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Ditemukan 99 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Grant, James P.
Washington, D.C.: Overseas Development Council , 1978
658.406 GRA d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Carnes, W. Stansbury
New York: HarperBusiness, 1992
R 330.973001 CAR a
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: STAID, BBPT, 1993
R 600 SCI
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Within the framework of the European Employment Strategy,the European Union has defined a set of indicators to monitor employment quality-the socalled Laeken indicators.....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rheinanda Raissa Dasril
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas proses business coaching yang dilakukan pada YES Cake & Bakery, suatu UKM yang bergerak di industri makanan. YES Cake & Bakery menawarkan serangkaian produk roti, cakes, dan kue kering. Tesis ini fokus membahas masalah yang dihadapi YES Cake & Bakery dalam bidang Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Masalah utamanya adalah bahwa YES Cake & Bakery belum memiliki sistem evaluasi kinerja karyawan. Penulisan tesis ini bertujuan untuk membantu YES Cake & Bakery dalam menyusun Key Performance Indicator (KPI) yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai kinerja karyawannya. ......This thesis discusses the business coaching process conducted at YES Cake & Bakery, a SME engaged in the food industry. YES Cake & Bakery offers a range of bakery products, cakes, and cookies. This thesis focuses on the problems faced by YES Cake & Bakery in the field of Human Resources (HR). The main problem is that YES Cake & Bakery does not yet have an employee performance evaluation system. This thesis writing aims to assist YES Cake & Bakery in preparing the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that can be used to assess the performance of its employees.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andreas Hargo Wicaksono
Abstrak :
Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk merancang model dan matriks Key Risk Indicators (KRI) atau indikator risiko kunci atas risiko-risiko signifikan perusahaan, serta merancang proses penerapannya dalam proses manajemen risiko perusahaan. Penelitian merupakan studi kasus pada PT PJB Services yang bergerak dalam sektor ketenagalistrikan khususnya di bidang operasi dan pemeliharaan pembangkit listrik. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dan kualitatif (metode campuran). Analisis dan perancangan KRI yang dilakukan berupa penentuan akar risiko, indikator pemantauan, serta ambang batas dari risiko-risiko signifikan yang berpengaruh dan berpotensi menggagalkan pencapaian target dan tujuan perusahaan yang tertuang dalam indikator performa kinerja utama. Risiko-risiko yang signifikan tersebut diidentifikasi dari penjabaran risiko strategis yang ditetapkan perusahaan dalam pedoman manajemen risiko tahun 2021, diantaranya risiko kalah bersaing dalam kompetisi pelanggan baru non-PLN grup dan  risiko tingginya angka pencapaian umur piutang perusahaan yang menyebabkan ketidakstabilan kondisi keuangan. Perancangan KRI diharapkan membantu perusahaan untuk melakukan proses pemantauan, terutama terhadap peristiwa-peristiwa yang menjadi indikasi terjadinya suatu risiko. Berdasarkan peringatan dan informasi dini dari KRI, perusahaan dapat melakukan berbagai tindakan mitigasi lebih awal guna mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya peristiwa risiko maupun dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh risiko tersebut. ......The purpose of this research is to design a model and matrix of key risk indicators (KRI) for the company's significant risks, and to design a process for its implementation in the company's risk management process. This research is a case study at PT PJB Services that engaged in the electricity sector, especially in the field of operation and maintenance of power plants. The methods used are quantitative and qualitative (both methods). Analysis and design of KRI is carried out in the form of determining risk roots, monitoring indicators, as well as thresholds for significant risks that affect and have the potential to thwart the achievement of the company's targets and objectives as stated in its key performance indicators. These significant risks were identified from the strategic risk elaboration set by the company in the risk management guidelines for 2021, including the risk of losing out in the competition for new customers non-PLN group and the risk of the company's receivables aging rate being high which can lead to financial instability. The design of the KRI is expected to help the company to carry out the monitoring process, especially to events that are an indication of the occurrence of a risk. Based on early warnings and information from KRI, the company can take various mitigation actions earlier to reduce the possibility of risk events and impacts caused by these risks.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Gatot Purwanto
