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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ria Aryani Hayuningtyas
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Prevotella intermedia terdapat pada implan gigi diduga mengekspresikan mRNA ClpB yang merupakan tanda terjadinya peri-implantitis. Tujuan: Mendeteksi dan membandingan rata-rata ekspresi mRNA ClpB Pi pada implan gigi sehat dan periodontitis kronis. Metode: Plak implan gigi sehat dan periodontitis kronis dikultur dan diekstraksi RNAnya. Kemudian dideteksi dan dilakukan semi-kuantifikasi dengan PCR. Hasil: Ekspresi ClpB implan gigi sehat inkubasi 6x24 jam 117,24%, inkubasi 11x24 jam 98,4%, periodontitis kronis inkubasi 6x24 jam 93,36%, dan inkubasi 11x24 jam 97,86%. Kesimpulan: Rata- rata ekspresi ClpB Pi lebih tinggi pada subjek implan gigi sehat.]
Background: Prevotella intermedia which found on dental implant suspected to express ClpB mRNA as a sign of peri-implantitis. Objectives: To detect and compare the mean expression of ClpB mRNA Pi on healthy dental implant and chronic periodontitis. Methods: Healthy dental implant and chronic periodontitis plaque cultured and the RNA extracted. Then, detection and semi-quantification of ClpB mRNA using PCR. Result: ClpB expression on healthy dental implant incubated for 6x24 hours 117,2%, incubated for 11x24 hours 98,4%, on chronic periodontitis incubated for 11x24 hours 93,36%, and incubated for 11x24 hours 97,86%. Conclusion: The means expression of ClpB mRNA Pi are higher in healthy dental implant.
Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Dwi Restuti
Jakarta: UI Publishing, 2024
617.8 RAT i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Dwi Restuti
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anna Wirdiani Fathiah
Abstrak :
Faktor transkripsi Hoxa 10 dan gen targetnya integrin αvβ3, keduanya adalah marka penting yang meregulasi kondisi endometrium reseptif. Stimulasi ovarium telah dilaporkan dapat mengganggu reseptifitas endometrium yang berkaitan dengan kegagalan implantasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh stimulasi rFSH terhadap tingkat ekspresi Hoxa 10 dan integrin αvβ3 pada endometrium selama fase sekresi, serta menilai hubungan korelasi keduanya. Metode, dipilih 27 tikus betina dengan siklus estrus normal dibagi dalam kelompok siklus alamiah dan dua kelompok dengan siklus terstimulasi, dilakukan penyuntikan rFSH dosis 12,5 IU dan 25 IU dan 48 jam kemudian dilanjutkan penyuntikan hCG dosis 10 IU. Pengambilan sampel uterus dilakukan pada hari pertama, kedua dan ketiga setelah penyuntikan hCG. Ekspresi kedua marka dinilai menggunakan teknik imunohistokimia dan Western Immunoblotting. Hasil, Ekspresi Hoxa 10 di stroma tidak berbeda antara kelompok kontrol dan distimulasi dosis 12,5 UI (P > 0,05). Ekspresi integrin αvβ3 di epitel luminal tidak menurun secara bermakna akibat distimulasi dosis 25 UI (P > 0,05) dan perubahan ekspresi integrin αvβ3 di epitel kelenjar juga tidak berbeda bermakna setelah pemberian stimulasi (P > 0,05). Kedua marka berkorelasi positif pada hari kesatu (r = 0,607) dan hari ketiga ditemukan korelasi negatif (r = -0,616). Dari data tersebut disimpulkan bahwa stimulasi rFSH tidak menurunkan ekspresi Hoxa 10 dan integrin αvβ3 pada fase sekresi. The transcription factor Hoxa 10 and its target gene the αvβ3 integrin, are both essential molecules that regulate receptivite endometrial condition. Giving ovarian stimulation has been reported to impair endometrial receptivity in association with implantation failure. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of rFSH administration on the expression level of Hoxa 10 and αvβ3 integrin in the endometrium during the secretory phase, as well as assess the correlation between the two. Methods, 27 Wistar female rats with normal estrus cycles were selected divided into natural cycle group and two groups were stimulated cycle of rFSH doses of 12.5 IU and 25 IU and 48 hours later followed by injection of hCG dose 10 IU. Uterine sampling was carried out on the first, second and third day after hCG injection. Hoxa 10 and αvβ3 integrin expression was assessed using immunohistochemistry and Western Immunobloting techniques. As a results, the expression of Hoxa 10 in the stromal cell did not differ between the control group and the group with stimulation dose 12,5 UI (P>0,05). The expression of αvβ3 integrin in the luminal epithelium did not decrease significantly due to stimulation dose 25 UI (P>0,05) and changes in αvβ3 integrin expression in the epithelial glands did not show a significant difference after stimulation (P>0,05). Both proved to be positively correlation on the first day (r = 0,607) and on the third day negatifly correlation (r = -0,616). From these data it was concluded that rFSH stimulation did not decrease Hoxa 10 and αvβ3 integrin expression in the secretory phase.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sibarani, Gabriela Enneria
