik. Kesimpulan : Penggunaan skala AIOS>8 sangat sensitif untuk mendeteksi terjadinya infeksi bakteri serius pada usia 3-36 bulan.
Back ground. Sepsis is a very serious bacterial infection in the blood (SBI) because it will be life-threatening. The high rates of under-five mortality due to severe infections and limited facilities in local hospitals, a clinical assessment must be use a valid standard to diagnose SBI. One method that can be used to assess whether a child is predicted to have SBI is the scale of the Acute illness observation scale (AIOS). The previous researcher found that the scale of AIOS > 8 has the best cutoff point, but the validation of accuracy needs to be further investigated.. Aim: Validate using AIOS scale> 8 to detect the occurrence of serious bacterial infections at the age of 3-36 months who come with fever, and compare it with the final diagnosis of pediatrician. Method. The cross-sectional diagnostic test and the scoring validation use the two-by-two tables, to obtain sensitivity, specificity, positive predictor, negative predictor and positive and negative probability ratios. Result. Of the 143 samples, the subject of SBI was 44 (30.77%), the proportion of boys was the same as for women. And the most ages were 3-12 months ie 27 (61.4%) subjects. Subjects of SBI patients with AIOS scores > 8 were 41 ((93.2 %%) . The highest SBI disease was pneumonia 21 (47.7%) subjects, followed by UTI (13.6%), bacterial diarrhea, sepsis and encephalitis respectively (9,1%), cellulitis (6.8%) and meningitis (4.6%) and non-SBI disease were mostly ARI 36 (36.4%) subjects, AIOS score sensitivity 95.5% (95% IK; 84,5-99,4%), specificity 29,3% (95% IK, 20,6-39,3%), positive predictive value 37,5% (95% IK, 34,3-40,9% ), A negative predictive value of 93.6% (95% IK, 78.4-98.3%), a positive likelihood ratio of 1.4 (IK95%, 1.2-1.6), a negative likelihood ratio of 0.2 ( IK95%; 0.04-0.6). AUC (area under receiver operating characteristic curve 0.655 with p 0.002 and 95% IK 0.6-0.8) can discriminate well-suspected SBI patients. Conclusion. The use of AIOS scale> 8 is very sensitive to detect serious bacterial infections at 3-36 months of age in area.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Wayan Gustawan
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Adanya peningkatan angka kematian anak di negara berkembang, masih tingginya insiden penyakit infeksi bakteri serius (IBS) pada anak, beragamnya variabel klinis yang menjadi faktor risiko terjadinya IBS, model skoring yang ada belum teruji dalam mendeteksi IBS di sarana pelayanan terbatas. Tujuan. Untuk mengetahui validitas Skor RCPCH dalam mendeteksi adanya infeksi bakteri serius pada anak dengan demam serta mencari faktor prediktor terjadinya infeksi tersebut. Metode. Uji diagnostik untuk mengetahui validitas Skor RCPCH dalam mendeteksi adanya infeksi serius pada anak dengan demam dan kohort prospektif untuk mencari faktor prediktor. Baku emas adalah diagnosis akhir sesuai ICD-10. Seluruh pemeriksaan dilakukan secara buta (tersamar). Hasil. Didapatkan 260 subyek penelitian. Tujuh pasien rawat jalan tidak dapat dihubungi sehingga analisis dilakukan pada 253 subyek (97,3%). Laki-laki lebih banyak daripada perempuan dengan rasio 1,14: 1. Kelompok umur lebih banyak didapatkan pada kelompok > 36 bulan (51,4%). Diagnosis IBS didapatkan pada 28,9% subyek dengan diagnosis terbanyak pneumonia (19%). Skor RCPCH mempunyai sensitifitas 58,9%, spesifisitas 86,7%, nilai duga positif 64,2%, nilai duga negatif 83,8%, rasio kemungkinan positif 4,42, rasio kemungkinan negatif 0,47, post test probability 64,23%, area under ROC curve 72,8%. Batuk, sesak napas, mencret, kejang, umur 1-36 bulan, suhu tubuh ≥ 37,50 C, hipoksia, dan takipnea merupakan faktor prediktor terjadinya IBS. Simpulan. Skor RCPCH dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi infeksi bakteri serius pada anak umur 1 bulan–12 tahun. Batuk, sesak napas, mencret, kejang, umur 1-36 bulan, suhu tubuh ≥ 37,50 C, hipoksia, dan takipnea merupakan faktor prediktor terjadinya IBS.