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang Indentifikasi Perubahan Peiilaku residen di UPT BNN melalui Observable Behavioral Check List ( OBCL). Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa OBCL telah dapat mengidentifikasi perubahan perilaku residen selama menjalani terapi rehabilitasi. Untuk menyebarluaskan OBCL ke BNP dan BNK harus diadakan pelatihan kepada petugas untuk menoperasikan OBCL......This thesis discusses the identification of behavioral changes in residents at UPT BNN through the Observable Behavioral Check List (OBCL). From the results of this study, it is known that OBCL has been able to identify changes in resident behavior during rehabilitation therapy. To disseminate OBCL to BNP and BNK, training must be held for officers to operate OBCL.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Commons or resources can be useful but sometimes could be dangerous for humanity. The resources can be vulnerable if the human who has to manage fails. Understanding the stakeholder could be an appropriate way to solve it. Therefore this esay , based on the case study of the Bardon Grange Allotment Project (BGAP) in Leeds, the UK, is to understand the stakeholder involvement and elaborate the sustainability indicators that have been used in this project. The targets are also to understand the stakeholders' participation and to measure the indicators of its sustainability.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nieke Resmiati Saleh
Abstrak :
Angka kematian perinatal merupakan salah satu indikator derajat kesehatan. Angka kematian perinatal Indonesia saat ini masih tinggi yaitu 45 per seribu kelahiran hidup. Diharapkan rumah sakit-rumah sakit di Indonesia terutama rumah sakit tipe C sebagai pusat rujukan di wilayah kerjanya dapat membantu menurunkan angka kematian perinatal yang masih tinggi tersebut. RSU Majalaya sebagai rumah sakit tipe C di Kabupaten DT II Bandung mempunyai angka kematian perinatal yang cukup tinggi yaitu 96,10 % (tahun 1994) menurut Informasi Kesehatan Propinsi Jawa Barat sedangkan menurut catatan medik dan register persalinan di RSU Majalaya sendiri sebesar 151,52% (1993); 146,51% (1994), dan 177,93% (1995) sebelum bayi berat <1000 gram dan bayi umur 4 28 minggu dihilangkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kematian perinatal di RSU Majalaya, serta untuk mengetahui faktor ekstemal (paritas, usia, kondisi kesehatan ibu, berat badan bayi lahir, rujukan medik eksternal serta status ekonomi ibu) dan faktor internal rumah sakit (kualitas penolong persalinan, lamanya pertolongan persalinan, waktu dan cara persalinan). Metoda penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi deskriptif dengan desain kasus kontrol Sampel yang diambil sebesar 129 ibu bersalin dengan kematian perinatal dan kontrol sebesar 258 ibu bersalin dengan bayi hidup. Data diambil dari bulan Juli 1994 sampai bulan Juni 1996 secara retrospekti£ Analisa data dengan menggunakan program Epi Info versi 6.0 unmatch analysis deskriptif dan Odds Ratio untuk analisis bivariat. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa dari 10 variabel ,5 variabel bermalma dengan P c p;OSyaitu berat badan bayi lahir (OR 4.62), kelas perawatan (OR 3,35), rujukan eksternal (OR 0.61), faktor resiko ibu (OR 4,15), dan lama pertolongan persalinan (OR 7,99). Peran RSU Majalaya sebagai Community Hospital belum menunjukkan hasil yang bermakna dalam menurunkan angka kematian perinata1. Demikian pula peran manajemen RSU Majalaya dalam pengelolaan perinatologi masih belum menunjukkan peran yang berarti karena masih tingginya angka kematian perinatal. Disarankan untuk RSU Majalaya untuk meningkatkan manajemen perinatologi terutama dalam segi pendayagunaan tenaga spesialis dan kualitas penolong persalinan terutama persalinan di luar jam kerja dan penataan catatan medik dan register persalinan untuk meningkatkan sistem informasi manajemen rumah sakit. Bagi Dinas kesehatan dan instansi terkait disarankan untuk meningkatkan program penunjang bagi keberhasilan menurunkan angka kematian perinatal khususnya di RSU Majalaya serta mengupayakan perbaikan sarana dan prasarana yang terkait.
