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Ningky Sasanti Tjahyati Susatyo-Munir
Abstrak :
Inspired by the fast development of knowledge-based competitiveness theories, in the beginning of 2000, Christine Soo and Timothy Devinney of Australian Graduate School of Management, University of New South Wales in Australia worked together with David Midgley of a leading business school INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France to conduct an exploratory study to identify variables that affect knowledge creation process in a company. The study identified there are 11 significant variables that play significant roles in the knowledge creation process of a company. The said eleven variables are: (1) formal collaboration activity, (2) formal interaction activity, (3) information acquisition activity, (4) knowledge acquisition activity, (5) creativity in problem solving and decision making activity, (6) completeness in problem solving and decision making activity, (7) consensus in problem solving and decision making activity, (8) new knowledge creation, (9) innovation, (10) individual absorption, and (11) organizational absorption.

With the use of the said eleven variables, a study is conducted in 43 fully-fledged companies that develop, produce and sell their proprietary - not licensed - cosmetics. The objective of this study is to identify, analyze and elucidate the structure of knowledge creation model in national private, large scale cosmetics companies in Indonesia.

Some statistical techniques were used to analyze data with the help of LISREL (Linear Structural Relation) software of 8.53 versions. Different from the research conducted by Soo, Midgley and Devinney (2000, 2002), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) instead of Partial Least Square (PLS) was used to investigate into the model presented in this research.

The research revealed that the structure of knowledge creation model of large-scale national private cosmetics companies in Indonesia is not identical to the structure of knowledge creation model developed by Soo, Midgley and Devinney (2000). The differences in the model are attributable to five factors, all of which resulting from the differences in data source, data gathering method and analysis tool.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laretna Pranadian Rahajeng
Abstrak :
Kemunculan dan kesuksesan merek kosmetik Fenty Beauty yang diinisiasi oleh Rihanna pada tahun 2017 merupakan salah satu perkembangan yang signifikan di industri kosmetik Amerika dalam kurun waktu lima tahun terakhir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi Rihanna dalam membangun Fenty Beauty dan bagaimana hal ini merepresentasikan pengalaman orang kulit hitam di Amerika. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengevaluasi respon publik terhadap Fenty Beauty untuk melihat kontribusinya terhadap inklusi di industri kosmetik. Asosiasi Rihanna dengan Fenty Beauty dianalisis dengan menggunakan konsep celebrity entrepreneurship dan metode pendekatan studi kasus. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa daya tarik dan kredibilitas Rihanna sebagai selebritas berpengaruh dalam membentuk karakteristik produk dan kampanye Fenty Beauty yang dikenal dan diapresiasi karena inklusivitasnya. Selain itu, langkah merek kosmetik ini dalam mengakomodir warna kulit gelap membawa arti penting bagi perempuan kulit hitam di Amerika. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa identitas Fenty Beauty dibangun dengan menekankan keterlibatan Rihanna yang signifikan dalam mendirikan dan mengelola merek kosmetik ini. Meski begitu, keterikatan antara Rihanna dan Fenty Beauty turut menunjukkan sisi negatif tersendiri dari kesuksesan kedua belah pihak. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa kesuksesan Fenty Beauty dapat dibaca sebagai suatu bentuk upaya orang kulit hitam dalam menegosiasikan posisinya di Amerika. Berbagai hasil temuan ini menunjukkan adanya sisi positif maupun negatif yang muncul dari asosiasi antara selebritas dengan bisnisnya dalam sebuah celebrity entrepreneurship. ......Initiated by Rihanna in 2017, the emergence and success of the cosmetic brand Fenty Beauty are one of the most significant developments in the American cosmetic industry in the last five years. This study aims to analyze Rihanna's strategy in building Fenty Beauty and how it represents the struggle of black people in America. In addition, this study also aims to analyze and evaluate the general public's response towards Fenty Beauty to examine its contribution to inclusion in the cosmetic industry. Rihanna's association with Fenty Beauty was analyzed using the concept of celebrity entrepreneurship and a case study approach. This study found that the influence of Rihanna's attractiveness and credibility as a celebrity has shaped the characteristics of Fenty Beauty's products and campaigns, which are known and applauded for their inclusiveness. In addition, Fenty Beauty's move to accommodate dark skin tones is significant for black women in America. The results of this study also show that Fenty Beauty's identity is built by emphasizing Rihanna's significant involvement in establishing and managing her cosmetic brand. However, the bond between Rihanna and Fenty Beauty also highlights the negative side of the success of both parties. This study also found that the success of Fenty Beauty is a form of black people's effort in negotiating their position in America. These findings illustrate the positive and negative effects of the association between celebrities and their businesses in celebrity entrepreneurship.