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Gangguan pendengaran merupakan keluhan umum yang sering dirujuk ke spesialis Telinga Hidung Tenggorok (THT), dengan kasus terbanyak di wilayah Pasifik Barat dan Asia Tenggara. Gangguan pendengaran dapat mengganggu kemampuan wicara dan bahasa anak, mengakibatkan kesulitan dalam sosialisasi dan prestasi akademik yang buruk. Implantasi koklea merupakan metode rehabilitasi efektif untuk pasien gangguan pendengaran sensorineural. Terdapat bukti variasi jangkauan komunikasi reseptif pascaimplantasi koklea. Korelasi antara luas penampang nervus koklearis, diameter kanalis auditori interna dan usia saat implantasi terhadap luaran auditori pascaimplantasi koklea diharapkan dapat menjadi parameter kandidat implantasi serta prediktor luaran auditori pascaimplantasi koklea. Metode: Studi korelasi dengan desain cross-sectional. Terdapat 40 sampel yang telah menjalani implantasi koklea. Dilakukan pengukuran luas penampang nervus koklearis pada MRI koklea dan diameter kanalis auditori interna pada HRCT scan tulang temporal pada masing-masing sampel, kemudian dikorelasikan terhadap luaran auditori pascaimplantasi koklea berdasarkan skor CAP-II Hasil: Median luas penampang nervus koklearis sampel 0,52 mm2 (+/- 0,14), median diameter kanalis auditori interna sampel 2,14 mm (+/- 0,35), dan median usia sampel saat implantasi koklea 4 tahun (1-11). Tidak terdapat korelasi antara luas penampang nervus koklearis terhadap luaran auditori pascaimplantasi koklea (r = 0,29; p = 0,075). Tidak terdapat korelasi antara diameter KAI terhadap luaran auditori pascaimplantasi koklea (r = - 0,02; p = 0,929). Tidak terdapat korelasi antara usia saat implantasi terhadap luaran auditori pascaimplantasi koklea (r = 0,07; p = 0,687). Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat korelasi antara luas penampang nervus koklearis terhadap luaran auditori pascaimplantasi koklea. Tidak terdapat korelasi antara diameter KAI terhadap luaran auditori pascaimplantasi koklea. Tidak terdapat korelasi antara usia saat implantasi terhadap luaran auditori pascaimplantasi koklea. Diperlukan penelitian lanjutan secara prospektif untuk menentukan parameter kandidat implantasi serta prediktor luaran auditori pascaimplantasi koklea. ......Background: Hearing loss is a common complaint that is often referred to an Ear Nose Throat (ENT) specialist, with the most cases occurring in the West Pacific and Southeast Asia regions. Hearing loss can interfere with a child's speech and language skills, resulting in difficulties in socialization and poor academic performance. Cochlear implantation is an effective rehabilitation method for sensorineural hearing loss patients. There is evidence of variation in the range of receptive communication after cochlear implantation. The correlation between cochlear nerve cross-sectional area (CSA), internal auditory canal diameter and age at implantation with postcochlear implantation auditory outcome is expected to be a candidate parameter for implantation as well as a predictor of postcochlear implantation auditory outcome. Methods: Correlation study with cross-sectional design. There were 40 samples that had undergone cochlear implantation. The cross-sectional area of ​​the cochlear nerve was measured on cochlear MRI and the diameter of the internal auditory canal on the HRCT scan of the temporal bone in each sample, then correlated with the postcochlear implantation auditory outcome based on the CAP-II score. Results: The median CSA of ​​the cochlear nerve sample was 0,52 mm2 (+/- 0,14), the median diameter of the internal auditory canal sample was 2,14 mm (+/- 0,35), and the median age of the sample at cochlear implantation was 4 years (1- 11). There was no correlation between the cross-sectional area of​​the cochlear nerve and the auditory output after cochlear implantation (r = 0,29; p = 0,075). There was no correlation between KAI diameter and postcochlear implantation auditory output (r = -0,02; p = 0,929). There was no correlation between age at implantation and postcochlear implantation auditory outcomes (r = 0,07; p = 0,687). Conclusion: There is no correlation between the cross-sectional area of ​​the cochlear nerve and the auditory output after cochlear implantation. There is no correlation between KAI diameter and postcochlear implantation auditory output. There is no correlation between age at implantation and postcochlear implantation auditory outcomes. Further research is needed prospectively to determine the parameters of implantation candidates and predictors of postcochlear implantation auditory outcome.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Resi Citra Dewi