Perinatal mortality rate (PMR) is one of the health status indicators. PMR in Indonesia is still high, estimated around 45 per 1000 life births. It is expected that hospitals in Indonesia. Especially type C hospital, which functioning as a top referral in its catchments area, would help in reducing the perinatal mortality rate. According to the Health Information of West Java. Majalaya public hospital as a type C hospital at Bandung regency has a high Perinatal Mortality Rate, i.e. about 96,10 % (1994). However according to the hospital medical record the rate were about 151,52 % (1993), 146, 51 % (1994), and 177, 93 % (1995). These rates were based on exclusion of those with weight less than 1000 grams and age less than 28 weeks. The research explored factors related to PMR in Majalaya public hospital. The spesific objective is to describe the external factors (parity, age of the mother, mother health conditions, weight of the baby born, external medical refferal and the economic status) and internal factors (quality of the personnel assisting the delivery, length, time and method of delivery). This research utilized a case -control study design. Numbers of cases taken were 129 delivery with perinatal mortality, and the control were 258 delivery with life births. The data were taken during July 1994 until June 1996 retrospectively. The analysis was done by using Epi Info versi 6,0 program, unmatched analysis descriptive program and Odds ratio to bivariate analysis. The analysis revealed that 5 of the 10 variables have a significant relationship with in PMR with p<0.05. Of the 5 variables, 4 belongs to the external factors they are : weight of the baby born (OR 4,62), economic status (OR 3,35), external medical referral (OR 0,61), mother health condition (OR 4,15) The remaining one variable is belong to the internal factor i.e. length of delivery (OR 7,99). These findings suggest that for the hospital to play an effective role to reduce PMR, it has to adopt the concept of "Community Hospital". It was observed that this role has not been planned and implemented systematically as indicated by the high PMR. It is suggested for the hospital, to increase its perinatology management including increasing the efficiency of specialist and the quality of personnel when serve delivery during off office time. It is also suggested for the hospital to improve its medical record and management information system. To health department of regency Bandung and another institution it is suggested to increase their support on program to decrease PMR, especially at Majalaya Public Hospital. This can be done for example by improving the hospital facilities.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mukhamad Taufiq
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai sejauh mana peran Pemegang Saham dalam hal ini Kementerian BUMN dalam pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance pada BUMN sektor asuransi yang mendorong peningkatan nilai perusahaan dan menciptakan kondisi yang memacu organ perusahaan lainnya yaitu Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi untuk lebih meningkatkan perannya dalam implementasi prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance. Perlu peningkatan peran Pemegang Saham melalui upaya penetapan keputusan dan kebijakan yang konsisten dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku terkait BUMN. Manfaat yang diharapkan dari penerapan Good Corporate Governance adalah terciptanya iklim kerja yang kondusif karena adanya kesadaran dan pemahaman mengenai fungsi dan peran, wewenang serta tanggung jawab dari masing-masing organ perusahaan. Hasil penerapan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance tercermin dengan meningkatnya nilai dan kinerja BUMN. ......This thesis discusses the extent to which the role of shareholders in this case the Ministry of SOEs in the implementation of the principles of good corporate governance in state-owned insurance sector is driving increased value of the company and create the conditions that spur other companies organs to further enhance its role in implementation of the principles of Good Corporate Governance. Shareholders need to increase the role of decision-making through the efforts and policies that are consistent with the legislation in force related to SOE. The benefits expected from the implementation of good corporate governance is the creation of conducive working environment because of lack of awareness and understanding of the functions and roles, powers and responsibilities of each organ of the company. The results of the application of the principles of good corporate governance is reflected in the increased value and performance of SOEs.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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