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djoko Suwarno
Abstrak :
Pencemaran air di badan air penerima disebabkan oleh limbah domestik dan limbah industri. Pencemaran ini dapat mengakibatkan terganggunya peruntukan badan air. Pada dasarnya badan air merupakan sumber daya yang terbaharui dengan daur hidrologi dan proses pemurnian, selama kemampuan alam untuk membersihkan air tidak terlampaui. Undang-undang Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 4 Tahun 1982 mengharuskan setiap industri untuk mengendalikan limbah yang dihasilkannya. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan membuat alat pengendali limbah cair. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan alat pengolah limbah cair yang telah dimiliki oleh PT Mawar Sejati. Lokasi penelitian terletak di tepi jalan Raya Jakarta Bogor Km 50, Desa Cijujung, Kecamatan Kedunghalang, Kabupaten Daerah Tingkat II Bogor, Propinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengadakan pengambilan sampel dan pengukuran kadar parameter baik di lapangan maupun di laboratorium. Pengukuran ini dikerjakan untuk kualitas air Baku produksi, air limbah yang dihasilkan dan air sungai Kalibaru. Hipotesis pertama menyatakan bahwa kualitas air limbah akan menjadi lebih baik setelah mengalami pengolahan. Uji t terhadap rata-rata kadar sebelum dan setelah pengolahan menunjukkan perbedaan untuk nilai padatan tersuspensi, BCD, COD dan detergen. Sedangkan untuk parameter lainnya secara statistik tidak berbeda. Hipotesis kedua menyatakan bahwa pembuangan limbah cair industri kosmetik menurunkan kualitas air sungai Kalibaru. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa limbah cair industri kosmetik menambah kadar pencernar, tetapi belum menurunkan kualitas air sungai Kalibaru. Dari basil pengukuran dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat pengolah limbah cair FT. Mawar Sejati telah bekerja dengan baik, sehingga limbah cair dengan kadar parameter padatan tersuspensi, BOD, COD dan detergen sebelum pengolahan termasuk Golongan II dan setelah diolah turun menjadi Golangan I serta tidak mengubah kualitas air sungai Kalibaru. Pengolah limbah cair ini telah bekerja sesuai dengan perencanaan yaitu untuk menurunkan kadar BOD, COD dan TSS.