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Tatalaksana pasien Penyakit jantung bawaan (PJB) dengan obstruksi Alur Keluar Ventrikel Kanan (AKVK) yang belum dapat dilakukan operasi reparasi adalah tindakan paliatif. Implantasi stent AKVK saat ini mulai menjadi alternatif pilihan. Tujuan: Mengetahui luaran klinis pasien anak usia 0-18 tahun dengan obstruksi infundibular AKVK dengan shunt ventrikel dibandingkan dengan operasi Modified Blalock-Thomas-Taussig Shunt (MBTTS). Metode: Studi kohort retrospektif dengan menggunakan data sekunder dari rekam medis pasien obstruksi AKVK disertai shunt ventrikel yang dilakukan implantasi stent AKVK atau MBTTS pada Desember 2019-Oktober 2022 di RS PJNHK. Dilakukan pemantauan selama perawatan, dilanjutkan dengan follow up 30 hari setelah tindakan. Hasil: Total 87 pasien diinklusikan pada penelitian ini; 29 pasien dilakukan implantasi stent AKVK, dan 58 pasien dilakukan tindakan MBTTS, median usia kelompok stent AKVK 29 (1-220) bulan, dan kelompok MBTTS 25,5 (6-227) bulan (p=0,739). Luaran klinis MACE pada kelompok stent AKVK vs MBTTS tidak berbeda, rehospitalisasi (1(3,4%) vs 0(0%), p=0,333), re-intervensi (3(10,3%) vs 6 (10,3%), p=1,000), kematian dalam 30 hari (3(10,3%) vs 2 (3,4%), p=0,340). Target saturasi oksigen tercapai tidak berbeda pada kedua kelompok stent AKVK vs MBTTS (93,1% vs 96,5 %, p=0,290). Lama rawat ICU pada kelompok stent AKVK dan MBTTS ( 2(0-43) hari vs 3,5(2-9) hari, p <0,001), total lama rawat RS antara kedua kelompok (6,5 (3-41) hari vs 7(4-24) hari, p=0,048) berbeda bermakna. Kesimpulan: Luaran klinis tindakan stent AKVK pada pasien anak dengan obstruksi AKVK dengan shunt ventrikel tidak berbeda dengan tindakan MBTTS pada MACE, pencapaian target saturasi oksigen paska tindakan, namun berbeda pada lama rawat di ICU dan total lama rawat di rumah sakit. ......Background: The main treatment of Congenital heart disease (CHD) patient with right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) obstruction with ventricular shunt who were unable to undergone surgical repair was palliative procedure. Implantation of RVOT stent has become an alternative option. Objectives: To determine the characteristics and clinical outcomes of pediatric patients aged 0-18 years with infundibular RVOT obstruction with ventricular shunt compared with Modified Blalock-Thomas-Taussig Shunt (MBTTS) surgery. Methods: This retrospective cohort study was using secondary data. Basic data was collected through medical records for patients with infundibular RVOT obstruction with ventricular shunt, which underwent RVOT stent implantation or MBTTS in the period of December 2019-October 2022 at the NCCHK. Monitoring was carried out during treatment and continued with follow-up within 30 days after the procedure. Results: A total of 87 patients were included; 29 patients underwent RVOT stent implantation, and 58 patients underwent MBTTS, median age of RVOT stent group of 29 (1-220) months, and MBTTS group of 25,5 (6-227) months, (p=0,739). Initial clinical outcome of MACE in RVOT stent vs MBTTS group was not different, rehospitalisation (1 (3,4%) vs 0 (0%), p=0,333), re-intervention (3(10,3%) vs 6 (10,3%), p=1,000), and 30-day mortality (3(10,3%) vs 2 (3,4%), p=0,340). Achieved oxygen saturation target was in RVOT stent vs MBTTS was (93,1% vs 96,5 %, p=0,290). ICU length of stay (LOS) in RVOT stent group vs MBTTS was 2 (0-43 days) vs 3,5 (2-9 days), p <0,001, total hospital LOS was (6,5 (3-41 days) vs 7(4-24 days), p=0,048) was different significantly. Conclusion: Initial clinical outcome in paediatric patients with RVOT obstruction with shunt who underwent RVOT stent or MBTTS was not different in MACE, achievement of oxygen saturation target, but significantly different in ICU LOS, and total hopital LOS
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library