Background. The increase of child mortality in developing country, the high incidence of serious bacterial infection in children, the variety of risk factors of serious infections, current scoring model has not been tested in limited health care centre. Objective. To know the validity of of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) Score to predict serious bacterial infection in children with fever and to find predictor factors of the serious infection. Method. Diagnostic study was used to find validity of RCPCH Score and cohort prospective study to find predictor factors of the serious infection. Gold standard was the latest diagnosis noted on medical record based on ICD-10. All tests were done blind. Results. There were 260 subjects. Seven patients of out-patient department could not be reached so analysis was done on 253 subjects (97.3%). There were more male than female with the ratio of 1.14:1. Age group of >36 months dominated the subject population (51.4%). Serious bacterial infection was found on 28.9% subject with the most diagnosis was pneumonia (19%). Sensitivity of SBI score was 58.9%, specificity was 86.7%, positive predictive value was 64.2%, negative predictive value was 83.8%, positive likelihood ratio was 4.42, negative likelihood ratio was 0.47, post test probability was 64,23%, and area under ROC curve was 72,8%. Cough, dyspnea, diarrhea, seizure, age of 1-36 month, body temperature ≥ 37.50 C, hypoxia, tachypnea were the risk factors for SBI. Conclusion. RCPCH Score can used to predict serious bacterial infection in children aged 1 month- 12 years. Cough, dyspnea, diarrhea, seizure, age of 1-36 months, body temperature ≥ 37.50 C, hypoxia, and tachypnea were the risk factors for SBI
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maryland Heights, Missouri: Elsevier , 2015
616.904 1 TEX
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Artati Murwaningrum
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Infeksi HAP oleh bakteri multidrug-resistant (MDR) menyebabkan mortalitas yang tinggi, lama rawat yang memanjang dan biaya perawatan yang tinggi. Karena itu perlu diketahui gambaran faktor risiko terjadinya infeksi bakteri MDR pada pasien HAP. Tujuan: Mengetahui gambaran faktor risiko terjadinya infeksi bakteri MDR pada pasien HAP di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. Metode: Penelitian dengan desain Kohort retrospektif menggunakan rekam medik pasien HAP yang memiliki hasil kultur sputum di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2015-2016 dengan metode total sampling. Pasien HAP diklasifikasikan menjadi terinfeksi bakteri MDR dan terinfeksi bakteri bukan MDR berdasarkan kategori resistensi isolat yang paling resisten pada sputum yang pertama kali didiagnosis MDR. Evaluasi gambaran faktor risiko dilakukan kepada semua subjek. Seluruh analisis dilakukan menggunakan program Microsoft Excel. Hasil: Proporsi HAP selama tahun 2015 dan 2016 berturut-turut adalah 6,12 dan 6,15/1000 admisi. Proporsi pasien HAP yang terinfeksi bakteri MDR selama tahun 2015 dan 2016 berturut-turut adalah 95% dan 82,1%. Gambaran proporsi faktor risiko infeksi bakteri MDR pada pasien HAP RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2015-2016 mulai dari yang paling tinggi ke yang paling rendah berturut-turut adalah riwayat pemakaian antibiotik 90 hari sebelum diagnosis (100%), albumin <2.5 g/dL (100%), Charlson Comorbidity index≥3 (95,9%), usia> 60 (95,2%), lama rawat> 5 hari (92,5%), riwayat pemasangan NGT (92,1%), riwayat perawatan ICU/HCU sebelumnya (81,8%) dan penggunaan steroid setara prednison>10 mg/hari atau ekivalen selama>14 hari (28,6%). Simpulan: Proporsi infeksi bakteri MDR pada pasien HAP RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2015 dan 2016 berturut-turut adalah 95% dan 82,1% dengan proporsi faktor risiko infeksi bakteri MDR yang paling tinggi adalah pada pasien dengan riwayat pemakaian antibiotik 90 hari sebelum diagnosis dan albumin <2.5 g/dL. > Background: Multi-drug Resistant (MDR) Hospital-acquired Pneumonia (HAP) is associated with high mortality, prolonged hospital stay and high cost. Therefore, it is important to have description risk factors distribution for MDR HAP. Aim: To have description of risk factors proportion for infection with MDR bacteria in HAP patients hospitalized in Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital. Methods: A Cohort retrospective study with total sampling methode was conducted to collect medical records of HAP patients hospitalized in 2015-2016. Patients were classified as infected with MDR bacteria and infected with non-MDR bacteria based on the most resistant category of the sputum firstly diagnosed infected with multidrug-resistant bacteria. Risk factors evaluation were conducted to all subjects. All analysis was done using Microsoft Excel. Results: Proportion of HAP during 2015 and 2016 respectively were 6.12 per 1000 admission and 6.15 per 1000 admission. Proportion of HAP patients infected with MDR bacteria in 2015 and 2016 were 95% and 82,1% respectively. MDR bacteria in 2015 and 2016 were 95% and 82,1% respectively. Description of risk factors proportion for infection with MDR bacteria from the highest to lowest respectively were prior antibiotic use 90 days before diagnosis (100%), albumin level <2.5 g/dL (100%), Charlson Comorbidity index≥3 (95,9%), age >60 years (95,2%), hospitalization>5 days (92,5%), NGT insertion (92,1%), prior ICU/HCU hospitalization in the last 90 days (81,8%) and prior steroid use equivalent to prednisone >10 mg/day for >14 days (28,6%). Conclusion: Proportion of HAP patients infected with MDR bacteria in 2015 and 2016 were 95% and 82,1% respectively with the highest risk factors proportion for infection with multidrug-resistant bacteria were prior antibiotic use in 90 days before diagnosis and albumin <2,5 g/dL.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library