Water pollution in (receiving) water bodies is caused by domestic and industrial waste. This pollution could damage the water for its usage. Basically, water bodies serve as renewable resources undergoing hydrology cycles and purifying processes, as long as the natural purifying capability of the water has not been exceeded. The Environmental Law number 4 , 1982, compels each industry to control its waste. One method that could be implemented is the construction of a waste water control instrument. This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the waste water control instrument, owned by PT Mawar Sejati. This plant is located along the Jakarta-Bogor main road at km 50, Cijujung village, Kedunghalang sub district, Bogor regency, West Java. The study was conducted by collecting samples and measuring parameters, both in the field as well as in the laboratory. Measurements were taken to evaluate the quality of the water used for production, the waste water generated, and the water from the Kalibaru river. The first hypothesis states that the quality of the waste water improved after treatment. The T test conducted for the average concentration before and after treatment, showed a significant difference for suspended solids, BOD, COD and detergent. Other parameters observed, showed no statistically significant differences. The second hypothesis states that waste water disposal of cosmetic industries resulted in a decrease in the quality of the Kalibaru river. Measurements revealed that the waste water treatment instrument owned by PT Mekar Sejati functioned well, causing the concentration of respective parameters, suspended solids, BOD, COD and detergents, which have been classified in category II, to drop to category I after treatment, thus not changing the quality of the Kalibaru river. The waste treatment instrument performed according to its specifications, i.e. reducing the concentration of SOD, COD, and TSS.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tia Atika Putri
Abstrak :
Saat ini tren penggunaan kosmetik di Indonesia tidak untuk wanita saja, namun telah berinovasi pada produk kosmetik bagi pria maupun anak-anak. Hingga tahun 2019, pemerintah Indonesia mencatat terdapat sebanyak 797 perusahaan kosmetik dalam negeri baik dari skala kecil, menengah maupun besar dimana angka tersebut meningkat dari jumlah pada tahun sebelumnya yaitu sebesar 760 perusahaan. Kinerja industri kosmetik juga mengalami pertumbuhan sebesar 5.59% pada tahun 2020 dan berhasil menyumbang devisa negara dengan nilai ekspor mencapai USD 317 juta atau mengalami kenaikan sebesar 15.2% dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya. Aliran rantai pasok dalam akivitas bisnis tentunya merupakan hal yang rumit untuk dibicarakan karena aktivitas, koneksi dan keterkaitan antar elemen dari hulu ke hilir penuh dengan risiko dan ketidakpastian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang model risiko rantai pasok pada industri kosmetik di Indonesia, sehingga pengelolaan risiko dan ketidakpastian dalam jaringan rantai pasok dapat dieksplor lebih lanjut sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi dalam melakukan mitigasi risiko yang tepat. Terdapat 3 metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini, pertama adalah literature review untuk mengumpulkan indikator risiko rantai pasok di industri kosmetik dari penelitian sebelumnya, kedua adalah metode CVI untuk melakukan validasi dari indikator yang telah diperoleh dari hasil literature review serta terakhir adalah DEMATEL berbasis ANP untuk mengetahui bobot dan pengaruh antar dimensi. 20 indikator dalam 6 dimensi telah berhasil tervalidasi dari 36 indikator oleh 5 expert di bidang industri kosmetik dengan rata-rata nilai I-CVI sebesar 0,91. Dimensi pada risiko rantai pasok di industri kosmetik yang paling kuat pengaruhnya adalah dimensi pasokan dan logistik, sementara dimensi keuangan dinilai sebagai dimensi yang paling mudah terpengaruh. ......The trend of using cosmetic products in Indonesia is not only exclusively for women but also has expanded for men and children. Until 2019, the Indonesian government recorded 797 domestic cosmetic companies from small, medium, and large scale, which increased compared to 760 companies in the previous year. The cosmetics industry's performance also grew by 5.59% in 2020 and contributed to foreign exchange for export with USD 317 million, increasing 15.2% compared to the previous year. Supply chain flow in business activities is undoubtedly a complicated issue to discuss because the activities, connections, and interrelationships between elements from upstream to downstream are full of risks and uncertainties. This study aims to conceptualize a supply chain risk model in the Indonesian cosmetics industry to ensure the development of appropriate risk mitigation strategy. This research used qualitative data in a questionnaire assessment by experts, processed using a Content Validity Index (CVI) approach. This research used 3 methods, literature review for collecting supply chain risk indicators, CVI method for validating the indicators collected from literature review, and DEMATEL based ANP for find the weight and relation between each indicator and dimension. A total of 20 indicators in 6 dimensions have been successfully validated from 36 indicators by five experts in the cosmetics industry with an average I-CVI value of 0.91. The highest influence dimension in supply chain risk in cosmetic industry is the supply and logistic indicator, meanwhile the finance dimension is rated as the most easily affected dimension.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library