Aristo Purboadji
Abstrak :
Krisis rupiah di tahun 1997-1999 adalah gejolak besar bagi ekonomi Indonesia dimana pertumbuhan ekonomi anjlok, sistem perbankan lumpuh, diikuti dengan konsekuensi sosial dan politik yang pahit. Diyakini jika otoritas moneter daan pembuat kebijakan lainnya dapat mengantisipasi krisis tersebut, segala konsekuensi yang tidak diinginkan tersebut dapat dikurangi dan mungkin dihindari.
Sistem pendeteksian dini untuk krisis rupiah diharapkan dapat memberi waktu para pembuat kebijakan untuk mengantisipasi datangnya krisis. Namun salah satu faktor sukses yang kritikal dalam pembentukan sistem tersebut adalah seleksi indikator.
Penelitian ini menerapkan Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W)untuk sistem pendeteksian dini krisis rupiah dengan produk akhir berupa set indikator yang dianggap efektif memprediksi krisis rupiah. Dengan I&W diseleksi lima indikator, yang selanjutnya diuji keefektifannya dengan metode regresi logit, yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat tiga indikator yang dapat memprediksi krisis rupiah secara signifikan yang adalah: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank?s Foreign Asset Growth, dan 3) Inflasi.
Currency crisis in Indonesia that took place in 1997-1999 was a major shock to the economy which plunge the growth, collapse the banking system with its bitter social and political consequences. It is acknowledged that if the monetary authority could anticipate such shock, the result would not be as devastating, it could be far lessen, and hopefully avoided.
Early warning system for currency crisis is crucial for policy makers to anticipate the coming crisis with enough preparation. One of the most important factor in framing that system is indicators selection.
This research apply Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W) to early warning system of rupiah crisis with indicator set as its end product. With I&W five indicators are selected, which underwent further significance test with logistic regression method. This method results in three indicators being the most effective in predicting rupiah crisis, namely: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank?s Foreign Asset Growth, and 3) Inflation.;Currency crisis in Indonesia that took place in 1997-1999 was a major shock to the economy which plunge the growth, collapse the banking system with its bitter social and political consequences. It is acknowledged that if the monetary authority could anticipate such shock, the result would not be as devastating, it could be far lessen, and hopefully avoided.
Early warning system for currency crisis is crucial for policy makers to anticipate the coming crisis with enough preparation. One of the most important factor in framing that system is indicators selection.
This research apply Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W) to early warning system of rupiah crisis with indicator set as its end product. With I&W five indicators are selected, which underwent further significance test with logistic regression method. This method results in three indicators being the most effective in predicting rupiah crisis, namely: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank’s Foreign Asset Growth, and 3) Inflation., Currency crisis in Indonesia that took place in 1997-1999 was a major shock to the economy which plunge the growth, collapse the banking system with its bitter social and political consequences. It is acknowledged that if the monetary authority could anticipate such shock, the result would not be as devastating, it could be far lessen, and hopefully avoided.
Early warning system for currency crisis is crucial for policy makers to anticipate the coming crisis with enough preparation. One of the most important factor in framing that system is indicators selection.
This research apply Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W) to early warning system of rupiah crisis with indicator set as its end product. With I&W five indicators are selected, which underwent further significance test with logistic regression method. This method results in three indicators being the most effective in predicting rupiah crisis, namely: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank’s Foreign Asset Growth, and 3) Inflation.]
Jakarta: Program PascaSarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library